The Slave Who Makes Free: An Anakin Skywalker Quest

"One year," he says finally. "By the end of one standard year, I wish to look out over Kalee and know that the leaders of the Huk are being punished, our worlds are being restored, and the wealth they looted from our corpses is being returned. If I cannot…I will return here and finish what I began."

[X] …in the Supreme Chancellor's office.

I think keeping the promise is just more important than owing a favor to Sheev.
[X] …in the Supreme Chancellor's office.

This is our first hit, first deal, so it will probably have minimal strings attached. And we cannot deny Palps forever.
To say the very obvious just because I want to write down my thinking: This feels like a vote where we need to balance the effects on Anakin vs the effects on the galaxy, more than just how effective the vote is at the task.
Naboo being the best long term contact, but the least effective at getting the task done.
Shiv being the most effective way getting the task done but the most dangerous to our sanity.

I think the senate is honestly useless. I can't imagine them NOT taking the opportunity to set a precedent of power over the Jedi, and the only benefit being meeting the future rebellion when it falls, as others have said.

I admit, I kind of wish we could take the option of "that's nice you think you have the authority to stop us, feel free to send the paperwork for legal consequences to our lawyers where they will laugh at you" but chances are they will try to use force to block the relief efforts.

But even that should work to our favour with any decent PR efforts. It's a lot easier to hush something that's never happened than block "Bank uses armed Armada to prevent Jedi humanitarian efforts" across the media
Your eyes flick over the words with the same precision with which you pick targets from a fighter cockpit. We regret to inform you…interference with worlds under IGBC jurisdiction…cancel proposed asset deployment…legal action may be necessary…

It is a cease and desist message for the entire AgriCorps operation you have just put together.
Fucking banks!

[X] …in the Supreme Chancellor's office.

Simply put, we won't have the time necessary to keep to our deal with the other options. Palpatine can cut through all the bureaucratic red tape.
To say the very obvious just because I want to write down my thinking: This feels like a vote where we need to balance the effects on Anakin vs the effects on the galaxy, more than just how effective the vote is at the task.
Naboo being the best long term contact, but the least effective at getting the task done.
Shiv being the most effective way getting the task done but the most dangerous to our sanity.

I think the senate is honestly useless. I can't imagine them NOT taking the opportunity to set a precedent of power over the Jedi, and the only benefit being meeting the future rebellion when it falls, as others have said.

I admit, I kind of wish we could take the option of "that's nice you think you have the authority to stop us, feel free to send the paperwork for legal consequences to our lawyers where they will laugh at you" but chances are they will try to use force to block the relief efforts.

But even that should work to our favour with any decent PR efforts. It's a lot easier to hush something that's never happened than block "Bank uses armed Armada to prevent Jedi humanitarian efforts" across the media

You know, I'm not entirely certain how useless a senate visit would be. We did have a discussion a few updates back on what we'd need to do to engage with them, plus making a public spectacle of the banking clans blocking a humanitarian effort may very well be enough pushback to at least give us an opening to start with the mission.

Plus, with how we've been leading Anakin's development, it seems like he could work as something of a leader and diplomat himself, and giving him a chance to flex those muscles and try to make progress and connections on his own power might not be a bad idea.

We've shown that we can rely on others for help with calling on the AgriCorps, this could be a valuable chance for Anakin to show that he has his own skills he can call upon.
[X] ...on Naboo.


Padme and Naboo will rain down hell at the drop of the hat, but don't have the resources.

The Jedi Order has the resources, but is getting stonewalled by red tape.

Let's just say that I see Naboo getting a sudden influx of temporary agricultural workers.