The Slave Who Makes Free: An Anakin Skywalker Quest

Point. More and more I want to see if we can goad Palpatine into going Speed Racer with us in some weird noodle incident in the future. The man might break his own stress threshold if he said no.

Joke's on you, Palpatine is into that shit.

Literally. He liked driving fast speeders when he was a kid...and committed vehicular manslaughter on a pair of pedestrians that his father very quickly covered up.
'Understanding of a person doesn't come from knowing what they want. It comes from knowing why they want it.'
This is very insightful, and I think it is crucial if we wish to approach the senate. Specifically, we must think: why would the Senators make it so hard to prosecute war crimes?

The answer is: "I don't want my people, or my allies, or my business partners, getting any difficulties." Thus if we approach the senate, we will simultaneously have to show:
- "You" are not the ones in the line of fire, and no resolution we pass will ever have you in the line of fire
- It will be more trouble not to prosecute, in this case.
There are many ways to do this, but acknowledging these two facts is crucial.

I think we just might be able to see it through, either alone or with some help.
[X] Visit the Senate
[x] Contact Queen Amidala
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What is this, specifically? Google is unhelpful at narrowing things down.
It's a reference to the vision Anakin experienced of the founding of the Jedi Order while searching for his lightsaber crystal, which was the one thing the voters chose to remember from the vision quest. It happens in Chapter 2.7: Destiny?, under the heading "Dawn of the Jedi".
This is very insightful, and I think it is crucial if we wish to approach the senate. Specifically, we must think: why would the Senators make it so hard to prosecute war crimes?

The answer is: "I don't want my people, or my allies, or my business partners, getting any difficulties." Thus if we approach the senate, we will simultaneously have to show:
- "You" are not the ones in the line of fire, and no resolution we pass will ever have you in the line of fire
- It will be more trouble not to prosecute, in this case.
There are many ways to do this, but acknowledging these two facts is crucial.

I think we just might be able to see it through.
[X] Visit the Senate

Two counterpoints: First, some of them either are, or have friends who are, slavers. Many more are the kinds of exploitative ultra-capitalists who aren't slavers only because limiting themselves to slaves would mean exploiting far fewer people and having to care far more about their victims. Any laws or precedents create to help Kalee absolutely can and will come back to bite some of them.

Second, I think it's better to frame their why more in terms of their desire for power. They allowed the laws to deteriorate to their current sorry state because doing so allowed them, or their patrons, to amass more power. By the same token, they're unlikely to want to tighten any sentients' rights laws or set precedents by helping Kalee because that will necessarily mean giving up some power; they'd be drawing lines and saying "No one can step over this. No one can go this far, no matter what their accountants say." You aren't going to counter that by saying "actually, you won't lose all that much power," because they don't want to lose any power and they know they will. You also don't counter it by offering them more power, because we've seen what they do with power and they'll never be satisfied with the amount they have.

The way you get the Senator's, who aren't already on board, to side with you is by convincing them that they'll lose more power if they don't help the Kalee, either because their people will peacefully oust them from power and proceed to crank the laws they were trying to avoid as far as possible, or because they've made peace impossible and Grievous has all the support he needs to turn them into corpses.
[X] Request an AgriCorps deployment.

If this works would we get a stress reduction? Because the main reason for it causing stress is Anakins distrust of the high council .
I feel like part of what's going to make an Agri-Corp deployment stressful is... it's kinda off-mission. Our job is to resolve the crisis. Get a diplomatic settlement, even if someone gets a slap on the wrist by the courts. Rebuilding Kalee while he's already building up for a new war is putting the cart before the horse. Or, if one interprets Anakin's motivations a certain way given the talk earlier, a plain admission of failure. A failure leading into an attempt to salvage the situation by ingratiating the Order to the Khan.

Even if this breaks down, even if we fail, I think showing Grievous that there are Good People in the Republic is going to have more meaning down the line.
Yeah, I buy this.

[X] Contact Queen Amidala.
[x] Request an AgriCorps deployment.
Place your trust in the Jedi.

Red indicates it's stressful and hard to do, not that it's necessarily dark side aligned. Trusting the Jedi to pull through will be stressful for Anakin, but I want to believe it will also make a better future
Joke's on you, Palpatine is into that shit.

Literally. He liked driving fast speeders when he was a kid...and committed vehicular manslaughter on a pair of pedestrians that his father very quickly covered up.
Why I mentioned it, really. It already came up back on the 8th as part of our deep dive series on Palpatine's really, really active sexlife. And I wasn't (entirely) joking either. If you ignore the fact that the man is one of the worst interpretations of Satan he's actually a really good friend for Anakin since they like most of the same shit. He doesn't actually need to fake much.

I mean, I hope we never get that into torturing everything with a pulse but, yeah, we are both the same damn type of adrenaline junky. Just a shame about his trying to subsume the galaxy and all.
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[X] Contact Queen Amidala.
I feel like part of what's going to make an Agri-Corp deployment stressful is... it's kinda off-mission. Our job is to resolve the crisis. Get a diplomatic settlement, even if someone gets a slap on the wrist by the courts. Rebuilding Kalee while he's already building up for a new war is putting the cart before the horse. Or, if one interprets Anakin's motivations a certain way given the talk earlier, a plain admission of failure. A failure leading into an attempt to salvage the situation by ingratiating the Order to the Khan.

Even if this breaks down, even if we fail, I think showing Grievous that there are Good People in the Republic is going to have more meaning down the line.

To add to this... We're trying to convince Grievous the republic can help, not just the jedi. If the only thing we demonstrate is that we can go over the senate's head to do humanitarian aid, I'm not sure it's a good enough proof our system works. If we can convince the republic to move, or at least a vocal enough wing of it to fight for it, I think it will go a longer way towards building ties than just jedi help.

[X] Visit the Senate.

I also think we underestimate who may be willing or able to help. Naboo isn't the only planet with helpful politics, even if we probably won't get a majority of the senate to move over this.

If the jedi vote wins, I won't be mad over it because I think it's a good lesson on trusting the order for Anakin to learn and its less thought of components need some limelight but I don't think it's the best answer for the current situation. It won't be able to impact the issue with the courts at all, for example.
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Why I mentioned it, really. It already came up back on the 8th as part of our deep dive series on Palpatine's really, really active sexlife. And I wasn't (entirely) joking either. If you ignore the fact that the man is one of the worst interpretations of Satan he's actually a really good friend for Anakin since they like most of the same shit. He doesn't actually need to fake much.

I mean, I hope we never get that into torturing everything with a pulse but, yeah, we are both the same damn type of adrenaline junky. Just a shame about his trying to subsume the galaxy and all.

And now I want a crack fic—emphasis on the crack—where he takes Anakin to some racing thing, as a way to indulge him, but ends up remembering that he actually enjoys that kind of thing and it's way better than putting up with the Senate and his Sith plotting to get off on some schadenfreude.