Age of Bronze (Exalted Sidereal Quest)

We have a surface ship with an all mortal crew. If these raiders have any experience at all they'll recognise it as a warship and not be lured. It is going to be a job forcing an airship to battle.

We have Kuzan and his entourage for charms. Ceres is an earth aspect bureaucrat, she might as well go below (and send some warriors up) but there are naval officers and maybe a retired advisor in his team. Kuzan's job is command and delegation. Put retired admiral Peleps Aubrey and his sail charms on the helm and the wave shall overtake the breeze today.

Ready the boarding harpoons! Not sure how we'll make them come low enough though - maybe their culture has some insults that must be answered and Kuzan can social up an irresistible challenge. Maybe a note delivered by supernatural archery.

What does the Admiral command?

[x] Take the fight to them directly

Where does Minora stay?
[x] Close to the Admiral
- [x] Ceres goes below and spear carrier comes up
[x] Take the fight to them directly
[x] Close to the Admiral
- [x] Ceres goes below and spear carrier comes up
Which, if any, of our spear charms would we be able to use in our guard identity without blowing our cover? Also, what's a good name for our guard identity? I'm not familiar with naming conventions in exalted.
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[x] Take the fight to them directly
[x] Close to the Admiral

-As the deck explodes into motion, Monora makes sure to stick close to the admiral. After all, it would not to for the admiral's adjunct to be anywhere else. "Also" she thinks to herself as she slips into the 5 dragons style "it's about time I put my training to good use."
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[x] Take the fight to them directly
[x] Close to the Admiral
- [x] Ceres goes below and spear carrier comes up

-As the deck explodes into motion Minora takes the chance to slip below deck. After all, a logistical assistant, no matter how competent, is only going to get in the way of a direct battle. However, that does not mean that a member of the admiral's personal guard can not help. Soon after, such an individual approaches the admiral's position and, slipping into the five dragons style, prepares to defend him.

Vote changed
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Where does Minora stay?
[x] Close to the Admiral
- [x] Ceres goes below and spear carrier comes up

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Hold your horses, both you and everyone who's bandwagoning behind this un-justified choice.

Let me just get this straight. You are proposing that a Dragonblooded trusted lieutenant of the admiral run away from battle, disappear below decks, and then is replaced by some unknown mortal?

... you do appreciate how awful that is going to look in the aftermath, right, unless a very good justification is devised? Dragonblooded culture imposes certain standards on its members. And Minora's false identity has to worry about its reputation - and all the problems that will come up if she is known among the navy to have gone mysteriously missing in battle.
Almost as importantly, is it a good idea to rely on ID-swapping magic at a time when everyone on board will be on high alert?
Sidereals get by on being unnoticed, and you're not going to be able to exfiltrate a soldier after the fight without being noticed..
The Admiral will certainly be keeping an eye on his surroundings, and for his assistant.
[x] Take the fight to them directly
[x] Close to the Admiral

-As the deck explodes into motion, Monora makes sure to stick close to the admiral. After all, it would not to for the admiral's adjunct to be anywhere else. "Also" she thinks to herself as she slips into the 5 dragons style "it's about time I put my training to good use."
People don't really ask questions about where we were during the time we aren't wearing a destiny, right? They just kind of mentally fill stuff in? So we don't necessarily need to be acknowledged-as-not-present in the battle, no?
Why would we want to slip in the soldier disguise anyway? We created the soldier to feel the lower ranks, not to atually fight. He is just a mortal.

We contribute more in our current persona.
Why would we want to slip in the soldier disguise anyway? We created the soldier to feel the lower ranks, not to atually fight. He is just a mortal.

We contribute more in our current persona.

No, we created her to fight:

Five Dragon Style (Melee) ●●●
- Just another up and coming soldier of the Scarlet Dynasty, assigned to Admiral Kuzan's guard. Pious Immaculate. This is the identity we need to use when we want to kick ass and, say, beat back an assassination attempt.
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[x] Take the fight to them directly
[x] Close to the Admiral

-As the deck explodes into motion, Monora makes sure to stick close to the admiral. After all, it would not to for the admiral's adjunct to be anywhere else. "Also" she thinks to herself as she slips into the 5 dragons style "it's about time I put my training to good use."
OK, so the vote is pretty obviously in favour of taking the fight to your enemy directly, and staying close to the Admiral while you do it. That's fine.

Does anyone have any suggested stunts or descriptions of how you're taking the fight to the enemy? I can certainly write something suitable, but it would make my job a lot easier if people had even general suggestions.
What can we do other than provide moral support or use a Cirrus Skiff? We have 3 (Spear) charms that can fight , everything else is social influence.
"Captain, the charts if you please."

Mnemon Ceres takes the parchment and with a flick of her wrist holds it out flat and steady despite the breeze across the command deck as the officers cluster around. Kuzan handles the meeting smoothly, using his acknowledged inexperience to bring comments and suggestions from his team but keeping the discussion moving. The few times he might falter Ceres is there to ask the simple question as befits her junior status.

"So. It seems clear that the scum intend to strike the villages along Green Shark Bay. The evening wind off the mountains will let them get out to sea before an effect response can be mounted from land. If we could trap them in the bay that same wind will make it hard for them to gain height however. Captain, could you bring us there in time?"
"I am afraid not Lord." The frustration is clear on her face.
"Excellent. Then they will not expect us - for how often do the Chosen of the Dragons take ships of this class? Dear uncle Aubrey, would you do the honours?"
Certainly Admiral. Captain?"
"You have the command my lord." She bows.

The ship itself almost hums with eagerness as the portly retired admiral steps forward. He barely seems to raise his voice but his orders ring from one end of the vessel to the other and are obeyed with a fierce joy. When he touches the wheel every line is taut and the turn is tight. You surge forward on the new heading. These barbarians think their skyship gives them the advantage, that they can commit piracy against the Realm and fly away laughing - well not today. Today the wave overtakes the wind!

"I have every confidence that Peleps Aubrey will have us arrive at the optimum time to bring them to battle. Nevertheless they may see escape as an option. I shall prevent them from choosing it."
"How my lord?"
"I shall do what I do best - invite them to the party!"
[Manipulation + Linguistics and whatever charms will help to write an insulting note that will serve as an irresistible challenge. Said note to be delivered by charm enhanced archery]
OK, we're in disguise as a Dynast, so Five Dragon Style should Destiny-OK to use for combat techniques, so we go full-on back-to-back badasses with the Admiral, focusing on preventing him from being swarmed by mooks and keeping him alive, while still coming across as "competent, but not on the level of a combat-focused DB". IIRC, the style bonus to defense should apply when we Defend Other. This makes us look good to our "boss", doesn't risk breaking cover (I think), and keeps him alive against any potential lucky hits.

  • In general, Defend Other on the admiral
  • If attacked my harmlessly weak opponents, rely on our passive bonuses
  • If they might be a threat, drop Absence
  • If they look like a leader or relative badass, maneuver into them attacking us and then Impeding the Flow to get them to back down, stunted as the enemy freaking out upon realizing they can't even hit the goddamn secretary, let alone the actual warrior in the room.
  • If someone actually hits us for more than a single HL, Duck Fate
EDIT: Can we use Efficient Secretary Technique to learn whether these pirates have any essence-users on board? That seems like the kind of thing that qualifies as an objective fact, and wouldn't really be hidden. Plus, it could really affect what decisions we want to make with regards to when to spend motes.
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OK, we're in disguise as a Dynast, so Five Dragon Style should Destiny-OK to use for combat techniques, so we go full-on back-to-back badasses with the Admiral, focusing on preventing him from being swarmed by mooks and keeping him alive, while still coming across as "competent, but not on the level of a combat-focused DB". IIRC, the style bonus to defense should apply when we Defend Other. This makes us look good to our "boss", doesn't risk breaking cover (I think), and keeps him alive against any potential lucky hits.

  • In general, Defend Other on the admiral
  • If attacked my harmlessly weak opponents, rely on our passive bonuses
  • If they might be a threat, drop Absence
  • If they look like a leader or relative badass, maneuver into them attacking us and then Impeding the Flow to get them to back down, stunted as the enemy freaking out upon realizing they can't even hit the goddamn secretary, let alone the actual warrior in the room.
  • If someone actually hits us for more than a single HL, Duck Fate
EDIT: Can we use Efficient Secretary Technique to learn whether these pirates have any essence-users on board? That seems like the kind of thing that qualifies as an objective fact, and wouldn't really be hidden. Plus, it could really affect what decisions we want to make with regards to when to spend motes.
I don't think we can get the privacy neccecary to use it