The Slave Who Makes Free: An Anakin Skywalker Quest

[X] Visit the Senate.

I think the best option is to do what could be conservatively considered a 'Pro-Gamer Move' and swagger into the Senate in the vein of the OG-Timeline Anakin two decade and six battles early. What could go wrong.
[X] Visit the Senate.

I think the best option is to do what could be conservatively considered a 'Pro-Gamer Move' and swagger into the Senate in the vein of the OG-Timeline Anakin two decade and six battles early. What could go wrong.

Worst case we'll know our enemies better and maybe identify a few dissenters with the rot at the core of the republic we can throw together to help.
[X] Request an AgriCorps deployment.

Some thoughts. I like how this votes splits the people along lines of whether this entire endeavor is something that could succeed or something that's a learning opportunity that we can take early. The Padme base seems to be the only one which consistently believes this is doable.

However I think going to the Council is the most decisive action. If the Council fail to act this condemns the Jedi. We are speaking directly to the decision making organ and presenting a choice between bringing slavers to justice and providing restorative justice to those who are wronged or violently intervening to prevent the genocide of slavers. There's nowhere for the council to go, dissenting voices don't matter unless we get results quick because we have a one year deadline. The senate has excuses, Anakin doesn't know the right people/ we foolishly declined Palpatines help etc etc. I would choose the truest test of trust here.

While A'Sharad's advice applies to both the Jedi and the Senate (and a lesser extent to Padme) I note how no one has mentioned what Aayla Secura had to say. The Jedi can and do mean something, they have the potential extinguish the concept of a master as someone who owns someone from the galaxy.

I find it interesting that Obi-wan has essentially discarded the idea of bringing people to justice and frames all the options in terms of helping the Kalee. While I think this demonstrates his particular perspective to his detriment it is also the right strategy to take.

Far from aid covering up the crimes of the Huk, getting people on the ground will highlight the crimes for two reasons. First, it is clear that minimal information gathering has taken place around the conflict. Second, its harder to ignore horror when you're right there up to your elbows in it. As all three bodies are capable of sending aid missions lets examine how effective they might be.
-Senate, least likely to send an aid mission, most likely to take time to marshal resources, potential for large resources to be sent, least effective mechanism for getting information from those on the ground to those in power.
- Naboo, very likely to send an aid mission, few resources to marshal but this means they can likely be gathered quickly, uncertain mechanism to get information from those on the ground to those in power.
- Jedi, hopefully more likely to send an aid mission than we think, likely can marshal resources reasonably quickly, very high ceiling on potential resources, partly thanks to effective mechanisms to communicate between those on the ground and those higher up (people can just hologram into the high council meeting if its important enough.

Finally going through the agricorps is a way of mobilising friends and allies within the council. I believe that if we are to help Anakin, our best path (and the one we've focussed on) is to build networks withing the order and help shape it into an organisation that he can live with (or in the worst case scenario, leave with many friends in toew and sympathisers left behind). This is much more difficult with the Republic and the relationship with Padme is much more complicated (we should give her some time, we can't come to rely on her)
[X] Request an AgriCorps deployment.

On the subject of this eras Jedi, we must remember that, for all their flaws, they are still trying to do the right thing.

They are blind to the plight of the wider galaxy, slow to act, and too beholden to a MUCH worse political body that is the Republic Senate, but they are still good people working to make the galaxy a better place.
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[X] Request an AgriCorps deployment.

I think it is important for this to be our first option as it would show the council that we rely on the jedi order, while if we come to them after having already made a political mess of the whole situation by threatening senators, etc we're much less likely to convince them.

I don't think it should be our only action though, and whenever we next have an occasion we should go to Padme to have her help on the more political aspects (going to her to have an experienced politician help us plan how to put pressure on the senate will probably work better than just barging in the senate randomly).
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[X] Contact Queen Amidala.
I don´t want to explode from stress in the middle of the mission, thank you very much. Plus you wanted to make a a more diplomatic Anakin, visiting the senate will give him the right idea about it.
"The Republic's sapient-rights laws aren't worth the flimsiplast they were written on?"
As I once heard it described as "the international law is Santa Claus for adults"
Yeah, I do agree that we need something soon or we're going to blow a gasket. But it feels like we're not really seeing many options at all for that.
Literally the previous vote. Plus the two votes before that involved purposefully choosing the stressful option.
Diplomacy is the most terrifying application of the Dark Side.
Being in touch with people´s desires is useful as A´Sharad told us.
The way you get the Senator's, who aren't already on board, to side with you is by convincing them that they'll lose more power if they don't help the Kalee, either because their people will peacefully oust them from power and proceed to crank the laws they were trying to avoid as far as possible, or because they've made peace impossible and Grievous has all the support he needs to turn them into corpses.
Obviously the current Huk leadership is screwed either way, Grievous will likely finish the job, if no action is taken, but by throwing them to the wolves and replacing them with more "moderate" leadership, at least some of the interests some senators may have in Huk will be spared.

Of course there is a good chance they will try to both sides the issue as well.
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[X] Request an AgriCorps deployment.
Convinced, while senate and maverick Jedi stuff are fun practically, the result of Grievous actions in canon kinda give the impression the senate would be ill suited. Queen Amidala is probably not gong to be helpful as well, this is a won't be solved solely with our fists and Amidala ain't quite at the height of her political career, if we knew senator Bail Organa I'd change my tune Alderan senators are poltical heavyweight(his predecssor was a candiate for chancellor agaisnt Sheve).
The Jedi are some of the galaxies best diplomats, thing should work out fine (which bring to mind a point about how the jedi in the republics later years are one of the main things keeping it functional). Yknow as long as they don't send in Cbaoth.
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[X] Request an AgriCorps deployment.

Hm. Hard choice, but I want to see what pushing Anikin to trust the Council more will lead to.
This is a hard one. The Agri-Corps will solve the humanitarian issue, but likely wont be much help convicting war criminals. Honestly it's likely the best course for the planet, but might not deal with Grievous in the best way to avoid him being a later enemy.