The Slave Who Makes Free: An Anakin Skywalker Quest

If Bail Organa is in the Senate, it's as a new Senator with no connections or respect yet from his peers. Same for Garm.

As for the Green Jedi, they only operate within the Corellian System. It's part of why they're allowed to be independent from the main order.

Forging connections with new, up and coming, senators is not a bad idea, even if they're unlikely to be able to help with the immediate problem.
[X] Visit the Senate.

Because I don't really know that I trust the council to be objective, and I don't think that swallowing our anger m, or something that metaphorically resembles that, is always undeniably the best choice.
Because I don't really know that I trust the council to be objective
I see things like this, and I can't help but wonder if people believe that the council is full of evil assholes that are willing to allow millions, if not more, to suffer just to spite one boy. Especially since I doubt Obi-Wan is going to have Anakin give the proposal alone, what with it being something they are both working on, that would be a serious WTF moment for Obi-Wan.
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I see things like this, and I can't help but wonder if people believe that the council is full of evil assholes that are willing to allow millions, if not more, to suffer just to spite one boy. Especially since I doubt Obi-Wan is going to have Anakin give the proposal alone, what with it being something they are both working on, that would be a serious WTF moment for Obi-Wan.
The Jedi ultimately sided with the Huk OTL. I don't need to ponder Anakin's existence and its effect on their decisions to know they are perfectly capable of looking at the death wrought by the Kaleesh and refusing to see where it came from.
The Jedi ultimately sided with the Huk OTL. I don't need to ponder Anakin's existence and its effect on their decisions to know they are perfectly capable of looking at the death wrought by the Kaleesh and refusing to see where it came from.

IIRC, the Huk both lied about the whole thing to the Jedi and had the backing of the Trade Federation, which muddied things even further. I don't think the Jedi investigators ever got the chance to get the Kaleesh side of things.
IIRC, the Huk both lied about the whole thing to the Jedi and had the backing of the Trade Federation, which muddied things even further. I don't think the Jedi investigators ever got the chance to get the Kaleesh side of things.
I'm inclined to believe a intervention independent of the senate will achieve the best result given how the canon senate treated them, Obi-wan is unfortunately right.
I see things like this, and I can't help but wonder if people believe that the council is full of evil assholes that are willing to allow millions, if not more, to suffer just to spite one boy. Especially since I doubt Obi-Wan is going to have Anakin give the proposal alone, what with it being something they are both working on, that would be a serious WTF moment for Obi-Wan.
They very much aren't. What might happen is that they might have legitimate reasons for not acting that still will be in no way palatable to the young Skywalker. Some cruel political or logistical reality, juggling multiple disasters, the Senate leaning on them for siding with what they see as the aggressor polity while the poor Huk are the ones seemingly about to be brutalized. The galaxy is complicated and ugly in ways that can not be fought with a lightsaber unless you want to perform a coup.

The Jedi Council will act towards what it sees as the greater good and sees with greater clarity than us, though there is something to be said for a child's innocence. And, for all that Anakin has seen some shit, he hasn't yet grasped the septic tank that is the Republic quite yet. They will do what they can but it still might not make us happy.

At which point we probably end up approaching the Senate, after having wasted fairly little time, and we get to see which tool Palpatine would rather have. He'd probably allow us the win but he'd very much use the opportunity to twist our viewpoint.
The Jedi ultimately sided with the Huk OTL. I don't need to ponder Anakin's existence and its effect on their decisions to know they are perfectly capable of looking at the death wrought by the Kaleesh and refusing to see where it came from.
I mean if that's the issue then the Senate also sided with the Huk too, so it's not exactly a condemnation that can be placed solely on the Jedi and then excused for the Senate.
The Huk in canon somehow managed to twist the situation in such a way that they made themselves look like the innocent victims. That's very much not the case here though, as we stopped Grievous from going off the deep end and slaughtering their civilian centers. The situation can't be spun the same way.
Hence Palpatine switching tactics from canon and going all "I can't believe the Kalee have suffered so, I can force a relief bill through the Senate if you want", because he definitely didn't do that in canon. Obviously he doesn't want to make it obvious to Anakin that he's not a good guy so he's painting himself in a helpful light to bank some goodwill. But also if Palpatine could make himself be the one that Anakin turned to over the Order, and thereby start driving a wedge between them he'd definitely consider that a victory.
Like, this is a completely different situation from canon you know?

And besides that, Anakin is trying to be a Jedi right now. If he really believes that the Order cannot be a force of good in the galaxy then what is he even doing here?
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The jedi in my view are important for keeping the political narrative in grievous's favor, from there we can petition the senate for more stuff.
Say random thought, Vergere should be around at this point in canon to interact with and the events of rogue planet are coming up you think we will be doing that plotline?
Of course there is a good chance they will try to both sides the issue as well.
Its fair to bothsides this issue... but that still means siding against the Huk. Those fuckers are led by strongman warlordships that stay in power by breathing oxygen on the fires of the worst parts of their subjects. Cannibalism for prestige, a raiding culture that leads to short lives that never build anything, slavery that beyond being evil is a poison for an economy. On a moral side, on a pragmatic side, from the side of their neighbors or the Yam'rii themselves... they must be rescued from their own leadership.

If the Yam'rii were in their right mind they would want to be stopped. We just need that not to involve retaliatory genocide. If the good General is willing to make that concession we can probably see them eventually become something that... isn't that.
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For what it's worth, I voted Amidala for two reasons:

1) @Epsilon Rose made a decent point about the benefits of going to Padme and taking a future crab armor stylist A'Sharad Hett's advice to heart. The Kaleesh want justice and protection as much as anything else, and I honestly don't think Grievous will mind playing up his reputation to contrast with the Naboo.

2) Anakin Skywalker is a Padme-seeking missile, this is precisely in character and I'm curious to see what reconnecting with her before AotC looks like :p

FWIW, if it looks like the vote will come down to Senate or Agricorps, I'll probably shift my vote to Agricorps- yes, there's an upfront stress warning, but this A) might be a chance for dialogue with the Council and B) we need to burn off that stress at some point before 22 BBY
If we do well enough we may get general grievous of the republic which sounds wild. Who would Dooku find to become his warlord in chief you think if not grievous.
I see things like this, and I can't help but wonder if people believe that the council is full of evil assholes that are willing to allow millions, if not more, to suffer just to spite one boy. Especially since I doubt Obi-Wan is going to have Anakin give the proposal alone, what with it being something they are both working on, that would be a serious WTF moment for Obi-Wan.
Even back in the old pre-Disney prequel days, there was a fairly substantial minority faction who absolutely loathed the Jedi because "vaguely-religious decorations bad". Hell, that faction was the one that originally spawned the "Jedi are child kidnappers & blind zealots" crap in fanfics that eventually slithered its way into some segments of canon as certain authors capitalized on what they thought was an untouched market.

So, yes, I would bet a few bucks that in this thread there are at least a couple voters who believe exactly that.

For what it's worth, the only reason I'm voting for Senate is because I don't have much faith in a long-term commitment to planning for blue votes. Otherwise, I'd be Agricorps all the way.
[X] Request an AgriCorps deployment.

Lots of great arguments for every choice, but I feel this is the best.
Well... "Best"
But I think Anakin needs to give the Jedi a chance to show they actually care to him. I have no doubt that we will end up needing to try to call in another group, even with the consequences that will occur.
But even if the only effect is that grievous feels like the senate are the enemy and the Jedi are useless, as opposed to the Jedi being the enemy, I think it's well worth the try.
Beyond the choice of lighsaber form could we perhaps specialize later in a alternative blade setup, there are options from the simple curved blade, the double bladed lightsaber, dual wielding or force-forbid a lightwhip(the council reaction to that would be gold), we've been a good boy so some adolescent rebellion is in order.
Beyond the choice of lighsaber form could we perhaps specialize later in a alternative blade setup, there are options from the simple curved blade, the double bladed lightsaber, dual wielding or force-forbid a lightwhip(the council reaction to that would be gold), we've been a good boy so some adolescent rebellion is in order.
I am gonna suggest "jerkai" (dual wielding) on grou ds of "ahsoka needs her blades)
I'm a double-bladed guy but I'd be lying if didnt want to see how the council would take use building a lightwhip, feels like it would give Obi-wan and Mace an aneurysm.
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