Friendly/Sympathetic Vampires?

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About Sexuality, Slavery and Imperial Morals.
On a note about Sexuality, Slavery and Imperial Morals.

As one might have noticed this quest has been tagged as 'Mature', and it has been with a reason beyond allowing a little more leeway in describing the vulgar, often obscene aspects of life in Imperial Society; You will, for example, be able to construct a brothel in your colony. I am a writer with a dirty mind, and the Mature tag will allow me a bit more wiggle room, even though I shall promise that this quest will never become open smut.
I'll save my horniness in that regard for the side-stories.

In this and in many other ways I will be writing the morals and sexuality of the empire as tolerant, particularly in that homosexuality is regarded as a norm not worthy of any particular note.

In the same way other forms of bigotry will be given only a passing glance in my writing, imperial society has acceptance for many peoples of many walks of life -even if they do have a huge range of colourful names for them- and their acceptance of other cultures -so long as the Empire benefits or at least does not lose out- is a well established fact.

I bring this up also because I expect at some point for the question of Slavery to come up, especially around the Amazons and their interactions with Skeggi/Estalian Conquistadors, and I wish to deal with that subject maturely. With communication and clear information, starting now.

Imperial Law states that slavery is illegal, and while I will allow for moral flexibility on certain fronts, I am not here to rewrite the invention of Chattel Slavery in mirror of the real world's own new-world ventures.
For that reason Slavery will not become an option in-quest, as -in IC justification- the Empire's colonists simply would not tolerate its spread or open existence.

In fact there may be quests rewarding the support of abolitionism in Araby and in the Estalian colonies where the allowance of 'indentured servitude' are far more lax.
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On a note about Sexuality, Slavery and Imperial Morals.

As one might have noticed this quest has been tagged as 'Mature', and it has been with a reason beyond allowing a little more leeway in describing the vulgar, often obscene aspects of life in Imperial Society; You will, for example, be able to construct a brothel in your colony. I am a writer with a dirty mind, and the Mature tag will allow me a bit more wiggle room, even though I shall promise that this quest will never become open smut.
I'll save my horniness in that regard for the side-stories.

In this and in many other ways I will be writing the morals and sexuality of the empire as tolerant, particularly in that homosexuality is regarded as a norm not worthy of any particular note.

I bring this up also because I expect at some point for the question of Slavery to come up, especially around the Amazons and their interactions with Skeggi/Estalian Conquistadors, and I wish to deal with that subject maturely. With communication and clear information, starting now.

Imperial Law states that slavery is illegal, and while I will allow for moral flexibility on certain fronts, I am not here to rewrite the invention of Chattel Slavery in mirror of the real world's own new-world ventures.
For that reason Slavery will not become an option in-quest, as -in IC justification- the Empire's colonists simply would not tolerate its spread or open existence.

In fact there may be quests rewarding the support of abolitionism in Araby and in the Estalian colonies where the allowance of 'indentured servitude' are far more lax.

On a personal note that is a relief. I would not want to play from that kind of PoV.

On a more IC Realpolitik note, that kind of abolitionism sure does look like a casus beli if we think we are hard enough to take the Norscans and Estalians ;)
that kind of abolitionism sure does look like a casus beli
Well if Flynn Ryder intends to befriend some Amazons, then nothing quite says 'I'm here to help' quite like returning captured kinswomen from the clutches of greedy Conquistadors/Skeggan thralltakers.

Though I will note that slavery is also illegal in Estalia, and that any such slavers would more than likely be disavowed by the Estalian governance, if their exploitation of the indentured servitude loopholes were publicly shown.
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I want to go in state that this colony is being estabelished with a permanent foothold in mind. Most of the other Imperial settlements are only temporary since they are made to plunge the region of it's riches and leave.

The Empire did try to fund colonies in the past but most of them failed miserable, the jungle is too hostile for humans and the lizardmen really hate any 'warmblood' invasion. The ones that survive can't advance further inland.

The Empire will probably expect the colonist either to die in one year or go back home with nothing to show or, very rarely, manage to against survive all odds and persist but can't expand beyond the colony's wall.

There's very little support and is just a midly curiosity at best and apathy at worst since they din't expect much. Prove that the colony can tame the jungle and estabelish towns further inland may change public opnion and inviye real support.
[X] Plan Midas Come Again

Given this quest is largely about cultivating prestige, a Merchant Dynasty is the most fun option to me. I do wish we had a little higher diplomacy though given how important that will probably be for actually securing trade routes. With any luck money will let us at least pay for a fair few advisors - if we so chose.

"The glory they'll gimme, my dear pal old Karl, will probably build me a shrine! It's goooooold, and it's mine, mine, mine!"

Since we have approval votes then the plan can also just be modified a bit to add a point to diplomacy, like so:
[X] Plan Midas Come Again
-[X] Name: Helmut Becker
-[X] [Gender] Man
-[X] [Standing] A Merchant Dynasty
-[X] [Attributes] Dip: 2 Mar: 2 Ste: 8 Int: 2 Lea: 7

[X] Plan 24 Carat Gold
-[X] Name: Helmut Becker
-[X] [Gender] Man
-[X] [Standing] A Merchant Dynasty
-[X] [Attributes] Dip: 3 Mar: 2 Ste: 7 Int: 2 Lea: 7
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On a personal note that is a relief. I would not want to play from that kind of PoV.

On a more IC Realpolitik note, that kind of abolitionism sure does look like a casus beli if we think we are hard enough to take the Norscans and Estalians ;)
Do we really need a casus beli for norscans? Like the empire had been fighting them for it entire existence.
Atm I'm just figuring on how much to restrict trait-taking in order to gain positive traits.

My current plan is for an initial 6* trait points (See the traits given by the Standings, i.e. Bodyguard or Crafter for an idea on the power level of traits) with a potential for 4 negative traits taken to gain 4 more positive ones.
Some of them will be less mechanical and more... Event generating/Flavourful.
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Currently it's 16 votes for Daring Do with 8 votes for Midas Come Again as the runner up. Anyone else wants to weigh in?:)
If everyone not currently voting for Derring do jumped behind Midas, y'all could make it an almost exact tie.

Clearly then it would come down to a duel to the death.
[X] Plan: Once Upon a Time in Lustria
-[X] [Name] Johanna von Saponatheim
-[X] [Gender] Woman
-[X] [Standing] Low Nobility
-[X] [Attributes] Dip: 5, Mar: 3, Ste: 4, Int: 2, Lea: 7

Johanna hails from the Duchy of Saponatheim, one of the largest provinces in Reikland. She received an excellent education in the University of Altdorf. While there, she rubbed shoulders with members of the upper, middle, and lower classes, which has given her a rather broad array of interpersonal experience that's sure to serve her well in Lustria. Lustria represents a great if perilous opportunity for her, not only to bring glory to the Saponatheim name, but to study the mysteries of the continent and learn more of its inhabitants.

In terms of gameplay, I think this character would be quite fun to play. Lustria has a bunch of cool things and people in it, so someone who's good at Diplomacy and Learning would be the ideal vehicle to explore the place and interact with its characters.
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I would note that being the scion of a Duke would place her quite firmly in High Nobility status. Though reading through Saponatheim would indicate that the duchy is currently broken into many unclaimed fiefs.
In Johanna's case, she wouldn't be the Graf von Saponatheim's daughter, but the daughter of one of the lesser members of the family:
The duchy is divided into a patchwork of fiefs, which are parcelled out to lesser members of the family and favoured supporters.
I think that fits Low Nobility better.
[x] Plan I Jane, You Slann
-[x] [Name]: Jane Porter
-[x] [Gender]: Woman
-[x] [Standing]: High Nobility
-[X] [Attributes] Dip: 5, Mar: 3, Ste: 4, Int: 2, Lea: 7

[x]Plan Doofenschmirtz: slight change
-[x][Name] Lord Heinz von Doofenschmirtz
-[x][Standing] The Gentry
-[x][Attributes] Dip: 3, Mar: 3, Ste: 4, Int: 5, Lea: 7
[x] Plan I Jane, You Slann
-[x] [Name]: Jane Porter
-[x] [Gender]: Woman
-[x] [Standing]: High Nobility
-[X] [Attributes] Dip: 5, Mar: 3, Ste: 4, Int: 2, Lea: 7

[x]Plan Doofenschmirtz: slight change
-[x][Name] Lord Heinz von Doofenschmirtz
-[x][Standing] The Gentry
-[x][Attributes] Dip: 3, Mar: 3, Ste: 4, Int: 5, Lea: 7
Character Creation I - Basic Information and Base Attributes. Vote Complete!
And that's a Wrap for the first step!

I think Flynn has handily won the pot, perhaps we'll see the others if he dies/as advisors.

Now to make a metric f**kton of traits. If anyone has suggestions for traits -in the vein of those given by Standing -Aka a small (5-10%) Bonus to a thing, and a building unlock-, send them to me or post them here.
Scheduled vote count started by Pillowsperky on May 10, 2024 at 12:35 PM, finished with 91 posts and 33 votes.
Now to make a metric f**kton of traits. If anyone has suggestions for traits -in the vein of those given by Standing -Aka a small (5-10%) Bonus to a thing, and a building unlock-, send them to me or post them here.
Just can't seem to get the nose right-For some reason, no one seems to be able to draw Flynn's nose right, making it harder for anyone to identify him from a picture. Bonus to disguising himself-

don't know what kind of number bonus you want to add for it, I just thought it was funny
How about a trait as Scoundrel that gives a mallus in diplomacy but has a minor bonus intrigue, later it can be replaced by somthing like Reformed Scoundrel that gives a bonus in diplomatic actions when dealing with criminals.

Glory Seeker could another that gives a bonus in exploratory actions since a large part of Flint earlier actions are making enough gold to flee from Lustria's deadly jungle.

Also his real name is Eugene Fitzherbert, but prefers his odd chosen name for some reason. The Empire names are usually german and slavic so Flynn Ryder is a strange name for them.

You can be free to correct me if there's a human faction that has player characters with English name conventions so is easy to see that the PC's family were descendant of imigrants from said country.
As for non-reference traits, maybe ones around whatever gods he worships? Maybe he's a follower of Ranald and especially dislikes Shallya? Or vice versa, and each of those traits could have effects.

Or maybe he's a secret Chaos cultist :evil: