The Slave Who Makes Free: An Anakin Skywalker Quest

[X] …talking.

Out of curiosity Kirook did the events of the Jedi Apprentice novels happen? Obi might be significantly more understandable to us if he once was the Warlock of Melida/Daan funnily enough.
I haven't read the Jedi Apprentice books (although I did read the sequel series, Jedi Quest, that focused on Obi-Wan and Anakin), and I'm playing a bit fast and loose with canon here, as you've seen. I'll probably end up reading those books as well as any new-canon material covering Obi-Wan's apprenticeship sooner or later, but I think the key event of that period is his participation in the Mandalorian Civil War and his relationship with Satine Kryze rather than Melida/Daan (or even whatever happened with him and Qui-Gon on Bandomeer).
[X] …talking.
Strengthen your bond with your fellow Jedi, and gain fresh perspectives that may help guide you forward.
[X] …sparring.

It's been established that we are now friends with our peers here, I feel like we should start shoring up our saber skills. It's certainly appropriate with what's coming up and will be an acceptable vent for everyones excitement
[X] …sparring.

Yeah kinda want to get our saber skills up a bit. That and our difficulties earlier were adding stress onto Anakin, so trying to improve might help push us along to making some progress.

Also. Yeah, Sheevs going to Sheev. There definitely wasn't a right vote with this, either we gave him an easy lever or we start seeing him as a bit of a mentor.

One of the advantages though is Anakin recognises that Sheev can't actually relate with being a slave. I think long term, we're not discovering Sheev is a sith lord until near endgame, so the best outcome is probably realising that he can be wrong about things.

But that's far off and it's not going to be easy. This is Palpatine after all.
Sheev being wrong about things but being able to be a mentor aren't mutually exclusive. Besides, I don't think anyone was walking into this questing thinking avoiding Sheevy P's shenanigans were going to be easy to avoid.