The Slave Who Makes Free: An Anakin Skywalker Quest

Sistros is specifically known for _pandering to the commoners of 25,000 years ago for increasing their reach and power_. Essentially, the first populist politician who used that to swindle everyone to benefit themselves.

Gee I wonder why Palpatine has one of those?
My read on Sistros is more "fascist demagogue" than "genuine populist". It's unclear when she and the other Sages came to power (besides that it was during a period of Sith ascendancy), but when Palpatine says that she led the galaxy into a golden age, he probably means specifically a golden age for wealthy human settlers like himself.
I had a barrier of hard cider between my brain and demagogue. That is the right word but all I could access was populist.

Considering one of the others was known as a dark sider, fashy demagogue is definitely more appropriate. Thank you.
[X] …sparring.

This is a group of kids off on a school trip to build their Lightsabers. Jedi kids or not, I'd expect them to be bouncing off the walls. Why not burn off some of that anticipation with something fun and active?
[X] …talking.

Out of curiosity Kirook did the events of the Jedi Apprentice novels happen? Obi might be significantly more understandable to us if he once was the Warlock of Melida/Daan funnily enough.