some beastmen have an item called a ''totem of rust'' which seems capable of supernaturally damaging metal I get very intimidated thinking about not what that might do to a marine(ceramite is not metal last I checked)
Ceramite isn't metal in the strictest sense of the word no, but I suspect such a totem is designed as an anti armour device, not specifically against metal. It's fits in with the Beastmen 'rage against civilisation' thing, so for example it might work on the basis of 'anti crafted thing' rather than metal. You've got to consider things like the poetic concepts, the Lore of Metal extends across metals, crystals and earth, but also 'logic' and scholarship, it's not just the metals on the periodic table. These are conceptutal things really, it's not a 'programmed' item
It is good to know you write in bursts, I will not presume this is dead going forward unless say two years pass with no word then.
my stargate fic took like 6 years to finish 120k words, but primarily because there was a very long hiatus where I lost interest in and subsequently became interested in the premise. I plan to come back to my orc quest at some point for example, but not currently. In general though don't expect a 6 year wait lol
Will Imperial Norscans have an effect on the thralls they keep from snatching people down south?
Depends really, I've not gone into the Norscans much because you arrived, fought a battle, stole a load of their children, then left. In the earlier chapter about the Mung dude, he assumed the Emperor was cool with blood sacrifice, and I assume most of the Norscans ahve just changed gods, they haven't fundamentally changed their culture
Given the fears, the sensible option is to keep the geneseed of psykers in stasis when they die until more information can be analysed to determine the final outcome.

Death oaths while understandable is not an affordable outlet right now.
To begin, Space Marines don't really 'do' imprisonment. Dark Angels maybe, but otherwise they tend to face enemies which are either too dangerous to imprison, or they simply don't have the inclination to. Why keep a xeno alive when you can kill it? This goes a little toward their inability to do stuff other than war, they just wouldn't think about doing something particularly clever etc, for the most part anyway.

As for stasis, I'd allow that yes, and I've been thinking about offering it as an option for the non-Astartes psykers who have been mostly being drugged for the last howver long. This isn't really a long term solution though because of the costs involved and the fact that the Imperials don't like the idea of non-sanctioned mortal psykers.

BUt yes, you could potentially do it with Astartes psykers. It'll be up to you. I'll impose some sort of resource penalty, for the astartes-grade drugs the apocetharium is using et, so that's up to you about whether you want to pay it.
Honestly, we should be keeping more samples of what we are encountering as a general policy as much as possible, it is hard to analyze most of the nonsense we encounter in the field.
You do have a load of stuff already that you've been confiscating. The stuff that was talking or self animated would have been destoyed because the astartes would have suspected daemons, but you did conquer the Sorcerers' isles, Araby's trade cities, various places like that. I've not mentioned this much because again, astartes aren't very techy, that's admech or inquisition, so they've just put all the stuff in a cupboard and the librarium has categorised it, but people like Hath Horeb are learnig about and using warpstone for exmaple. If you want to see whether or not you can make Astartes sized flying carpets or something youc an try that out, up to you really.

you accept omakes? If I get the urge I might do it.
16 and Exmorri have done ones so feel free
To begin, Space Marines don't really 'do' imprisonment. Dark Angels maybe, but otherwise they tend to face enemies which are either too dangerous to imprison, or they simply don't have the inclination to. Why keep a xeno alive when you can kill it? This goes a little toward their inability to do stuff other than war, they just wouldn't think about doing something particularly clever etc, for the most part anyway.

As for stasis, I'd allow that yes, and I've been thinking about offering it as an option for the non-Astartes psykers who have been mostly being drugged for the last howver long. This isn't really a long term solution though because of the costs involved and the fact that the Imperials don't like the idea of non-sanctioned mortal psykers.

BUt yes, you could potentially do it with Astartes psykers. It'll be up to you. I'll impose some sort of resource penalty, for the astartes-grade drugs the apocetharium is using et, so that's up to you about whether you want to pay it.
I was thinking more like for the psyker marines when they serve until they die the geneseed won't be transferred to a new recruit until more information about the changes is logged.

For the non astartes psykers, there's already the Imperial sanctioned psykers that can be worked with.
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Arc 2 Introduction 3
Several choices in this one...

[X] Acceptance - Battle-brothers spontaneously manifesting psychic abilities will be accepted into the Librarium, with their precise function to be determined at a later date.

7 for Acceptance, 2 for Death Oath, pretty clear winner.


While the Librarians held their conclave, others gathered in the Forge.

Khotan stood, stripped to the waist, a ceremonial harness of carved leather and fetishes adorning him instead of Power Armour. In his hands he bore a Thunder Hammer, head sparking with wrath, over his shoulder it went, then down, shattering a great plate held in mighty vices.

The composite armour shattered under the blow, weakened over many such strikes, each carefully calibrated by the Master of the Forge to inflict the maximum disruption to the armour's structure, without actually damaging the plates themselves.

Khotan looked at the plate, observing a large crack in it carefully, then nodding, gesturing his Techmarines over to continue the work while he stepped away.

"A fine blow." Vularakh, Master of Scouts said, "How many more do you think will be necessary?"

Over the years Khotan had been directing the measures to carve up the Serenkai, first stripping the most sensitive systems for internment within Atakora, then taking various moveables and consumables like ammunition, generators, water treatment equipment and nutri-paste dispensers, and now they were working on the actual armour of the ship. With it's guts stripped, the Battle Barge would never fly again, but it's skeleton was the work of twenty planets' output in metals and more exotic materials which could be transformed into resources for the Chapter to use now.

"As many as is needed." Khotan replied, "But the work is far less efficient that I might employ otherwise. We separate shards of armourplas and ceramite which were fused together in the first place, whereas other elements of the ship will be almost impossible to salvage like the prow-armour. We need the materials but the way we get them occupies far too much time."

Vularakh nodded. He knew such work couldn't be performed by menials either. There were tens of thousands of menials across the fleet's former crew, and while they'd been put to work, it was a difficult matter to achieve the same results.

"I've considered our previous discussions regarding equipment actually." Vularakh continued as Khotan looked to the rituals of maintenance on his weapon, "The Neophytes are prooving to be better than we expected, but they came from good bloostock in the first place. Thalis predicts at least two companies worth of Battle-Brothers in the next decade."

As the Master of Scouts Vularakh had been debating with Khotan how best to actually arm their new recruits. The Chapter had brought a rich Armoury with them to Mallus, but much of the equipment had been damaged, either in the initial crash, or in subsequent battles, and there hadn't yet been time to make repairs. If every single suit of Power Armour was repaired, and combined with those yet in the Armoury, they might just about arm two companies of new Marines, but inevitably that equipment would be damaged too and they would quickly find themselves in the same situation.

"I have taken some of Aspirants touched by the Machine God, in time more Techmarines will swell our ranks, and we might also look to the Mechanicum to establish a supply of Power Armour, it will be for the Chapter Master to decide." Khotan reported. "However, I've reviewed your proposals in the mean time…"

[ ] Continue to arm and armour Space Marines with their standard equipment, requiring extensive work and labour from various sources, as well as resources.
[ ] Utilise MkIII Armour, designed during the Horus Heresy as a set quicker to produce to meet the conflict's requirements, but only half as effective as other Marks of Power Armour. Equip new Marines with lesser equipment, for instance only combat knives and bolt pistols.
[ ] Downgrade equipment significantly, equipping new Marines in Infiltrator Armour, an advanced form of Carapace Armour, along with hand weapons, significantly reducing the cost and even possibly enabling mass production of armour instead of requiring the Armoury to handcraft each suit.

"Additionally," Vularakh continued, "I predict a change in the Chapter's culture which we may wish to address. We stem from the assault formations of the Imperial Fists, and though our Founding is unknown, I've reviewed records in the Librarium which speak of early battles alongside the Executioners, Soul Drinkers and the Black Templars. We've generally favoured a stalking doctrine followed by armoured assault, a medium force deployment, contrasted between the fast attack of the White Scars and the heavy troops of the Salamanders. We do not have the resources at present, or, for that matter, the enemies to justify such an approach anymore. We broke an army of twenty thousand in Araby with a single company, and even were we to fight a whole nation, we have air support. Over time, both to preserve our resources and simply due to the nature of our recruits, we'll slowly turn toward a closer form of battle, following our brother-chapters like the Executioners. Perhaps we accept this, but I would reestablish the 9th Company and set a few squads of Veterans there, as well as the best snipers of the Chapter to preserve our skill at longer ranges."

"The plan has merit." Khotan acknowledged, "Yet a Sternguard formation as you describe will require more exotic ammunition. There are Orks gathering in the north as I understand, perhaps you might employ such a force there to begin with?"

Ultimately, Tuthmes would approve or deny the request, but Vularakh would prepare all the same, soon enough many of the Veteran trainers would return from the 10th Company's formations, and while their expertise would be welcomed as they returned to their chapters, they could also find employment in a new 9th Company.

[ ] Reestablish 9th Company, forming Sternguard squads under a Hunter-Captain, employing Veterans and exotic rounds in long-ranged combat
[ ] Take no action regarding growing close combat inclinations, returning Veterans and their expertise to the Companies.

"There are other matters I would bring before the Deathspeakers, but I would hear your words first, you have the most experience of the Chapter, you are older than even some of the Dreadnoughts."

"Speak." Khotan replied, his wrinkled walnut skin creasing as he drew his attention to the Scout Master, "And I will listen."

"We adopted the organisation of the Black Templars to train the Scouts we received in the Norscan tithe, now that enough have died away in the maturation process, do you think it wise to maintain this organisation?"

[ ] Maintain Black Templar organisation, limiting the number of Scouts in training to the number of Battle Brothers deployed, but potentially having benefits in terms of survival rates due to additional training, but also meaning that whenever a Battle Brother is killed in combat, it must be assumed his Initiate is as well.
[ ] Return to standard organisation of the 10th Company, with Veteran Sergeants training squads of 10 Scouts each.

"Second," Vularakh continued, Kaaram, the Codicier 3rd, has been speaking much of reviving the pyro-cults of Elysium. I think he is likely to be made Captain of the 3rd, despite the sorceries that Company has undergone, and Hath-Horeb has propsed entrusting the 3rd with the Chapter's pyrotechnic weaponry. Perhaps that will come to pass, but I am void-born and know little of the cults, would they be of benefit to the Chapter?"

Khotan considered, "I was raised under their auspices in one of the bastions of Elysium, I bore a torch to the Mountain of Power as others did of that world, and after I was taken by the Chapter. I had not considered them in some time. They bound the bastions together and the pyre-priests were untouchable among the captains of those fortresses. They preached of civilization and self-sacrifice, and perhaps these tenets would be useful to us. Kaaram is very sure of himself though, he believes he has been chosen for a higher calling by the Emperor and his returned captain during the Fulgurite Field. Perhaps it would be unwise to give him more influence. It has been established that we will permit these 'Manifest Psykers' to exist and continue their service, but this is something else."

[ ] Permit Kaaram to preach the Songs of Flame, using the cult practices to bind the various disparate groups of the Imperium-on-Mallus together, but potentially impacting other cultural efforts in unknown ways.
[ ] Do not permit the worship of the Pyro-Cults to spread, potentially alienating the 3rd Company.

Votes, choose 1 for each. I'm open to write ins but I don't really see many other options. Do not vote in plan format, just do approvals for each one, I'm hoping this will increase the numbers of people who might contribute etc.

For example, your vote should look like this:

[ ] One of the equipment options
[ ] One of the culture options
[ ] One of the scout options
[ ] One of the pyre options

[ ] Continue to arm and armour Space Marines with their standard equipment, requiring extensive work and labour from various sources, as well as resources.
[ ] Utilise MkIII Armour, designed during the Horus Heresy as a set quicker to produce to meet the conflict's requirements, but only half as effective as other Marks of Power Armour. Equip new Marines with lesser equipment, for instance only combat knives and bolt pistols.
[ ] Downgrade equipment significantly, equipping new Marines in Infiltrator Armour, an advanced form of Carapace Armour, along with hand weapons, significantly reducing the cost and even possibly enabling mass production of armour instead of requiring the Armoury to handcraft each suit.
[ ] Reestablish 9th Company, forming Sternguard squads under a Hunter-Captain, employing Veterans and exotic rounds in long-ranged combat
[ ] Take no action regarding growing close combat inclinations, returning Veterans and their expertise to the Companies.

[ ] Maintain Black Templar organisation, limiting the number of Scouts in training to the number of Battle Brothers deployed, but potentially having benefits in terms of survival rates due to additional training, but also meaning that whenever a Battle Brother is killed in combat, it must be assumed his Initiate is as well.
[ ] Return to standard organisation of the 10th Company, with Veteran Sergeants training squads of 10 Scouts each.

[ ] Permit Kaaram to preach the Songs of Flame, using the cult practices to bind the various disparate groups of the Imperium-on-Mallus together, but potentially impacting other cultural efforts in unknown ways.
[ ] Do not permit the worship of the Pyro-Cults to spread, potentially alienating the 3rd Company.

I've not posted the Great Economy Rework yet, but happy to discuss stats if anyone's interested. For example, with the armour point, normal would be 100% of 'normal cost', MkIII might be 50%, with even less of the more exotic resources, while the Infiltrator proposal would only be 20%, with even fewer advanced components. Keep in mind that during this, even a naked Space Marine is as physically powerful as an Ogre and as fast as and Elf, while their armour makes them even more powerful.

Keep in mind the narration here though. Normally Marines can go about and receive tribute or exchanges of equipment, that's how they maintain such a high tempo of warfare. Currently you don't have the capacity to do all the things you want to do at various points, you have to make budget choices between them.

Some of these will affect the quest a lot, others less so. For example, the armour one directly will contribute to standard marines capacity over time, whereas the pyre one is more flavour for now, but may come up later if I develop the plot point. Choices can be amended over time, for example, you could choose to equip Marines better at a later date, though this would have to be in a while.
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Pyre cult sounds useful due to the fulgurite event. Since the expedition is stranded they need some kind of mythos to keep on living.

The Black Templar organisation really depends if the chapter's numbers are still depleted.

Considering technological disparity you might want to downgrade the equipment while the key facility to make them doesn't exist.

If the equipment is downgraded then the material can be spared for the specialist snipers with their exotic ammunition.
I'm starting to think with the length of the stranding you're going to have to phase into what the Ravenguards did after Horus broke them. Your existing armor is even more precious so the growing reliance on light infantry might be better for the task ahead.
I feel like I've actually discussed my reasoning for downgrading equipment before, I can look for it again if needed. I can be convinced to downgrade further but I think our current equipment is essentially both a huge resource drain and overkill for most of our foes leading more wastage that we can ill afford.

I confess I've fallen in love with the ninth company as much as I usually despise space marines, I think I'm solidly married to the idea of not letting their unique talents and experiences be wasted.

Assuming initiates die every time the person training with them does feel really weird but still strikes me as an improvement over our original policy. Wouldn't it make more sense to instead have large maluses applied to rolls for their survival?

[X ] Utilise MkIII Armour, designed during the Horus Heresy as a set quicker to produce to meet the conflict's requirements, but only half as effective as other Marks of Power Armour. Equip new Marines with lesser equipment, for instance only combat knives and bolt pistols.

[X] Reestablish 9th Company, forming Sternguard squads under a Hunter-Captain, employing Veterans and exotic rounds in long-ranged combat

[X] Maintain Black Templar organization, limiting the number of Scouts in training to the number of Battle Brothers deployed, but potentially having benefits in terms of survival rates due to additional training, but also meaning that whenever a Battle-Brother is killed in combat, it must be assumed his Initiate is as well.

What I am really torn on are the pyre cults, I'm torn because I am not sure which will aid the chapters surival more.
A: bringing the conflict between our mages and priests to the fore faster so they can get all the purging they want out of their psyche or;
B; Whether it is best to delay that as long as possible so our other forces can have a backup government fully ready when it feels like we inevitably maul ourselves.

I'm strongly leaning no right now but I someone could argue for the risks of the former not being likely to affect the mortals under us my vote would change.

Like I find the risk of alienating the company acceptable because we've already alienated reclusium if both groups think leadership is trying not to play favorites surely that can only help?
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So what equipment problems or other issues would the other Imperial factions have while the space Marines aren't in charge of them?
I'm starting to think with the length of the stranding you're going to have to phase into what the Ravenguards did after Horus broke them. Your existing armor is even more precious so the growing reliance on light infantry might be better for the task ahead.
Depends what you're going up against really. During the End Times the Lizardmen bring out all their Cool Stuff, so if over time I escalate the game stakes, for example the stuff I was mentioning about Elven reformation, or Dwarves rediscovering stuff, this is all items which once saw off a tide of daemons. Compare, for example, an Empire army of basically just 2000 dudes with spears, maybe a few canon etc, against a squad of Space Marines. Except perhaps for a direct canon strike point blank to their head, nothing in that army will harm them, they'd just wade through any resistance, so yes, lightly armed and armoured marines would be fine, backed up by PDF style soldiers with autoguns and artillery.

Comparably though, if you escalate the stakes, you might get Dwarves for example with a load of runes on gromril items that would let them go toe-to-toe with Marines in Power Armour, in that case, lightly armoured Marines would indeed get killed, that's when you might start bringing out the heavier equipment again like tanks.

Again, as mentioned in the threadmark, you can make more armour whenever you like with actions, and direct the Armoury to produce X equipment. However, if, for example, you want to reserve Armoury time for producing more exotic items, or recreating your Thunderhawk fleet given it's been damaged a lot, you could make a Infiltrator Armour factory which could autonomously produce such armour, because it's simple enough to make without a techmarine making each bit by hand.

Currently this is basically a policy decision, so go with whatever feels best at the moment, and later you can decide differently if you like.
Assuming initiates die every time the person training with them does feel really weird but still strikes me as an improvement over our original policy. Wouldn't it make more sense to instead have large maluses applied to rolls for their survival?
Depends what you mean by improvement. In theory, having individual training would increase the odds of scout survival, but you'd also get the situation of marines going into dangerous battles with incompletely trained scouts next to them. You couldn't just leave the scouts behind because they wouldn't accept that culturally, and the whole point is to have them by their trainers' sides. Comparably, 'centralising' the training and having scouts trained in the 10th Company as usual means they work their way up in experience and intentionally aren't deployed in more dangerous situations. In the first case, you can train more them, distributing the burden of training across the chapter, and there's a legit point to be made that training a lot of scouts at once really saps the Chapter's veteran expertise. Instead of deploying them to fight you have to have them back doing training.

Also, re rolls etc, I don't want to keep track of each scout primarily for my own sanity in updating numbers. There's increased danger of me making a mistake somewhere and it throwing all the numbers off. I'm even a bit skeptical of tracking individual suits of power armour for example. BUt yes, some of this is flavour, some of it is just me trying to make it easier to run the game
Like I find the risk of alienating the company acceptable because we've already alienated reclusium if both groups think leadership is trying not to play favorites surely that can only help?
So a few points to keep in mind here.

Firstly, The Reclusiam isn't necessarily 'alienated'. they acknoledge that the Chapter is in extraordinary circumstances, they're very concerned, they've been taking certain actions to reduce their concerns, eg destroying certain artefacts without consulting anyone, but they're not actively hostile. They are the internal affairs of the chapter, this is after all their job. However, they're still on board with what's going on, even if they're actively trying to spread their influence through the Companies.

Currently in the chapter you've basically got a traditionalist wing, led by the chaplains, some of the veterans, and so on, and then you've got a more 'modernist' (bad word choice but sure) faction largely made up of hte Librarium and sort of the Apothecaries. The armoury aren't really taking a side, and the Captains are largely favouring the Reclusiam. Again, this isn't really a problem. It's the Librarium's job to investigate weird stuff, it's the Reclusiam's job to maintain the Chapter's traditions. The correct functions are being fulfilled.

The Pyrocults meanwhile are present already, in the population of chapter serfs, and in some of the marines (if they weren't mind wiped of it). The cults value personal independance, individualism, heroism, sacrifice, 'progress making' eg building and going out and doing stuff. Comparably, the more orthodox Imperial creed is xenophobic, defensive, traditionalist, heirachical, fearful, dogmatic and crushing. The pyrocults for example would be great for producing prideful, valiant people, but the traditional Creed is far far better at producing menials to work in the Toxin Mines for 16 hours a day and meet daily quotas etc.

As noted, this is a largely flavourful choice at the moment, Confessor Hermina for example isn't going to instantly rebel if the marines start spreading their own version of the Imperial Creed, but it should be noted that she has a plan as a Missonia Galaxia operative.

Kaaram, after his magical experience at the Fulgurite Field, now wants to go and preach his childhood religion., he thinks the burning soldiers he saw have blessed him, which they may or may not have done. This isn't offensive or forbidden, it's a bit weird and it's not really the Marines jobs, so if it spread through the chapter you might see more preaching or more engagement with religion of the Mallusian natives, but the Chaplaincy know the pyrocults are a thing, a lot of them would be also been inducted in their youth, they're not going to be that concerned about it.

I've also done it to provide potentially interesting scenes in future chapters. The Sigmarite religion, for example, has a variety of branches, if you interpret Sigmar-as-Anvil, that's all about defensiveness, bearing wounds and hardship nobly, obedience etc, whereas Sigmar-as-Torch is about his light bringing and civilisation making. As such there's a lot of literary fodder there for creating a unique culture for the Celesial Lions.

Oh and before I forget, there's also potential advantages in establishing a unifying internal Chapter religion given the injections of utterly foreign aspirants. If you recruit from Imperial worlds, even feral or feudal ones, you can rely on not having to teach people the Emperor is awesome etc, whereas here you're recruiting people who've never heard of the Emperor. Again the Reclusiam is dealing with this, but reviving the pyrecult stuff might be cool for that reason

So what equipment problems or other issues would the other Imperial factions have while the space Marines aren't in charge of them?
So the Mechanicum are largely focused on setting up your tech base, doing resource extraction etc. That will solve your problems of supply (or at least mitigate them), but meanwhile the people of Araby are starving to death, all their rivers are clogged with sand, their farming has been devastated, and various other problems are about. You could, for example, have the Mechanicum create some desalination systems for them, to provide water, you could direct the Mecanicum to building hospitals or aqueducts, producing vaccines, etc etc. All of this comes at a cost, your resources aren't infinite. Comparably, there's specialist uses. The Soroitas want to create a new priory and are training women, but they only have a few suits of power armour. If you wanted to create such a force you'd need to get someone to make some Soroitas equipment. Stuff like that really.
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I would say that we should vote for low tier armour. We can always make higher tier armour for brothers that we like or change it in the far future. Right now we need numbers
Again, as mentioned in the threadmark, you can make more armour whenever you like with actions, and direct the Armoury to produce X equipment. However, if, for example, you want to reserve Armoury time for producing more exotic items, or recreating your Thunderhawk fleet given it's been damaged a lot, you could make a Infiltrator Armour factory which could autonomously produce such armour, because it's simple enough to make without a techmarine making each bit by hand.
With infiltrator armor they might be able to use some mounts.
but meanwhile the people of Araby are starving to death, all their rivers are clogged with sand, their farming has been devastated, and various other problems are about.
Does that affect the tributes even if amusingly, the marines can temporarily say no more tributes until times are good?

Maybe the marines can go help look for food with game hunting.
Does that affect the tributes even if amusingly, the marines can temporarily say no more tributes until times are good?

Maybe the marines can go help look for food with game hunting.
I'll go into this more when we get back to the normal updates, but in brief, yes, most of araby aren't doing tributes anymore, but you weren't really getting much from them anyway. They were hit especially hard becuase you'd killed all the wizards so there wasn't any of them left to do wizard stuff. Medes is doing ok, but Araby on the north coast is a lot worse.

The marines could indeed help out in various ways, but equally you should ship food from the Southlands up to Araby in some fashion. But yea, there's a humanitarian crisis, stuff's been going on
I'll go into this more when we get back to the normal updates, but in brief, yes, most of araby aren't doing tributes anymore, but you weren't really getting much from them anyway. They were hit especially hard becuase you'd killed all the wizards so there wasn't any of them left to do wizard stuff. Medes is doing ok, but Araby on the north coast is a lot worse.

The marines could indeed help out in various ways, but equally you should ship food from the Southlands up to Araby in some fashion. But yea, there's a humanitarian crisis, stuff's been going on
Whoopsie but eh Imperials gotta purge. Maybe sanctioned psykers could fill in that spot if the progress tree's possible.

If the tribute that isn't of human resources isn't used like luxury items or items of trade value they could be used for an emergency purchase from a human neighbour especially if the marines of adventure duty knows a place or two to make a quick purchase and delivery. What an ironic display if Norscan neophtes get offloaded to help them out for some of that Black Templar practice.
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If the tribute that isn't of human resources isn't used like luxury items or items of trade value they could be used for an emergency purchase from a human neighbour
Yep, there'll be a lot of trade and migration between the Southern Realms currently as the Sultan of Copher, among others, attempts to mitigate the crisis.

Also, vote for stuff everyone, I have the next chapter ready but I'd like to see some votes for this one.
Alright, I clearly misunderstood the situation then which changes the environment for my vote quite a bit.

[X] Permit Kaaram to preach the Songs of Flame, using the cult practices to bind the various disparate groups of the Imperium-on-Mallus together, but potentially impacting other cultural efforts in unknown ways

Anyhow, I finally have what I consider a useable list for magical artifacts that could wreck our days but I still want to enter useable links into it for every entry and that will be a bit of a pain to do in one go....especially since I have other obligations today. It should finally be done this weekend.
Length of work was mostly of the sort of sorting the wheat(stuff like the Fellblade) from the chaff(something like a halfling ring of invisibility).
EDIT: And to be clear there was a lot of chaff to sort through.

EDIT 2: I too am shocked we have so few votes, come on guys there are about 200 of you watching can't two or three of you throw in some choices here?
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How do you want to vote?
So @16 characters has noted the issue of fewer votes etc, this is something I'm very interested in in general. This is my third quest, often reader engagement on waxes and wanes, but I think there's various levers an author or QM can manipulate to increase audience participation.

I've recently been reading Daughter of the Sea, a Warcraft Quest by @Mannerheim, in this quest, various options are proposed in the early chapters around whether to sail to here or there and so on, and I thought I'd experiment a little with such a system.

I can get, for example, that making a plan and considering various points might be intimidating to various people, and would reduce the number of people who might want to vote on stuff, but does everyone actually prefer the single choice options I've provided in the last update? Of about 200 readers, apparently half are active, I'm not sure what the defenition of this is, but presumably it means at least that half have read the quest recently and some have commented, occasionally for the first time.

What makes you vote? I'm certainly watching quests where I have little intention of voting, so I can get if people just want to treat this as a passive experience, essentially a story, that's fine. Comparably, if you do want to vote, but haven't, why? What can I as the QM do to make this easier for you? What would make you more inclined to vote?

Do the binary choices previously help in this regard? I would assume they do as they'd allow you to vote according to preference, if you really care about only a particular vote of the previous 4, that's fine, you can just vote for one thing and your vote will stil be counted.

I'm generally pretty chill with write ins, so that's fine too if you'd like, but I'd be interested to understand audience preferences in this matter.
[X] Utilise MkIII Armour, designed during the Horus Heresy as a set quicker to produce to meet the conflict's requirements, but only half as effective as other Marks of Power Armour. Equip new Marines with lesser equipment, for instance only combat knives and bolt pistols.
[X] Permit Kaaram to preach the Songs of Flame, using the cult practices to bind the various disparate groups of the Imperium-on-Mallus together, but potentially impacting other cultural efforts in unknown ways.
[X] Reestablish 9th Company, forming Sternguard squads under a Hunter-Captain, employing Veterans and exotic rounds in long-ranged combat

I don't feel a strong opinion about the apprentice management, anyone want to argue at me?
[X] Utilise MkIII Armour, designed during the Horus Heresy as a set quicker to produce to meet the conflict's requirements, but only half as effective as other Marks of Power Armour. Equip new Marines with lesser equipment, for instance only combat knives and bolt pistols.
[X] Permit Kaaram to preach the Songs of Flame, using the cult practices to bind the various disparate groups of the Imperium-on-Mallus together, but potentially impacting other cultural efforts in unknown ways.
[X] Reestablish 9th Company, forming Sternguard squads under a Hunter-Captain, employing Veterans and exotic rounds in long-ranged combat
It seems like we actually have a break from class for a bit but our teacher failed to update his virtual calendar :p

My take on the scout thing is that I see it as worth the trouble in slowing down training because the losses we were suffering in scouts before were simply and utterly horrendous and we were only able to endure them due to starting with relatively high numbers.
I desire us not to end from mere attrition hence my preference.

If we fail I'd prefer it to be from the Skaven nuking us, or lady of the lake manifesting us into a lake or the moon breaking or like a few deamon princes making us deep throat axes rather than a death by 1,000 cuts.

EDIT: To clarify I don't mind this voting format, I was just trying to ascertain why there had been such a noticeable drop.
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Neophyte survival scenarios
My take on the scout thing is that I see it as worth the trouble in slowing down training because the losses we were suffering in scouts before were simply and utterly horrendous
To give some calcs,

Of 100 aspirants, only 10 will normally survive the various trials (mentally, physically, spiritually etc), and of those only 1 will survive the implantation process to the end. Space Marine recruitment does indeed have a horrific attrition rate.

If you have normal recruitment, you recruit, and then you get 1 space marine at the end, and can implant the other 9 geneseed organs again in some more aspirants. Comparably, if you went with the Black Templar system, you might say, for example, that twice as many recruit survive the maturation process. You still lose 90 to the trials, but you save an additional 1 at the maturation phase because that system means the initiaties are kept a closer eye on or something I suppose. In the end, you end up with 2 marines.

Comparably, if you use this rapid zygote maturation thing I got from the Badab War, you might put 200 aspirants in the trial in teh first place, meaning 20 survive the trials, and in turn 2 survive the maturation process.

You can certainly combine these methods. You might, for example:

  • Increase food production and heathcare quality to secure more potential aspirants
  • Implement genetic screening in particular populations to only trial the best children
  • Promote widespread gene editing to correct flaws
  • Use Black Templar methods to ensure more survive maturation
  • Use zygote stuff to ensure more can be implanted at once
  • Do some gene seed editing or something with Ghyran magic

This would all mean you could get a awider tithe population, more aspirants in the first place, that more would survive the trials, that more could be implanted, meaning more would get through to the end, that more would survive the maturation process, and that eventually therefore you'd get more marines. You could conceivable massively increase the numbers of marines you could get and consequentially decrease that big pile of dead children in the corner.

Edit, Black Templar organisation assumes you're not getting your SMs and their trainees killed during the training period. The Astral Claws managed to expand so much because they used the Tyrant's Legion as a meat shield
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[X] Downgrade equipment significantly, equipping new Marines in Infiltrator Armour, an advanced form of Carapace Armour, along with hand weapons, significantly reducing the cost and even possibly enabling mass production of armour instead of requiring the Armoury to handcraft each suit.
[X] Reestablish 9th Company, forming Sternguard squads under a Hunter-Captain, employing Veterans and exotic rounds in long-ranged combat
[X] Maintain Black Templar organization, limiting the number of Scouts in training to the number of Battle Brothers deployed, but potentially having benefits in terms of survival rates due to additional training, but also meaning that whenever a Battle-Brother is killed in combat, it must be assumed his Initiate is as well.
[X] Permit Kaaram to preach the Songs of Flame, using the cult practices to bind the various disparate groups of the Imperium-on-Mallus together, but potentially impacting other cultural efforts in unknown ways.

I've just gotten personally busier with my job IRL, so my participation in the internet has just dropped like a stone.

Anyway, I don't know if we could maintain even the MK.III Armour and the 9th Company with our shoestring budget. If it turns out we could then I like the idea of upgrading to MK.III from the Infiltrator Armour rather than downgrading if it turns out we can't.
I get this funny image of marines helping the civilians with menial work as they single handedly pull the plow across the fields.