The Slave Who Makes Free: An Anakin Skywalker Quest

Ah yes:
-General Grievous appears
-He's about to kill a lot of people
-Him and Obi-Wan beat the crap out of each other
-In the end, he gets away without doing the mass murder but he'll be back

To be fair, IIRC in canon Grievious and Obi-Wan never fought each other before their fatal encounter on Utapau. It was Anakin and Grievious who kept doing this "stalemated fight leads to I'll be back-moment" routine.
[X] Meditate on who you are, and who you wish to be.

[X] Remember the stories of your mother and look back, back, and further still.
-[X]Tatooine was free once, before the first Depur came. You don't know who it was, you cannot know, but from the first Depur came the first slave, and from the first slave came Ekkreth. This is a story older than bone, older than blood, older than stone. Look, listen, hear the wind for it remembers where you can't. You are free now, freer than you've ever been, but that comes with a price. To be free is to be Ekkreth, to be her eyes, her hands, her mouth, her kindness, her teeth. You cannot kill the Depurs, not all of them. They are cruelty and malice, indulgence and apathy. So long as there are chains there are Depurs, but so long as there are Depurs there is Ekkreth.
-[X] Look, see the broken chains around you. The chain of Tatooine, who's last link you hold as a reminder. The chain of the Depur, broken with pain and steel, in the old way, in the only way. The chain of your fury, nebulous and unforged, but waiting for the fires to smelt it. You are free, freer than you've ever been, but Tatooine was free once. The chains are still there, as are the Depurs, and they hunger for you, for you are Ekkreth.
-[X] Listen, listen, for the Depurs want you deaf. Look deeply and without bias, for the Depurs want you blind. Be gentle and kind, for the Depurs want you cruel. Learn, for the Depurs want you stupid. Talk, for the Depur wants you silent. Love truely for the Depurs would twist even that into a chain.
-[X] No matter where you go, you will be of Ekkreth, for she was cunning and full of tricks. Not matter how you rise you will be of Ekkreth for she was there when you had nothing. No matter how you stumble you will be of Ekkreth for she loves you still.
-[X] Find your blade Sky-Walker
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To be fair, IIRC in canon Grievious and Obi-Wan never fought each other before their fatal encounter on Utapau. It was Anakin and Grievious who kept doing this "stalemated fight leads to I'll be back-moment" routine.
I think it's the other way around—Grievous and Obi-Wan fought repeatedly during the Clone Wars but Anakin never met him until he showed up on the bridge of the Invisible Hand.
[X] Remember the stories of your mother and look back, back, and further still.
-[X]Tatooine was free once, before the first Depur came. You don't know who it was, you cannot know, but from the first Depur came the first slave, and from the first slave came Ekkreth. This is a story older than bone, older than blood, older than stone. Look, listen, hear the wind for it remembers where you can't. You are free now, freer than you've ever been, but that comes with a price. To be free is to be Ekkreth, to be her eyes, her hands, her mouth, her kindness, her teeth. You cannot kill the Depurs, not all of them. They are cruelty and malice, indulgence and apathy. So long as there are chains there are Depurs, but so long as there are Depurs there is Ekkreth.
-[X] Look, see the broken chains around you. The chain of Tatooine, who's last link you hold as a reminder. The chain of the Depur, broken with pain and steel, in the old way, in the only way. The chain of your fury, nebulous and unforged, but waiting for the fires to smelt it. You are free, freer than you've ever been, but Tatooine was free once. The chains are still there, as are the Depurs, and they hunger for you, for you are Ekkreth.
-[X] Listen, listen, for the Depurs want you deaf. Look deeply and without bias, for the Depurs want you blind. Be gentle and kind, for the Depurs want you cruel. Learn, for the Depurs want you stupid. Talk, for the Depur wants you silent. Love truely for the Depurs would twist even that into a chain.
-[X] No matter where you go, you will be of Ekkreth, for she was cunning and full of tricks. Not matter how you rise you will be of Ekkreth for she was there when you had nothing. No matter how you stumble you will be of Ekkreth for she loves you still.
-[X] Find your blade Sky-Walker.
[X] Reflect on the path you've taken, and the one that is to come.
[X] There's gotta be a crystal in here somewhere, right?
[X] You imagine a kinder, fairer world. Among the threads and voices in the darkness, see if you can find a path to it.

[X] Reflect on the path you've taken, and the one that is to come.
[X] You imagine a kinder, fairer world. Among the threads and voices in the darkness, see if you can find a path to it.

[X] Look upon the infinite possibility of Anakin Skywalker and know the finite truth of your present self.
To be fair, IIRC in canon Grievious and Obi-Wan never fought each other before their fatal encounter on Utapau. It was Anakin and Grievious who kept doing this "stalemated fight leads to I'll be back-moment" routine.
I think it's the other way around—Grievous and Obi-Wan fought repeatedly during the Clone Wars but Anakin never met him until he showed up on the bridge of the Invisible Hand.

Yes, it's Anakin and Grievous who never met before the battle of Coruscant (because of the "You're shorter than I expected" line), but Obi-Wan and Grievous fought:
-In the Malevolence
-In Kamino
-In Saleucami (twice)
-In (near) Florrum
-In Utapau (before RotS, in an unfinished TCW episode that was released as-is)
-And of course in Coruscant (briefly) and Utapau (again) in Episode III

And that's the ones I can remember from TCW alone, I think they've fought a few more times in the books/comics.
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[X] You imagine a kinder, fairer world. Among the threads and voices in the darkness, see if you can find a path to it.
My instinct would be to embrace the multitude of possibilities, since all of that, everything that can be, is Anakin. He earned having all those possibilities before him. I would look for ways to spread that.

But choosing a set path to walk is probably wiser quest wise. My suggestion is vague and puts more weight on the quest master XD
[X] Let go, let the Force wash away everything.

[X] Look upon the infinite possibility of Anakin Skywalker and know the finite truth of your present self.

[X] Meditate on who you are, and who you wish to be.
[X] Remember the stories of your mother and look back, back, and further still.

Are we going to be able to upgrade our saber ala kotor 1 and 2 I wonder?
[X] imagine yourself leading a vast liberation armada across the outer rim. The galaxy yearns for change, and you will be its executor

Inb4 Anakin invades Hutt Space :V
[X] You imagine a kinder, fairer world. Among the threads and voices in the darkness, see if you can find a path to it.

[X] See yourself in Grievous' place. The steps that brought you here, the flames that drive you, the loss that defines you. The young Jedi opposing you. How did it come to this?
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Obi-Wan smiles then, calm and patient as always, but also, perhaps, just a little bit smug. "Check your mask."

Grievous tilts his head curiously, and raises a four-fingered hand to run it across the skull-faced mask. It comes away blackened with carbon soot—from a clean, precise lightsaber burn running in a line from temple to jaw.

Understanding dawns. "You allowed yourself to be injured to strike a decisive blow," Grievous realizes.

"A Jedi's life is sacrifice," replies Obi-Wan.
Obi wan you smug son of a bitch, I love you.
[X] Look upon the infinite possibility of Anakin Skywalker and know the finite truth of your present self.
[X] You imagine a kinder, fairer world. Among the threads and voices in the darkness, see if you can find a path to it.

[X] Look upon the infinite possibility of Anakin Skywalker and know the finite truth of your present self.

You explained in an upthread post that the game we're playing is choosing at what points to have Anakin "hold it in" and the points we choose for him to "loose it", in such a way that might lead to a better trajectory for Anakin and/or the galaxy.

When I type that out I feel better that I did about this game style, but I want to share my feels regardless:

I've not played narrative quests, but one thing I've found in the quests I've enjoyed is the foundation of why I like 'numbers go up': I want to have my choices make me feel like I am becoming better at changing the world.

I'm not saying that this quest needs something like that. It might even be detrimental.

But if engaging with this quest as a playerbase comes down to "pick when Anakin gives in to [dark side alinged stuff]", then I at least would like some form of inbuilt feedback as to if we picked well.

The future contains innumerable multiudes and can not be meaningfully predicted.

But you are not writing a future from the innumerable multiudes.
You are writing what you choose to write.

And speaking for myself, I'd like to not worry if 'Anakin does [dark side]' in turn 11 as opposed to turn holding off and doing it in turn 12 means that we get two Aladerrans instead of one.

...Playing this feels like trying to optimise his entire life as a whole via picking the 'correct' option each turn; trying to balance each choice against unknowable future challenges, rather than taking one step at a time.

[Also your writing is fantastic, and absurdly engaging and I'd just like for nothing bad to ever happen again. And in the quest, too]
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[X] You imagine a kinder, fairer world. Among the threads and voices in the darkness, see if you can find a path to it.
[x] you see a luminous road, that splits in multiple forks, some blue some red and a few yellow ones in between of them.
At the ends you see:
-an image of a blue warrior with broken chains
-a red executoner chained by hatred.
yellow knight, placing his hands on a blue figure of a woman, and a red figure of a man

(The yellow one is "the father,son, daughter" , the idea was star killer and Ashoka, but the ones is still valid)