The Slave Who Makes Free: An Anakin Skywalker Quest

I'm a shipper at heart. And Padme is one of the few people who can dope slap Anakin when he needs it. Am I meta gaming? You bet your ass.

Fuck Palpatine.

[X] …on Naboo.
Queen Amidala is a sworn enemy of the megacorps, but this will take time you may not have.
[X] …in the Supreme Chancellor's office.

Palpatine has an incentive to make this work, in order to show that he can fix things and the senate can't. Which is a bad pattern of thoughts, yes, but it also means he'll fix it.

The fact Palpatine's option is blue makes me suspicious.
Anakin views it as blue because he thinks Palpatine will cut right through it, and he's probably right (because Palpatine probably set it up).
The Senate feels like potentially the riskiest option in that seeing the Senate utterly drop the ball is quite likely to upset and disgust Anakin and help him towards the "democracy blackpill" views he had in canon.Then again, if the Senate somehow manages to pull their collective fingers out, it could do the opposite and inspire Anakin to believe that the Republic can work.

But banking on the Senate having one if its brief attacks of functional government seems uh, what poker players might call a bit of a high-variance play, to put it mildly.

Sure, but going to Sheev because we think it will salve our worries, after Obi-Wan instructed us otherwise, and without non-Jedi allies, ain't the way to do it. Moreover, we've been all but told that our choices aren't mutually exclusive, and that what we're actually deciding is the order of events (and thus how later events are impacted by earlier ones) -- although, taking the longest-lasting option of seeing Padme might mean locking ourselves out of at least one more immediate option on Coruscant.

But if we are to face Sheev, I'd like to do it with the backing of not just a united Jedi Order but also at least some third parties, and on our own terms rather than running to seek his help with adversity.

(All of the above said, I am not averse to seeking aid in the Senate at this juncture and may edit in an approval-vote to that effect at some point.)

We are ultimately always going to have to face Palpatine on our own; he's the Satanic temptor and we're the protagonist. There's no amount of backing from the Order thay will help, non withstanding that the Order would never sanction it. Hiding behind Obi-Wan's robes can't protect us either. It's just the wrong frame of mind to approach things with.

This is a relatively low risk way to encounter Palpatine in his element and at our own volition rather than him simply making a surprise appearance. It's as good a time as any nd lets us get in front of things.
This is easy he wants Grievous but he cant allienate Anakin. As a SITH he will take the greedy choice of trying to keep Anakin in his pants over Grievous.
I am not sure Palps cares too much about Grievous at this point, there is a good chance he ended up on Palp´s radar after the whole "Jedi siding with Huk" fiasco. He´s probably at most on his list of potential recruits for the future CIS.
[X] …in the Supreme Chancellor's office.

Palpatine has an incentive to make this work, in order to show that he can fix things and the senate can't. Which is a bad pattern of thoughts, yes, but it also means he'll fix it.

Anakin views it as blue because he thinks Palpatine will cut right through it, and he's probably right (because Palpatine probably set it up).
I figure it'll genuinely help Anakin's Stress levels, but it'll also boost Palpatine's cachet and probably allow him to guide Anakin's view on the situation down the lines he'd prefer (democracy was a mistake yadda yadda).
[X] …in the Supreme Chancellor's office
🎵We do what we must
Because we can🎵

That being said there are good arguments for
[X] ...on Naboo.
I'd like to remind everyone that time is a fairly critical factor here. I don't believe The Senate, which glacially slowly at the best of times will cut it here. Amidala on the other hand most likely doesn't have the resources or political capital to handle this herself. Palpatines might be trapping us, but he's still our only decent bet to keep our word and accomplish our mission.

[X] …in the Supreme Chancellor's office.
[X] ...on Naboo.

This will have the same level of blocked that the Agri-corp had. I'm voting for this, but I have a feeling deep in my soul, all roads lead to Palp's office.
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[X] …in the Senate.
I hope that we can meet Bail Organa, and maybe prevent the idea that all of the senate is corrupt and useless (most of the senate IS corrupt and useless, but not ALL)

[X] …in the Supreme Chancellor's office.

Alternatively, there is no IC reason not to go to our old friend Palps
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[X] …on Naboo.
[X] …in the Senate.

I'm approval voting the senate, but really, this is about Palpatine vs. Padme. And unless this is secretly a massive AU, only one of these two is a Sith bent on taking over the galaxy.