What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Or a upgraded Andromeda

Andromeda-Class Command Ship
-Length - 4.000(+1 DP)
-Width - 500(+1 DP)
-Acceleration - 5 Gravities(-2 DP)
-Armor - Thick Medium Double Hull(-2 DP)
-Shields - One Matrix
-Weapons - 2x Medium Fighter Hangar , 1x Medium Mixed Hangar(-3 DP)
-Equipment - Veteran Pilot Genelines(1)/Armored Bridges(2)/Strict Pilot Training(1)/Hymns of the Machines(10),Enhanced Strategium(3),Tiny On-Board Manufactory(3)

The existing ship:

Andromeda-Class Command Ship
-Length - 3.600m
-Width - 400m
-Acceleration - 3.5 Gravities
-Armor - Thick Single Hull
-Shields - One Array
-Weapons - 1x Medium Fighter Hangar (Total: 48 Fighters)
-Equipment - Veteran Pilot Genelines/Armored Bridges/Strict Pilot Training/Hymns of the Machines

Or this destroyer:
[] [Destroyer] Aid(16DP)
-[] Length - 1.600 Meters
-[] Width - 400 Meters
-[] Acceleration - 8 Gravities
-[] Armor - Thick Single Hull +1
-[] Shields - One Array
-[] Weapons - (Write-In, Example: Type/Mounting.)
--[] Medium Hangars - [Mixed] x2 (2)
-[] Equipment - (Write-In, Example: #1, #2, #3.)
--[] Tiny Mobile Civilian Manufactory - A tiny manufactory designed to produce sophont aid goods, such as tents, medicine, and construction equipment, with materials sourced locally.(3)
--[] Medical Deployment Division - Sometimes, a ship should not bring war. Sometimes, a healing hand must be given freely. And with the ability to deploy medical care to entire planets, even if only the most critical locations, that helping hand shall be extended. Always.(5)
--[] Orders of the Guiding Hands - "We can help these misguided souls. Thus, we shall." This is the guiding motto of a large, if not remarkably cohesive, collection of Faith Orders seeking to aid, preach to, and protect the populations of recently liberated or conquered worlds. How can we deny the requests of the faithful to extend a guiding hand if we seek a better Age?(5)
--[] Enhanced Supply Generation - Internal factories and mining shuttles capable of gathering and manufacturing limited maintenance supplies for a ship on extended patrols. (1)
--[] Ship Shrines - Shrines dedicated to the Machine Spirit of the ship, the crew lost in battles and operations past, and to bolster the faith of all aboard.
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Under the old scout rules this 8 DP destroyer should only cost 1 FP to build - though that would need @HeroCooky acknowledgement, as well as the question of if boarding hangers come with their own troops, or if I need to stick an Augmetic Security Department or small troop compartment onto the below ship.
Due to the Hymns component (and because it isn't a scout), it would not, and they do come with their own troops.
Well, there's not a vote yet. I'm not sure if this is a plan vote, but it seems like it should be.

[X] PLAN: The Good, the bad and the BIG
-[X] [Light Freighter] Auriga-class Emergency Response Freighter
- 7.000 Meters
-Width - 1.400 Meters
-Acceleration - 2 Gravities (-2 DP)
-Armor - Thin Single Hull (+1 DP)
-Shields - Singular Emitter (+1 DP)
-Weapons - Unarmed (Requires escort!)
-Equipment - Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Chapels to the Five/Medical Deployment Division/Orders of the Guiding Hands/Large Mobile Civilian Manufactory/Propaganda Center (-25 DP)

-[X] [Heavy Freighter] Canis-major Class Bulk Transport Liner
- 11.000 Meters (-1 DP)
-Width - 3.500 Meters (-1 DP)
-Acceleration - 1 Gravities (-4 DP)
-Armor - Thick Single Hull
-Shields - Three Emitters
-Weapons - Unarmed
-Equipment - 3x Improved Internal Security Systems/Chapels to the Five/2x Titanic Civilian Transportation Hold (-37 DP)

-[X] [Heavy Freighter] Canis-minor Class Bulk Transport Hauler
- 10.000 Meters
-Width - 3.000 Meters
-Acceleration - 1 Gravities (-4 DP)
-Armor - Thick Single Hull
-Shields - Three Emitters
-Weapons - Unarmed
-Equipment - Ship Shrines/Internal Security Systems/1x Large Emergency Relief Cargo Hold/2x Titanic Emergency Relief Cargo Hold (-41 DP)

[X] [Frigate] Camelopardalis-Class Infiltration Border
-Length - 1.600m
-Width - 350m
-Acceleration - 6.5 Gravities
-Armor - Single Hull
-Shields - Two Arrays
-Weapons - 2x Medium Boarding Hangars
-Equipment - Refractive Hull Coating/Ship Shrines/Stealth Engine Dampeners/Emergency Transition Warp Breakers/Ghosts Amidts The Stellar Winds/Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Light Teleportarium

Updated the Rustbucket to have more DP, since we can't make it cheap anyway. It might as well be more comfortable, harder to target and able to have an abort button to save the choirs if it does get targeted.
-[X] [Destroyer] Rustbucket-Class Conveyance Ship
- 1200 Meters (+4)
-Width - 350 Meters (+1)
-Acceleration - 8 Gravities (+0)
-Armor - Thin Double Hull (+0)
-Shields - One Array (+0)
-Weapons - NONE
-Equipment - Hymn of the Machines (-10 DP), Armored Lifepods (-1 DP), On Board Supply Generation (-1 DP), Ship Shrines (-1 DP), Spacious Crew Quarters (-1), Refractive Hull Coating (-2), Emergency Transition Warp Breakers (-5)

And then we've got literally one design point to spare... so screw it, stealth destroyer designed to get behind enemy lines and wreak havoc on civilian shipping. These things are literally supposed to be deployed for years, mining key routes and hitting unsuspecting & unshielded ships & stations from long range with the lance.
-[X] [Destroyer] Pictor-Class U-boat
-Length - 1200 Meters (+4)
-Width - 350 Meters (+1)
-Acceleration - 8 Gravities (+0)
-Armor - Thin Double Hull (+0)
-Shields - Three Emitters (+1)
-Weapons - Light Prow Lance (-2), Medium Mine-Layers (-2)
-Equipment - Ghosts Amidst The Stellar Winds (-10), Stealth Engine Dampeners (-4), Refractive Hull Coating (-2), Ship Shrines (-1), Enhanced Supply Generation (-2), Spacious Crew Quarters (-1), Harsh Crew Training (-2)
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Since theres no plan yet and it looks like we have 4 points floating around, here is a repair/resupply light freighter for when our fleets are fighting in frontier systems we haven't developed or don't control yet. I think this has been mentioned by Cooky somewhere as helping, otherwise our ships leave system to repair and replace fighters/missiles in bulk.

[X] [Light Freighter] Antlia-class Repair/Supply Freighter
-[X] Length
- 8.000 Meters (-2 DP)
-[X] Width - 1.400 Meters
-[X] Acceleration - 1.2 Gravities
-[X] Armor - Thin Single Hull (+1 DP)
-[X] Shields - Singular Emitter (+1 DP)
-[X] Weapons - Unarmed (Requires escort!)
-[X] Equipment - Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Large Repair Bay x2/Yeeni Auxiliary Engineering Division/Elite Crews/Harsh Crew Training/Emergency Transition Warp Breakers (-28 DP)

Emergency Warp because it will likely be most useful in contested systems and can escape instead of build defenses or speed. Max length so Repair Bays can unfold to serve larger ships. Yeeni Engineers and Crews/Harsh Training to maximize how good they are at their jobs. Repair Bays manage their own supply and support craft. Will have 1 DP detriment but QM encouraged that with the freighters.

Again for the spare design points are a Dedicated Medium Mine Layer and a Kopesh Missile Ambusher/Large Mine Layer slightly modified from here, if there is interest.

[X]Canis-Class Destroyer, Medium Mine Layer (16 DP)
-[X] Length 1.600m (0)
-[X] Width - 400m (0)
-[X] Acceleration - 8 Gravities (0)
-[X] Armor - Thin Single Hull (+3)
-[X] Shields - Singular Emitter (+2)
-[X] Weapons - 4x Medium Mine Layers (-8)
-[X] Equipment - Stealth Engine Dampeners/Elite Crews/Harsh Crew Training/Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations (-21)

Specialize ship maximizing the one thing it does. Should only take 10 or less ships to make minefields that a SGB would notice, where Lupus takes ~30 (word of QM). This means only 3 turns of autoproduction to get a useful fleet. QM said crews/training makes minefields slightly more effective and theres not much to spend it on when it will be a 99% non combat ship, stealth is there for the rare chance it might try to make stealth mines in a hostile system.

[X]Serpens-Class Ambush Missile Cruiser/Large Mine Layer(25 DP)
-[X] Length - 3600m (+3)
-[X] Width - 400m (+3)
-[X] Acceleration - 3 Gravities (+3)
-[X] Armor - Thick Single Hull (+2)
-[X] Shields - Three Emitters (+3)
-[X] Weapons - 2x Large Mine Layers, 3x Medium Kopesh-Pattern Missile Pods, Medium Hanger (-16)
-[X] Equipment - Missile-Swarms, Macross Missile Massacres, BESH Missile Stores, Zero-Emissions Protocols, Emergency Transition Warp Breakers, Veteran Crews, Emergency Maneuver Engines (-23)

Lays Large mines in downtime to supplement mass medium mine layers. In combat activates Protocols to sneak in close while enemy is distracted, dumps its Missile Pods, then Warps away til the next battle.

That's a lot of medium BESH missiles.

Dumps all hull size, speed, defense for DP; speed and survivability doesn't matter much due to stealth and warp from anywhere. Lots of weapons modules but Kopesh go on the outside, Mine Layers and Hanger on the inside, its fine...

[X] [Light Freighter] Auriga-class Emergency Response Freighter
[X] [Heavy Freighter] Canis-major Class Bulk Transport Liner
[X] [Heavy Freighter] Canis-minor Class Bulk Transport Hauler
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I didn't want to do back to back big posts but I need to drop this now due to schedule, intent is to promote some thoughts and discussion for next turn...

I was looking at the Hive Refugee Housing issue and double terraform really made things much more comfy, after Git/Nurn we are in a pretty good place to choose how we want to solve it while completing other goals.

Currently we have coming down the pipe: Howling Gale (~50B), Maphara (~101B), Agriworlds (~15B), Git/Nurn (~63B) = ~229B guaranteed

The remaining good terraform duo is Nushar/Ixcat for ~38B in 150-160yrs. If that feels insufficient, think of it averaged out with Git/Nurn to be worth ~101B pop. for 2 actions.
need to take by Turn 820 to be ready at same time as Maphara
So spending 1 more action on Nushar/Ixcat would bring us from ~229B to ~267B.

However we also want to get Void Industry using Space Habitats, which we should get in batches of 3 to be efficient. Which looks like...
3 Habitats = 36B pop.
6 Habitats = 72B pop.
9 Habitats = 108B pop.

Also, I believe Cooky said we can go from Void Industry IX to X for 1 Development action* because it is recouping a loss. And we want Void Ind at XII for Grand Cruisers so need 3 Void Ind. So lets try to figure out the best combination to hit our Housing Need of up to ~350B and getting Void Ind XII for the least amount of actions possible.

After Turn 800.M42 we are starting from ~229B base
9 Habitats = +3 VI, ~337 pop. for 9 Action cost
6 Habitats + 1 action VI Dev + 1 Terraform = +3 VI, ~339 pop. for 8 Action cost
6 Habitats + 1 action VI Dev = +3 VI, ~301 pop. for 7 Action cost
3 Habitats + 3 action VI Dev + 1 Terraform = +3 VI, ~303 pop. for 7 Action cost

Building 6 Habs after taking Void Ind from IX->X is the cheapest at 7 actions but leaves up to +50B to settle on our core worlds which will cause "heavy unrest". I think that will be bad and likely cost more than the 1 action to solve it with 1 more Terraform soon.
@HeroCooky can we get any insight on what "heavy unrest" from here means?

In my opinion the best solution is Terraform Nushar/Ixcat, take Void Ind IX->X, then build 6 Habitats for 8 actions overall; if we need more than ~339B pop we can resettle that ~10B on our core worlds with no repercussions.

I think ideally we take Terraform Nushar/Ixcat this coming Turn(810) so they become ready during the two turns before Maphara.
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They stack, and you can -->DOUBLE OR TRIPLE DOWN ON THEM<--. Given that you will be transporting millions of people in one go, I would err on the side of caution. Heavily armed caution.
That would explain things and puts it into perspective with keeping them much security to keep order and control hot spots. Its just hard to visualize it at times and given this is the first time we're doing the civilina freighters. Speaking of which, do Civilian Freighters normally carry any weapons or are they like the onyl ones not carrying weapons in 40k?

RE: Internal Security
Generally, the higher you go, the better an Equipment gets. Here, the higher you get in the IS tree, the deadlier boarding becomes. You want, at most, Improved Internal Security taken twice/thrice for sheer bodies to ensure power is projected and any who would start shit get hit within minutes of it starting, instead of hours.
Ah so its more about coverage and spread than quality of it. Holy shit it would take hours to response if is isn't covered well? damn.
And besides, I REALLY don't want to make a Pathfinder ship anything lighter than a Light Cruiser. Anything lighter where it risks getting annihilated by a Nova Cannon or surprise Drukhari is just begging for trouble.
These are primarily intended to cart freighters around inside our territory. Andromedas are the fleet pathfinders, these guys are just to speed up internal transit for the freighters. If we've got nova cannons or Drukhari running around our internals we have other problems than a few choirs potentially blundering into the line of fire. Besides, they have warp breakers same as the Andromedas do so they can escape if they're not 100% caught by surprise. I just don't want to have to skip making another freighter because we need andromedas to cart around freighters.
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That would explain things and puts it into perspective with keeping them much security to keep order and control hot spots. Its just hard to visualize it at times and given this is the first time we're doing the civilina freighters. Speaking of which, do Civilian Freighters normally carry any weapons or are they like the onyl ones not carrying weapons in 40k?

Ah so its more about coverage and spread than quality of it. Holy shit it would take hours to response if is isn't covered well? damn.

Civilian Freighters are armed, but that's because they're solo operators that are expected to make a run on their own so they need to at least be able to discourage pirates.
I didn't want to do back to back big posts but I need to drop this now due to schedule, intent is to promote some thoughts and discussion for next turn...

I was looking at the Hive Refugee Housing issue and double terraform really made things much more comfy, after Git/Nurn we are in a pretty good place to choose how we want to solve it while completing other goals.

Currently we have coming down the pipe: Howling Gale (~50B), Maphara (~101B), Agriworlds (~15B), Git/Nurn (~63B) = ~229B guaranteed

The remaining good terraform duo is Nushar/Ixcat for ~38B in 150-160yrs. If that feels insufficient, think of it averaged out with Git/Nurn to be worth ~101B pop. for 2 actions.
need to take by Turn 820 to be ready at same time as Maphara
So spending 1 more action on Nushar/Ixcat would bring us from ~229B to ~267B.

However we also want to get Void Industry using Space Habitats, which we should get in batches of 3 to be efficient. Which looks like...
3 Habitats = 36B pop.
6 Habitats = 72B pop.
9 Habitats = 108B pop.

Also, I believe Cooky said we can go from Void Industry IX to X for 1 Development action* because it is recouping a loss. And we want Void Ind at XII for Grand Cruisers so need 3 Void Ind. So lets try to figure out the best combination to hit our Housing Need of up to ~350B and getting Void Ind XII for the least amount of actions possible.

After Turn 800.M42 we are starting from ~229B base
9 Habitats = +3 VI, ~337 pop. for 9 Action cost
6 Habitats + 1 action VI Dev + 1 Terraform = +3 VI, ~339 pop. for 8 Action cost
6 Habitats + 1 action VI Dev = +3 VI, ~301 pop. for 7 Action cost
3 Habitats + 3 action VI Dev + 1 Terraform = +3 VI, ~303 pop. for 7 Action cost

Building 6 Habs after taking Void Ind from IX->X is the cheapest at 7 actions but leaves up to +50B to settle on our core worlds which will cause "heavy unrest". I think that will be bad and likely cost more than the 1 action to solve it with 1 more Terraform soon.
@HeroCooky can we get any insight on what "heavy unrest" from here means?

In my opinion the best solution is Terraform Nushar/Ixcat, take Void Ind IX->X, then build 6 Habitats for 8 actions overall; if we need more than ~339B pop we can resettle that ~10B on our core worlds with no repercussions.

I think ideally we take Terraform Nushar/Ixcat this coming Turn(810) so they become ready during the two turns before Maphara.

There's a misunderstanding here. We don't need 350 Billion taken off the world... we need 300 Billion. 50 Billion can apparently still stay and, with the increased space, be able to live a Federation-standard life. So your math is a little off.
There's a misunderstanding here. We don't need 350 Billion taken off the world... we need 300 Billion. 50 Billion can apparently still stay and, with the increased space, be able to live a Federation-standard life. So your math is a little off.
With a hit to our development. It'll probably cost more total actions to keep them there than it would to pull them off and only leave ~5 billion on the planet to recycle and scavenge the wreckage.
You would not be able to supply/ensure more than ~30-50 Billion people a QoL that your people would find acceptable on Voxx Primus. This also requires Actions and hits to your Developments if you try to integrate the planet instead of leaving it to fester until you have shifted enough people away to leave the planet a husk of itself.
Ah yeah, here we go.

...I'm pretty sure we'd long since resigned ourselves to going back down to All-5s?
Are we? I don't feel like I have a good estimate of how much this is going to hurt. I sure hope Civ and Void don't both drop to 5, but I acknowledge they might. And if our other Devs drop too far then we'll feel the hit until they recover. @HeroCooky Can you help us understand the knobs here about how much we might lose? Like the cost to put 2 billion on each of our worlds versus the cost to settle them on a newly terraformed planet/station versus the cost to integrate a Voxx with 50 billion on it. I don't understand the trade-offs here.

If it's inevitable we lose a ton of Civ inf it might be worth stealing a single turn to push it up to 15 before we lose the opportunity.

I'm also feel like we've lost sight of what we get out of this. If we 3x our population (and manage to integrate them all over a generation or so) we should get something, right? But I'm not sure what. Just the same effect has having doubled our number of planets?
I'm also feel like we've lost sight of what we get out of this. If we 3x our population (and manage to integrate them all over a generation or so) we should get something, right? But I'm not sure what. Just the same effect has having doubled our number of planets?

What we get out of this whole multi-century-long investment is the warm and fuzzy feeling of having dismantled one of the single greatest affronts to human life and dignity that Imperial Humanity has created in their long tenure as masters of the species :)
[...]we need 300 Billion. [...]
I showed a route to 300 pop with +3 VI if thats what voters want, the math is simple.

I've already posted a few times with QM quotes to try to support why I'm pushing for more and get it done ASAP.

I've also been asking to work towards Civ XV for like weeks, it'll take 4 actions over 2 Turns with the right ISC. 3 actions
*bzzt* wrong

We don't know if we have to do that before the War or can do it during. Guess we'll find out.

If we 3x our population (and manage to integrate them all over a generation or so)
I'm pretty sure we are going to over 10x our population, I think QM said we mostly have 500 million to 1 billion people on our worlds but that was a while ago.
Edit: I take it back, maybe 1B is the biggest space station pop. 700b was 13x our pop during the convention or something like that? So we had over 50b a century ago
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