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    The other reason I want to steer the story towards the Birdcage is for the PRT to have a moment of realization on how much they fucked up by sending Taylor to the birdcage, because it basically means that they played all their cards, and there's nothing else they can use as a bargaining chip to get her to hold back. That's one of the only ways I can see Taylor being comfortable starting to build a bio-titan.
    I really like Dragon as a character, so the chance for her to "follow orders" to the letter by imprisoning Taylor, while not telling the PRT that it's not really going to help much is just too good to pass up. Plus, then I get to use Teacher to find Saint, to help Dragon. There aren't many ways to help Dragon that don't end up in tears otherwise (because Ascalon.)
    Ah, I see. I largely have the same view (the Birdcage is an abomination of "Justice"). I don't think you'll have to worry about me portraying the Birdcage as a just or reasonable response. One of the reasons I want the plot to go there is to get some of the interesting interactions with Dragon that Canary got in cannon.
    It`s less the portrayal I`m worried about as it is the actual occurence. It`s like child murder in a fic; it may be realistic, and it may serve narrative purpose, and it may be crucial to the plot, but it still leaves me too disgusted and angry to continue.

    That`s on me though, it`s not a problem with fics going to the Birdcage in general. If you want to go there, and there are reasons for it, go there.
    I don't want to clutter up the thread, but I am curious what aspect of the Birdcage bothers you. I'm willing to bet that the situation I'm planning won't be like (the vast majority of) other Birdcage fics. The PRT will destroy the bases they know about, but miss a couple, and Taylor will be just fine with parking one body in the Birdcage to continue to operate out in the bay with most of her resources.
    Fourth, Canary, Lustrum, Marquis etc, demonstrate that, insofar as it is even possible, the Birdcage is NOT utilized morally to remove highly volatile parahumans from society by nations, but simply as 'just another prison, parahuman flavour' with great cavalierness. It`s used as a convenience rather than a tool that must be employed with great care and deliberation.
    As most stories are designed to make the reader empathize with the protagonist, having THAT, and everything it implies, happen to Taylor is typically too much an emotional blow for me, beyond my sheer contempt for the very concept of it to begin with. Even a unprevented Canary internment is often enough to make my blood boil.
    Beyond the emotional, it`s also because everyone in Worm I give even the slightest fuck about, postively or negatively, is OUTSIDE the Birdcage, and for most cases that means that once Taylor, or whoever is the priority viewpoint character, is inside the story may as well take place in another world entirely, as inmates have no way to communicate with or affect the outside world.
    What I don't get is why you continue to read Ring-Maker, given your unshakable opposition to its premise and plot arc.
    Cause it`s been amazing until recently, and even then it`s is just my personal dislike of the current plot trajectory. I`m not so arrogant that I would say I know where it`s going, so I want to find out if it`ll return to being something I greatly enjoy, or if I actually should drop it.
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