Attempting to Survive the Apocalypse: Dimensional Dislocation

EDIT: I'd like to take a moment to thank the thread for remaining mostly positive and hopeful despite the tone of the story being intentionally so grim. I have seen a great many quests wither and die because the questers get upset that things aren't going well or just leave.
I think it helps that you were clear up front about expectations. Things are fucked. There will be set-backs. No matter how hard we try, we can't save everyone. But just because we can't save everyone doesn't mean we can't damn well try to save who we can. That is something we can act upon. A small saving grace, really...
To be explicitly clear to the playerbase, yes, this is rather much too late to be able to accomplish a grand reversal and save everyone, but it is still possible to make significant changes and improvements.

: )

EDIT: I'd like to take a moment to thank the thread for remaining mostly positive and hopeful despite the tone of the story being intentionally so grim. I have seen a great many quests wither and die because the questers get upset that things aren't going well or just leave.
Well to be honest while this quest has had utterly shit luck a fair bit of the failure has been from us having wrong priorities.

If we had focused hard on getting AI tech and gotten the barracks and supporting assets done ASAP we could have conceivably fortified all of the breaches and kept from relying on propaganda to keep us afloat while having the service dice to push T-Dolls and other AI tech or maybe even started undermining the military and be well on our way to taking over control a year ago.

I'd say the fault was 60 or 70% misplaced quester priorities and 40 to 30% the utterly rotten luck.

So why not try to tough it out to try to salvage what we can and fix what our mistakes screwed over? At least what we can anyways.

As for remaining positive, I'm not positive. I'm just hoping to save enough people to keep humanity from going extinct.

I honestly don't think we can save more than 5 million at this point.

But that doesn't mean we shouldn't try.
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Eh, its still more or less a Kobayashi Maru. We are highly unlikely to be able to save more than 10 million people *maximum*. But we are going to try anyways.

That's still a helluva lot better than 3 mil, and don't even get me started on how much easier the eventual repopulation will be. Hell, don't get me started on the industry growth having that many more survivors nets us, or the fact that the more people we directly save, the more people are indirectly saved.

Let's say we build the housing for 10 million. You know quite a few people are going to be more than willing to share a space in the name of survival, which bumps up the statistic. Even if only every 1 in 500 people brings and extra person into their shelter, that's still a damn good increase. And I bet you if we find a way to get a design on CFR-proof shelters open sourced, you'll see lunatics going the distance to make them. Let's say 5 million people out of the 470 million currently alive try to make their own CFR shelters based on designs we open source, and that the success rate is only 1 in 100, that's 50,000 additional shelters we didn't have to invest time into.

What I'm saying is, if we take this into our own hands, we can do a lot more without actually needing to spend the resources on doing a lot more.
EDIT: I'd like to take a moment to thank the thread for remaining mostly positive and hopeful despite the tone of the story being intentionally so grim. I have seen a great many quests wither and die because the questers get upset that things aren't going well or just leave.
I attribute this to two things:
1) We knew what we were getting into. 'Attempting to Survive the Apocalypse' is not a title that attracts those afraid of hardship.
2) Unlike CK or adventure type quests a Plan Quest generally doesn't have 'failed' actions except on a nat 1. Even a single digit roll generates some progress rather than achieving nothings and potentially even making things worse.

Hell, don't get me started on the industry growth having that many more survivors nets us
With the bots and algorithms we already have human manpower is already almost irrelevant to industry.
Once we get the next upgrade through we can go full RTS/City Builder. Upgrade after that we just tell the head Doll what end result we want and they do it all for us. Such is the miracle of unfettered automation.

You know quite a few people are going to be more than willing to share a space in the name of survival, which bumps up the statistic.
Afraid not. Note the statistics:
Sealed Housing: 358 [+95 (+40)]
Sealed Agriculture: 358 [+95 (+40)]
Decontaminated Water: 323 [+89 (+40)]
Sealed Power: 368 [+95 (+40)]
Sealed Industry: 323 [+91 (+40)]
Radiation Suits: 386 [+98 (+40)]

We can house (and feed) significantly more people than we can provide safe water for. Anyone offered a 'spare' space in a shelter is just going to die of thirst. Or contaminated-water related disease.
I attribute this to two things:
1) We knew what we were getting into. 'Attempting to Survive the Apocalypse' is not a title that attracts those afraid of hardship.
2) Unlike CK or adventure type quests a Plan Quest generally doesn't have 'failed' actions except on a nat 1. Even a single digit roll generates some progress rather than achieving nothings and potentially even making things worse.

With the bots and algorithms we already have human manpower is already almost irrelevant to industry.
Once we get the next upgrade through we can go full RTS/City Builder. Upgrade after that we just tell the head Doll what end result we want and they do it all for us. Such is the miracle of unfettered automation.

Afraid not. Note the statistics:
Sealed Housing: 358 [+95 (+40)]
Sealed Agriculture: 358 [+95 (+40)]
Decontaminated Water: 323 [+89 (+40)]
Sealed Power: 368 [+95 (+40)]
Sealed Industry: 323 [+91 (+40)]
Radiation Suits: 386 [+98 (+40)]

We can house (and feed) significantly more people than we can provide safe water for. Anyone offered a 'spare' space in a shelter is just going to die of thirst. Or contaminated-water related disease.

Doesn't that get a boost because we completed our research into Collapse Flui? Or has that already been taken into account?
Im just tryna' get some positivity goin. Do you want us to fail or something?
Define failure.

Our actions have already ensured that a viable population of humans will survive. Our headquarters and facilities are secure and will continue to function, improving things as we progress into the future. We are well on the way to creating an entirely new species of people.
We are successfully surviving the apocalypse.

Not as optimally as we could, a vast number of people are going to die that we could theoretically have saved. But honestly as long as we get better end results than VaultTech I would still call it a success.
Don't believe so. The CF research results indicate we found out how to use it as a power source, not how to get rid of it.

@Rukia can you confirm?
There will be an option to expend effort to balance out the numbers, if taken the various statistics will just be reduced to a single Sealed Housing number that encompasses all of them.

EDIT: I have no idea what happened here other than being able to say that my internet cut out while I was rolling the dice. I'd already started planning on events with the second set of dice, so that's what I'll be going with.
Rukia threw 6 100-faced dice. Reason: Event Rolls Total: 315
5 5 70 70 49 49 68 68 44 44 79 79
Rukia threw 6 100-faced dice. Reason: Event Rolls Total: 299
86 86 61 61 92 92 7 7 16 16 37 37
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EDIT: Fun fact, did you know if you press Control + Z without having anything selected SV will just POST THE TEXT YOU HAVE IN THE TEXT BOX?!?
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Doctor Persica
Not a particularly publicly known figure, Persica is a young but brilliant researcher with strong connections to other geniuses in their own fields. She's personally focused on AI and her recent work has shown astonishing progress well ahead of anything else ever made. Not the most social, but she's experienced in dealing with scientific squabbling and incredibly well educated.

- Scientific Connections: She personally knows and talks to many people who are leading their fields. (Once a turn, she can apply a +5 to any type of dice)
- Lazy: If she could get away with it, she'd spend all day lounging around in just a shirt. (-1 Personal Dice, -5 to All Dice)
- Genius: She devours knowledge at a terrifying rate. (+10 to All Dice)
Interesting. It seems we lost Lazy. That will have an interesting effect on plans since it will increase all dice rolls by +5. And now have 4 Personal dice.
My plan will have a die on each Deep Analysis option and on both socials. Unless some more important action pops up that deals with the upcoming coup.
Q2 2027
Q2 2027

Humans Surviving: 1,597,611,961
In something of a reversal of previous trends, the number of wandering IDC spotted has dropped sharply. The sensor net can attest that they are not disappearing, merely gathering at certain points near the Breaches. The reason remains unknown, but there have been several encounters with IDC that show intelligent behaviour and there are fears that this may be the precursor to a more organised invasion, rather than the random wandering seen previously.

Still, the massively reduced numbers eases the strain they were having on the economy, seeing a significant drop in shipments being delayed or going missing.

(+20 Resources, +5 Incremental Increase per Quarter)

Mechanics Change

Human Labour has now been split from Labour. Labour is now representing robotics as the standard unit of Labour, while Human Labour is now being treated as the "Number of Humans Alive" under your control. Certain actions will require the use of Human Labour for tasks Robots are not capable of, such as soldiers, engineers, scientists and the like.

Resources: 446 + 136
Political Support: 60
Collapse Estimate: 5
Free Dice: 4/4
Operations Dice: 4/6

Economic Factors
Sealed Housing: 358 [+95 (+45)]
Sealed Agriculture: 358 [+95 (+45)]
Decontaminated Water: 323 [+89 (+45)]
Sealed Power: 368 [+95 (+45)]
Sealed Industry: 323 [+91 (+45)]
Radiation Suits: 386 [+98 (+45)]

Future Foundation Economic Status
Housing: Small Surplus (3)
Food: Small Surplus (3)
Water: Small Surplus (3)
Power: Substantial Surplus (159)
Human Labour: Small Surplus (6)
Labour: Large Surplus (25)
Logistics: Small Surplus (3)

Future Foundation Military Status
Ammunition: Small Deficit (-10)
Maintenance: Small Deficit (-7)

Breach Status
German Breach: Extremely High Concentration | Not Secure
Swiss/Italian Breach: Extremely High Concentration | Not Secure
Slovakia Breach: Extremely High Concentration | Not Secure
Kipi Breach: Extremely High Concentration | Not Secure

Known Type D ELID
Kipi Breach (?)

Infrastructure (5 Dice)

[] Expand Foundation Headquarters (Stage 4)
Small extensions to the central facility can be made to expand capacity, used to supply the staff and soldiers of the Foundation.
(92/200: 10 Resources per Die) (+12 Housing, +12 Food, +12 Water, -8 Power)

[] Military Warehouses (Stage 2)
The warehouse built into your facility was only ever intended to be minor storage for the prototyping work going on inside the main structure and various foodstuffs. It definitely was not meant to be crammed full of the incredible variety of equipment that modern soldiers need to perform their duties. Constructing a separate warehouse for military purposes would massively reduce the difficulty of storing and retrieving them.
(1/75: 10 Resources per Die) (+6 Logistics, +5 Maintenance, -3 Labour)

[] Supply Transport (Stage 1)
Getting the supplies from the warehouses to the soldiers in the field has been a problem plaguing logisticians for millennia. Thankfully, in the modern era it was as vastly simpler, as they could be transported by land, sea and air. Your needs are rather more limited though, a motor pool for a small fleet of trucks and lorries should greatly increase your ability to get supplies where you need them to.
(0/100: 15 Resources per Die) (+8 Logistics, -2 Labour)
(0/150: 15 Resources per Die) (+12 Logistics, -4 Labour)

[] Maintenance Facility (Stage 3)
At the moment, if you wanted something repaired or had to have work done, it would either need to be sent off for repair or have someone called in. The realities of the incoming collapse make that kind of outside reliance an enormous hindrance. Building a simple facility that contains the tools required to fix everything on base is just good sense. Mostly containing manual and power tools for work around the base, but it does have a large room for working on vehicles.
(9/150: 5 Resources per Die) (+10 Maintenance, -5 Labour, -1 Human Labour)

[] Establish Critical Supply Stockpiles
With the oncoming cloud of death coming perilously close, constructing stockpiles for food and water is just good sense. Any interruption to supply can be handled by the stockpile while efforts can be focused on restarting production rather than starving.
-[] Food (0/50: 5 Resources per Die) (-10 Food, +1 Food Stockpile)
-[] Water (0/50: 5 Resources per Die) (-10 Water, +1 Water Stockpile)

Industry (5 Dice)

[] Low-Upkeep Power (Stage 4)
In the future, the availability of resources and materials for running large power plants will be heavily limited, so establishing a policy of using Low-Upkeep power wherever possible is a good idea. This mostly comes in the form of solar panels wherever they can fit, interspersed with wind turbines.
(8/75: 5 Resources per Die) (+25 Power)
(0/100: 5 Resources per Die) (+30 Power)

[] Foundation Self-Sufficiency (Stage 1)
The Foundation is currently entirely reliant on the constantly diminishing ability of the Union to provide it with supplies. Either by taking control over or building our own, we need to ensure that the resources we need to continue running are ensured always.
(9/100: 10 Resources per Die) (20-25 Resources per Turn)
(0/150: 10 Resources per Die) (25-30 Resources per Turn)
(0/200: 10 Resources per Die) (30-35 Resources per Turn)
(0/250: 10 Resources per Die) (35-40 Resources per Turn)

[] Munition Foundries (Stage 3)
Now that a calibre had finally been decided upon, local factories can begin supplying the Foundation with their ammunition of choice, 5.56 NATO.
(69/150: 10 Resources per Die) (-20 Power, +20 Ammunition, +4 Logistics, -8 Labour, -1 Human Labour)

[] Nuclear Proliferation (Stage 3)
The energy needs of the foundation are far higher than initially expected and rather than just build a pair to the existing reactor, plans have been made to begin construction of a large number of nuclear power plants.
(16/600: 20 Resources per Die) (+200 Power, -9 Labour, -1 Human Labour)

[] Extreme Nuclear Miniaturisation
Your growing fleet of robotic units all require power to operate, which sets a hard cap on their maximum operational radius from any charging station. The, very controversial, solution to this problem is to utilise your experience in downsizing nuclear reactors and take it to the extreme: Small reactors that can be airdropped into a combat area to keep units operational around it, even opening up the possibility of mounting one of these reactors inside very large units, such as the proposed Ultra Heavy walker.
(0/400: 10 Resources per Die) (+20 Political Support)

[] ALR-51 Mass Production (Stage 3)
The ALR-51 is a massive improvement over the ALR-50 in almost every single way and due to the similar design, it can be produced from the same factory lines as the ALR-50, provided a halting period to produce the correct tools. The immense potential of this platform has a great many interested eyes looking your way and the demand for platforms has never been higher.
(37/300: 20 Resources per Die) (-9 Power, +20 Labour) (+24 Incremental Increase per Quarter, +5 Political Support, 10-15 Resources per Turn)
(0/600: 25 Resources per Die) (-12 Power, +25 Labour) (+42 Incremental Increase per Quarter, 15-20 Resources per Turn)
(0/1200: 25 Resources per Die) (-15 Power, +30 Labour) (+84 Incremental Increase per Quarter, 20-25 Resources per Turn)

[] Collapse Fluid Reactor (Stage 1)
Despite the obvious risks posed and the incredible danger of a containment breach, the promise of a Collapse Fluid Reactor and the potential for power generation is far too tempting to pass up. A first experimental run of reactors will be constructed will all haste. Not much larger than a fridge, even such a small reactor promises to equal the output of one of the Foundations Nuclear Reactors.
(0/200: 30 Resources per Die) (+200 Power, -2 Labour)
(0/300: 25 Resources per Die) (+300 Power, -3 Labour)
(0/400: 20 Resources per Die) (+400 Power, -4 Labour)
(0/500: 15 Resources per Die) (+500 Power, -5 Labour)

[] Ocean Resource Reclamation (Stage 1)
There is a truly astounding amount of resources floating freely in the ocean that are ignored because gathering and processing them is too inefficient compared to strip-mining on land. The CF Reactor changes the calculation significantly, enabling the vast wealth of resources to be practically available for the first time.
(0/100: 15 Resources per Die) (-6 Power, -1 Logistics) (25-30 Resources per Turn)
(0/150: 15 Resources per Die) (-9 Power, -2 Logistics) (25-30 Resources per Turn)
(0/200: 20 Resources per Die) (-12 Power, -3 Logistics) (30-35 Resources per Turn)
(0/250: 20 Resources per Die) (-15 Power, -4 Logistics) (30-35 Resources per Turn)
(0/300: 25 Resources per Die) (-18 Power, -5 Logistics) (35-40 Resources per Turn)

Services (6 Dice)

[] Automation Intensification
You have built the foundations of your tower, now it's time to climb to the heavens. Focus intensely on increasing efficiency per worker and cutting out the remaining jobs that can be performed by a machine.
-[] Infrastructure (Stage 4) (0/200: 5 Resources per Die) (+1 Human Labour, -5 Power) (+1 Infrastructure Dice)
-[] Industry (Stage 4) (78/200: 5 Resources per Die) (+1 Human Labour, -5 Power) (+1 Industry Dice)
-[] Military (Stage 4) (38/200: 5 Resources per Die) (+1 Human Labour, -5 Power) (+1 Military Dice)
-[] Dimensional (Stage 1) (0/50: 5 Resources per Die) (+3 Human Labour, -2 Power) (+1 Dimensional Dice)

[] Test-Doll-01
The ALR-51 has been a substantial improvement over the previous '50 model, but one of the major issues holding it back is how stupid it is. The '51's programming is robust and adaptable, but it requires a programmer to manually plan out their route in advance or a supervisor in person to direct them to do tasks. The results of the construction AI's manually controlling ALR-50 units raised a very interesting idea: Why not implement a Neural Cloud into the ALR-51 itself?

[] Replenish Lost Units
Damaged units may be slowly refilled, even those with a fraction of their members remaining, but units that have been destroyed in their entirety must be rebuilt from the ground up.
(0/50: 20 Resources per Die) (-8 Labour, -3 Human Labour)

[] OGAS Architecture
Lycoris is inordinately pleased that his AI architecture has proven to be a wild success in trials, and he is more than willing to work with you to implement it at a broader scale. You might have to swallow your pride at accepting his AI design over yours, but the future of humanity is more important than that.
(0/100: 10 Resources per Die) (+40 Incremental Increase per Quarter) (Reduce Industry and Infrastructure Costs)

[] Critical Shelter Facilities
At the moment, there are more shelters being constructed than there are facilities to upkeep them, a fairly significant investment of political capital should force the issue into the light such that it can be rectified.
(0/1) (-10 Political Support)

[] Recruit Additional Personnel
The number of surplus staff needed for the highly specialised roles at the Foundation has begun running low, an infusion of staff members can be had by initiating a round of hiring and taking advantage of governmental control of mandatory working.
(+4 - 8 Human Labour per Dice: 5 Resources per Die)

[] Contact Political Dissidents
The actions of the military government have greatly displeased a rather large number of formerly powerful people, many of whom are eager to get revenge or retake their position atop society. Courting with them beyond a simple desire for revenge is very risky, but is potentially very rewarding. (Pick One)
-[] Revenge: Play on their desire to get revenge at those who knocked them from their historic heights but promise nothing more. (+10% Coup Success Chance)
-[] Reinstatement: Promise them a return to the glories of yesteryear in exchange for their support. (+15% Coup Success Chance)
-[] Promise Positions: Promise them high ranking positions in the new government, regardless of your intent to carry through with that promise. (+20% Coup Success Chance)

Military (7 Dice)

[] Breach Fortifications
Now that you have identified the locations that IDC are most capable of breaking into our world through, a series of nearby bases and defensive emplacements can be built to provide passive protection against any IDC that may pass through. This would necessitate creating a local guard unit capable of rapid reaction to any breaches in the area, along with the facilities required to sustain them.
-[] German Breach (0/200: 15 Resources per Die) (Must be taken with appropriate Secure Breach Operation)
-[] Swiss/Italian Breach (0/200: 15 Resources per Die) (Must be taken with appropriate Secure Breach Operation)
-[] Slovakia Breach (0/200: 15 Resources per Die) (Must be taken with appropriate Secure Breach Operation)
-[] Kipi Breach (0/200: 15 Resources per Die) (Must be taken with appropriate Secure Breach Operation)

[]Light Breach Fortifications
Build light fortifications in a loose cordon around a Breach, providing hard defensive points and outposts for local units to range out and catch nearby IDC that escape the Breach. Makes hunt IDC and securing the breach significantly easier.
-[] Swiss/Italian (40/50: 5 Resources per Die)

[] UHAT-10 Development
Type D ELID's are a significant threat that the Foundation is woefully incapable of dealing with as it is. Following the established Russian doctrine, a heavy attack helicopter is a necessity for weakening these ELID's before engaging them. Unfortunately, because of the less than legal ways this information was aquired, you can't use it as a justification for requisitioning anything from the military. So, it was decided that you'd have to develop your own, taking quite a few cues from Russian examples Zieliński has sent you covertly, officially dubbed the Ultra Heavy Attack Helicopter.
(0/200: 15 Resources per Die)

[] ACR-UH-30 Development
The sudden unveiling of Type D ELID's have sharply raised the needs of the Foundation in the realm of heavy fire support, where previously it was thought a 90mm cannon would be sufficient, the Russian data clearly disputes that. This new platform will be significantly bigger and heavier than any you've made before, standing in at four meters tall with the enlarged front legs acting as large shields and sporting an extremely heavy 140mm gun that wouldn't look out of place on a WW2 Warship, the Ultra Heavy walker is intended to be bulky enough to face a Type D head on and slug it out. This design is scraping the very edge of what you would consider possible with current technology, well into impossible in the opinion of anyone else.
(298/600: 20 Resources per Die)

[] Infantry Scale Heavy Weapons
With the vastly increased weight load provided by the new exoskeletons, several proposals have been made to provide modification kits for what were previously unrealistically heavy weaponry so that they may be human portable.
(26/35: 5 Resources per Die)

[] Vehicle Mounted CF Reactor
The military applications of a CF Reactor are just as drastic as any other, but perhaps the most important aspect is making high levels of power accessible nearly anywhere in a small, if expensive and very explosive, package. A single unit mounted into a standard military transport could easily power a small fleet of vehicles purely off of the "excess" power generated, provided they are willing to limit their movement, essentially allowing military vehicles unlimited endurance so long as the frame holds and time permits. Perhaps most importantly, it allows a compact and efficient manner of keeping robots charged on the move.
(0/200: 25 Resources per Die)

Operations (4 Dice)

[] Hunt IDC
The IDCS network allows you to track IDC's far more accurately before, more importantly, it lets you see just how many are crawling through the countryside.
-[] German Breach (0/4) (+3 Incremental Increase Per Turn) (Decent/Decent/High/Very High Confidence)
-[] Swiss/Italian Breach (0/4) (+4 Incremental Increase Per Turn) (Very Low/Low/Decent/High Confidence)
-[] Slovakia Breach (0/4) (+4 Incremental Increase Per Turn) (Decent/Decent/High/High Confidence)
-[] Kipi Breach (0/4) (+6 Incremental Increase Per Turn) (Low/Decent/High/Very High Confidence)

[] Secure Breach
Station forces at a breach to cull anything that attempts to cross over.
-[] German Breach (0/4) (Decent/Decent/High/Very High Confidence)
-[] Swiss/Italian Breach (0/4) (Low/Decent/High/High Confidence)
-[] Slovakia Breach (0/4) (Decent/Decent/High/Very High Confidence)
-[] Kipi Breach (0/4) (Low/Low/Decent/Decent Confidence)

[] Deep CFR Scouting
Now that you know about the ELID threat, it behoves you to send scouting teams to determine exactly how bad the situation is inside the heavily irradiated areas within the radiation cloud.
(0/4) (+5 Political Support) (Decent/Decent/High/Very High Confidence)

[] Military Support
A Foundation Force is to be stationed a short distance behind the main advance to remain on hand should another Kipi Incident occur and to provide general protection against encountered IDC.
(0/4) (Decent/High/High/Very High Confidence)

[] Investigate Suspected Type D ELID
The recent loss of a team in Kipi is suspected to have been as a result of a Type D, a dedicated effort can be made with expendable units to determine if this is the case.
(0/4) (+5 Political Support) (Very High Confidence)

[] No Witnesses
Taking advantage of the unexpected IDC behaviour, now would be the best time to arrange an accident for the leadership of the Military Junta. Technically you are in the line of succession in case of death, you just have a lot of competitors to knock off the list first.
(Base 5% Coup Chance Success)

Dimensional (3 Dice)

[] Crossing The Veil
To cross over between dimensions, a Breach Generator will need to be constructed at one of the Breaches.
-[] German Breach (0/200: 20 Resources per Die) (-10 Power, -2 Labour, - 1 Human Labour) (Locked until Breach Secure)
-[] Swiss/Italian Breach (0/200: 20 Resources per Die) (-10 Power, -2 Labour, - 1 Human Labour) (Locked until Breach Secure)
-[] Slovakia Breach (0/200: 20 Resources per Die) (-10 Power, -2 Labour, - 1 Human Labour) (Locked until Breach Secure)
-[] Kipi Breach (0/200: 20 Resources per Die) (-10 Power, -2 Labour, - 1 Human Labour) (Locked until Breach Secure)

[] Electromagnetic Shielding
Electromagnetic shields are, despite the very sci-fi name, a rather simple piece of technology in application. Using the incredible output of a CF Reactor to overcharge a set of powerful electromagnets, an intense magnetic field can be briefly generated protect the user by resisting the approach of any material. While this system works the best on highly-magnetic materials such as metals, it is powerful enough to alter the course of anything at least somewhat. The change that has brought this into the realm of feasibility is the energy density and power output of the CF Reactor, allowing the system to be shrunk from building sized installations of the past.
(0/200: 15 Resources per Die)

[] Practical Laser Weaponry
Lasers have been a slowly growing addition to the worlds arsenals, mostly used as stationary mounts for warships or defensive emplacements, the intense energy cost required to operate these weapons had seen them stuck in those roles, it simply wasn't possible to have a battery powerful enough to make them smaller. With the advent of the CF Reactor, there is a great deal of interest in trying to finally achieve the lifelong dream of laser weaponry.
(0/150: 10 Resources per Die)

[] Energy Intensive Alloy Production
There are a wide variety of incredibly advanced alloys that are technically possible to produce, but require an enormous amount of energy that just makes it impractical to put into large scale usage. The possibility to bring these from the fringe and into common use promises significant advances in materials sciences on all fronts, from armour plate to railgun rails.
(0/150: 15 Resources per Die)

Personal (4 Dice)

[] Deep Analysis
Set Elisa to the task of digging through the data provided to you by the Russians and see what she digs up, no doubt she'll notice something that has managed to elude you so far.
-[] IDC Data (Roll a 1d100 to determine result. DC 35/40/45)
-[] ELID Data (Roll a 1d100 to determine result. DC 35/40/45)

[] Neural Cloud Hardening
It's come to your attention several times that Neural Clouds are damaged far too easily by even minor disruptions. While this can be handled with the backup system, hardening the Neural Cloud itself so that it is more capable of absorbing damage and continuing to function without degrading performance would be better, especially since you can do both.

[] Russian Support
Courting the Russians in this manner is treason, no ifs or buts, but they've been a reliable ally so far and you have more than enough that you could promise them to gain support. (Select Any)
-[] Stalker/Prowler: Parting with this technology would be a painful equalisation between your forces as it stands, but you know they are interested. (+15% Coup Success Chance)
-[] Breach Generator: Perhaps this is a piece of technology you should have already shared with your Russian counterparts, but for now it makes an excellent bargaining chip. (+10% Coup Success Chance)
-[] CF Reactor: Handing over this technology feels a lot like gifting them the keys to the kingdom, but they would have figured it out eventually and the help promised in return is significant. (+20% Coup Success Chance)

[] A Favour For A Favour
Witkin has somehow figured out your intentions and, to your utmost surprise, has come to you with an offer. He's willing to put the right words in the right ears amongst his contacts amongst the Russian elite to get them on board with overthrowing the Military Junta, so long as once you attain the position you are willing to return the favour. He tells of how they have been trying to remove their Tyrant from his ivory throne, but have been stymied time and time again, such is their desperation that he is willing to turn to you in this.
(+30% Coup Success Chance) (Promise Made)

[] Social
Spend time with someone
-[] Sorawo (39/100: Remove Uneducated Trait)
-[] Elisa (60/200: Emotions?)

+5 Dice Bonus
[] Dice Type?
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I think we should go all in on the Russian support and the favour.

Is it just one dice for the full thing or three?

Also need to remain full speed on ALR-51s, its vital at this point.
Right. Now that its come to this here's what I'm looking at:

[] Plan Coup and Russkies
Infrastructure (5 Dice)
[] Military Warehouses (Stage 2) (1/75: 10 Resources per Die) (+6 Logistics, +5 Maintenance, -3 Labour) 1 Dice
[] Supply Transport (Stage 1) (0/100: 15 Resources per Die) (+8 Logistics, -2 Labour) 2 Dice
[] Maintenance Facility (Stage 3) (9/150: 5 Resources per Die) (+10 Maintenance, -5 Labour, -1 Human Labour) 2 Dice

Basically, spread the dice out now and finish these next turn if they aren't done.

Industry (5 Dice)
[] Foundation Self-Sufficiency (Stage 1) (9/100: 10 Resources per Die) (20-25 Resources per Turn) 3 Dice
[] Munition Foundries (Stage 3) (69/150: 10 Resources per Die) (-20 Power, +20 Ammunition, +4 Logistics, -8 Labour, -1 Human Labour) 2 Dice
[] Extreme Nuclear Miniaturisation (0/400: 10 Resources per Die) (+20 Political Support) 1 Free Dice
[] ALR-51 Mass Production (Stage 3) (37/300: 20 Resources per Die) (-9 Power, +20 Labour) (+24 Incremental Increase per Quarter, +5 Political Support, 10-15 Resources per Turn) 2 Free Dice

3 Dice on Self Sufficiency will hopefully get us a good way to stage 2 of the Self Sufficiency action, but dice hates us so who knows. Munitions gets 2 dice because we need it done Now. Extreme nuclear gets a dice thrown its way. And ALR-51 gets 2 dice in prep for next turn.

Services (6 Dice)
[] Automation Intensification
-[] Dimensional (Stage 1) (0/50: 5 Resources per Die) (+3 Human Labour, -2 Power) (+1 Dimensional Dice) 1 Dice
[] Replenish Lost Units (0/50: 20 Resources per Die) (-8 Labour, -3 Human Labour) 1 Dice + 1 Free Dice
[] OGAS Architecture (0/100: 10 Resources per Die) (+40 Incremental Increase per Quarter) (Reduce Industry and Infrastructure Costs) 2 Dice
[] Critical Shelter Facilities (0/1) (-10 Political Support) 1 Dice
[] Contact Political Dissidents 1 Dice
-[] Revenge: Play on their desire to get revenge at those who knocked them from their historic heights but promise nothing more. (+10% Coup Success Chance)

I really, really, wanted to start T-Doll this turn. But all the other options are too important. OGAS, Replenish Lost Units, Shelter Facilities and contacting Dissidents are all too important. Plus Dimensional dice, because those dice will be what keeps us ahead of the Russians and other potential human rivals that survive the apocalypse.

Military (7 Dice)
[]Light Breach Fortifications
-[] Swiss/Italian (40/50: 5 Resources per Die) 1 Dice
[] UHAT-10 Development (0/200: 15 Resources per Die) 3 Dice
[] ACR-UH-30 Development (298/600: 20 Resources per Die) 2 Dice
[] Infantry Scale Heavy Weapons (26/35: 5 Resources per Die) 1 Dice

Basically, get the fortification done, work on the helicopter, get the ACR within sprint distance of finish so we can get the nuclear engine done with it next turn or the turn after.

Operations (3 Dice + 1 Locked)
[] Military Support (0/4) (Decent/High/High/Very High Confidence) 2 Dice
[] Investigate Suspected Type D ELID (0/4) (+5 Political Support) (Very High Confidence) 1 Dice
[] No Witnesses 1 Dice Base 5% Chance + 10 (Revenge) + 15 Stalker/Prowler + 10 Breach Generator + 20 CF Reactor +30 Favor [Overall: 90% chance]

Military Support is locked in, +1 to ensure nothing goes wrong.

We need to investigate Elid, an we need to do the coup.

Dimensional (3 Dice)
[] Practical Laser Weaponry (0/150: 10 Resources per Die) 3 Dice

Lasers because Lasers.

Personal (4 Dice)
[] Deep Analysis
-[] IDC Data (Roll a 1d100 to determine result. DC 35/40/45) 1 Dice

[] Russian Support 1 Dice
Courting the Russians in this manner is treason, no ifs or buts, but they've been a reliable ally so far and you have more than enough that you could promise them to gain support. (Select Any)
-[] Stalker/Prowler: Parting with this technology would be a painful equalisation between your forces as it stands, but you know they are interested. (+15% Coup Success Chance)
-[] Breach Generator: Perhaps this is a piece of technology you should have already shared with your Russian counterparts, but for now it makes an excellent bargaining chip. (+10% Coup Success Chance)
-[] CF Reactor: Handing over this technology feels a lot like gifting them the keys to the kingdom, but they would have figured it out eventually and the help promised in return is significant. (+20% Success Chance)

[] A Favour For A Favour (+30% Coup Success Chance) (Promise Made) 1 Dice

[] Social
-[] Sorawo (39/100: Remove Uneducated Trait) 1 Dice

+5 Dice Bonus
[] Industry

So, the above plan is basically trying to shore up weaknesses, and launching the coup ASAP with max Russian support plus political dissidents wanting Revenge. Which results in a 90% chance of success in the operation.

I really, really wanted to work on T-Doll. But getting all the stuff we need done now is more important imo, like we really, really, need that +40 incremental increase and everything else. Next turn we can dump our Service Dice basically entirely on T-dolls, but we really need to seize the chance to coup.
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@Rukia If we take actions to raise support for the coup do we have to proceed with the coup this turn? Or does that support carry over until following turns? Can we build up support gradually and launch the coup in a later turn?
Why do we need to coup?

Is this supposed to be 5 turns?
Coup so that we can wield the entire remaining resources of the EU to save more people instead of being held back by the junta. Please go back and read the previous update again.

And yes. 5 turns until collapse. The number of turns till collapse can be affected by what we do. The QM expects us to use our common sense to figure out which.

The actions what will increase the number of turns are likely to be IDC hunt, Breach securing, increasing shelter supply, etc.
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