Attempting to Survive the Apocalypse: Dimensional Dislocation

Please can someone explain why both plans are wasting dice on nuclear miniaturisation when we have the explicitly superior 'Vehicle Mounted CF Reactor' action available?
The description of the "Vehicle Mounted CF Reactor" has a couple of points.
It is expensive and explosive. The explosive part makes it risky to have close to the frontline of the fighting. That is the reason why we won't be installing them in the Manticores due to them taking the "tank" party role. That means the Manticore which needs a lot of power (especially when we upgrade the weapon to laser or railgun) will have a limited combat endurance without onboard power source.
Another point is that the mounted CF Reactors are slow. They are good for logistic moving forces slowly around but on a tactical level all our forces will be limited in reaction speed if they don't want to leave their power source behind. On the other hand the miniaturized nuclear reactors are stable enough to be airdropped. That means a Manticore equipped with one can power its support units while travelling at higher speeds. Also a reactor can be airdropped for forward units and then retrieved after the operation is done. From my reading we can't do that with the current generation of CF Reactors as they are to unstable for such tactics.
That lack of stability will also make them harder to use during expeditions to the other side of the breaches. It will require a lot more protection. And with the smarter IDCs there is a risk they would target the vulnerable reactors.

Basically the situation is that nuclear power is mostly fully developed and stable. CF Reactors are still being developed and are on the same level as first generation nuclear reactors with unique safety problems that need to be solved.
The CF Reactors will replace nuclear power in time. But it isn't mature enough right now. And we will need the Manticore soon.

My longer term plan is to get Miniaturized Nuclear Power together with Test-Doll-01 and ACR-UH-30 so the militarized ALR-51 platforms can be used to push back the IDC/ELID infestation by automating the hunting. That will allow us to switch our operation teams to perform more targeted operations.
Another point is that the mounted CF Reactors are slow. They are good for logistic moving forces slowly around but on a tactical level all our forces will be limited in reaction speed if they don't want to leave their power source behind.
I will interject here to mention that CR Reactors are only slow to move when operating on passive power, the power generated without consuming fuel. When they are actively consuming fuel, they produce significantly more power than a Nuclear Reactor can, but it does require actually refuelling them with the rather dangerous Collapse Fluid. Also, in the long term a Nuclear Reactor's fuel will last significantly longer than a CF Reactor burning fuel to output the same amount of power, if longevity without refuel is a concern.
[X] Plan: A Coup for a Coup

I really want the war/operation in Poland to at least remain status quo. If things go wrong and cause another breach, that's probably going to further screw/shorten our expected collapse time. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
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Vote Closed.
Rukia threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Military Warehouses Total: 42
42 42
Rukia threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Expand Foundation Headquarters Total: 80
6 6 74 74
Rukia threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Maintenance Facility Total: 141
46 46 95 95
Rukia threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Munition Foundries Total: 21
21 21
Rukia threw 5 100-faced dice. Reason: Extreme Nuclear Miniaturisatio Total: 183
13 13 89 89 4 4 67 67 10 10
Rukia threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: ALR-51 Mass Production Total: 118
29 29 5 5 84 84
Rukia threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Test-Doll-01 Total: 90
63 63 27 27
Rukia threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Replenish Lost Units Total: 90
37 37 53 53
Rukia threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: OGAS Architecture Total: 102
78 78 24 24
Rukia threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Light Breach Fortifications (S Total: 91
91 91
Rukia threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: UHAT-10 Development Total: 165
40 40 49 49 76 76
Rukia threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: ACR-UH-30 Development Total: 149
59 59 90 90
Rukia threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Infantry Scale Heavy Weapons Total: 46
46 46
Rukia threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Practical Laser Weaponry Total: 14
14 14
Rukia threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Energy Intensive Alloy Product Total: 158
78 78 80 80
Rukia threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: IDC Data Total: 76
76 76
Rukia threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: ELID Data Total: 83
83 83
Rukia threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Sorawo Total: 54
54 54
Rukia threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Elisa Total: 55
55 55
Apologies for disappearing for a month, I got a new job and things have been busy.

During the long absence I've had a lot of time to think about the end-point of the quest. I already had a specific ending in mind, but I'm not particularly happy with the quality of this quest, frankly it's a fucking mess. As such, I've decided to shift the original ending forwards a fair few steps. As of now, the quest officially ends once Collapse Radiation covers the entirety of Europe.

I don't have any excuses to give for the state of the quest, the planning I did before starting was woefully inadequate and it shows.
Math post:
Military Warehouses 42+10+1=53/75
Expand Foundation Headquarters 80+2*10+92=192/200

Maintenance Facility 141+2*10+9=170/150
Munition Foundries 21+15+69=105/150
Extreme Nuclear Miniaturisation 183+5*15+0=258/400
ALR-51 Mass Production 118+3*35+37=260/300
Test-Doll-01 90+2*30+0=150/600

Replenish Lost Units 90+2*10+0=110/50
OGAS Architecture 102+2*30+0=162/100
Light Breach Fortifications (Swiss/Italian) 91+15+40=146/50
UHAT-10 Development 165+3*15+0=210/200

ACR-UH-30 Development 149+2*35+298=517/600
Infantry Scale Heavy Weapons 46+15+26=87/35
Practical Laser Weaponry 14+10+0=24/150
Energy Intensive Alloy Product 158+2*10+0=178/150
IDC Data 76+10=86 vs 35/40/45
ELID Data 83+10=93 vs 35/40/45
Sorawo 54+10+39=103/100

Elisa 55+10+60=125/200

Some rolls could have been better. Especially the Nuclear Miniaturisationone as we are close to getting the Manticore. At least we have stronger armor. Personal actions went rather good and Sorawo is finally educated. The reduced costs from OGAS will help next turn and we have all our operations dice back.
Apologies for disappearing for a month, I got a new job and things have been busy.

During the long absence I've had a lot of time to think about the end-point of the quest. I already had a specific ending in mind, but I'm not particularly happy with the quality of this quest, frankly it's a fucking mess. As such, I've decided to shift the original ending forwards a fair few steps. As of now, the quest officially ends once Collapse Radiation covers the entirety of Europe.
... :(

I, for one, was looking forward to how things would unfold past that point.
Apologies for disappearing for a month, I got a new job and things have been busy.

During the long absence I've had a lot of time to think about the end-point of the quest. I already had a specific ending in mind, but I'm not particularly happy with the quality of this quest, frankly it's a fucking mess. As such, I've decided to shift the original ending forwards a fair few steps. As of now, the quest officially ends once Collapse Radiation covers the entirety of Europe.

I don't have any excuses to give for the state of the quest, the planning I did before starting was woefully inadequate and it shows.
Do you have plans for some other quest or maybe something else? The writing style is quite pleasant to read, I would read your other quests as well.

Despite the problems, at least stylistically, your post-apocalypse came out at the same time realistic and quite original.
The rolls could have been better. But as evidenced by past turns it could have been a hell of lot worse.

We are finally positive on maintenance. We are close on most things. We can finish both Extreme Miniturization and the heavy drone next turn then the turn after we can build the drones so we can launch direct offensive at the breaches to finally fucking secure them. But the upcoming turn. Should have enough forces to at least start culling the IDCs.

We rolled really well on the IDC Data and the ELID data. That should give us a leg up on fighting the shits.

Next turn we'll need to spend at least 2 dice on recruiting human resources.
So, for the next turn I'm looking at the following:

Infrastructure (5 Dice)
[] Expand Foundation Headquarters (Stage 4) (192/200: 10 Resources per Die) (+12 Housing, +12 Food, +12 Water, -8 Power) 1 Dice
[] Military Warehouses (Stage 2) (1/75: 10 Resources per Die) (+6 Logistics, +5 Maintenance, -3 Labour) 1 Dice
[] Supply Transport (Stage 1) (0/100: 15 Resources per Die) (+8 Logistics, -2 Labour) 3 Dice

Industry (5 Dice) + 3 Free Dice
[] Foundation Self-Sufficiency (Stage 1) (9/100: 10 Resources per Die) (20-25 Resources per Turn) 1 Dice
[] Munition Foundries (Stage 3) (105/150: 10 Resources per Die) (-20 Power, +20 Ammunition, +4 Logistics, -8 Labour, -1 Human Labour) 2 Dice
[] Extreme Nuclear Miniaturisation (258/400: 10 Resources per Die) (+20 Political Support) 3 Free Dice + 1 Dice
[] ALR-51 Mass Production (Stage 3) (260/300?: 20 Resources per Die) (-9 Power, +20 Labour) (+24 Incremental Increase per Quarter, +5 Political Support, 10-15 Resources per Turn) 1 Dice

Services (6 Dice) + 1 Free Dice
[] Test-Doll-01 (150/600) 3 Dice + 1 Free Dice
[] Critical Shelter Facilities (0/1) (-10 Political Support) 1 Dice
[] Recruit Additional Personnel (+4 - 8 Human Labour per Dice: 5 Resources per Die) 2 Dice

Military (7 Dice)
[] UHAT-10 Production? (?/? ? Resources per Die) 4 Dice
[] ACR-UH-30 Development (517/600: 20 Resources per Die) 2 Dice
[] Vehicle Mounted CF Reactor (0/200: 25 Resources per Die) 1 Dice?

Operations (6? Dice)
[] Hunt IDC
-[] Kipi Breach (0/4) (+6 Incremental Increase Per Turn) (Low/Decent/High/Very High Confidence) 4 Dice

Dimensional (3 Dice)
[] Practical Laser Weaponry (24/150: 10 Resources per Die) 3 Dice

Personal (4 Dice)
[] Neural Cloud Hardening (87/150) 2 Dice

[] Social
-[] Elisa (125/200: Emotions?) 2 Dice


This part is basically about finishing up what we have left. Nothing much to say.

Basically, finish what we started. 4 dice total may be overkill for the miniaturized nuclear reactor but we really can't afford to not finish it since we will almost certainly finish the ultra heavy bot. Start on self sufficiency, get the munitions finished, and get the 3rd stage of 51 done.

High focus on T-Dolls, probably won't finish this turn but we need to do the other stuff too.

Probably rolling out the helicopter, finish the ultra heavy bot, and maybe start on the reactor (or switch to laser deployment)

We do Hunt IDC at German breach now, the next turn we go for sealing the breach. I don't know if we'll need to support Poland op again. So I left the 2 dice free. Though if we don't need to support poland op, it might be better to do 3/3 split on German IDC hunt and breach secure and change the military dice to German Breach fort and the ultra heavy bot.


Lasers. 'nuff said.

We finish the hardening and hopefully we'll finish Elisa.
Do you have plans for some other quest or maybe something else? The writing style is quite pleasant to read, I would read your other quests as well.

Despite the problems, at least stylistically, your post-apocalypse came out at the same time realistic and quite original.
There was a "planned" sequel in mind, before the quest would have immediately ended once Experimental Service Dolls were researched, with the POV moving down to said new unit. If I was to write a continuation, I would still do it that way. Alas, planquests are a very clunky mechanism to develop characters within, so I was hoping to use this quest to help flesh out the world instead.

And on the matter of other quests, I do have several older quests, but I really can't vouch for their quality anymore, some of them are quite old.
Q2 2027 Result
Resources: 227 + 136
Political Support: 65
Collapse Estimate: 5
Free Dice: 4/4
Operations Dice: 6/6

Economic Factors
Sealed Housing: 538 [+180 (+85)]
Sealed Agriculture: 538 [+180 (+85)]
Decontaminated Water: 497 [+174 (+85)]
Sealed Power: 548 [+180 (+85)]
Sealed Industry: 499 [+176 (+85)]
Radiation Suits: 569 [+183 (+85)]

Future Foundation Economic Status
Housing: Small Surplus (3)
Food: Small Surplus (3)
Water: Small Surplus (3)
Power: Substantial Surplus (159)
Human Labour: Small Surplus (2)
Labour: Large Surplus (12)
Logistics: Small Surplus (3)

Future Foundation Military Status
Ammunition: Small Deficit (-10)

Breach Status
German Breach: Extremely High Concentration | Not Secure
Swiss/Italian Breach: Extremely High Concentration | Not Secure
Slovakia Breach: Extremely High Concentration | Not Secure
Kipi Breach: Extremely High Concentration | Not Secure

Known Type D ELID
- Kipi Breach


[] Expand Foundation Headquarters (Stage 4)
Small extensions to the central facility can be made to expand capacity, used to supply the staff and soldiers of the Foundation.
(192/200: 10 Resources per Die) (+12 Housing, +12 Food, +12 Water, -8 Power)

Steady work continues on expanding the housing facilities of the Foundation, the introduction of the OGAS architecture not quite arriving in time to have a material effect on the productivity of the working units, but the many improvements of the ALR-51 continue to show themselves as a copy of the standard housing block quickly moving from a skeletal frame of metal and wire into a mostly habitable unit. The only thing holding the new block back from being fit for usage is a few critical components used to maintain the hermetically sealed environment going missing during shipment, a sadly common occurrence that could either be malice or just the sheer chaos inflicted upon the Union's infrastructure at the moment. No-one bothered spending the time to figure it out, the missing parts should be easily acquired next quarter.

[] Military Warehouses (Stage 2)
The warehouse built into your facility was only ever intended to be minor storage for the prototyping work going on inside the main structure and various foodstuffs. It definitely was not meant to be crammed full of the incredible variety of equipment that modern soldiers need to perform their duties. Constructing a separate warehouse for military purposes would massively reduce the difficulty of storing and retrieving them.
(53/75: 10 Resources per Die) (+6 Logistics, +5 Maintenance, -3 Labour)

With the methodology of automated warehousing established, the next step is to expand the scale. Due to the limited space within the compound, it was starting to look something like an extremely dense habitation block these days, the new facility is constructed a short distance away from the base, taking advantage of the large plains that surround the facility.

Tireless steel steadily drives the foundation into the ground and the skeleton of the building into the sky, the work crews growing appreciation of their metal companions steadily feeding back a stream of both compliments and suggestions on practical improvements. The work crews on the ground helping to guide the construction units to complete their task, most of the capability of a strong backed labourer but with none of the lip.

[] Maintenance Facility (Stage 3)
At the moment, if you wanted something repaired or had to have work done, it would either need to be sent off for repair or have someone called in. The realities of the incoming collapse make that kind of outside reliance an enormous hindrance. Building a simple facility that contains the tools required to fix everything on base is just good sense. Mostly containing manual and power tools for work around the base, but it does have a large room for working on vehicles.
(170/150: 5 Resources per Die) (+10 Maintenance, -5 Labour, -1 Human Labour)

With the significant expansion of robotic labour has come a significantly increased demand for maintenance. Assuredly the '51 is significantly easier to take care of than the '50 ever was, but it remains a complicated machine with a great deal of moving parts- otherwise known as incredibly breakable.

The new facility is once again moved outside of the heart of the Foundation due to lack of space, finding itself nestled nearby the rapidly growing sprawl of the factory units for convenience sake. The wonders of automation continue to impress again this quarter, as new units fresh off of the factory line can practically stand up and walk over to their construction task just down the way, introducing a new blessing and curse in equal measure. Robots do not require sleep, only power, thus they can be worked in shifts to keep the pace going 24/7.

Humans, on the other hand, get extremely unhappy when they are forced to work without sleep, and most of them don't much appreciate having to work overnight either. Still, as an experimental method it is wildly successful. Ordinarily the lack of human oversight at night either requires the robots to be shut off for the night or for them to spend time each morning inspecting everything to make sure none of the robots have done something funky while unobserved. Such as misidentifying a structural beam as an environmental hazard because someone spray painted radioactivity warnings all over it, thus half of the units had spent the entire night stuck in a loop of trying to pick it up for their task and having the emergency measures move them away from the danger because they aren't authorised to do that.

Regardless of the teething problems, the new facility has begin servicing a significantly greater number of units, finally preventing the slow slide into maintenance hell. Many units that had been put into storage until proper work could be done on them are now slowly returning to the labour pool, rather than the previous situation where more and more units where piling up as demand far outpaced capability.


[] Munition Foundries (Stage 3)
Now that a calibre had finally been decided upon, local factories can begin supplying the Foundation with their ammunition of choice, 5.56 NATO.
(105/150: 10 Resources per Die) (-20 Power, +20 Ammunition, +4 Logistics, -8 Labour, -1 Human Labour)

The expansion of the local foundry into producing various different kinds of explosives has, unsurprisingly, been a rather slow affair. Stationed a decent distance away from any other structures, the foundries outer shell has already been completed, with slow but careful work being done on installing the various different machines that process the sometimes rather exotic ingredients present in modern military explosives. Strenuous testing on each part is required to meet the safety standards required, no-one wanted something to spark an explosion inside an explosives factory after all.

[] Extreme Nuclear Miniaturisation
Your growing fleet of robotic units all require power to operate, which sets a hard cap on their maximum operational radius from any charging station. The, very controversial, solution to this problem is to utilise your experience in downsizing nuclear reactors and take it to the extreme: Small reactors that can be airdropped into a combat area to keep units operational around it, even opening up the possibility of mounting one of these reactors inside very large units, such as the proposed Ultra Heavy walker.
(258/400: 10 Resources per Die) (+20 Political Support)

Calling back together many of the same staff that worked with you to miniaturise the Foundation's reactor design, at least those still with the foundation after resignations and suicide have taken their toll, is something of a bitter affair. A fair number of the faces on your screen are, if not new to you, then new to the research team. It leaves you feeling rather a lot older than you actually are, seeing people hastily rushed out of university taking the seats of formerly world acclaimed scientists.

Ignoring the melancholy as best you can, the work proceeds smoothly with a bit of covert assistance from Lycoris on the matter. He had, during his time in the United States, apparently been involved in their own experiments with miniature reactors for powering their laser weaponry emplacements. Not all of his experience is directly transferable, but the general principles are similar enough that you have a... theoretically working unit in prototyping at the end of the quarter.

No-one would dare activate the thing anywhere important, so it's being shipped out to the most barren wasteland you know of.


[] ALR-51 Mass Production (Stage 3)
The ALR-51 is a massive improvement over the ALR-50 in almost every single way and due to the similar design, it can be produced from the same factory lines as the ALR-50, provided a halting period to produce the correct tools. The immense potential of this platform has a great many interested eyes looking your way and the demand for platforms has never been higher.
(260/300: 20 Resources per Die) (-9 Power, +20 Labour) (+24 Incremental Increase per Quarter, +5 Political Support, 10-15 Resources per Turn)
(0/600: 25 Resources per Die) (-12 Power, +25 Labour) (+42 Incremental Increase per Quarter, 15-20 Resources per Turn)
(0/1200: 25 Resources per Die) (-15 Power, +30 Labour) (+84 Incremental Increase per Quarter, 20-25 Resources per Turn)

Another extension to the factory is practically bolted to the side of the existing one, identical production lines spooling up to feed parts forwards into final assembly. All in all, aside from the novelty of seeing such a large structure completed so quickly and without any accommodation for humans, the situation is growing rather mundane. The factory is beginning initial production, with a small degree of extra work needed to push it into full production.


[] Test-Doll-01
The ALR-51 has been a substantial improvement over the previous '50 model, but one of the major issues holding it back is how stupid it is. The '51's programming is robust and adaptable, but it requires a programmer to manually plan out their route in advance or a supervisor in person to direct them to do tasks. The results of the construction AI's manually controlling ALR-50 units raised a very interesting idea: Why not implement a Neural Cloud into the ALR-51 itself?

The opening stages of such an ambitious idea have been stuck in the depths of a both familiar and despised problem for you: What do you cut? The '51 was already a masterwork of optimisation and simplification, frankly it was beyond your ability to cram any more into the frame than already existed, there just isn't any more space or power available.

Your first draft had been an exploration into the viability of just bolting another computer onto the platform to run the Neural Cloud off of, but that immediately ran into the incredibly power hungry nature of the software. Even running at minimum capability, it would drain the battery flat in 15 minutes, completely useless for even viability testing. The obvious solution was, of course, to rework the entire design by removing the heavy and power hungry industrial limbs and tools and replace them with much more modest units, using the freed up space to jam as much battery space into the body as you could.

Well, nothing for it then, you're just going to have to revolutionise robotics and AI again.

[] Replenish Lost Units
Damaged units may be slowly refilled, even those with a fraction of their members remaining, but units that have been destroyed in their entirety must be rebuilt from the ground up.
(110/50: 20 Resources per Die) (-8 Labour, -3 Human Labour)

Reconstituting destroyed units is something the Union military has had a rather abrupt crash course in recently. The fierce city fighting in the Polish cities is prime grounds for IED and chemical attacks, the relatively inexperienced military from many countries in the Union turning to the French and British in this rather dire hour, the two nations with the most practical military experience this century. Using your status it isn't too hard to browbeat the special forces into sending you another batch of meat for the grinder, after which you hand the task of training them off to the people who actually know what they are doing with a military and wash your hands of the matter.

[] OGAS Architecture
Lycoris is inordinately pleased that his AI architecture has proven to be a wild success in trials, and he is more than willing to work with you to implement it at a broader scale. You might have to swallow your pride at accepting his AI design over yours, but the future of humanity is more important than that.
(162/100: 10 Resources per Die) (+40 Incremental Increase per Quarter) (Reduce Industry and Infrastructure Costs)

Perhaps it's the vindication of his life work making him more gracious, but Lycoris hardly even gloats when you tell him of your plan, carrying something of a sombre air about him as he commits to working with you to get it into operation as soon as possible. It stings your pride deeply to admit, but the rollout goes incredibly well and you see an immediate sharp increase in unit productivity. The new architecture is capable of either replacing or running on top of the existing operating system of the ALR-51, the comparatively lightweight operating system actually slightly improving the battery life of the units as it actively optimises movement to minimise energy expenditure, enough to cover the increased power usage OGAS incurs.

The impact on the ongoing construction effort is incredibly dramatic, nearly doubling the pace of construction as ALR units continue finding their way into the workforce, with the recent rollout of the "OGAS Patch" being widely hailed as an incredible triumph of human achievement.

[] Contact Political Dissidents
The actions of the military government have greatly displeased a rather large number of formerly powerful people, many of whom are eager to get revenge or retake their position atop society. Courting with them beyond a simple desire for revenge is very risky, but is potentially very rewarding. (Pick One)
-[] Revenge: Play on their desire to get revenge at those who knocked them from their historic heights but promise nothing more. (+10% Coup Success Chance)

[Continued in Event Horizon]


[]Light Breach Fortifications
Build light fortifications in a loose cordon around a Breach, providing hard defensive points and outposts for local units to range out and catch nearby IDC that escape the Breach. Makes hunt IDC and securing the breach significantly easier.
-[] Swiss/Italian (146/50: 5 Resources per Die)

Fortification of the Breach in the Alps is something of a nightmare to achieve. Traditional military wisdom would say that fortified bunkers on the mountainside would be an absolute nightmare for any attacking force to tackle, as they provide high lines of fire with limited access points. IDC completely flip this formula on it's head. They are more than capable of crossing enormous distances extremely quickly and a fortification being difficult to access for a human means nothing to a creature that can skitter up a sheer wall with nothing but it's bare hands.

Combatting them is actually easiest with large, wide open spaces with very little cover. The dense and winding mountainous terrain is only slightly worse of a place for them to operate compared to urban environments, but not by much.

Keeping these limitations in mind, many of the fortifications are actually built in the valleys in-between mountains, mounting large long range sensors that constantly search the hills and mountains in their line of sight for any trace of IDC's. What would ordinarily be an atrocious defensive position from ranged fire becomes the best position possible in the terrain, utilising the long stretch of valley on each side and the tall mountains either side to slow down any approaching enemy and provide ample warning.

[] UHAT-10 Development
Type D ELID's are a significant threat that the Foundation is woefully incapable of dealing with as it is. Following the established Russian doctrine, a heavy attack helicopter is a necessity for weakening these ELID's before engaging them. Unfortunately, because of the less than legal ways this information was acquired, you can't use it as a justification for requisitioning anything from the military. So, it was decided that you'd have to develop your own, taking quite a few cues from Russian examples Zieliński has sent you covertly, officially dubbed the Ultra Heavy Attack Helicopter.
(210/200: 15 Resources per Die)

The design plans of the UHAT-10 is something of an abomination compared to a more traditional military helicopter, rather than smooth sleek lines and a minimal profile, it is a gigantic hulking unit that looks like the unloved child of a transport helicopter and a mechanized rocket artillery platform. Adapted from what was evidently once-upon-a-time a gigantic transport helicopter, the internal cargo bay has been replaced with racks and racks of rockets on a simple roller, opening the bottom of the fuselage and letting them drop into a firing position before jettisoning the thin metal frame once they have been expended. The ungainly pylons poking out of the side of the fuselage are placed in a stepped fashion to allow them to fire simultaneously, these also laden with as many rocket pods that will fit.

You've been told that it would be easy enough to mount other kinds of rockets and missiles onto the frame, but frankly just looking at the thing makes you want to smother the design in the crib out of it's sheer ugliness. Unfortunately, despite feeling quite justified in pronouncing it's existence an affront to reality, you give the green light on moving the platform to production. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

[] ACR-UH-30 Development
The sudden unveiling of Type D ELID's have sharply raised the needs of the Foundation in the realm of heavy fire support, where previously it was thought a 90mm cannon would be sufficient, the Russian data clearly disputes that. This new platform will be significantly bigger and heavier than any you've made before, standing in at four meters tall with the enlarged front legs acting as large shields and sporting an extremely heavy 140mm gun that wouldn't look out of place on a WW2 Warship, the Ultra Heavy walker is intended to be bulky enough to face a Type D head on and slug it out. This design is scraping the very edge of what you would consider possible with current technology, well into impossible in the opinion of anyone else.
(517/600: 20 Resources per Die)

The significant work done on the miniature nuclear reactor has changed a great deal of things for the ARC-UH project, with an answer in reach as to exactly how the gigantic frame was supposed to be powered, you buckle down and set about tearing the current design apart to make space for the reactor. Thankfully the new power source was small enough to fit inside the central torso, the elimination of several of the gigantic battery banks easily making space, but the importance of the core and the removal of so much weight necessitates a complete redesign of the internal armour and mobility systems.

On the topic of armour, the capability of using advanced alloys in at least a semi-mass produced manner has seen some of the first examples applied to the test rig. Lighter and thinner yet substantially stronger than steel, a new mixture known as Titanium A has shown incredible promise as armour for a wide variety of units. Due to it's extremely late introduction into the design process, the platform can't be radically redesigned to take full advantage of this new material, but it has found it's way into armour plates that were already designed to be easily replaceable and several critical internal components.

The end result is, externally, almost identical to the previous frame outwardly. Having worked on the design you know that a lot of the weight freed up by the removal of most of the batteries and the new armour went to thickening the armour around the core and adding the many safety features needed to make sure that combat damage wouldn't leave giant patches of radiation lying around everywhere. Well, more than there already was anyway.

All the unit is waiting for now is the reactor itself to find it's way into the frame so you can begin testing.

[] Infantry Scale Heavy Weapons
With the vastly increased weight load provided by the new exoskeletons, several proposals have been made to provide modification kits for what were previously unrealistically heavy weaponry so that they may be human portable.
(87/35: 5 Resources per Die)

Technically, many service weapons are human portable already, it's just the reality of firing a .50 calibre machine gun is quite outside the realms of the human body to cope with. The exoskeletons then, are the perfect platform to enable the childhood dreams of people the world wide. It has required a fairly significant redesign of many service weapons, designed as they are to be fired from stationary positions and rather not ergonomic, but you can at last say that Foundation soldiers can carry a handheld .50 into battle, or a belt-fed grenade launcher.

The issue of providing a reliable ammunition supply to such a heavy weapons is still up in the air, a soldier equipped with such a weapon would need to forgo anything but a sidearm to carry even a modest amount of ammunition, even with clipping the boxes to their exoskeleton. Despite the problems, it adds another tool into the labyrinth that is the modern militaries toolbox, should for whatever reason you require your soldiers to carry service weapons into combat.


[] Military Support
A Foundation Force is to be stationed a short distance behind the main advance to remain on hand should another Kipi Incident occur and to provide general protection against encountered IDC.
(2/4) (Decent/High/High/Very High Confidence)

This quarter, in a complete mirror to what was observed last quarter, the number of IDC present in the south has dropped sharply and the number in the north both rose and fell quickly. In the first few weeks a steady increase of IDC encountered in the north was matched with a decrease from the south, followed by another quick decrease in the north. The previous theory of migration seems to have some basis to it, but the distinctly unusual behaviour of the IDC encountered has rattled the men on the ground.

Rather than the previous blind aggression and hunger, many of the IDC encountered had been spotted avoiding the general bulk of the military and quietly making their way north-west into Germany. When engaged in combat most returned to acting normally, but a few have followed the trend of bestial intelligence and attempted rudimentary traps or basic plans to lose their hunters.

The pacification of Poland continues unabated by the odd behaviour of the IDC as ALR-51 units make their debut in the city-clearing action. In such a static engagement with ample recharging bays, their relatively expendable force is perfect for engaging in risky situations or actions that would otherwise put an expensive human life on the line. You've already seen glowing reports getting back to you from units on the front, the reliability and hardiness of the ALR proving to be the perfect platform for this kind of insurgency work.

The main complaint that has been filtered back is that the units follow engagement protocols too strictly, refusing to consider people with the appearance of civilians as enemy forces until given a direct order otherwise by their commanding officers. You make it abundantly clear to them that it is an intentional feature and it would not be going anywhere.

[] Investigate Suspected Type D ELID
The recent loss of a team in Kipi is suspected to have been as a result of a Type D, a dedicated effort can be made with expendable units to determine if this is the case.
(1/4) (+5 Political Support) (Very High Confidence)

The view on your monitor, relayed to the command centre from the prowler in the field, festooned with sensor equipment and sent for a long walk on it's own up to the remnants of what was shortly ago a busy military base. The men on the ground report seeing an active base in good repair, with soldiers manning the walls and all. The view through the prowler firmly establishes that something extremely strange is afoot. The base looks like it's been peeled apart from the inside and sags like a half melted candle, obviously not the result of any ordinary explosive.

When it finally walks through one of the gaping rents in the walls, a wall of black and green completely obscures the camera for a moment, the operator slowly steps the unit forwards until it touches the 'wall', a leg easily passing through like it was made of thin air. The moment the core of the platform passes through the transmission picks up a slightly grainy quality, any questions halted by the detection software rapidly spinning to the right to face something before a flash of green is followed by an impact that slams into the walker and crushes the frontal camera.

The video feed quickly swaps to the backup cameras mounted on the side as the walker starts reporting extremely rapid movement from it's accelerometer, moving at well over 60mph as it's dragged through a winding maze of what looks like half metal half stone tunnels, the signal rapidly growing weaker until the unit disconnects with a flat tone.

Out of an abundance of caution, another is sent through a different entrance and immediately snatched in the same way, the hardline cable connecting it to an external transmitter somehow being cut despite being made of wound steel cable.

A brief consultation from your much more experienced peers in Russia left very little doubt, in their experience this kind of sophistication was only the realm of Type D's.

Conclusion: Type D ELID Detected

[] No Witnesses
Taking advantage of the unexpected IDC behaviour, now would be the best time to arrange an accident for the leadership of the Military Junta. Technically you are in the line of succession in case of death, you just have a lot of competitors to knock off the list first.
(1/4) (Base 5% Coup Chance Success)

[Continued in Event Horizon]
(90% Chance of Success)


[] Practical Laser Weaponry
Lasers have been a slowly growing addition to the worlds arsenals, mostly used as stationary mounts for warships or defensive emplacements, the intense energy cost required to operate these weapons had seen them stuck in those roles, it simply wasn't possible to have a battery powerful enough to make them smaller. With the advent of the CF Reactor, there is a great deal of interest in trying to finally achieve the lifelong dream of laser weaponry.
(24/150: 10 Resources per Die)

Due to a severe lack of CF Reactors to work with and the higher priority placed upon the development of alloy production, minimal work has been made on this project this quarter. Most of it has been focused on investigating what kind of platforms lasers are practical on when powered by a CF Reactor, but due to the complete lack of testing examples and how new the technology is the general limitations aren't really well known.

[] Energy Intensive Alloy Production
There are a wide variety of incredibly advanced alloys that are technically possible to produce, but require an enormous amount of energy that just makes it impractical to put into large scale usage. The possibility to bring these from the fringe and into common use promises significant advances in materials sciences on all fronts, from armour plate to railgun rails.
(178/150: 15 Resources per Die)

The production of new, exotic alloys has opened up a great many bottlenecks on previously known but far too expensive to use materials and even experimentation into theorised but once again uncreated elements. The ability of a CF Reactor to put out multiple nuclear reactors worth of power while essentially just being fed unwanted -if extremely toxic- waste is a revelation. There were a lot of talks around the office, affordable railgun rails, room temperature superconductors and the like, it seems like any theory that might benefit from throwing vast quantities of energy at production is being resurrected from the grave.


[] Deep Analysis
Set Elisa to the task of digging through the data provided to you by the Russians and see what she digs up, no doubt she'll notice something that has managed to elude you so far.
-[] IDC Data (Roll a 1d100 to determine result. DC 35/40/45) [86]
-[] ELID Data (Roll a 1d100 to determine result. DC 35/40/45) [93]

[IDC Data Analysis]
[Critical Paper Discovered]
[Translated: English]

Theory of Observed Perceptual Filter: Natural or Not?

[Redacted], [Redacted], [Redacted]

It's long been known that the strange creatures from D7 have the natural ability to go completely unnoticed by humans, even when physically interacting with them a human will not notice their existence nor form memories of their interactions. Further studies on infantile examples of C4 discovered in D7-43 suggest that this is not the case, as they were easily and visibly detectable to the exploration party. Continual observation over time has shown no appearance of this ability, even when threatened and euthanised.

Due to the observed intelligence present in C4, it is considered likely that these creatures may actually be actively maintaining this effect. Captured specimens of C4 with damage to the brain have been observed becoming visible despite the fact that the body has remained alive for a considerable period of time. This suggests that the cause is either physically present in the brain or is actively maintained by the creatures. In the intention of thoroughness, I will include the speculation of my colleague that it may be the "soul" or "mind" of the creature that causes such an effect, but that remains completely impossible to prove and untestable.

What mechanism perpetuates the effect, or how it work remain unknown despite a great deal of study. There have been some promising leads from a colleague that is investigating a possible quantum-mechanics interaction, but similar promising leads have been dead ends in the past.

[ELID Data Analysis]
[Critical Paper Discovered]
[Translated: English]

Observations on 'Collapse Fluid Magic' and 'Time Faults'

Informally known as 'Collapse Fluid Magic' amongst many of the staff that routinely operate in D15, a location noted to have significantly high levels of Collapse Fluid contamination, greater even than the oceans of D7. The fundamentals of reality do not operate here as they do elsewhere, of special note is that the conservation of energy can be subverted, see Example A of 'An Experimental Example of A Perpetual Motion Device' by [Redacted].

Common examples of oddities is moving from one point to another without traversing the space in-between, geometry of objects not aligning with the commonly known three dimensions ad the subject of this paper, Time Faults.

A Time Fault is an instance, location or object that does not follow the linear passage of time known to physics. All known instances of Time Faults have been involving extremely heavy concentrations of Collapse Fluid, as the material somehow enables an object to move forwards and backwards in time without causing a paradox. The textbook example is the Unbreaking Stick, a stick from an unknown source that may be broken into however many pieces you want, then reversed into an single stick

This does appear to violate the conservation of energy, as the pieces of the stick may be transformed into other forms of energy and yet they will reconstitute into the same stick without removing that energy, which suggests that either a different source of energy is being used to achieve such an effect or that our understanding of physics and the Conservation of Energy is incorrect when dealing with time related phenomena.

More generally, ELID's seem to be slightly disconnected from reality in a similar manner, they do not quite follow all the same rules of physics as we do. It's speculated that this is the source of their impossible strength and durability, including where they draw energy from as the creatures have been observed not eating for years in captivity. It's not known if an ELID itself may be a Time Fault or cause them, but it stands to reason that it may be possible, especially if one considers the peculiarities of Type D's...

[] Russian Support
Courting the Russians in this manner is treason, no ifs or buts, but they've been a reliable ally so far and you have more than enough that you could promise them to gain support. (Select Any)
-[] Stalker/Prowler: Parting with this technology would be a painful equalisation between your forces as it stands, but you know they are interested. (+15% Coup Success Chance)
-[] Breach Generator: Perhaps this is a piece of technology you should have already shared with your Russian counterparts, but for now it makes an excellent bargaining chip. (+10% Coup Success Chance)
-[] CF Reactor: Handing over this technology feels a lot like gifting them the keys to the kingdom, but they would have figured it out eventually and the help promised in return is significant. (+20% Coup Success Chance)

[Continued in Event Horizon]

[] A Favour For A Favour
Witkin has somehow figured out your intentions and, to your utmost surprise, has come to you with an offer. He's willing to put the right words in the right ears amongst his contacts amongst the Russian elite to get them on board with overthrowing the Military Junta, so long as once you attain the position you are willing to return the favour. He tells of how they have been trying to remove their Tyrant from his ivory throne, but have been stymied time and time again, such is their desperation that he is willing to turn to you in this.
(+30% Coup Success Chance) (Promise Made)

[Continued in Event Horizon]

[] Social
Spend time with someone
-[] Sorawo (103/100: Remove Uneducated Trait)
-[] Elisa (125/200: Emotions?)

[Continued in The Calm Before The Storm]
This turn has been... acceptable. Only pending the interlude.

Next turn we need to push nuclear miniturization hard and get the heavy bot finished.

We'll need at least 2 dice on human resources so we'll have a good enough cushion for said human resources to spend.

Nothing went horrifically wrong yet which is why we still have 5 turns till collapse instead of it ticking down thankfully.

So we'll need to generally use the next turn to finish what we have pending.

And maybe we'll be able to go after one of the breaches since we have all the teams now finally.
Nice to see this quest is back.

Amusingly "Collapse Fluid" basically can be considered just liquefied mana/qi, as a lot of fantasy/xianxia settings get really damn funky when you put too much mana/qi/life-essence/etc in the one spot like this. Especially common is that higher realms with superior goop being lethal to people from lower realms.
Nice to see this quest is back.

Amusingly "Collapse Fluid" basically can be considered just liquefied mana/qi, as a lot of fantasy/xianxia settings get really damn funky when you put too much mana/qi/life-essence/etc in the one spot like this. Especially common is that higher realms with superior goop being lethal to people from lower realms.
Funnily enough, Collapse Fluid is surprisingly mundane all things considered. It's primary utility is that it is extremely energy dense and seeks to expand until it reaches a state of stability. Any other property it appears to have is actually a result of the crossover having interesting interactions. For example, the fact it keeps doing weird shit to dimensions is a result of spacetime being a wreck rather than Collapse Fluid itself doing anything, there is a massive reservoir of CF in several other dimensions that is trying to reach a state of stability and kind of leaking through the already broken cracks reality.

The timey-wimey shenanigans doesn't break physics either, the people in-universe just can't comprehend how it works.
I'd like to note that the primary methods taken for improving coup chances will have consequences down the line. Persica is relying heavily on Russia here. She has, in effect, become an agent for a foreign power. Even if people agree that Persica has a point about trying to drastically improve the survival rates through drastic measures, overthrowing a government with foreign aid is never a good look. I expect her to be one of the most controversial figures in the surviving communities after this is all done.
I'd like to note that the primary methods taken for improving coup chances will have consequences down the line. Persica is relying heavily on Russia here. She has, in effect, become an agent for a foreign power. Even if people agree that Persica has a point about trying to drastically improve the survival rates through drastic measures, overthrowing a government with foreign aid is never a good look. I expect her to be one of the most controversial figures in the surviving communities after this is all done.
Likely. Of course she has also agreed to assist in couping Russia as well so the water is even more murder.

Though to be fair she's couping people that have already quietly couped the legitimate governments of Europe so it's a real confusing situation here.
I'd like to note that the primary methods taken for improving coup chances will have consequences down the line. Persica is relying heavily on Russia here. She has, in effect, become an agent for a foreign power. Even if people agree that Persica has a point about trying to drastically improve the survival rates through drastic measures, overthrowing a government with foreign aid is never a good look. I expect her to be one of the most controversial figures in the surviving communities after this is all done.
: )
Well the ship has sailed a long time ago in affecting change 'in house' given how comprehensively we've failed to understand what we should actually be doing before it was too late as a Quest.

Now we've taken the very shitty but still (potentially) better path than doing nothing. Coup with foreign backing stinks but if it'll save more lives I'll take it.

Persica will be a massively controversial figure even if we succeed in the coup and manage to save more ppeople.

Of course we could always fail at the coup and end up dead given how much the dice has it out for us.
Well the ship has sailed a long time ago in affecting change 'in house' given how comprehensively we've failed to understand what we should actually be doing before it was too late as a Quest.
I'm actually really glad the quest turned out this way, it gives it something of an authentic feeling of "Oh god what the fuck are we doing."

Since I was using this quest as a world building apparatus, it worked out perfectly.