The Slave Who Makes Free: An Anakin Skywalker Quest

A couple of points regarding the form choices:

The few years extra we gain by studying Niman early actually would be helpful. As we are early in Anakin's studies, we are approx 9-10 years before the start of the Clone Wars. With dedicated study, we could actually have Anakin become a master of the form before the start of the war…and then become more. (Obi Wan was an expert in Form III at the start and then became the recognized unparalleled master by the end in 3 years).

Niman should actually meld well with Soresu or Djem-So as they most resemble each other (according to wookiepedia).

If we intend to use Niman, we should do it now so that Anakin will have as much expertise at using the force in a fight as possible (and that takes time). Plus, if we master that, it will broaden Anakin's perspective. Which is what one of the goals of the quest is.

The form choice is one of utility, yes, but also of teaching Anakin another approach to problem solving. He already has the direct method that he favors…let us give him more tools by choosing Niman or Shii-Cho (though I prefer Niman).
Anakin is already strong enough in the force that it scares people. He's only going to get stronger over time. Form VI is the best form for allowing him to utilize that sheer overwhelming power in combat. Also, in canon, Anakin stuck to one form and one form only - if he never switches styles, Form VI is the best long term option, so I'm completely onboard w8th him starting it now, rather, than hoping to maybe start if later.
[X ] Form VI - Niman
The untapped potential of a desert night
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(Obi Wan was an expert in Form III at the start and then became the recognized unparalleled master by the end in 3 years).
I don't know if we can expect to get "Wartime Obi-Wan"-tier results out of Anakin Skywalker. This guy was prepared to throw down with Sheev, and Yoda only stopped him because he feared they'd both be killed in a 2 v 1. Which in fairness, is probably because of the previous 3 v 1 where they actually had the element of surprise, but still.
Phew, took a couple of days but caught up. Fascinated by the form choice but I think I settled on

[X] Form V - Djem So
The fierce radiance of twin suns and dragon eyes.

I really like the idea of learning form III together with Obi-won, despite the stress of learning it. Unfortunately, I'm anticipating fighting alongside him a lot and two perfect bulwarks of defence doesn't feel very synergistic. I think form V and VI provide the best opportunities to work as a team. The downside is that form VI requires more investment. In a year we will either have prevented war or be obliged to be at the forefront of it. Anakin knows this, form V let's us prepare for that war without sacrificing too much of the precious time trying to prevent it. This is important. Yes Djem so is forestalling of learning important life lessons, it will be in the service of doing our very best to actualise the peace we preach.

I'm chanelling the Jedi Master Anakin frees the slaves vision hard here. Let's make the galaxy a better place by settling on being merely competent with the laser sword.
I don't think I've ever seen a vote this neck and neck on SV, specially with so many votes (we're at 261, I think?).
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But Form VI is basically just a distilled basics kit for those who want to focus on anything *but* lightsaber combat for a myriad of reasons. Something that... look, I don't see Ani going *less* into lightsaber training now that he's got his own, proper lightsaber, plus his whole heritage and background.
Yes and no...

Niman is literally a low skill floor high skill ceiling form, so it was prevalent for those "who want to focus on anything *but* lightsaber combat" because it was the form that required less skill and time of training to achieve a decent level of competency, which was usually more than enough to deal with the things a Jedi was expected to handle (pirates, bandits, security droids, etc), But as we can see in Geonosis it was not enough for things like an actual battlefield...

However, Niman was also the Form that required the most amount of time and skill to master fully, and at that point, a true master of Niman became a truly formidable opponent evolving from "Jack of All Trades" to a "Master of All"... It is very telling that the most legendary Lightsaber Duelists of Legends (Exar Kun, Revan, Starkiller, Darth Krayt...) were all primarily form VI users
The few years extra we gain by studying Niman early actually would be helpful. As we are early in Anakin's studies, we are approx 9-10 years before the start of the Clone Wars. With dedicated study, we could actually have Anakin become a master of the form before the start of the war…and then become more. (Obi Wan was an expert in Form III at the start and then became the recognized unparalleled master by the end in 3 years).
The problem I have with Niman is that to achive true mastery on the style, it requires a lot of commitment and time, and I don´t trust SV to keep Ani studying the "Diplomat Form" for 10 years straight...
Adhoc vote count started by Mishar on Jun 3, 2024 at 7:14 PM, finished with 326 posts and 195 votes.