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Quests Archive

This is a quiet place.


In the 30th Millenia, the Imperium has been born. Under the watch of the Emperor of Man and his Primarchs, humanity is recovering from the Age of Strife. Follow one of the unknown Primarchs during the Great Crusade and see if you can make Warhammer a kinder setting.
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Conquer the stars, swords in hands, as a magical empire with bronze age technologies.
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The Year is 2025, the walls between dimensions have suddenly begun to blur together and you have been hastily selected as the leader of a newly created organisation dedicated to the containment and study of the rapidly degrading fabric of space-time.
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PANOPTICON QUEST As usual, you are at the office on time, cup of coffee in hand. The...
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Watch and guide your civilization of space-birbs as they make their way through their own 4X game from your position as head of their military, fighting wars intermittently, your civilian bosses whenever they are particularly inept (don't get your hopes up), and your budgetary committee constantly.
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In the east, Athenai and Sparta duel over the destiny of all Hellas. In the west, great city-states rise and fall like reeds, the ambitious vanquishing the weak. But upon the farthest shore of Greater Greece, a new and extraordinary power rises. Eretria Eskhata, a new city founded upon the ashes of the old, emerges onto the stage. The fates watch you, o citizens of Eretria. Will you emerge victorious and enter the annals of history, or fail and be buried in the dust as a ruin and a...
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I have no idea
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Magna Graecia: Victory's Children (A City State Quest) The year is 470 BCE. It has been 306...
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Does the concept of work still exist? This isn’t self-serving navel-gazing but the confusion...
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Guess who's back? This latest iteration of AA is brought to you by an actual team of game...
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A Riley Quest (Worm/Exalted) Blood - 1.1 You panted desperately for breath. Your body...
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Okay, so I've picked up permission to continue this wonderful ole darling. I would be a fool not...
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To The Ends of the Galaxy will be a character driven Space Opera quest, combining inspiration...
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SEVEN SPIRES You are nervous; you’ve of course interacted with bureaucrats of the Imperial...
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On March 5th, 2017. An Island, roughly 60 square miles in size, located 30 miles off the coast...
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Magna Graecia: A City State Quest Note: Magna Graecia has ended and a continuation is now...
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When you were six, your father took his little girl to see the ocean. It stretched to the...
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Why did we do it? Of course we were aware how strange it sounded, how unpleasant it might be...
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Shards of an Emerald Dream A Legend of the Five Rings/Exalted Quest It is a time of strife...
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What am I doing? I have no idea. I was tired and this seemed hilarious. Plus, the last time I...
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Scarlet Regent Quest Behold, the Realm! Grandest and most magnificent of nations, unmatched in...
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Changeling Files The Dresden Universe, the world of darkness. Two very different tastes, two...
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The Emperor Protects Mk.II It is the 41st Millennium. For more than a hundred centuries The...
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*title music plays* Into the Amber Age Single Player <- Co-op Play (unavailable for the...
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The muse insisted, so there was this: It was quiet. There was no subtle buzz, nor voices. No...
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The Emperor Protects It is the 41st Millennium. For more than a hundred centuries The...
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Everything is gone. One of your surviving enchantments helpfully tells you it has been...
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Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart...
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The Age of Bronze It is the year RY500. For five centuries has the Scarlet Empress sat upon...
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Agonized whoops gurgles out of the still conscious xeno as you vivisect it, eager to discover...
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