@Zeitgeist Blue
Ugh my brain was distracted when I said that, to the level on which I forgot about a point I made before.
I don't want to make the excellent the enemy of the very good, but..I don't suppose theres any chance the invasion of the badlands option can be slightly fine tuned?
Not at all to the point of individual orders or battlegroups or even deployment times, but to foccus a bit more on taking and holding, more looting rather than more pillaging, more assasinations and slightly less shock and awe than the current description of it?
It's probably not possible but I keep thinking about all those recruit-able slave giants and magical structures from old Strygos,and Nehekara(because they used to stretch much further north and south at their height.) and all the stuff from Blood In The Badlands, etc
[X]Plan March To Victory
EDIT: The character I'm thinking of was in the Border Princes, so actually a bit further north and I feel silly for thinking about Lure of The Liche Lord now, but he'd hardly have been the only one who'd have once held territory north of the Mortis River, probably just one of the few who was revived so far from nagashes spell.