The Slave Who Makes Free: An Anakin Skywalker Quest

I feel like we can probably get the Senate to do something. We would likely have to go to Papaltine for that though. So…

[X] Request an AgriCorps deployment.
I'd genuinely rather expose Anakin to Palpatine than attempt to go through the Jedi for anything system related so...

[X] Visit the Senate.
avoiding Palpatine cannot be what we always do, we should not run to the Agricorps, we must try to do something, it is a task we took upon ourselves when we tagged with Obi-Wan.
[X] Request an AgriCorps deployment.

Yeah, I do agree that we need something soon or we're going to blow a gasket. But it feels like we're not really seeing many options at all for that.
[x] Request an AgriCorps deployment.

The council might suck but they're the best group to do this, I doubt we'll get anything more than thoughts and prayers out of the senate and our other option is dealing with a world that got sacked.
[X] Contact Queen Amidala.

I'd want to trust Obi-Wan, and the Jedi, on this. But while that could work, this is something that Anakin (thinks he) needs to do himself, or at least get involved with. And hey, who better for Anakin's introduction to politics than Padmé? Certainly not Chancellor Sheev 'Creepy Uncle' Palpatine!
[X] Request an AgriCorps deployment.

Going through the council will either show Anakin that there is some good in them that can come through when it's time to play ball for the good of a whole people, or it will show them as more interesting in politicking than actually helping people, both of which will, I think, inform Anakin's character going forward. Now's as good a time as any to get that answer.

In addition, I think helping resolve the crisis through the use of the Jedi, specifically, would help make friends for the Jedi over the Republic as an institution, which could result in some helpful doors opened down the line.

(My backup plan is going to the Senate directly, but I feel like giving the council a fair shot is the way to go for now)
[x] Request an AgriCorps deployment.

I want to take Obi-Wan's advice.
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[X] Request an AgriCorps deployment.

The things making me go for this rather than the Senate are twofold: The first is, if for any reason this fails, it costs precious little time and the Senate is a reserve. For all that the Jedi Council is slow to act... its slow to act for a room with a couple handfuls of people in it. The Senate is like trying to crawl through a tarpit. And, if the Council doesn't think this is sufficient, they know which Jedi can start calling in their own favors. Nearby systems were likely helped by the Jedi in the recent past and arms could be gently twisted. We aren't the only actors here and more effort might be applied as needed since we are collectively complicit in it getting this far in the first place.

The second is... while there is no up front stress gain... do you really think a sane intelligent being can deal with the Senate for ten minutes without frothing bloody foam all over the place? The stress is there, just buried further down in the decision tree. The only way to avoid that would be to more or less enter Palpatine's tutelage early as a diplomat and proto-politician. Which admittedly is tempting. We wouldn't end up a recognizable Darth Vader, that is for sure, but we'd also find ourself becoming at ease with sketchy compromises.

Diplomacy is the most terrifying application of the Dark Side.

While it has no bearing on my vote I am also glad that my boys in the Service Corps are getting the respect they deserve. They are the most competent crew in the galaxy, bar none. You do not fail when you enter the Service Corps: You pass. The rest of us are the ones are the ones who actually need to prove we can wipe our own rears.
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Yeah, I do agree that we need something soon or we're going to blow a gasket. But it feels like we're not really seeing many options at all for that.
We are a padawan, we don't really have free time. It also doesn't help that a lot of what they want us to do goes against what we want to do by their very nature.

Anakin was never built to be a Jedi, or at least a Jedi in the current incarnation of the Order. Unfortunately this is the one we've got and unless we can find one of the outlying sects to learn from we just have to deal with it.

[X] Request an AgriCorps deployment.

The senate would stall and Padme could do something but something might not be enough.

The AgriCorps was made to deal with situations like this and to be entirely fair it's partially the jedi's fault the Huk even got as far as they did.
[X] Contact Queen Amidala.
I feel like part of what's going to make an Agri-Corp deployment stressful is... it's kinda off-mission. Our job is to resolve the crisis. Get a diplomatic settlement, even if someone gets a slap on the wrist by the courts. Rebuilding Kalee while he's already building up for a new war is putting the cart before the horse. Or, if one interprets Anakin's motivations a certain way given the talk earlier, a plain admission of failure. A failure leading into an attempt to salvage the situation by ingratiating the Order to the Khan.

Even if this breaks down, even if we fail, I think showing Grievous that there are Good People in the Republic is going to have more meaning down the line.
I *do* want to trust the Jedi and the Agricorps are probably the best pick for getting Grievous' world rebuilt, but I'm not sure what they would actually be able to do about the other half of things, punishing the war criminals? That seems more the realm of politicians.
We are a padawan, we don't really have free time. It also doesn't help that a lot of what they want us to do goes against what we want to do by their very nature.
We have precisely zero free time for the rest of our life. Even when a Jedi is in a cave ten lightyears from the next intelligent being meditating he is doing so as part of being a Jedi. That part is normal. There is a reason even a Master's quarters are borderline empty save for the furniture.

Its also not as damning as it seems. The duties of a Jedi can involve a great number of things that will let us vent, either actively or passively.

Obi Wan is very understanding there so long as it doesn't involve either explosions or firing ourselves, or him, at a solid object at velocities approaching the speed of sound.
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I *do* want to trust the Jedi and the Agricorps are probably the best pick for getting Grievous' world rebuilt, but I'm not sure what they would actually be able to do about the other half of things, punishing the war criminals? That seems more the realm of politicians.

That's actually a good point, do the AgriCorps have any history of political work like that? Because if not, it might be worth it to try our luck with the Senate, we'd just need to make the right connections to get the ball rolling.