Friendly/Sympathetic Vampires?

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Is it still allowed to make adventurers cause I think we need more diplomats.

Name: Aleo Egillsson
Race: Human (Norscan born in skeggi)
Career: skald A norscan poet and saga teller
Main Attribute: Diplomacy

Description: handsome with a voice of silver that melts the hearts of all who hear it and a master of the harp and telling stories both real and fantastical he was exiled for his interests in the outside world and abhorrence of raiding and pillaging he seeks to join the colony. And make sagas that shall last lifetimes of the adventures of his companions and himself. though not properly trained he has innate talent of learning languages on the fly as to more easier make friends of many different sort of peoples and races.
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Event: Lustrian Judgement.
You are Flynn Ryder, governor of Preisdorf, and you don't want to deal with whatever is going on... Your face is quite lovingly buried between Rapunzel's enticing tits, it is 1am at night, and you are shockingly comfortable precisely where you are.
You can hear Johanna Kepler yelling about the sky and stars and quite frankly you couldn't care less. Being weird about the bedamned stars is Johanna's job, as is getting excited at the sigmar-damned sky.

Yet now Rapunzel has perked up to the noise and there is a tremulous voice at the tent-flap... Fine.

You get up with a small sigh and exchange a small smooch with your beloved before wriggling out of your thin sheets, tossing on some vaguely-clean breeches and a loose shirt before putting on your best 'confidently assured governor' smile.
The trembling assistant girl at your tent-flap yelps like a startled dog as you emerge, and she flinches all the more as you shove your swordbelt into her hands, rubbing at your eyes whilst strapping on your pistol bandolier.
"Carry that until I need it, M'dear" you tell the girl as you keep pace, her nervousness translating into comforted confidence by your own depthless bravado.

Better to go armed for nonsense when it comes to bloody wizards.

You find Johanna out in the midst of the colony's nascent main-street being incredibly weird, or rather being weird in a new and vaguely confusing way, her wide and disturbingly crazy eyes on the sky as she and one of the high-elf mages -Thyriol?- run back and forth with spears, scraping dots, lines and curves into the dirt. Johanna's assistant, a mousy young man who seems about 80% gangly limbs and 20% eye-glasses, furiously scribes down numbers and words by lamplight as the elf and wizard bark them out.

You stare for only a moment before Rapunzel arrives at your side, watching the dance of insanity for a minute before Johanna breaks her fugue to yell at a lurking second assistant
"More Paper! More Ink!"

Her expression bleeds mania as she beelines to you, and you feel guilt in yourself for the way your hand twitches toward your pistol. You can't smell rot, sulfur or any of your normal 'hunches' toward the dark powers, and Johanna's eyes are only lit from within in her normal crazy-wizard way.

Johanna exults
"The Sky! Governor, can't you see the Sky?! It's been shifting! The same pattern, over and over again!"

You cock your eyebrow in sync with Rapunzel then look toward the heavens with the same mirrored motion, seeing...

Bugger all.


Johanna's face falls as she slaps herself in the head.

"Right! You only see the clouds! May I adjust your eyes, governor?"

With a reassuring glance toward Rapunzel, who nods, you accept the astromancer's offer then lower your head as she weaves magic around yourself and Rapunzel...

...Rapunzel gasps first as you find yourself stunned by the expanse that opens up above you, for while you have seen the stars before you have never seen them spin. The night sky pirouettes above you, twirling in rapid motion that makes the world feel weak and dizzy beneath your feet.

It pauses for a minute upon some vista every half-minute or so, the shine of mannslieb hanging above like a great luminous eye, before beginning to spin once more in a great and terrifying motion.

The silence disturbs you, for some reason, your mind howling that such a celestial motion should make noise, should thrum or shimmer with song as the heavens rotate. Yet it is silence but for the barking of elves and astromancers, Rapunzel holding your arm in a vice as Johanna breathlessly speaks.

"It's a pattern! The same skies, repeated every thirty-three-point-five minutes. Each one a bit further back in time! And it's for Me!"

You try not to sound weak or confused as you query "...For you?"

Johanna nods "The first and last in the sequence are always skies meaningful to me! The week pre-ascension of Isharna and four-days post-alignment of Verdra. Plus, Thyriol claims that the effect is only effecting our colony, like a dome of stars above us. He cast his sight out to sea and found the edge of it."

With that Johanna was lost to you once more, manic as a squirrel on sugar as she leapt back to scribing skies into mud, yelling numbers and nonsense words back and forth with Thyriol...

You watch with a sense of deep inevitability as Rapunzel is drawn into it in turn, your dour mood only a little lightened as your assistant brings forth a folding chair and some candied berries to snack on while you watch the sky-watchers turn your main street into a concert of scribes, filling the dirt with a series of circles filled by stellar cartography.

Many miles away, in the depths of Tlaxtlan...

Adohi-Tegha lowers his great arms to his palanquin once more, his great and ponderous bulk dripping with the chamber's humidity as magic sizzles along warded ritual lines and across luminous glyphs, the half-dozen glow-filled eyes of assisting skink priests all blinking their third eyelids in sequence as subordinate slann upkeep their channelling, taking up the ritual's burden.

The skydome would remain over the Warmblood's new nest for two nights more, showing them the message from dusk to dawn, and in that time the Watcher of Motions would retain his message.

This would be, for it is as Great Adohi-Tegha predicted.

Johanna Kepler has been taken by Mania.

Unlocked special action: 'Translate the Star-message', base Difficulty 60%.
Johanna gains a cumulative +10% bonus for every week she spends on it. There is a 25% chance that Johanna will undertake this action regardless of your orders, if ordered to do anything else.
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I was quite unironically excited by this event result, as it allows me to presage the larger planned plot I had for this colony.

And also get one step closer to an Event where Flynn just actively avoids participating.

It starts, but he just cuddles Rapunzel tighter while yelling 'bugger off', then the event proceeds on from someone else's PoV.
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One of the interesting things about what just happened is that the Slann obviously knows Johanna and is... fine with her being magical. I wonder what Ye Old Toads think of the College system in general. On the one hand it is based on their teachings, no matter how degraded, but on the other it is using humans' natural propensity for mutation to improve their mastery of the Winds. The Old Ones probably did not intend for humans to do that to their souls.

Then again it is hard to tell what if anything they intended seeing as humans were among the last races they made and seemingly seeded all over the place unlike the Elves, Dwarfs or Ogres.
I do imagine that the Frogs would at least take the time to bitch about the incompetence of the elves, and make some changes should they ever actually set foot in the empire.

Objectively, the Slaan would be able to create a better system than Teclis did.
I do imagine that the Frogs would at least take the time to bitch about the incompetence of the elves, and make some changes should they ever actually set foot in the empire.

Objectively, the Slaan would be able to create a better system than Teclis did.
Well the issue for that is time and lack of understanding cause of how long-lived they are compared to humans and there general lack of understanding towards them. They can understand elves cause they are long lived and have been pretty important children alongside the sky titans in protecting mallus with there magic.
I do imagine that the Frogs would at least take the time to bitch about the incompetence of the elves, and make some changes should they ever actually set foot in the empire.

Objectively, the Slaan would be able to create a better system than Teclis did.

I'm not sure they would be, the Slann are not known for their ability to come up with new and inventive solutions. Unless the Old Ones left notes on how to train humans (which they might have for at least some winds as in he case of the Druids) I do not think the Slann will do a better job than Teclis. I mean this was an elf who was not only a genius, but also crucially very young, probably a great help in connecting and understanding humans.
Objectively, the Slaan would be able to create a better system than Teclis did.

lack of understanding

I do not think the Slann will do a better job than Teclis.

The slann would make an objectively better system with three caveats that unfortunately make their system fundamentally incompatible with humans.
1: Every single human associated with the system would need to do their tasks efficiently, punctually, unquestioningly and without complaint.
2: Every student would need to commit everything they are taught perfectly to memory, and reproduce it exactingly without error.
3: All students must commit 100% of their attention to the task, without any considerations beyond basic biological needs.

As Dragon and Watcher have both said, Slann fundamentally lack comprehension of humans, particularly when it comes to emotions.

They are geniuses, and they can learn to work around this fundamental gap (Adohi-Tegha is quite charming when he is awake and focused on being so), but that is essentially because they cheat.

They use their vast memories and intellects to 'game out' reactions that warm-bloods have had in the past to various stimuli, like an AI chatbot, or use their networks of vassal Skinks to crowdsource a solution.
Or they would -more than likely- send a skink to ask the elves for advice, because warmbloods know warmbloods.

A Slann could not make a better school than Teclis.
They would make an identical school to Teclis, by asking Teclis, except their school would have a lesson plan and examination requirements that would kill or kick out every student within a couple of months.

Or they would make a school that teaches lessons over generations of students, taking multiple human lifetimes and a comprehensive, layered education to eventually produce a tiny crop of exceptionally powerful wizards.

Also I'm like 70% certain that this multi-generation schooling system would involve some sort of genetic fuckery.

They would definitely be the sort to start encouraging 'genetically ideal matches' to produce maximal chances of wizards with minimal inbreeding, and they would be incredibly confused about any resistance on that subject.
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The slann taught elves and humans magic, and it went pretty darn well both times for those species, so I think they'd make the Colleges a pretty good magic institution even as humans would judge it, not something they'd balk at. However, I don't think it'd be better than what Teclis would've made if he hadn't been forced to stay on Ulthuan before he could finish setting up the Colleges of Magic, because the magic institution he did leave behind was already pretty damn good.

Very occasionally, elves are better at magic than slann, even if the slann remain very good. The Great Vortex was one example, and I think the Colleges are another.
The slann taught elves and humans magic
The Slann taught single elves magic personally, and the rest via demonstration, handmedowns and mimicry. They have not and can not teach humans on an institutional level.

The Elves selected by the Slann could get by because those elves are prenaturally good at magic, with an ability to understand and capability to manipulate Qaysh that humans simply lack.

Elves are also incredibly long lived, and capable of focus & obsessive dedication to a task that humans very very rarely can match. An elven smith, for example, can very easily dedicate decades of singular focus to one aspect of a craft.

With an individual prodigy human as a personal student, with borderline-unnatural dedication and focus from said student, and with a lifespan amped up by ghyran, a Slann of particularly active nature could very well produce the greatest singular wizard that mankind can or will ever make.

Yet their School would be inferior, simply because a Slann would be expecting that every single student would have the same decades-long drive and obsessive focus that the one best student had. Anyone who fell flat would be relegated to lesser things, in the eyes of a Slann.
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I think we'll want to get the Governor's Manse fairly soon, Flynn's been pretty grumpy for a while and the stress can't be good for him, and I think a proper house would do him well. I think we should aim to get it in week 4, a nice reward for hitting the 1 month milestone.
The Slann taught single elves magic personally, and the rest via demonstration, handmedowns and mimicry. They have not and can not teach humans on an institutional level.

The Elves selected by the Slann could get by because those elves are prenaturally good at magic, with an ability to understand and capability to manipulate Qaysh that humans simply lack.

Elves are also incredibly long lived, and capable of focus & obsessive dedication to a task that humans very very rarely can match. An elven smith, for example, can very easily dedicate decades of singular focus to one aspect of a craft.

With an individual prodigy human as a personal student, with borderline-unnatural dedication and focus from said student, and with a lifespan amped up by ghyran, a Slann of particularly active nature could very well produce the greatest singular wizard that mankind can or will ever make.

Yet their School would be inferior, simply because a Slann would be expecting that every single student would have the same decades-long drive and obsessive focus that the one best student had. Anyone who fell flat would be relegated to lesser things, in the eyes of a Slann.
What about Truthsayers?
If a kindhearted soul would be able to estimate the budget of Money, Construction materials and Food for the colony this week, I'd be able to put the update out much sooner. DX

Spreadsheets are wonderful timesavers until you don't have access to them, and then all the numbers slip right out of my head.
If a kindhearted soul would be able to estimate the budget of Money, Construction materials and Food for the colony this week, I'd be able to put the update out much sooner. DX
Starting: 32
...Income: 10 (2x Jade Rice Paddy) + 3 (Docks) + 1 Forester's Lodge = 14
...Expenses: 10 (population) + 2 (Centorean trade) = 12
Final after spoilage: 34*0.95 = 32.3

Construction Materials
Starting: 16
...Income: 3 (Lumber Yard) + 2 (Smithy) + 2 (Forester's Lodge) + 2 (Dwarven Smelter) = 9
...Expenses: 2 (2x Drainage Pump) + 4 (Forester's Lodge) + 2 (Shallyan Clinic) + 2 (Tavern) + 1 (Adventurer's Booths) + 4 (Dwarven Smelter) = 15
Final: 10

Starting: 139.5
...Building income: 2 (2x Colonial Bunkhouse) + 4 (Docks) + 1 (Smithy) + 3 (Forester's Lodge) + 2 (Tavern) + 2 (Dwarven Smelter) = 14
...Quest income: 20 (Signs of the Asrai) + 10 (Rescue Klaus!) = 30
...Trade income: 4 (Centoreans)
...Construction expenses: 2 (2x Drainage Pump) + 3 (Forester's Lodge) + 3 (Shallyan Clinic) + 1 (Tavern) + 2 (Adventurer's Booths) + 2 (Dwarven Smelter) = 13
...Upkeep expenses: 2 (2x Jade Rice Paddy) + 2 (2x Colonial Bunkhouse) + 1 (Lumber Yard) + 0.5 (Smithy) + 0.5 (Colonial Barracks) + 0.25 (Longbow Militia) + 1 (x2 Drainage Pump) + 0.5 (Shallyan Clinic) + 0.5 (Tavern) + 0.25 (Adventurer's Booths) + 0.5 (Dwarven Smelter) = 9
Final: 165.5
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I want to talk a bit about our economy, extending past week 3.

Firstly, I think we can call our Money situation solved. Turns out Quests make a crap-ton of money, so we don't really need more money-making buildings.

We have 1.5 manpower available, and we'll get 2.5 manpower from the colonists. That gives us 4 manpower available for maintenance. We can get 1.5 more if we take people off the lumber yard and drainage pumps, but it'll be a while before we can do that.

There are five buildings we particularly want to get:
1. Celestial Viewing Tower. We've seen how consequential events are.
2. Colonial Bunkhouse. For the incoming colonists.
3. Governor's Manse. Flynn can't be living in a tent forever.
4. Council Chambers. Gus's anti-assassination trait only works if we're in the same building, and our advisors can't be living in mere tents/bunkhouses either.
5. Palisade Wall. The best defence building.

The total cost for this is 18 CM, which is easily affordable over the course of two weeks, and MP upkeep is 2, which the colonists alone can handle.

Ultimately, we are oppressed by the tyranny of slots, which is our biggest bottleneck. We have 1 dry slot right now and by week 4, the drainage pumps will only get us to 2. That's enough for two buildings and not a whit more, so I think we should build the Governor's Manse on week 3 and the Colonial Bunkhouse on Week 4. We are very lucky that Improve Construction succeeded last turn, otherwise Flynn would have to wait an additional 2 weeks before he can move out of his tent.

@Pillowsperky I forgot the +4 Money we get from the Centorean trade.
With this bottleneck of Slots on mind, I feel it entirely fair to start letting y'all clear Forested slots with your lumberyard. I figure you'd get 1.5x the Construction material that one week in exhange for losing the forested slot forever.. @Andres Sound workable?
Also ty ty for the book-keeping assist.

Also as you enter week three, I will be rolling for Migrants, so you might be getting more colonists than you thought. Edit* nope. Migrant wave failed.
Pillowsperky threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Migrants? (25% rollund chance) Total: 43
43 43
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With this bottleneck of Slots on mind, I feel it entirely fair to start letting y'all clear Forested slots with your lumberyard. I figure you'd get 1.5x the Construction material that one week in exhange for losing the forested slot forever.. @Andres Sound workable?
That's too little. That gets us 1.5 extra CM, whereas a hypothetical Forester's Lodge on that slot gets us 2 extra CM. Maybe a flat extra 6 CM?

(Not that I'm particularly gung-ho about clearcutting forests when making friends with forest spirits is something we can do.)

Also as you enter week three, I will be rolling for Migrants, so you might be getting more colonists than you thought. Edit* nope. Migrant wave failed.
So long as there's no cheesemakers...
The first layer of the joke is a reference to Dwarf Fortress, where a lot of the time the migrants that show up are cheese makers, who are useless.

The second layer of the joke is that there's two master cheesemakers in WFRP 4e and both put unsavoury things in their cheeses (one does warpstone, the other things like ash, poison, and goblin snot).