The Slave Who Makes Free: An Anakin Skywalker Quest

Man, this is a difficult choice.

The AgriCorps is probably the best option with what Anakin can do now, and I do think he should trust the Council a little bit more (though not to the point Obi-Wan trusted in canon), however I also feel like he has to be personally involved somehow, and it's true that A'sharad's advice will be crucial in this.

@Kirook , asking for the AgriCorps deployment will let Anakin get personally involved later? As in, will he be allowed to be an active agent in this endeavor, instead of letting other people do things for him?

I can't see Anakin accepting not to be involved in this, even if told it would be wiser.
@Kirook , asking for the AgriCorps deployment will let Anakin get personally involved later? As in, will he be allowed to be an active agent in this endeavor, instead of letting other people do things for him?

I can't see Anakin accepting not to be involved in this, even if told it would be wiser.
There's no situation in which you won't be "an active agent in this endeavor", although the form that activity and agency take may change depending on your choices.
I see, in that case, I'll go with this for now:

[X] Request an AgriCorps deployment.

Though I don't mind calling Padmé instead. In fact, if possible, I would like to bring her in the fold later, but let's see what options appear later.
The way you get the Senator's, who aren't already on board, to side with you is by convincing them that they'll lose more power if they don't help the Kalee, either because their people will peacefully oust them from power and proceed to crank the laws they were trying to avoid as far as possible, or because they've made peace impossible and Grievous has all the support he needs to turn them into corpses.
Right, this was exactly my second point? That it would be more trouble for them not to help, therefore they should help.
[x] Request an AgriCorps deployment.

Make a leap of faith, Anakin. If you fall, at least it will be early and a soft landing.
Right, this was exactly my second point? That it would be more trouble for them not to help, therefore they should help.

There's a difference between "More trouble if you don't help" and "You will lose power if you don't help." It's subtle, but important as the later implies inconvenience and delays that can be overcome via the application of power or money, while the later threatens their power and may be unrecoverable.
[x] Request an AgriCorps deployment.

Canon Anakin trusted exactly two people in his life: Padme and Palpatine. The first was an entirely ineffective enabler who he obsessed over and the latter is the dark lord of the Sith.

Going to the Senate means allowing Sheev to get his claws further into Anakin while going to Padme probably feeds his obsession. Let's listen to Obi-wan.
[x] Request an AgriCorps deployment.

Canon Anakin trusted exactly two people in his life: Padme and Palpatine. The first was an entirely ineffective enabler who he obsessed over and the latter is the dark lord of the Sith.

Going to the Senate means allowing Sheev to get his claws further into Anakin while going to Padme probably feeds his obsession. Let's listen to Obi-wan.
I mean he also trusted Ahsoka, Obi Wan and Yoda.

The issue with them was
1. Was young and needed more support from Anakin. By the time she became the sort of mature woman who could have helped, it was too late and she'd left the Order.
2. Obi Wan's ties with Anakin were strained because of his trust in the Council. But they had a bond. Palpatine deliberately targeted this relationship and pushed events to gamble on the Council also cracking the relationship.
3. After the unpleasantness of their first meeting Yoda took Anakin's needs as a student as seriously as he would with any youngling. Supporting Obi-Wan and assigning Ahsoka to Anakin to get him invested in order. Unfortunately their prespectives were too different.
[X] Contact Queen Amidala.

could be interesting and, presumably, if she can't help we can always turn to the Jedi after