The Slave Who Makes Free: An Anakin Skywalker Quest

[X] Visit the Senate.

For good or ill, it will serve Anakin well to know how little it works. It will probably be useless and lead to ask Palpatine for help, but its important to know the Senate.

In any case, there is no chance Obi-Wan is not using this as a learning opportunity for Anakin. Probably has already made preliminary preparations to ask the Agri Corps for assistance.
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And now I want a crack fic—emphasis on the crack—where he takes Anakin to some racing thing, as a way to indulge him, but ends up remembering that he actually enjoys that kind of thing and it's way better than putting up with the Senate and his Sith plotting to get off on some schadenfreude.
Now, yes, he is never going to give up his plans and any sort of reform is laugh. He is one of the rare Sith, save for the Red Sith which seemed to have the Dark Side as an inherent part of their biology, never actually fell and was wholly a monster even before the Force became a factor. But the weird thing is that I think the sort of monster he would become upon his ascendance is somewhat mutable.

I could actually see him becoming a figure that leads from the front rather than being some distant looming corruption, the thrill of being there and hearing the howl of battle with his own ears being something intoxicating. Many, many Sith reveled in it. Or a half dozen other ends that, while not good, are a different sort of bad.

Selfish, petty acts are entirely within his ballpark and I could see him making excuses for satisfying himself there. Even if it required mental gymnastics.
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[X] Request an AgriCorps deployment.
If it works out, hopefully we'll shed some of that stress via improved trust in the Jedi.
If it doesn't work out... well. Eventually, we'll have to see about fucking off and leaving the Jedi to their fate.
[X] Visit the Senate

This might unironically be a way for Anakin to learn about the problems with the Republic; its slow and painful grind with bureaucracy. It's a harsh lesson, but one that might come into play in long-term effects.
Now, yes, he is never going to give up his plans and any sort of reform is laugh. He is one of the rare Sith, save for the Red Sith which seemed to have the Dark Side as an inherent part of their biology, never actually fell and was wholly a monster even before the Force became a factor. But the weird thing is that I think the sort of monster he would become upon his ascendance is somewhat mutable.

I could actually see him becoming a figure that leads from the front rather than being some distant looming corruption, the thrill of being there and hearing the howl of battle with his own ears being something intoxicating. Many, many Sith reveled in it. Or a half dozen other ends that, while not good, are a different sort of bad.

Selfish, petty acts are entirely within his ballpark and I could see him making excuses for satisfying himself there. Even if it required mental gymnastics.

So, what you're saying is we need to convince him to kick off the Red Line race, in the hopes that he'll spend all his time being a galaxy famous racing heal? Sounds like a plan!