The Slave Who Makes Free: An Anakin Skywalker Quest

Captain Vaere is an intelligent woman, more than capable of seeing the merits of this line of reasoning. But you sense that something is holding her back from accepting it. You take a deep breath, subtly enough that it seems as if you're just trying to calm yourself down, reach out…and learn what the Force has to say of her.

What you realize is this: to perceive Chara Vaere in the Force is to perceive the galaxy through her eyes. And the galaxy as she sees it is a single point of light—not the Captain herself, but her homeworld of Coruscant, the heart of the Republicfloating alone in a sea of darkness. Some places are close enough to it to bask in its glow; others are shrouded in infinite night. The waves of barbarism lap ever upon the shores of civilization, and thanks to you (as she sees it), the tide has risen today.

To Captain Chara Vaere, the darkness cannot be changed. It cannot be made into anything other than destruction and chaos. It can only, with enough courage and luck, be pushed back.

It strikes you as a deeply depressing way to think.

This was one of my favorite parts of this update. You really have a way with words!

Great stuff in this update, too. I personally hope Grievous can find a different fate, this time around.

[X] Remember the stories of your mother and look back, back, and further still.
[X] Remember the stories of your mother and look back, back, and further still.
-[X]Tatooine was free once, before the first Depur came. You don't know who it was, you cannot know, but from the first Depur came the first slave, and from the first slave came Ekkreth. This is a story older than bone, older than blood, older than stone. Look, listen, hear the wind for it remembers where you can't. You are free now, freer than you've ever been, but that comes with a price. To be free is to be Ekkreth, to be her eyes, her hands, her mouth, her kindness, her teeth. You cannot kill the Depurs, not all of them. They are cruelty and malice, indulgence and apathy. So long as there are chains there are Depurs, but so long as there are Depurs there is Ekkreth.
-[X] Look, see the broken chains around you. The chain of Tatooine, who's last link you hold as a reminder. The chain of the Depur, broken with pain and steel, in the old way, in the only way. The chain of your fury, nebulous and unforged, but waiting for the fires to smelt it. You are free, freer than you've ever been, but Tatooine was free once. The chains are still there, as are the Depurs, and they hunger for you, for you are Ekkreth.
-[X] Listen, listen, for the Depurs want you deaf. Look deeply and without bias, for the Depurs want you blind. Be gentle and kind, for the Depurs want you cruel. Learn, for the Depurs want you stupid. Talk, for the Depur wants you silent. Love truely for the Depurs would twist even that into a chain.
-[X] No matter where you go, you will be of Ekkreth, for she was cunning and full of tricks. Not matter how you rise you will be of Ekkreth for she was there when you had nothing. No matter how you stumble you will be of Ekkreth for she loves you still.
-[X] Find your blade Sky-Walker
[X] Remember the stories of your mother and look back, back, and further still.
-[X]Tatooine was free once, before the first Depur came. You don't know who it was, you cannot know, but from the first Depur came the first slave, and from the first slave came Ekkreth. This is a story older than bone, older than blood, older than stone. Look, listen, hear the wind for it remembers where you can't. You are free now, freer than you've ever been, but that comes with a price. To be free is to be Ekkreth, to be her eyes, her hands, her mouth, her kindness, her teeth. You cannot kill the Depurs, not all of them. They are cruelty and malice, indulgence and apathy. So long as there are chains there are Depurs, but so long as there are Depurs there is Ekkreth.
-[X] Look, see the broken chains around you. The chain of Tatooine, who's last link you hold as a reminder. The chain of the Depur, broken with pain and steel, in the old way, in the only way. The chain of your fury, nebulous and unforged, but waiting for the fires to smelt it. You are free, freer than you've ever been, but Tatooine was free once. The chains are still there, as are the Depurs, and they hunger for you, for you are Ekkreth.
-[X] Listen, listen, for the Depurs want you deaf. Look deeply and without bias, for the Depurs want you blind. Be gentle and kind, for the Depurs want you cruel. Learn, for the Depurs want you stupid. Talk, for the Depur wants you silent. Love truely for the Depurs would twist even that into a chain.
-[X] No matter where you go, you will be of Ekkreth, for she was cunning and full of tricks. Not matter how you rise you will be of Ekkreth for she was there when you had nothing. No matter how you stumble you will be of Ekkreth for she loves you still.
-[X] Find your blade Sky-Walker.

I guess I'll vote for the expanded version
[X] Remember the stories of your mother and look back, back, and further still.
-[X]Tatooine was free once, before the first Depur came. You don't know who it was, you cannot know, but from the first Depur came the first slave, and from the first slave came Ekkreth. This is a story older than bone, older than blood, older than stone. Look, listen, hear the wind for it remembers where you can't. You are free now, freer than you've ever been, but that comes with a price. To be free is to be Ekkreth, to be her eyes, her hands, her mouth, her kindness, her teeth. You cannot kill the Depurs, not all of them. They are cruelty and malice, indulgence and apathy. So long as there are chains there are Depurs, but so long as there are Depurs there is Ekkreth.
-[X] Look, see the broken chains around you. The chain of Tatooine, who's last link you hold as a reminder. The chain of the Depur, broken with pain and steel, in the old way, in the only way. The chain of your fury, nebulous and unforged, but waiting for the fires to smelt it. You are free, freer than you've ever been, but Tatooine was free once. The chains are still there, as are the Depurs, and they hunger for you, for you are Ekkreth.
-[X] Listen, listen, for the Depurs want you deaf. Look deeply and without bias, for the Depurs want you blind. Be gentle and kind, for the Depurs want you cruel. Learn, for the Depurs want you stupid. Talk, for the Depur wants you silent. Love truely for the Depurs would twist even that into a chain.
-[X] No matter where you go, you will be of Ekkreth, for she was cunning and full of tricks. Not matter how you rise you will be of Ekkreth for she was there when you had nothing. No matter how you stumble you will be of Ekkreth for she loves you still.
-[X] Find your blade Sky-Walker.
[X] Remember the stories of your mother and look back, back, and further still.
-[X]Tatooine was free once, before the first Depur came. You don't know who it was, you cannot know, but from the first Depur came the first slave, and from the first slave came Ekkreth. This is a story older than bone, older than blood, older than stone. Look, listen, hear the wind for it remembers where you can't. You are free now, freer than you've ever been, but that comes with a price. To be free is to be Ekkreth, to be her eyes, her hands, her mouth, her kindness, her teeth. You cannot kill the Depurs, not all of them. They are cruelty and malice, indulgence and apathy. So long as there are chains there are Depurs, but so long as there are Depurs there is Ekkreth.
-[X] Look, see the broken chains around you. The chain of Tatooine, who's last link you hold as a reminder. The chain of the Depur, broken with pain and steel, in the old way, in the only way. The chain of your fury, nebulous and unforged, but waiting for the fires to smelt it. You are free, freer than you've ever been, but Tatooine was free once. The chains are still there, as are the Depurs, and they hunger for you, for you are Ekkreth.
-[X] Listen, listen, for the Depurs want you deaf. Look deeply and without bias, for the Depurs want you blind. Be gentle and kind, for the Depurs want you cruel. Learn, for the Depurs want you stupid. Talk, for the Depur wants you silent. Love truely for the Depurs would twist even that into a chain.
-[X] No matter where you go, you will be of Ekkreth, for she was cunning and full of tricks. Not matter how you rise you will be of Ekkreth for she was there when you had nothing. No matter how you stumble you will be of Ekkreth for she loves you still.
-[X] Find your blade Sky-Walker.
[X] Meditate on who you are, and who you wish to be.
[X] Reflect on the path you've taken, and the one that is to come.

[X] Remember the stories of your mother and look back, back, and further still.
-[X]Tatooine was free once, before the first Depur came. You don't know who it was, you cannot know, but from the first Depur came the first slave, and from the first slave came Ekkreth. This is a story older than bone, older than blood, older than stone. Look, listen, hear the wind for it remembers where you can't. You are free now, freer than you've ever been, but that comes with a price. To be free is to be Ekkreth, to be her eyes, her hands, her mouth, her kindness, her teeth. You cannot kill the Depurs, not all of them. They are cruelty and malice, indulgence and apathy. So long as there are chains there are Depurs, but so long as there are Depurs there is Ekkreth.
-[X] Look, see the broken chains around you. The chain of Tatooine, who's last link you hold as a reminder. The chain of the Depur, broken with pain and steel, in the old way, in the only way. The chain of your fury, nebulous and unforged, but waiting for the fires to smelt it. You are free, freer than you've ever been, but Tatooine was free once. The chains are still there, as are the Depurs, and they hunger for you, for you are Ekkreth.
-[X] Listen, listen, for the Depurs want you deaf. Look deeply and without bias, for the Depurs want you blind. Be gentle and kind, for the Depurs want you cruel. Learn, for the Depurs want you stupid. Talk, for the Depur wants you silent. Love truely for the Depurs would twist even that into a chain.
-[X] No matter where you go, you will be of Ekkreth, for she was cunning and full of tricks. Not matter how you rise you will be of Ekkreth for she was there when you had nothing. No matter how you stumble you will be of Ekkreth for she loves you still.
-[X] Find your blade Sky-Walker

Which is better? A simple write-in that allows for a QM to go in any one of a dozen different directions or a complex one that boxes them in?

I say, is it impossible to vote for both? (It isn't. and I am)
[X] Remember the stories of your mother and look back, back, and further still. -[X]Tatooine was free once, before the first Depur came. You don't know who it was, you cannot know, but from the first Depur came the first slave, and from the first slave came Ekkreth. This is a story older than bone, older than blood, older than stone. Look, listen, hear the wind for it remembers where you can't. You are free now, freer than you've ever been, but that comes with a price. To be free is to be Ekkreth, to be her eyes, her hands, her mouth, her kindness, her teeth. You cannot kill the Depurs, not all of them. They are cruelty and malice, indulgence and apathy. So long as there are chains there are Depurs, but so long as there are Depurs there is Ekkreth. -[X] Look, see the broken chains around you. The chain of Tatooine, who's last link you hold as a reminder. The chain of the Depur, broken with pain and steel, in the old way, in the only way. The chain of your fury, nebulous and unforged, but waiting for the fires to smelt it. You are free, freer than you've ever been, but Tatooine was free once. The chains are still there, as are the Depurs, and they hunger for you, for you are Ekkreth. -[X] Listen, listen, for the Depurs want you deaf. Look deeply and without bias, for the Depurs want you blind. Be gentle and kind, for the Depurs want you cruel. Learn, for the Depurs want you stupid. Talk, for the Depur wants you silent. Love truely for the Depurs would twist even that into a chain. -[X] No matter where you go, you will be of Ekkreth, for she was cunning and full of tricks. Not matter how you rise you will be of Ekkreth for she was there when you had nothing. No matter how you stumble you will be of Ekkreth for she loves you still. -[X] Find your blade Sky-Walker.
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[X] Turn on your flashlight, and look for crystal. It's why you're here, is it not?
[X] You mediate on droids, their sapience, and their connection to the Force

There is something...very simple and yet so intrsinticly beautifull in turning on a light within the dark and finding a reflective crystal. Extremly simple, yet so very beautifull, such a moment.

Just, really like this write in.

[x] See yourself in Grievous' place. The steps that brought you here, the flames that drive you, the loss that defines you. The young Jedi opposing you. How did it come to this?
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[X] You imagine a kinder, fairer world. Among the threads and voices in the darkness, see if you can find a path to it.

[X] Reflect on the path you've taken, and the one that is to come.

[X] Look upon the infinite possibility of Anakin Skywalker and know the finite truth of your present self.
Ok so the thing about looking back into the past is very cool but also I kind of want to try looking at the future (or a possible future) too. So, hmm... how to phrase it is the question.

[x] See yourself in Grievous' place. The steps that brought you here, the flames that drive you, the loss that defines you. The young Jedi opposing you. How did it come to this?

Because this is a story about destiny and how to avert it, and I think having a look at the consequences of failure, keeping that in Anakin's mind going forward, could lead to some very interesting possibilities.
[x] See yourself in Grievous' place. The steps that brought you here, the flames that drive you, the loss that defines you. The young Jedi opposing you. How did it come to this?

A neat write-in, and thematically linked to what we just did.
[x] See yourself in Grievous' place. The steps that brought you here, the flames that drive you, the loss that defines you. The young Jedi opposing you. How did it come to this?
[X] Remember the stories of your mother and look back, back, and further still.
[x] See yourself in Grievous' place. The steps that brought you here, the flames that drive you, the loss that defines you. The young Jedi opposing you. How did it come to this
[x] Turn on your flashlight, and look for crystal. It's why you're here, is it not?

[x] You mediate on droids, their sapience, and their connection to the Force

[x] Remember the stories of your mother and look back, back, and further still.
-[x]Tatooine was free once, before the first Depur came. You don't know who it was, you cannot know, but from the first Depur came the first slave, and from the first slave came Ekkreth. This is a story older than bone, older than blood, older than stone. Look, listen, hear the wind for it remembers where you can't. You are free now, freer than you've ever been, but that comes with a price. To be free is to be Ekkreth, to be her eyes, her hands, her mouth, her kindness, her teeth. You cannot kill the Depurs, not all of them. They are cruelty and malice, indulgence and apathy. So long as there are chains there are Depurs, but so long as there are Depurs there is Ekkreth.
-[x] Look, see the broken chains around you. The chain of Tatooine, who's last link you hold as a reminder. The chain of the Depur, broken with pain and steel, in the old way, in the only way. The chain of your fury, nebulous and unforged, but waiting for the fires to smelt it. You are free, freer than you've ever been, but Tatooine was free once. The chains are still there, as are the Depurs, and they hunger for you, for you are Ekkreth.
-[x] Listen, listen, for the Depurs want you deaf. Look deeply and without bias, for the Depurs want you blind. Be gentle and kind, for the Depurs want you cruel. Learn, for the Depurs want you stupid. Talk, for the Depur wants you silent. Love truely for the Depurs would twist even that into a chain.
-[x] No matter where you go, you will be of Ekkreth, for she was cunning and full of tricks. Not matter how you rise you will be of Ekkreth for she was there when you had nothing. No matter how you stumble you will be of Ekkreth for she loves you still.
-[x] Find your blade Sky-Walker.

[x] imagine yourself leading a vast liberation armada across the outer rim. The galaxy yearns for change, and you will be its executor
[X] Remember the stories of your mother and look back, back, and further still.
-[X]Tatooine was free once, before the first Depur came. You don't know who it was, you cannot know, but from the first Depur came the first slave, and from the first slave came Ekkreth. This is a story older than bone, older than blood, older than stone. Look, listen, hear the wind for it remembers where you can't. You are free now, freer than you've ever been, but that comes with a price. To be free is to be Ekkreth, to be her eyes, her hands, her mouth, her kindness, her teeth. You cannot kill the Depurs, not all of them. They are cruelty and malice, indulgence and apathy. So long as there are chains there are Depurs, but so long as there are Depurs there is Ekkreth.
-[X] Look, see the broken chains around you. The chain of Tatooine, who's last link you hold as a reminder. The chain of the Depur, broken with pain and steel, in the old way, in the only way. The chain of your fury, nebulous and unforged, but waiting for the fires to smelt it. You are free, freer than you've ever been, but Tatooine was free once. The chains are still there, as are the Depurs, and they hunger for you, for you are Ekkreth.
-[X] Listen, listen, for the Depurs want you deaf. Look deeply and without bias, for the Depurs want you blind. Be gentle and kind, for the Depurs want you cruel. Learn, for the Depurs want you stupid. Talk, for the Depur wants you silent. Love truely for the Depurs would twist even that into a chain.
-[X] No matter where you go, you will be of Ekkreth, for she was cunning and full of tricks. Not matter how you rise you will be of Ekkreth for she was there when you had nothing. No matter how you stumble you will be of Ekkreth for she loves you still.
-[X] Find your blade Sky-Walker.
[X] Meditate on who you are, and who you wish to be.
[X] Reflect on the path you've taken, and the one that is to come.
[X] Remember the stories of your mother and look back, back, and further still.
[x] See yourself in Grievous' place. The steps that brought you here, the flames that drive you, the loss that defines you. The young Jedi opposing you. How did it come to this?
[x] Remember the stories of your mother and look back, back, and further still. -[X]Tatooine was free once, before the first Depur came. You don't know who it was, you cannot know, but from the first Depur came the first slave, and from the first slave came Ekkreth. This is a story older than bone, older than blood, older than stone. Look, listen, hear the wind for it remembers where you can't. You are free now, freer than you've ever been, but that comes with a price. To be free is to be Ekkreth, to be her eyes, her hands, her mouth, her kindness, her teeth. You cannot kill the Depurs, not all of them. They are cruelty and malice, indulgence and apathy. So long as there are chains there are Depurs, but so long as there are Depurs there is Ekkreth. -[X] Look, see the broken chains around you. The chain of Tatooine, who's last link you hold as a reminder. The chain of the Depur, broken with pain and steel, in the old way, in the only way. The chain of your fury, nebulous and unforged, but waiting for the fires to smelt it. You are free, freer than you've ever been, but Tatooine was free once. The chains are still there, as are the Depurs, and they hunger for you, for you are Ekkreth. -[X] Listen, listen, for the Depurs want you deaf. Look deeply and without bias, for the Depurs want you blind. Be gentle and kind, for the Depurs want you cruel. Learn, for the Depurs want you stupid. Talk, for the Depur wants you silent. Love truely for the Depurs would twist even that into a chain. -[X] No matter where you go, you will be of Ekkreth, for she was cunning and full of tricks. Not matter how you rise you will be of Ekkreth for she was there when you had nothing. No matter how you stumble you will be of Ekkreth for she loves you still. -[X] Find your blade Sky-Walker.
[x] See yourself in Grievous' place. The steps that brought you here, the flames that drive you, the loss that defines you. The young Jedi opposing you. How did it come to this?
[X] "I am a Jedi, like my father before me." That voice, those are drawn to it for some reason. The voice is one you have never heard, and yet it is familiar. You have to know who spoke, and why.

[x] See yourself in Grievous' place. The steps that brought you here, the flames that drive you, the loss that defines you. The young Jedi opposing you. How did it come to this?
[X] Turn on your flashlight, and look for crystal. It's why you're here, is it not?
[X] You mediate on droids, their sapience, and their connection to the Force
[x] Remember the stories of your mother and look back, back, and further still.
-[x]Tatooine was free once, before the first Depur came. You don't know who it was, you cannot know, but from the first Depur came the first slave, and from the first slave came Ekkreth. This is a story older than bone, older than blood, older than stone. Look, listen, hear the wind for it remembers where you can't. You are free now, freer than you've ever been, but that comes with a price. To be free is to be Ekkreth, to be her eyes, her hands, her mouth, her kindness, her teeth. You cannot kill the Depurs, not all of them. They are cruelty and malice, indulgence and apathy. So long as there are chains there are Depurs, but so long as there are Depurs there is Ekkreth.
-[x] Look, see the broken chains around you. The chain of Tatooine, who's last link you hold as a reminder. The chain of the Depur, broken with pain and steel, in the old way, in the only way. The chain of your fury, nebulous and unforged, but waiting for the fires to smelt it. You are free, freer than you've ever been, but Tatooine was free once. The chains are still there, as are the Depurs, and they hunger for you, for you are Ekkreth.
-[x] Listen, listen, for the Depurs want you deaf. Look deeply and without bias, for the Depurs want you blind. Be gentle and kind, for the Depurs want you cruel. Learn, for the Depurs want you stupid. Talk, for the Depur wants you silent. Love truely for the Depurs would twist even that into a chain.
-[x] No matter where you go, you will be of Ekkreth, for she was cunning and full of tricks. Not matter how you rise you will be of Ekkreth for she was there when you had nothing. No matter how you stumble you will be of Ekkreth for she loves you still.
-[x] Find your blade Sky-Walker.

It isn't as much about others as it is about Anakin. It's him finding out what kind of "Jedi" HE wants to be. Not just what others tell him he should be. Because if he just lives his life according to what others want, then how is that different than being a slave?
Besides we have the ability to be any kind of Jedi we want to be. The Order don't have a monopoly on what being a Jedi is

if we get kicked out then we get kicked out, I'd like to avoid that, but we got nothin to worry about as long as we don't go "Ho Ho hee hee, the dark side is for me!"