The Slave Who Makes Free: An Anakin Skywalker Quest

Niman is an interesting one for me because on the one hand, it makes a ton of sense for Anakin? We have more raw potential with the Force than basically anyone alive. A lightsaber style which is designed to help us use the Force more easily while fighting is a pretty potent force-multiplier of one of our biggest strengths!

The one wrinkle here is... the other Force users we're likely to be fighting are:
(1) Ventress
(2) Maul
(3) Everyone Else (Random Dark Jedi, possibly even hardliner factions of the Jedi Council if the Order ends up fragmenting.)
(4) Dooku
(5) Palpatine (If we want a different ending to canon, then I think we need to at least seriously consider what that fight migjht look like, even if we end up winning through love or self-sacrifice or something.)

Now against (1), and most of (3), I think that Niman would work great. Against someone like Ventress or Bariss Offee, I think Anakin by the time of RotS could straight-up pull a "Stop Hitting Yourself!", or other total domination tactics like turning off their lightsaber. Even against Maul, arguably and with greater difficulty, I think an Anakin who had focussed more on using the Force in combat could simply overpower him, although Maul is not to be overestimated.

But what happens if we try to use a style that relies on greater mastery of the Force against guys who have multiple decades of experience on us, are immensely strong, and often use the same thing themselves? Anyone who has watched The Clone Wars will have seen Dooku's signature move which he uses to compensate for his advancing years when the sheer finesse of Form II will suffice. Palpatine... can throw the Senate at us. Anakin has greater raw potential, no doubt, but can we actualise it in time?

An entirely valid answer is "we don't", and instead we pick up another Form later on. Form V would be the obvious choice here given Anakin's natural proficiency, plus it is the form that most lets him leverage being a fit young man in his 20s whilst fighting octogenarians. Alternately, if we pick Form V now, we could then perhaps branch out into Form VI later on. The challenge then becomes, can we make the whole greater than the sum of its parts?

I think it is probably more challenging to hybridise something like Form VI and Form V, which have quite different strengths and philosophies, than it would be to say, develop a hybrid of Form II and Form III, or Form VI and Form II/III, or Form I and anything else. But challenging is by no means the same as impossible!

Personally I'd like to try Form III later on to get closer to Obi-Wan, and I think we need the raw power of Form V at some point, so I'm voting for Form V now. But there's a lot of interesting options here.
Anakin has greater raw potential, no doubt, but can we actualise it in time?
As far as I understand it, the argument for taking Niman now is that "if we can, it is only by leaning into it early and devoting as much time as possible to mastering it, rather than picking it up later and hoping to rush its development." I rather doubt the extra couple of years are going to make a difference.
"cut the Gordian Knot" kind of style, and that effecting our approach to dangerous situations, that's entirely valid.
Cutting the Gordian knot can be a perfectly valid approach to solving some problems.
An entirely valid answer is "we don't", and instead we pick up another Form later on. Form V would be the obvious choice here given Anakin's natural proficiency, plus it is the form that most lets him leverage being a fit young man in his 20s whilst fighting octogenarians. Alternately, if we pick Form V now, we could then perhaps branch out into Form VI later on. The challenge then becomes, can we make the whole greater than the sum of its parts?

I think it is probably more challenging to hybridise something like Form VI and Form V, which have quite different strengths and philosophies, than it would be to say, develop a hybrid of Form II and Form III, or Form VI and Form II/III, or Form I and anything else. But challenging is by no means the same as impossible!
Form VI is very much a jack of all trades type of form, making it probably reasonably easy to hybridize with anything.
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Quite frankly, there is no world where Anakin can actually actualise his potential before Sidious kicks off his whole plot. Anakin would need to be like 30 years old for him to actually become the Chosen One the Jedi Order thinks him to be, which is time we don't have. Sidious would see that coming a mile away and plan accordingly.
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Quite frankly, there is no world where Anakin can actually actualise his potential before Sidious kicks off his whole plot. Anakin would need to be like 30 years old for him to actually become the Chosen One the Jedi Order thinks him to be, which is time we don't have. Sidious would see that coming a mile away and plan accordingly.

That depends on what you consider Sheev kicking off his plot. He's already controlling both the Republic and the CIS-to-be from behind the scenes. As I see it, he can't make explicit moves to exterminate the Jedi and declare the Empire until three conditions are met:

1. He has an army who will support him, personally, as Emperor. The clones are his best choice for this which is why he tries so hard to set them up, but he could settle for a war-hardened personality cult in the Republic or god forbid his control over the CIS in the event of their victory.

2. Either the Republic or the CIS has fallen. Now, let's be honest. It's gonna be the CIS. But still, the war has to be close enough for conclusion to make a fold-in happen, or the Empire won't be united. I don't think once Sheev takes the mask off he's gonna want to offer any concessions either, he's not really that kinda guy.

3. In spite of 2, there is some plausible reason why famed keepers of galactic stability the Jedi need to be hunted down and killed to the last, and why Sheev as Emperor is attractive to the public writ large.

I think we can affect these conditions - now in fairness, we could accelerate some of them if we pick wrong, and Sheev's gonna Sheev no matter how tough things get, but we absolutely could short out Plan A.
Palpatine... can throw the Senate at us. Anakin has greater raw potential, no doubt, but can we actualise it in time?
So... throw the senate back at him?

Edit: Or combine with Ataru and make the pods orbit around us as we fly* at him for a game of bumper cars. Or combine with the modern generalized version of destroy droid and Anakin's tech knowledge to blow up the pods/make them malfunction as they're getting thrown at us.

Really, there's no point where overpowered TK isn't viable if you're clever enough.

*Dooku can fly (or at least levitate), so we (the players) know it's possible.
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The reasoning for Form VI is... weak. It's a jack of trades, but it's not really something that'd work out well developmentally, especially given Anakin's... fight inside him. Shii-Cho makes sense (And he did canonically use it... after being turned crispy, sealed inside a life support suit and emotionally abused by palpatine and having a rap sheet of war crimes that's pretty significant, but nevertheless actually used in canon.) So seeing Anakin go Vader-style is interesting and potentially hilarious if he does his usual dramatics with it. But Form VI is basically just a distilled basics kit for those who want to focus on anything *but* lightsaber combat for a myriad of reasons. Something that... look, I don't see Ani going *less* into lightsaber training now that he's got his own, proper lightsaber, plus his whole heritage and background.

As I said, he's got a whole lot of fight in him, and that's not gonna fade. We either work with it or temper it with discipline. Anything else... isn't going to work *quite* as well. And maybe clashes with the whole trying to "Be true to yourself thing" we're trying to do here.

[X] Form V - Djem So
[X] Form I - Shii-Cho
[X] Form V - Djem So
[X] Form I - Shii-Cho
[X] Form V - Djem So
[X] Form I - Shii-Cho

Either the basics or something that clicks.
But Form VI is basically just a distilled basics kit for those who want to focus on anything *but* lightsaber combat for a myriad of reasons. Something that... look, I don't see Ani going *less* into lightsaber training now that he's got his own, proper lightsaber, plus his whole heritage and background.
My undestanding is that Nimas only starts to be good once you invest a lot into it and you have to lean into force powers a lot to compensate for it.
Form VI is very much a jack of all trades type of form, making it probably reasonably easy to hybridize with anything.

I think Form VI easy to hybridize with anything, but challenging to hybridise with Form V and get something which is better than the sum of its parts.

Form V is about powerful stances and moves, it commits, it does not take half-measures. Form VI is the exact opposite, it's all about balance, doing a bit of everything, remaining flexible. It's easy to hybridise in the sense of just combining a bit of each, but what you're liable to get is something between a watered-down Form V and a less omni-flexible and meditative Form VI.

Combining in such a way that you retain Niman's facility for focussing on the Force while fighting and wield Form V's physical power at the same time seems... tricky to me. To some extent they're trying to do directly opposite things; Form VI keeps things flexible and simple, allowing the user to spend more concentration for the Force, whilst Form V is about putting your everything into whatever you're doing in that moment.

If we were combining Form VI and Form II, by contrast, I think it's easier to imagine using Form II counter-tempos and ripostes to elevate our swordsmanship, with a flexible Form VI core allowing us to maintain our concentration on the Force. They clash less in their overall approach. Form I by contrast, is guaranteed to make any other Form better - although not necessarily more than just spending the same amount of time practicing that Form more.
Ok, I prefer Form 1 to Form 6 even if it isn't my favorite option, with that mind I'd like to ask that anyone who doesn't want Niman to win should support both of the runner up options

[X] Form V - Djem So
[X] Form I - Shii-Cho