...Well... this is a take.

And like, even assuming it's correct, going and erasing one of the single most important individuals in Japanese History is uhhhhh... not good.
I mean... in fairness, it's pretty common across all cultures I'm aware of for major historical figures to not be very well known outside a few major notes. Washington, Napoleon, probably like dozens of emperors all across the world, etc., etc., etc.

Plenty of folks might know bits and bobs of major events, but for most a deep dive into their history is either not going to happen or not be retained after whatever schooling they have on the subject.

I don't think that's cultural appropriation so much as most folks just not actually caring all that much about history, heh.
... Still, it really does sound like a non-trivial number of Japanese people are not super thrilled by that trailer.
Does it? What metrics do we have to prove this? Keep in mind that online Western reactionaries have adopted Yasuke as their Current Thing to be mad about, they have every incentive to review bomb the trailer for it. Especially the Japanese version.

Maybe some Japanese people dislike it, they're hardly a hive mind (and of course racism is very much a phenomena in Japan) but I don't see any reason to assume such a thing.
I don't really see a reason for Japanese people getting upset about their chance at playing a Japanese person in an AC game being given to Yasuke because Sneakily Killing People As A Japanese Person is a huge game genre already
(also people can just badly Google Translate their complaints to Japanese to make it seem like Japanese people are upset, lmao)
I don't really see a reason for Japanese people getting upset about their chance at playing a Japanese person in an AC game being given to Yasuke because Sneakily Killing People As A Japanese Person is a huge game genre already
Yeah and more importantly they haven't actually lost a chance, there is a Japanese deuteragonist. Which is probably enough to eliminate any non-racist objections.

I wouldn't be surprised if the Japanese Right is angry about this but that has more to do with them being right-wing then Japanese. I don't buy that normies would be outraged.
Wikipedia editors have been having a kerfufle on the Yasuke pages because westerners have been posing as Japanese to lend legitimacy to their arguments and wiki vandalism. and then actual Japanese have called them out on using bad google translate.
Maybe some Japanese people dislike it

Which would be... what I'm asserting? I'm not making a claim about relative prominence. I don't even know how we'd figure that one out.

I don't really see a reason for Japanese people getting upset about their chance at playing a Japanese person in an AC game being given to Yasuke because Sneakily Killing People As A Japanese Person is a huge game genre already

That's treating games as fungible in a way that I don't think tracks with how fandoms actually work? If someone is specifically an AC fan, it's not surprising that they're going to have opinions about what it does.

And I don't really buy the idea that it's racist for a Japanese man to want to play a Japanese male character in a game set in Japan that uses specifically Japanese cultural elements.

The Yasuke backlash is extra fucking stupid because he wasn't just the first black samurai, he was the first recorded foreign samurai period. All those works that are like "ooooh foreign samurai" and it's a white dude are literally just doing affirmative action.
That's treating games as fungible in a way that I don't think tracks with how fandoms actually work? If someone is specifically an AC fan, it's not surprising that they're going to have opinions about what it does.

And I don't really buy the idea that it's racist for a Japanese man to want to play a Japanese male character in a game set in Japan that uses specifically Japanese cultural elements.


well the sticking part there is male, since there is a japanese woman in it as the assassin half of the game. Which seems like it would be almost more important really?
Honestly, a servant to missionaries coming in, Nobunaga being taken with him as a curiosity, then he winds up getting wrapped up in parts of Nobunaga's whole thing, Nobunaga dies a year later, then gets involved in Hideyoshi's unification while also discovering that part of the campaign to unify Japan involves battles between the assassins and templar (or proxies therof) sounds, well, AC as hell, while also giving a venue for "so here's what's going on in this country politically right now, character and thus player."

Edit: Even better, apparently the motive behind Nobunaga's assassination by Mitsuhide is unknown, leaving an in for "the reason was an apple of eden or something, I dunno, are we still doing those? Whatever."
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And I don't really buy the idea that it's racist for a Japanese man to want to play a Japanese male character in a game set in Japan that uses specifically Japanese cultural elements.
Dunno, is it racist for straight white men to only want to play straight white men and loudly complain whenever a video game protagonist deviates from that narrow category? They certainly sound the part whenever they do.
well the sticking part there is male, since there is a japanese woman in it as the assassin half of the game. Which seems like it would be almost more important really?
And the ironic part is that she is Japanese, but the people are more pressed over the male not being Japanese.

Personally I was kinda hype for Yasuke's confirmation though because I mainly heard of him through the pipeline of "did you know Yasuke was the first foreigner to be a Samurai?" first and then through other media like the Yasuke anime second.
Dunno, is it racist for straight white men to only want to play straight white men and loudly complain whenever a video game protagonist deviates from that narrow category? They certainly sound the part whenever they do.
Exactly, there are lots of Japanese games with Japanese leads. If they're specifically mad about this one exception then it kinds of begs the question why this angers them?

Especially when the idea of a game about a foreign-born samurai is hardly unprecedented, if this bothers them by Nioh didn't then I think suspecting racism is more then fair.
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Exactly, there are lots of Japanese games with Japanese leads. If they're specifically mad about this one exception then it kinds of begs the question why this angers them?

Especially when the idea of a game about a foreign-born samurai is hardly unprecedented, if this bothers them by Nioh didn't then I think suspecting racism is more then fair.

Nioh 2 even had The Obsidian Samurai in it.
Oda Nobunaga has a video-game series named after him (Nobunaga's Ambition) that's been going since 1986. The first game in the series got ported to NES.
Oda Nobunaga has a video-game series named after him (Nobunaga's Ambition) that's been going since 1986. The first game in the series got ported to NES.
And Yasuke's been in several of them. It's not like he's this forgotten foot note. He's been in a number of Nobunaga's Ambition and Samurai Warriors/Nioh games. Including one time genderbent as a loli for some reason according to the wiki.
I'm confused; is the question here if Japanese people know who Nobunaga is or if the worldwide audience does? Since if the latter you are massively overestimating the average person's knowledge of foreign history.

Anyways there are assholes finding things to get mad at on the internet. Unfortunately a day ending in Y. They don't actually care about what "samurai" meant at the time, they're just trying to find a way to fight and be shitty.
All of this is just classic AAA studio ginning up a culture war controversy to try to drum up sales for a mid/10 annual shovelslop endless collectibles fetch quest DLC MOBA radio towers
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...so the full game costs 130 buckaroos.
No? The only real content listed is the "pre order bonus" which given Ubisoft precedent is either some meaningless cosmetics or an overpowered item(s) that makes the game less fun.

Everything else is either future content ("season pass") or paying Ubisoft for the privilege of playing early. Things that in no way are necessary to have a full game.