Friendly/Sympathetic Vampires?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Here are a couple good maps of our part of Lustria.
We're somewhere between Quetzl and the Temple of Kara, with Santa Magritta south-east of us on Colombo's Island.

Also but damn Itza is way far away from us, halfway through the continent. I think if it weren't for the River Amaxon, it'd take months to make the journey over there rather than a mere three weeks. In fact, given that the Centoreans don't have boats, maybe we could provide transportation if they want to go to Itza? It'd be faster than walking even for them.
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Point of order, the Skinks of Itza are not located in Itza itself, they are effectively a distant outpost with some priests and an oracle. They can communicate with Itza near-instantly via magic tho. Even with the amaxon it would take 2+ months for y'all to reach Itza.
And thats not withstanding all the remnant traps and magically enhanced animals probably drawn to the first city and the aftermath of the battle for itza and kroaks sun nuke. I imagine the way to go to itza would be fraught with immense dangers and magical shenanigans and I believe no living elf or human has ever went to itza so if we even get the chance to go there that would be a first for any our races in the colony.
Just to make sure:
Adding upgrades to building does not uses a building slot, right?
we use one to build the building , but upgrades after that is still in the same slot... I think.
@Pillowsperky, our Smithy's manpower upkeep should be 1.5 because of the Smelter. Since we have 10 manpower and 8.25 would be locked up, we'd be at 1.75 free manpower. It doesn't affect my plan though.
Ty for the catch Andre. Honestly I was expecting you peeps to pull way more manpower out of the bunkhouses and farms to take advantage of the forest-clearing, given your hueg food surplus.

And also the repeated failure of saboteurs (sneaky rolls) to meaningfully harass your food supply.
@Pillowsperky, our Smithy's manpower upkeep should be 1.5 because of the Smelter. Since we have 10 manpower and 8.25 would be locked up, we'd be at 1.75 free manpower. It doesn't affect my plan though.
Good lord we need more manpower, it is way too early to get stuck up on development trap. We could shut down some of our operations to add to our construction capabilities, but in the end we need a dedicated builder's guild. Not to mention a boat loads of people to actuallt stuff all we build...
really looking forward to turn 4 now. or would that be 5?
Also imigration, hopefully pamphlests will help.

Ty for the catch Andre. Honestly I was expecting you peeps to pull way more manpower out of the bunkhouses and farms to take advantage of the forest-clearing, given your hueg food surplus.
Agree with the sentiment, we good on money and stable on food. might as well get a tad crazy with setting things up.
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Ty for the catch Andre. Honestly I was expecting you peeps to pull way more manpower out of the bunkhouses and farms to take advantage of the forest-clearing, given your hueg food surplus.

And also the repeated failure of saboteurs (sneaky rolls) to meaningfully harass your food supply.
Can't take manpower out of bunkhouses because then our people will be back to living in tents for a week, which would be mean if it's just to build our own house. Docks would be doable except that we're expecting colonists next week and we want to easily offload them. Need to keep our CM buildings and tavern running, and we don't want to be caught in a situation where we need the clinic but don't have it.

The rice paddies are doable. Taking one offline means we can clearcut a slot and use Improve Construction to build a Governor's Manse, but at the cost of a Forester's Lodge, which provide a bevy of resources and a defence bonus. Taking both offline only gets us enough manpower to build an Arcane Study on top, but we aren't researching expedition treasures this week and probably not next week either (depends on Johanna's roll).

If we also take from the Longbow Militia, though... it's not too big a bonus, and we're building a number of defensive buildings anyway.

Here's what it would look like:
-[] [Construct]
--[] Clear 1 Forested slot
--[] Forester's Lodge (Forested) (Improve Construction)
--[] Governor's Manse
--[] Palisade Wall
--[] Colonial Pamphleteer (Docks)
--[] Storm-watcher (Docks)
--Total cost: 4 Manpower, 15 Construction Materials, 10 Mo. Total income: 6 Construction Materials
-[] [Manpower] 2x Jade Rice Paddy, Longbow Militia. Total manpower: 1.25

At the moment I'm in favour of entering this into the plan, and will do so in a few hours. If anyone has any objections, please let me know.

Good lord we need more manpower, it is way too early to get stuck up on development trap. We could shut down some of our operations to add to our construction capabilities, but in the end we need a dedicated builder's guild. Not to mention a boat loads of people to actuallt stuff all we build...
really looking forward to turn 4 now. or would that be 5?
Alos imigration, hopefully pamphlests will help.
There's nothing to worry about when it comes to manpower upkeep. Once the second wave comes, we'll have enough manpower to build and run all the most important buildings, and then we'll get more immigrants later on. We'll just be entering into a more sedate building pace.

We have two dedicated builder's guilds, the Ostland Builders and the Talabecland Builders, which you can find in our colony sheet. They're extremely good at their job.

EDIT: Made the change to the plan.
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Closing the vote, week 3 phase 1
Closing up the vote!
Scheduled vote count started by Pillowsperky on Jun 13, 2024 at 12:01 AM, finished with 21 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Life Upon This Hostile Land
    -[X] [Manpower] 2x Jade Rice Paddy, Longbow Militia. Total manpower: 1.25
    -[X] [Construct]
    --[X] Clear 1 Forested slot
    --[X] Forester's Lodge (Forested) (Improve Construction)
    --[X] Governor's Manse
    --[X] Palisade Wall
    --[X] Colonial Pamphleteer (Docks)
    --[X] Storm-watcher (Docks)
    -[X] [Flynn] Send out Quest Bounties
    -[X] [Flynn] Hold a Public Forum
    -[X] [Diplomacy] Secure Alliances (Anacoa Snakemen)
    -[X] [Martial] Patrol Perimeter
    -[X] [Stewardship] Improve Construction (Forester's Lodge (Forested))
    -[X] [Intrigue] Investigate Cults/Agents
    -[X] [Learning] Conduct Research - Blueprints (Land Reclamation)
    [X] Plan: Swirling Patterns
    -[X] [Social] The Advisors are always up to counsel.
    --[X] Else von Stein. With the jungle goblin expedition coming up, what's her deal and what's with the rocks?
    -[X] [Social] One of the Faction Envoys currently nearby/Staying in the Colony.
    --[X] Leafspeaker Elenia. Grab some of that smoke you heard about, with Rapunzel if she wants.
    [X] Plan: Intriguing People
    -[X] [Social] The Advisors are always up to counsel.
    --[X] Else von Stein. With the jungle goblin expedition coming up, what's her deal and what's with the rocks?
    -[X] [Social] One of the Adventurers.
    --[X] Klaus Steinberger. Provide sympathy and care to the traumatised former prisoner of an evil witch.
    [X] Plan: Exotics
    -[X] [Social] The Advisors are always up to counsel.
    --[X]Porito De Lucci. Xocolatl?
    -[X] [Social] One of the Adventurers.
    --[X] Klaus Steinberger. Provide sympathy and care to the traumatised former prisoner of an evil witch.
Incoming Socials, getting Stoned with Centaurs and getting Rocked with Else.

Flynn and Rapunzel may end up Plapping while under the influence.
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I've noticed something.
Explore the Amaxon's valleys – Learning – Risk: 20% chance of injury – Rewards: New Expedition goals, Potential for treasures.
Exploration is a Learning objective, which is one of Flynn's dump stats. Narrative matters more than mechanics, so I think Flynn would do well since he has the Explorer trait, but I think it being Learning means that he's at his best with Rapunzel at his side.

Stirland Scholars Guild
would those aid with vampire buissnes?
I don't think so, vampires aren't normally their area of expertise.
Social: Rocks & Stoned (Else and Elenia) Part 1

Rocks & Stoned​

You are Governor Flynn Ryder of Preisdorf and you are up to your calves in greenery as you stray a winding path onward through the brush, ferns and other things verdant while trying your best to follow Rapunzel's assuredly graceful steps, following the marks of traders to the Centorean's latest clearing of the week, for the nomadic taurics rarely stay in one spot for more than three days in a row.
Truly these were strange times for an Empire settlement in finding such visibly inhuman friends, more strange in appearance than even the beardliest dwarf or craggiest ogre. What perplexed many though was the vast differences in their concepts of nationhood.

The Centoreans heeded councils and not kings, saw territory only in terms of 'ranges' and 'glades', with each nomadic group laying claim to little land beyond the space beneath their tents at any given time.

Their glades were communal, their ranges shared equally as they migrated constantly to ward the woods over which they held stewardship and guardian status, following the whispers of jungle spirits to ensure that they always had plenty in exchange for protection over the sacred spaces. Ranges were merely markers of migratory paths, less borders and more the extent of their normal travelling. Their only stationary holdings were the heartglades, sacred spaces beholden to none and open to all, and their muster-glades in which the groups met to ally for war or defense.

All of this had been shared in previous chats with Elenia or passing centorean traders, and yet it still amazes you, the concept of a stateless state, a nation without true borders or bureacracy. Though you understand this style of living is not without strife, for some centorean bands had taken advantage of the system in efforts to establish supremacy before, and their communally shared way of life only functioned so long as they all worked, shared and moderated themselves to keep resources stable. This included effort to keep the spirits of the jungle on their side, hard as that task ever was, for it was only with their guidance that the centoreans maintain an equilibrium.

You step into the clearing to find the centaur engaging in this odd governance with debate, circles of those not on guard arguing back and forth whilst a sentry marks your presence with a wave and a beckoning hand, her feathered lance and painted stripes of blue marking her as a sqquad leader. You are pointed toward Elenia's enormous tent, one from which smoke coils as if in expectation of your purpose. You and your lover enter the space to find yourselves swamped in the scent of incense and flowers, though a soft breeze keeps the intensity down below the edge of discomfort.

"Governor Flynn, Student Rapunzel. You are here to join Stone-Ward Eli in calm-smoke, yes?" Elenia speaks riekspiel without the cheating of her magic, accent rough yet words understandable due to sessions with your Caledor of language, Pandora. The name 'Eli' with its title makes your eyebrow cock for the only other person in the tent seems to be your Advisor of Intrigue, Else, looking sheepish inside her volumnious robes. Elenia seems immune to the tension as she pours out welcoming drinks of averland cider for you both, seeming to have picked up a taste for the stuff to judge by the six other kegs stacked up in a corner.

"Guv'nr" the probably albish woman speaks in an accent that makes her sound on the verge of sneezing, her nervous smile making you return one just to put the muscled woman at ease. She shuffles to make room as you and Rapunzel sit to her right, Elenia refilling the enormous and ornate 'Bo-Ong' with fresh dreamweed while you consider how best to finally end this farce with 'Else'.

Being blunt seems best, considering you're likely to be stoned soon, so you simply sigh before turning in place to address her.
"So. You're Albish, no?"

'Else' flinches as if you'd just shot her in the ribs when you ask so brazenly, yet it seems the drugs she has already taken are enough to stop her rabbiting or closing up, barely. She instead just nods, shrinking like a violet on fire before you raise a hand then speak with reassurance.
"I have a luccinian, two elves and an ogress on my council, not even to mention that lunatic wizard. You're not being fired or arrested for impersonating an imperial, nor for being odd."

'Else' nods as she accepts this seemingly at face value, speaking with that same thick-throated accent again.
"The visions told me that I would be discovered soon... Smoke, flames, the scent of fur... I thought it meant more hostile things. I am glad that I am wrong. My name is Eli, by the way. Eli Dugan..."

You nod and relax back a little when Elenia passes over the laden bo-ong for your toke, Rapunzel taking up the burden of this exceedingly calm interrogation.
"So... Why lie? Albion is odd as a birthplace, yet we have Branwen already do we not?"

Eli takes a moment to answer in which she seems to stare beyond infinity through the lens of her own cider mug, swirling the liquid before she croaks.
"Shadows follow me from the misted isle... I even had to befuddle my own escort, for their every naming of my true title drew in the hungry dark. Only once past the great ocean could I be sure of losing this curse, praise be Manaan, Mathlaan, Medhe and whomsoever heard my prayers of cleansing."

Eli takes in a long drink before she continues, Elenia rubbing her back with concern that you share. What things had crawled in pursuit of this woman? Hungry Dark? Such a name makes you shiver even to think it, especially with the haunted look upon Eli's face.

The albish woman continues.
"I came to align the stones... To right the circles, and make whole the lines by which the eyes of light might burn back the dark which now subsumes the mists... For the stones we seek are not just rocks but channels of magic."

Rapunzel breathes something under her breath, only to quieten as Eli takes in a deep toke before speaking in a smoother tone.

"I know it sounds... Unreal... Yet it is truth that the ogham and menhir have been around since before the rise of the elves or even human nations. This is told by our oldest speakers and the ancient writings of our giants, though the nature of the stones original builders has been lost to the mists of time" Eli slurps her cider after speaking.

Rapunzel seems stunned by the revelation or simply the thought of Eli's claim, and you think that between the drugs and her unique worldview your lover is perhaps the only high elf alive who would not find some offense at the idea of a human thing being older than any elf.

The bo-ong goes around the circle twice more before anyone speaks, as Eli sinks her head backward into the embrace of Elenia's chest and cuddles, your own hand curling around Rapunzel's shoulders to stroke her collarbone. The smoke makes your head swim pleasantly in a way that little else has ever done, your senses seeming a little detached from yourself in a dreamlike state that simultaneously seems to fuzz and heighten them. Rapunzel's neck feels like satin as you brush your lips against it, her breath tickling like a fuzzy brush as she hums against your temple.

Part 1 of 2(?). Posting this now because I must sleep.
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Wonder how Adohi-Tehga will think of the Albion situation he's comparably more understanding than old Mazda has the comparable political power to our old toad Hitler. Which thankfully he's asleep for awhile. Could be a plot point of convincing Tegha for support for Albion against belakor.
You are Governor Flynn Ryder of Preisdorf and you are up to your calves in greenery as you stray a winding path onward through the brush, ferns and other things verdant while trying your best to follow Rapunzel's assuredly graceful steps
Huh, didn't expect Rapunzel would be the better of the two at traversing wilderness. Makes sense though, her magic is stunted but all she needs is cantrips for something like this. I'm definitely thinking we should go on an expedition with her at some point, maybe plan one on week 5 after she gets a chance at cracking the star message.
didn't expect Rapunzel would be the better of the two at traversing wilderness.
Delving deep into danger, duelling dangerous denizens, dashingly dealing diplomatically? Flynn is your man!

Remembering what tree looked different to the others, and which one carries the subtle trail-marks? Flynn will heroically and stylishly fail.

He is a brave and incredibly eager man when it comes to adventuring, but he does need help following and finding what direction to adventure in.
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I apologise that this has been taking a long time coming out, I have been distracted working out the details around certain bits of centaur plus elven anatomy, and in crafting a story about giant balls.

This update has gone in strange directions even before I get to the PlapPlapPlap bit. I blame the drugs.

Also how the fuck do I do a gaelic/scottish accent if they're all speaking german?