The Amber Age: Pantheon Edition (Collaborative)

Writing sucks, I'll be dropping omakes out of numerical order, if that's how my muse is pushing me. And sometimes, brevity conveys all the more.

The Third Death of Alealani Ari'See

An'Wah'Hei, would-be conqueror, arrived in Nonas with a full retinue and honor guard underneath a sky of glimmering blue. He was so utterly unassuming and ignorable, Ari'See didn't realize he was speaking to her until the sun began come down from its apex. Every word he spoke was a thick, numbing smoke, smothering and cloying. Every rattling of his trinket-laden form was an affront to peace and decency. Every breath he took was one the southern monarch had to allow without indicating she considered otherwise.

His entire presence was a raw nerve, exposed and demanding attention.

When she mastered the art of composure once more, she turned to her soon-to-be husband with a glint of surprised teeth and began to master the art of lying.

"Welcome to Nonas, I'd be honored to accept your proposal!"

sooo here's what I'm thinking
[X] Magi (Increases the effectiveness of Divine Magic slightly)
Because fate manipulations sounds nice but I'm getting the impression we need to get face-punching online like NOW. Even if Ninja decides no he can't take us (which I'd rather not test for obvious reasons!) We've still got a fear spirit who's going to want our delicious essence-bits. We need those bits to be us!
[X] For we are Death!
Uhhh...I has no brains for plans.
If you don't want to be eaten by the fear spirit you could always get new traits that makes you overlap less
sooo here's what I'm thinking
[X] Magi (Increases the effectiveness of Divine Magic slightly)
Because fate manipulations sounds nice but I'm getting the impression we need to get face-punching online like NOW. Even if Ninja decides no he can't take us (which I'd rather not test for obvious reasons!) We've still got a fear spirit who's going to want our delicious essence-bits. We need those bits to be us!
[X] For we are Death!
Uhhh...I has no brains for plans.

I'm 100% sure I could take you and Ari'See In a brawl.

More concerned about my mortals.
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Umi wants you all to know that he thinks you dont do enough discussion , and that because of this, your super boring.

So please talk so that I Umi can laugh at your futile plotting.
[X] Magi (Increases the effectiveness of Divine Magic slightly)

I'm not so sure about a plan that doesn't talk with Ari'see, and I feel slightly disappointed that we aren't spending our big DE windfall on punishing the dolphin man, but overall I can see the logic in resolving our own problems first and won't contest it.

Also, I feel sad that I will not be choosing Ritualist, but Magi just has more use right now, what with our current intent to burn down villages with magic.
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Who is the dolphin man?
Talking to Ari'see is eminently reasonable.

You need to get to Ritualism 3 to target your rituals.
You have 6 total Secrets sphere points possible.
You are currently deciding where to allocate your 4th point, so 4/6 are going to be taken.
You need to allocate 2 more points to Ritualism to bring it to 3, so you can still do it after.

Edit 2 - reminder:
Skill spheres: You can have up to 6 points in any given sphere, and no more. You can spread these points how you wish, and gain them through repeated action 'experience'.
Destruction - Warrior, Archer, Skirmisher
Peerage - Majesty, Cleverness, Actor
Dominion - Lord, General, and Traveler
Creation - Craftsman, Toiler, and Loremaker
Secrets - Ritual, Mysticism, and Magi

Some skills were rolled into others or shrunk for simplicity's sake. Melee and Ranged have been converted into the three destruction skills, and they use a simple rock-paper-scissors triangle to add advantages in combat, with warrior beating archer beating skirmisher beating warrior.

Peerage is similar, and focuses on the idea that divines play out a sort of production, by themselves or with one another, and are compelled to match certain tropes in it, with Majesty beating Actors (the superior deserving entertainment), Actors beating Clever (the enamored mischief-maker), and Clever beating Majesty (the schemers overwhelming the royal).

Dominion focuses on interactions with mortals, and doing things that bring more mortals under sway. Lord is for forcing mortals to do stuff, General is for helping mortals suck less in battle, and Traveler is for exploration and interacting with non-worshiper mortals.

Creation covers item making, the toil type skills (farming, fishing, forestry, hunting, etc.) that improve mortal growth and such (and is conditionally named based on location and traits; intellectual civilized spirits are going to toil in medicine, brutes will be farmers or hunters, etc.), and the concept of writing/storytelling/trade that benefits technological progress.

Secrets cover the ritual aspect of the mysticism skills, the divining/comprehension aspect of the mysticism skills, and proper (divine) magic.

-PoM, from le Discord
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[X] Magi (Increases the effectiveness of Divine Magic slightly)

I'm not so sure about a plan that doesn't talk with Ari'see, and I feel slightly disappointed that we aren't spending our big DE windfall on punishing the dolphin man, but overall I can see the logic in resolving our own problems first and won't contest it.

Also, I feel sad that I will not be choosing Ritualist, but Magi just has more use right now, what with our current intent to burn down villages with magic.
One of two plans does involve talking to Ari'see though so there is that. Also we don't have the range to currently hit an enemy settlement with our magic.

Who is the dolphin man?
Talking to Ari'see is eminently reasonable.

You need to get to Ritualism 3 to target your rituals.
You have 6 total Secrets sphere points possible.
You are currently deciding where to allocate your 4th point, so 4/6 are going to be taken.
You need to allocate 2 more points to Ritualism to bring it to 3, so you can still do it after.

Yeah, though right now going mystic 2 allows us to boost other skills by 2 for a cost each turn but after this I want to put that last two from secrets into ritual because targeted rituals are a must given our current playstyle.
Adhoc vote count started by Void Stalker on May 30, 2018 at 5:42 AM, finished with 95 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] Mystic (Unlocks better fate manipulations)
    [X] For we are Death!
    [X] Mystic (Unlocks better fate manipulations)
    [X] Plan Making Friends
    -[X] Bless the Leaders
    -[X] Bless the Priests
    -[X] Inspire in Influence
    --[X] Inspire to Bless the Leaders x2
    --[X] Inspire to Bless the Priests
    --[X] Inspire to Bless the Warriors
    --[X] Inspire to Bless the Storytellers
    --[X] Inspire to Bless the Medicine Men
    -[X] Contact Ari'see (Prompts decisions): 1 Sustenance
    -[X] Preside in Nonas
    [X] Magi (Increases the effectiveness of Divine Magic slightly)
    [X] Plan Making Friends
    -[X] Bless the Leaders
    -[X] Bless the Priests
    -[X] Inspire in Influence
    --[X] Inspire to Bless the Leaders x2
    --[X] Inspire to Bless the Priests
    --[X] Inspire to Bless the Warriors
    --[X] Inspire to Bless the Storytellers
    --[X] Inspire to Bless the Medicine Men
    -[X] Contact Ari'see (Prompts decisions): 1 Sustenance
    -[X] Preside in Nonas
    [X] Magi (Increases the effectiveness of Divine Magic slightly)
    [X] For we are Death!
    [X] Mystic (Unlocks better fate manipulations)
    [X] For we are Death!
    -[X] Preside in [Nonas] (Has a small chance for a number of positive settlement effects, and may convert mortals): 3 Sustenance
    -[X] Bless the Storytellers (Loremaker Act, Generates [0.3] Culture): 1 Sustenance
    -[X] Bless the Storytellers (Loremaker Act, Generates [0.3] Culture): 1 Sustenance x2
    -[X] Call a Raid (Tests combat to steal resources from controlled tiles- Northwest Enemy Tile): 1 Sustenance
    -[X] Ignite (Generates Fear progress, Influence Attack on [Northwest Enemy Tile]): 6 DE
    -[X] Inspire in Influence (Generates 2 Faith progress): 3 DE
    --[X] Bless the Warriors (Destruction Act, Generates 1 Legend)
    -[X] Inspire in Influence (Generates 2 Faith progress): 3 DE x2
    -[X] Inspire in Influence (Generates 2 Faith progress): 3 DE x3
    --[X] Bless the Leaders (Peerage Act, Generates 1 Faith Progress)
    -[X] Inspire in Influence (Generates 2 Faith progress): 3 DE x4
    --[X] Bless the Storytellers (Loremaker Act, Generates [0.3] Culture)
    [X] For we are Death!
    [X] For we are Death!
    [X] Magi (Increases the effectiveness of Divine Magic slightly)
Pfft, targeted rituals are like targeted Monster Traits. Only something for people who're afraid of missing a few times.

All precision problems can be solved the Ork way, you know.