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Results are only viewable after voting.
Double post, because it just made sense to break this up into two.

Wining Vote:
Scouting (Awareness (Per) +10, Navigation (Surface), 200XP)
Dodging (Dodge, +5 Agi, 200XP)

Sally didn't have a mirror, but she felt much better in the new getup. The jacket and pants had plenty of pockets for anything she might need and the shoes were comfortable. The amulet-slate hung up front prominently, and she kept the jacket open showing of a deep blue shirt that matched her eyes to complete the look. With one final look back at the bed she walked out.

"Warble" "What!?" Her heart damn near skipped a beat. The hell was that?
(Awareness test(T+10) : 28(Per)+10(Awareness)=38 Total:33<38 Success, 0 Degrees of Success(DoS) )
When Rolling for Characteristics or Skills, A Success is rolling below the value of the Skill/Characteristic, and Degrees of Success are for every 10 by which you beat the target number.
She heard that, that was sound. Sally rose up the little noise maker. She was pretty sure the amulet just warbled at her. A quick look around showed that the closet had closed on its own but... there. The amulet-slate had a yellow strip on it. It fit in with the rest of the decoration on the outside so she had dismissed it as just another shiny, but now it was a bit shorter, a small bit of it turning a deep dark yellow.
(Logic(Basic): 31(Int)/2(Basic)=16 Total: 3<16 Success, 1 DoS)
Really Game? Really? A three!?
Sally turned around and walk right back into the room, before walking back out. No response. But something had triggered it? On a hunch she went back to the closet and flung it open. An errant thought told her if the crew could see her now they would never stop mocking her for it. She'd frozen half way into reaching into the closet, the motion just stilling mid air. Inside was a pair of dark green pants. Her hands were a bit unsteady as she pulled them out and unrolled it against her current pair. They were identical and Sally was certain that she'd taken the only such pair.

A quick look showed no third pair, so she closed the closet door and stepped towards the exit. "Warble". Sally was ready for it this time. Looking at it, the dark yellow line had grown, just a touch. "What if I put it back?"

A quick check and some experiments later Sally was sure of it. Taking things out of the closet would lower the bar, while putting them back refilled it. Anything taken from it would be remade, or refilled when the closet was closed. Notably, the nightdress had a twin and once returned disappeared as well. She'd never heard of or seen anything like it. Was she in some noble's mansion?

The amulet seemed to be some kind of purse, or key or limit or something that allowed her to take up to some predefined amount of stuff. And if there was a closet for clothes, perhaps there were other places where she could get weapons, tools, food or armor. Emboldened by her discovery Sally went exploring.

The doors in the corridor were all closed, and each had a slate to the side. Letters were imprinted upon them in stone, some of the slates laying broken, or worn down. The room she awoke in had one as well. She could not read it, but one of the things Sally picked up was how to write at least her own name. It was staring at her from the slate and that was just creepy. Someone took the time to write her name in stone. "Who does that?"

She really needed to figure out what was going on. But how?

[]Try one of the doors first(Pick 1)
-[]Room 1(Sally)
-[]Room 2(Across from Sally)
-[] Room 3(Next to Sally)
-[] Room 4(Middle of the opposite wall)
-[] Room 5(Last on the right)
-[] Room 6(last on the left)
[]Try the crossroads first(Pick 1)
-[]Left: A long hallway filled with paintings, some of which move
-[]Forward: A large chamber with many pedestals and tables
-[]Right: A long hallway where the white, grey and black of this place shift into a plethora of colors.
Last edited:
[X]Left: A long hallway filled with paintings, some of which move

Moving paintings deserve a look, I think.
Whops. @Hannz @ManMaker I meant for option one to be crossed out. My text editor does not have the option built in so I was supposed to add it when copying it.

Room 1 is the one Sally just came out of and where she woke up, the one with a slate with her name on it. Sorry about that. Fixed the voting options.
Room 2
Winning Vote:Room 2(Across from Sally)
(??? roll: 90, Failure, ?DoF. That's bad. Hold on to something)

Looking at the name did nothing to help her understand what was going on. Sally shook it off as just another out of place thing about where-ever this is, and considered her options. On balance, checking the door across was probably as good a place to start exploration as any. "Luck don't fail me now"

The door opened at the slightest touch, silently gliding aside, revealing a poorly lit passage, in the same colors as the corridor outside. Steeling herself, Sally stepped in, walking confidently to give the right impression. The lights flickered as she went on and as she neared the end the passage changed, white floor, grey walls and a black ceiling giving way to a familiar metal, like her home.

As she stepped off the stone, sounds slowly returned. Breath, heartbeat and the less welcome sounds of screams and fighting. She was just weighing the risks of pushing on when the hatch at the end opened. Sally tensed, she was close enough to touch it but instead of a clear view, the opening was murky, like looking through glass. She started backing away when something smacked into her from behind and threw her in.

(Acrobatics Test: Untrained=Failed)

Sally had fallen face first into a hard metal floor. A wave of sound rushed over her, no longer dampened. The air was musty, filled with a metal scent. She'd bitten her lip in the fall, but getting vertical was far more important than a bit of pain. She scrambled upright and saw carnage.

(Fear 1(Disturbing): 28(WP)+0(Fear1)=28 Total: 82>28, Failure; 5DoF. Interrupt: Spend a Fate Point to reroll test.)
(Fear 1(Disturbing): 28(WP)+0(Fear1)=28 Total: 77>28, Failure; 4DoF.)
(Shock(4DoF)-Shock result:55; May not approach the carnage, -10 to all test until end of encounter, Gain 1 Insanity Point.)

Sally felt lightheaded, breath rushing out as she backed away from a barricade on the left side of the room. Several Xenos had died there, but it was the people who filled her vision. Torn apart, blasted and butchered as they made a stand and were overwhelmed. Blood was sprayed halfway across the room, and some of the bodies still had hatchets buried in them. The sounds of a firefight bounced off the walls. "I just had to jinx myself".

(Awareness Test: 28(Per)+10(Awareness)-10(Shock)=28. Total: 66, Failure, 3DoF)

The noise was too much, Sally couldn't figure out where it was all coming from, but it was getting louder, coming closer. Soon, she would have company. She felt rather bare, unarmed and unarmored, but Sally wasn't stumbling here. The carnage was too much, but some had fallen away from the barricade, or were not quite so mangled. There were tools here, weapons, armor and gear upon the fallen. Whatever was going on she was not going quietly. Sally tried to stop her hands from shaking as she planned a way out of this mess.

What did Sally do?
[] Scavenge
-[]Ammo (Must take Ranged Weapon as well)
--[]Write in Specific piece of Gear.
[] Find a route away from the fighting
[] Find or create cover and wait for them to reach you.
[]Flee back the way she came.
[] Write In

We are now in Combat Turns.

How this will work: If you vote to scavenge, Sally will make some awareness tests to see what is lying around. With the shock result, she isn't going to be checking pockets, unless the death was fairly tame and away from the barricade. This will take a number of rounds based on the result and the list of stuff she is looking for. The same goes for the other options. At some point the fight will either arrive to interrupt or Sally will finish her current tasks, and we'll take it from there.

Votes are by priority, and Sally will try to do them in order, if it makes sense to do so.
Example vote:
[1] Scavenge
-[3]Ammo-Autogun Clips
[6] Find a route away from the fighting

If something about the situation is unclear, ask and I'll answer.
Voting by plan makes things easier for me, but you don't have to.

Wounds: 13
Shock: -10 to all tests till end of encounter
Armor: None
Weapons: None
Movement: Base 4.

Shock: 1d100+50(5DoF)

Total:113; Faint dead away, unconscious for 1d5(4) rounds, Gain 1d5(2) Insanity Points.


I'm assuming the corpses are torn apart, so it mght be best to keep distance. Armor doesn't feel much better than being able to dodge and run in this scenario.
[1] Scavenge
-[5]Ammo-Autogun Clips
[3] Find a route away from the fighting

I'm thinking a melee weapon because we simply don't have TIME to dig out a gun, then dig out bullets, then reload and run for it. A melee weapon gives us something at one go, then we can run the fuck away.
[1] Scavenge
-[4]Ammo (Must take Ranged Weapon as well)
[5] Find a route away from the fighting