Upon the Tide of Years: ISOT Quest

[x]Radio Station
-[x]Focus on Keeping people calm

Just make yourself appear as if you definitely know what you are doing. Since no one else knows better, people will buy it for the time being.
The First Days: Dawn Rises
The Street was thankfully largely empty. Though Gwen found herself passing more than one wrecked car on the side of the road as she drove towards the Radio Station.

Parts of the town were in the dark, The lights were interfering with the underwater cables somehow, or cut them. That had disturbing implications. But that meant the only power the town was getting right now was from the Tank farm and the wind turbines.

The Radio Station was an unassuming building of crumbling red brick towards the center of the island, the radio tower itself the only feature that made it stand out.

There was nothing really special about the station, played 80s through today most of the time. Occasionally some locally produced stuff was played there on the weekends but this was a fishing island, not a whole lot of local culture

Gwen was in luck, Chloe Prescott was outside staring up at the sky when she pulled into the driveway. Chloe was not quite a close friend, but they had known each other since they were three. Chloe ran the Radio Station overnights for most of the week.

She was also probably high right now. Compared to some of the town, Chloe's pot vice was almost harmless. She wasn't slowly killing herself like some of the town was.

"You're seeing this too right?" Chloe asked as Gwen got out of her Chevy. "I mean I wasn't high when this whole thing started so I know it can't just be me, right?"

"I see it too." Gwen replied

"Jesus Christ." Chloe shook her head. "What the heck did you think it is?"

Gwen's Response
[] "An Act of God."
[] "Hopefully just an electrical storm, a really weird electrical storm."
[] "I don't know."
-[] "But whatever it is, it can't be good."
-[] "But whatever it is, it's certainly interesting if nothing else."
[] Write In

"No arguments here." Chloe replied

"Listen I need to get into the booth. I'm trying to stop this from causing a riot or worse." Gwen said urgently.

Chloe nodded, pulling out her keys.

It took a few minutes for Chloe to take the automated play list off and get the microphone connected back to the system. Those minutes felt like an eon to Gwen as she sat in the chair, her left leg nervously tapping the entire time.

"Okay it's ready." Chloe said finally, giving her the thumbs up.

Gwen cleared her throat, doing her best to calm her nerves. "People of Ashurst Island. This is Gwen Breckenridge speaking, your First Selectmen. As I'm sure many of you are aware, something strange is happening. We appear to be surrounded by lights of unknown origin and we cannot contact anyone on the mainland. I know you're scared and confused, I am too. But this is not the time for panic. Panic would only make this situation worse than it is. So that's why I urge everyone to return to their homes and wait out tonight. The police are having a tough enough time as it is, do not make this worse for them. This isn't a hurricane and the town is not in any physical danger The lights will go away eventually, for now just remain calm and try to get some sleep."

Breckenridge spent the next few hours painfully awake, occasionally repeating her message.

It seemed, at least from what she could see, that her words worked. The panic didn't break out into a full blown riot, though she occasional saw and smelled a fire nearby and the police regularly passed by with sirens blaring

Then hours later, the lights vanished in an instant. Their strange ethereal glow replaced with the cold light of Dawn.

For a brief moment, Gwen was relieved and overjoyed, thinking the worst was over. Then she checked her phone.

Still No signal. The same held true for the internet and any mainland radio stations. They were still cut off from the rest of the world

Roughly 15 minutes later, she heard a knock at the door.

Chloe opened the door, revealing Sheriff Wei. Dressed in her navy blue uniform and large brimmed hat.

She looked how Gwen felt, exhausted and confused.

"First." Jessica said, her voice so tired "Thanks for your message, I think it did a lot of good tonight."

"Thank you." Gwen replied

Jessica went on"As you may have noticed. We still have no contact with the mainland. Hayes sent his nephew out on the Springbank to see what's become of it. I think we need to gather everyone of importance that we can find, the other selectmen, the captains that have a good amount of sway with the others, heck maybe even Principal Turner and the head of the PTA. To discuss whatever the Springbank finds."

"Why?" Gwen questioned

"Because the power cable has been cut and according to Hayes a fishing trawler barely survived running straight into that wall of light. It wasn't just a pretty light show, that thing was solid as steel. I get the feeling we aren't going to like whatever it's done and I don't want to make people panic before we fully understand what's going on. So this needs to be handled delicately for the moment." The Sheriff insisted

[] Agree: We need to be careful about this.
[] Agree: But insist on an Emergency Town Hall right afterwards
[] Disagree: Discuss what they found at the Town Hall. Trying to keep secrets will just create more problems.
[] Write In
I will note that this part is kind of a secondary prologue, building who Gwen is and establishing the starting situation for the main bulk of the game.
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[X] "I don't know."
-[X] "But whatever it is, it's certainly interesting if nothing else."

[X] Agree: But insist on an Emergency Town Hall right afterwards
[X] "I don't know."
-[X] "But whatever it is, it can't be good."

[X] Agree: But insist on an Emergency Town Hall right afterwards
[X] "An Act of God."
[X] Agree: But insist on an Emergency Town Hall right afterwards
[X] "I don't know."
-[X] "But whatever it is, it can't be good."

[X] Agree: But insist on an Emergency Town Hall right afterwards
[X] "I don't know."
-[X] "But whatever it is, it's certainly interesting if nothing else."

[X] Agree: But insist on an Emergency Town Hall right afterwards
[X] "I don't know."
-[X] "But whatever it is, it's certainlyinteresting if nothing else."

[X] Agree: But insist on an Emergency Town Hall right afterwards
[X] "I don't know."
-[X] "But whatever it is, it can't be good."

[X] Agree: But insist on an Emergency Town Hall right afterwards
[X] "I don't know."
-[X] "But whatever it is, it can't be good."

[X] Agree: But insist on an Emergency Town Hall right afterwards

Very interesting.

Island in the Sea of Time is one of my favorite series. I wonder when we are.
[X] "I don't know."
-[X] "But whatever it is, it can't be good."

[X] Agree: But insist on an Emergency Town Hall right afterwards
[x] "Hopefully just an electrical storm, a really weird electrical storm."
[x] Agree: But insist on an Emergency Town Hall right afterwards
[X] "I don't know."
-[X] "But whatever it is, it can't be good."

[X] Agree: But insist on an Emergency Town Hall right afterwards
[X] "I don't know."
-[X] "But whatever it is, it's certainly interesting if nothing else."

[X] Agree: But insist on an Emergency Town Hall right afterwards
[x] "Hopefully just an electrical storm, a really weird electrical storm."
[x] Agree: But insist on an Emergency Town Hall right afterwards

Part of looking in control involves not saying "I don't know". Offer vague possibilities, anything but just acknowledging that "yeah I have no idea too, use your imagination"