Friendly/Sympathetic Vampires?

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@Pillowsperky will the smithy and lumber-yard produce construction materials in time for turn/week two or will we have to wait for the one after that?

Edit: Also do you mind I crosspost a Lustria related omake I wrote for another quest.
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Omake: Excerpts from a Lecture by Professor Adolf von Heydrich (canon-ish)

Excerpts from a Lecture by Professor Adolf von Heydrich of the Department of Natural History at the University of Altdorf regarding the creatures of far off Lustria.

… Many of you will already be familiar with the better-known beasts of Lustria such as cold ones, stegadons, and carnosaur. As such this lecture will instead be covering the lesser-known creatures that inhabit that mysterious continent. …

… I feel that it is fitting that we start with one of the humblest creatures of the jungle, the quetzal. Standing sixteen inches long, with males possessing tail feathers up to thirty-nine and a half inches long and weighing up to seven and a half ounces quetzals are omnivorous primarily feeding upon fruit but they will occasionally prey upon insects, snails, frogs, and small lizards. Quetzals exhibit significant sexual dimorphism. Males have iridescent green plumage, a red lower breast, black innerwings and a white undertail. In contrast the females have a duller and shorter tail, grey lower breasts, bellies, and bills along with bronze, green heads. The brilliant green tail feathers of male quetzals are prized by men and elves alike for their iridescence and form a modestly important export of the New World colonies. However, it is the natives of Lustria – the Lizardmen and Amazons – who seem to value them the most. Numerous accounts by adventurers report them decorating the attire of skink priests and chiefs and while reliable accounts of the Amazons are significantly rarer, that of a certain Francisco de Orellana claims that headdresses of quetzal feathers are worn by many an Amazonian matriarch. …

… Contrary to popular belief the jungles of Lustria are not home only to vicious predators, poisonous creatures, and supremely well-armed and highly territorial herbivores. There are creatures in the jungle that are relatively harmless. Perhaps the foremost example of such creatures is the pygmy stegadon. Able to be found from the Culchan Plains in the south to the northern edges of the Isthmus of Lustria, they are among the most widespread inhabitants of the New World. Standing roughly two feet tall and weighing approximately two hundred thirty pounds pygmy stegadons resemble miniature versions of their namesake, albeit lacking horns. They are omnivorous creatures, feeding upon roots, nuts, fruit, and leaves, as well as upon worms, grubs, and carrion. Pygmy stegadons are most proliferant breeders, reaching maturity in six months and laying clutches of approximately three dozen eggs. This rapid breeding is necessary for the survival of the species as they are preyed upon by nearly every carnivorous great lizard of Lustria, as well as most other predators of the continent. The accounts of numerous adventurers claim that the flesh of pygmy stegadons is wholesome and is said to taste like gamey chicken. …

… One of the loudest creatures of the jungle and certainly the loudest for its size is the screecher monkey. Primarily found near the temple cities of the Lizardmen, screecher monkeys are herbivorous creatures, whose diet primarily consists of leaves but also contains significant amounts of fruit. Measuring three feet eight inches long and weighing up to twenty-two pounds, screecher monkeys were named for the sound they emit, for when startled or threatened they emit a sound so loud as to briefly stun those nearby. The monkeys are seemingly immune to the effects of such noise and are quick to make their escape. And while the only direct effect of this shriek is a few seconds of disorientation many explorers claim that the Lizardmen have learned to use the noise to track intruders, so a war party of skinks is often not far off. The superstitious belief that the Lizardmen encourage troops of screecher monkeys to live in their territory to serve as an early warning system is of course absurd. …

… While many of you may be familiar with stories about coatl, those gigantic, winged serpents that roam the skies of Lustria, they are not the only examples of their kind. Numerous species of similar creatures exist, all much lesser in stature than their more famous kin. These lesser coatls range in size from under two feet long to just over nineteen feet in length and weigh between five ounces and twenty-two pounds. As one could guess the wings of lesser coatl allow them to fly (or at least glide) through the air, which the serpents use to both reach their prey and escape predators. Lesser coatl are found in the jungles of Lustria, with no populations reported in the mountain range on the western edge of the continent or in the Culchan Plains. All varieties are carnivorous, most are venomous, and many are highly aggressive. Despite this certain nobles from the Empire and the Southern Realms prize the venomless species as amusements and pets. …

… Let it not be assumed that the waters of the Lustria are safe, indeed many explorers claim that the rivers, swamps, and lakes of that continent are just as dangerous as the jungles. The water is home to numerous dangers, amongst the most feared of them are piranhas. Primarily grey in color, though with red bellies, piranhas are capable of growing up to twenty inches long and eight pounds in weight, though most do not exceed fourteen inches. One is likely wondering how so small a fish could be so widely feared, even with a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth. The answer is that piranhas are group predators, working together in shoals that can strip a man down to the bones in a matter of seconds. …

… Death comes in many forms in Lustria. Whist every would-be adventurer has heard horror stories about the great beasts of the junge, carnosaurs, stegadons, ripperdactyls and cold ones. Few who travel to Lustria have put much credence to the stories of legion ants, though it is said that many have lived to regret that. At first glance legion ants do not seem too dangerous. The largest specimens of the warrior caste measure a hair under half an inch, with the smallest workers measuring a quarter that. Those who approach too closely quickly realize that legion ants are capable of taking down a man through sheer weight of numbers, for they travel in colonies over a million strong. These ants periodically launch "raids" into the jungle and any living creatures in their path faces the choice of fleeing or being devoured for legion ants are relentless predators, with one account by a certain Lope de Aguirre claiming to have seen a colony of legion ants devour a trapped stegadon over the course of a few days. …

… While the best-known inhabitants of Lustria are the great reptiles there exist creatures that wouldn't be out of place in the Old World. One example of such is the goliathan lizard eater spider. Measuring two feet long and weighing up to fifteen pounds, goliathan lizard eaters are a typical example of the giant spiders that can be found in the jungles of Lustria. Named for their favored prey, goliathon lizard eaters are both highly aggressive and highly venomous, as well as possessed of fangs that are two inches long. This combination of traits has made them a serious problem for the explorers and settlers of Lustria, with nearly every company and settlement having a story about how one of their numbers was killed by a goliathan lizard eater. Supposedly the Lizardmen have a more benign relationship with them, using them to control the population of vermin in their cities as well as raising them for food. While the veracity of those accounts cannot be confirmed it is known that they are indeed edible, having a taste similar to shrimp. …

… Whilst Lustria is home to innumerable poisonous creatures there are some that stand out, such as the golden death frog. They are possibly the most poisonous creature in all of Lustria, with men having been known to die simply from touching the creatures with unprotected skin. As one might have guessed from their name golden death frogs a completely yellow in color, and measure under two and a half inches long and weighing just over an ounce They are said to be rather passive creatures, spending much of their time feeding upon small insects, which form the entirety (or at least a great bulk) of their diet. The accounts of several explorers claim that skinks use them to poison their blow darts and javelins, a claim backed up by the accounts of captive golden death frog in lizardmen compounds. Some have gone as far as to claim that the Lizardmen breed them for just this purpose. …

… An example of one of the rare mammals of Lustria, the jaguar is generally considered lesser beasts than the great reptiles of the jungle. Ranging in size from creatures standing two and a half feet tall to varieties nearly as large as a horse, most jaguars possess a yellow coat with black spots, though melanistic specimens are known to exist. Like all felines jaguars are carnivorous, preying upon beasts of Lustria such as pygmy stegadons, culchan, and even young stegadon. Jaguars are said to possess one of the strongest bites amongst all big cats, capable of puncturing turtle shells and skulls with ease. They have earned something of a reputation as "giant killers" amongst some explorers, with it being claimed that the larger variety of jaguars are capable of bringing down animals as large as an adolescent stegadon. Although the larger varieties can supposedly be tamed enough to serve as mounts if certain accounts of the Amazons are to be believed, the attempts by various adventurers to replicate this have resulted in naught but gruesome failures. …

… The vast plains of southern Lustria are the home of the culchan, a large flightless bird from which the region gets its name. Culchan possess some similarities with the razorbeaks that once lived in Solland in ages past and in Wiessenland and the Southlands in the present day, being large predatory flightless birds, and some scholars believed them to be kin to those beasts. Their diet consists of pygmy stegadons, lesser lizards and large insects such as giant spiders They are fast creatures, able to outrun most horses, with only elven steeds able to keep pace with them. Many travelers' accounts claim that their meat is wholesome and tastes somewhat like a cross between beef and lamb. Their multicolored feathers are an important trade good for the elves living in the Citadel of Dusk and its environs. Culchan can be tamed to serve as mounts if certain travelers' accounts can be believed. These accounts claim that Culchan are stronger and more agile than horses, but also notably more skittish. …

Amaxcondas are amongst the largest snakes commonly found in Lustria, measuring up to fifty feet long and weighing over a quarter ton. With an olive-green body covered in black blotches amaxcondas are adapt at concealing themselves in the jungle's underbrush. This is quite helpful as amaxcondas are ambush predators, able to lie still for days on end before striking. When they do so it is with the swiftness that serpents are infamous for. However, their bite is not venomous. Instead, they wrap themselves around their prey in great coils slowly crushing the life out of them. Depending on the creature this can take anywhere from minutes to hours. Their diet consists of reptiles as large as an adolescent kroxmen or juvenal carnosaur, though most typically they will feed upon smaller beasts such as pygmy stegadons. And unfortunately for the civilized races of the world the accounts of numerous explorers claim that amaxcondas are more than willing to prey upon men, dwarfs, and elves. …

… Another of the dangers that lurks in the waters of Lustria is the kroxman. Named after the Kroxigor sub-species of Lizardmen they bear some resemblance to, kroxman are aquatic predators, resembling the crocodiles of Lustria the Southlands and Khuresh, or the alligators that live in certain swamps of the Westerlands, and Bretonnia, as well as southern Naggarond and Albion if rumors can be believed, albeit much larger than any of those. Growing up to fifty feet long and weighing up to thirty-four hundred pounds, kroxman are semi-aquatic predatory reptiles that spend the majority of their time in the water. They lie just under the surface of the water, waiting for any creature to approach the water's edge. Once a creature (or person) has done so they lunge at their target, clamping down upon them with their powerful jaws and dragging them into the water. Once there they perform a spinning maneuver some explorers refer to as a death roll, which frequently breaks their prey's neck or tears off its limb depending on where the kroxman has latched on to. This combined with their large size and ferocious disposition have made kroxman widely feared by the explorers of Lustria. ...

Gorgai are strange creatures, even by the standards of Lustria. Six legged reptiles with long tail covered in spines at the tip, gorgai are primarily brown-grey colored, with a dull red head and neck. They grow quite large, though not quite as large as a cold one, the largest specimens measuring thirteen and a half feet long, over three and a half feet tall and weigh nearly eight hundred and forty pounds. They are carnivorous, feeding on pygmy stegadons and other creatures of similar size, which they take down with great ferocity. Those able to escape their onslaught should not count themselves too fortunate for gorgai possess highly venomous bites and excellent tracking abilities. They are solitary creatures and meetings between two gorgai end either with them mating or one devouring the other. Their venom is said to be prized by assassins but even more valued is their blood. Gorgai blood will give meat a savory scent but causes violent madness in warm blooded life. It is said that a mouse will attack a carnosaur after having a taste of gorgai blood, and that the Lizardmen have used this property to great effect against their foes. …

… Numerous other fantastical creatures are rumored to exist in the depths of the Lustrian jungle; apes the size of a bonegrinder giant, tribes of werejaguars, and great lizards the size of a Lizardmen temple pyramid but the existence of any of these is impossible to confirm with any degree of accuracy.
Omake: Pandora the Matchmaker (canon enough)
Pandora the Matchmaker

Lustria was a melting pot of languages which rewarded those with a gift for linguistics. Pandora was only fluent in finger-speech, Estalian, and Reikspiel, but she grasped other languages well enough that it made life much easier for her in the New World. She could seek funds from Jaune the Fortuitous instead of Lorenzo the Nose-Biter, and with her, the Old World's best quested well together even though they all spoke different tongues. Sometimes her gift was a double-edged sword, as would be the case one day in the colony of Preisdorf.

Pandora was in her tent with Branwen and Amina for some language lessons. She taught Old World battle tongue to Branwen while Branwen taught the two Albish scout-sign in turn, which would be well suited to Lustria's oft-misty landscape. Pandora hoped to get the other warrior types up to speed once their schedules lined up, but for now it was the three of them. As they were wrapping up, Pandora was looking forward to betting on some of the militia bouts going on at the coast, but then Amina asked her to translate for her to Branwen. Pandora's Arabyan wasn't the best, but it was better than Amina's Reikspiel.

What ensued was flirting that was far more brazen than she'd expected to see from Amina, much less translate on her behalf. Amina and Branwen went back and forth while Pandora's face steadily heat up, but after enough talk of sweat, vigour, and moans, the two thanked Pandora and decided to leave, Branwen winking at Pandora as she left.

Pandora sighed in relief and began heading to see if the bouts were still on. When she arrived, there was a larger crowd than she expected and wondered what was going on. Then she saw it wasn't militia who were fighting, it was Branwen and Amina. Branwen fought with a practice claymore, a greatsword of Albish make, fighting not with the wild abandon as she predicted from the boisterous woman, but with patience and technical skill that belied years of training. Amina also defied her expectations. She assumed the shield-bearing bodyguard would take a grounded, defensive stance, only for the Arabyan to prove herself an acrobatic fighter who relentlessly rushed down her opponent with padded mace, shield, and kicks.

Pandora felt someone tap her shoulder and turned to see Rapunzel, her employer's elven consort and, rumour said, the real power behind the throne.

Exciting, isn't it? Rapunzel signed. Her accent sounded like it came straight out of a manual, and Pandora wagered it probably did.

Different kind of exciting than I expected Pandora responded, falling into the easy flow of conversation. Rapunzel seemed the type comfortable with raunch and the crowd couldn't overhear finger-speech, so Pandora told her about the tent flirting.

As she and Rapunzel conversed, the fight went on. The claymore wasn't the fastest weapon, but it was long and broad, which let Branwen deal with the quick direction-switching of Amina's attacks. What's more, while Amina's agility was ordinarily an excellent counter to great weapon attacks, Branwen's timing let her foil her cartwheels with wide sweeps of her long blade. For all that the matchup favoured Branwen, however, Amina had her own advantages. Amina was much faster than Branwen and surprisingly strong, planting several bruises on the painted warrior's body with her mace and shield, disrupting powerful attacks with quick kicks, and grounding her opponent more than once with leg grapples that reminded Pandora of her country's luchadores. In addition, Amina had much more experience fighting greatsword wielders than Branwen had experience fighting anyone as nimble as her.

Pandora had a good time with Rapunzel commiserating over misreading the innuendo that wasn't, and then Rapunzel too-casually signed I could be wrong, but I believe Branwen wants to fuck you.

What? Pandora replied, an inarticulate noise leaving her throat to accompany her fingers. Where did she even pick up that word? It wasn't in any accent Pandora recognised.

Well, she spends her time exchanging tongues with you, — okay that was innuendo — knows you want to visit the docks later to watch a fight, and winks at you after arranging one. If you put— Rapunzel interrupted herself to cheer as the match reached its conclusion — Amina won. She struggled towards the end as heat and fatigue wore on her more than the unarmoured, topless Branwen, but Branwen overextended to take advantage of that and ended up socked in the head with a mace for it, leaving her lying sore on the ground. The local bookie walked up and gave the elf the gold she'd apparently won. She looked as smug as any High Elf, and Pandora remembered that she'd interviewed them and had learned their strengths and weaknesses beforehand. Alright, I have to go before someone else buys out Briala's special stock. Let's converse later! and Rapunzel was off.

As the crowd dispersed and an impressed colonist accompanied Amina elsewhere, Pandora was left with her teammate, who groaned and clutched her head as Pandora helped her up and began walking her to the Shallyans' makeshift infirmary. "So, a little birdy told me that someone has a crush on me," said Pandora, smirking as she spoke. Branwen said something and laughed at the end, but she couldn't tell what since her face was angled away. After Pandora reminded her, Branwen said, "I said me and Amina were just messing with you before, you were all red in the face! Cor, I didn't think brown skin could get that rosy!" Pandora restored her honour with a soft jab at one her bruises, eliciting another groan mixed with further laughter.

Seems Pandora wasn't alone in misunderstanding the Albish woman's intentions. Regardless, it was a productive set of lessons, a fun match, and solid team building, so Pandora called it a good day in Preisdorf.

This sidestory was brought to you by Lords of the Lance, which had surprisingly good disability representation, and Highlander and Afeera from For Honor.

I'm hoping we hire Wilryn later on. I have Reputation 47 from playing For Honor on-and-off for years, and every single one of those levels was gained playing Warden.
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Omake: A Bad Day in Marienburg (canon. This guy will be an assassin later).
A Bad Day in Marienburg

Damn you Flynn Ryder, you unforgivable swine! Stans may have been an unremarkable postal clerk with no applicable skills, talent, or feats of heroism to his name, but he was destined for greatness! He was certain that he would become the greatest hero in human history, if only he could gain experience adventuring in another continent.

And now all his hopes and dreams were in ruins! No coterie of nubile women devoted to him, no slaying the daemon king of the lizardmen, no becoming the god of the New World. All because Flynn Ryder deemed him — him! — unworthy.

A small part of him said he should practise at a training field or visit a library to learn some skills that'd be useful in Lustria, but with long practice he suppressed that impulse, as it'd be work he really couldn't be bothered to do. He'd simply have to try again the next time someone rang the call to adventure. And then, Flynn Ryder would rue the day he denied Stans Wagenaar!
Apologies for the Delay! And a note more on colonial defence.
I will be posting up the Choices for the Second Wave voting soon, I just want to quickly note why I've been having so much of a delay and radio silence.

There will be likely less mercenaries as choices than you might be expecting, and that is simply due to my biggest concern which is Balancing their numbers. I want the mercenaries to be expensive, but with that expense to come with effectiveness, while not laying the groundwork to unbalance things later on.

As it stands now the bonuses for colonial defence & attack stand as follows.

Manpower, given to a quadrant of the colony's Defences, will contribute 5% per manpower dedicated -up to a cap of 40%- atop a base of 10% (before building bonuses) toward the Defence and Attack rolls as laid out in earlier informationals.

Early attacks and raids will mostly be one-or-two directional, so this means that even with Minimal defences you guys could have piled all your manpower into the militia and have a decent-ish shot of minimizing damage done by early hostile events.

The damage of attacks would be twofold, as both Manpower (aka militia members) and Defence HP would be lost with each attack by raiders, with damage falling more on the Defence Health if y'all stuck to the Defences and more on the Manpower if you decided to Sally Out.

The damage I plotted out would be done by d10s. 1d10 per manpower (up to the 4d10 cap), with a bonus of half the Martial Attribute of Flynn and his Martial Advisor (+7)

All this will be subject to change.
Seeding. Month 1 - Week 1. 25/5/2395 IC - Colonist and Mercenary Choices, with Corruption and Questing results.
With Social nonsense sorted and the hey-making of the first week gone, it has come time to make choices on the second wave of ships you will request, to pick up lingering colonists and to bring over Mercenaries you plan to hire on. Rapunzel allows you to sit on her lap as you glance over the often flowery descriptions of said mercenaries provided by their contracts and by their letters of recommendation.

The Second Wave of ships has space for 300 people.

You have 135.5 Mo Left in the kitty at the end of the first week.)
(If I'm wrong please tell me. I think I have it correct on my excel sheet.)

Mercenary Choices - Contract Price presented as 1 month/3 month/6 month. Payment will be required at the start of their contracts, aka when they arrive at the end of the first month.

Ulgag Irongut and his Gourmands

50 of the fiercest Maneaters still legally allowed in the port of Marienburg, Ulgag has adopted the more 'marketable' name for his bevy of bulls after hearing it said and explained to him in Bretonnia. He and his crew have a ruinous appetite, but raw muscle-mass and their combination of Ironfists and curaisses made from looted steel have made these thundering brutes into terrifying combatants.

  • Contract Cost: 40 Mo / 110 Mo / 220 Mo
  • Maintenance: 2 Food per week
  • Capacity: Takes up 100 spaces on the ships (50 Ogres)
  • Combat Contribution: Contributes 6 Manpower, 10 Defence Health and adds 15% to the defense rolls of to any assigned quadrant during Colonial Defence
  • Unique Trait: Living Avalanche - When Sallying Out, Ulgag and his gourmands add +20% to Attack Rolls and double the damage dealt to enemies.

Bill's Ramriders, led by 'Horn-Helm' Bill.

  • Description: Staying behind by choice in the Marienberg Wasteland in hopes of being hired after their herders get their feet under them, Bill 'Hornhelm' and his 50 Mootish Ram-Riders are not the scariest of foes to face, but their uniquely sure-footed mounts can still rip out the belly of a passing horse with their metal-spiked horns, or stove in armour with a hard charge. Though their most helpful trait is perhaps their mobility, with their mounts able to scale walls -with a run up and a good angle- and swiftly manoeuvre even on muddy or broken terrain, or through the crowded tangle of a colony.
  • Contract Cost: 18 Mo / 50 Mo / 90 Mo
  • Maintenance: 1 Food per week (50 Cavalry x 0.02 Food)
  • Capacity: Takes up 100 spaces on the ships (50 Halflings and their rams)
  • Combat Contribution: Contributes 4 Manpower to any assigned quadrant during Colonial Defence
  • Unique Trait: Always there for the fight - When Sallying Out, Bill's Ramriders can always contribute to the damage, adding a bonus +10% to Attack Rolls and +5 to that quadrant's Attack damage. They automatically move quadrants to the one Sallying Out.

Tilean Steelbows, led by Osto Peronti

  • Osto Peronti - Not all the men of this unit are from Tilea, but they all wield the same equipment from the foundries and specialty workshops of that land, that being heavy armour, a reinforced pavise-shield and a steel-bowed windlass-reloaded heavy crossbow that can put an iron bolt through the front and out the back of a chaos warrior's helmet.
  • Contract Cost: 22 Mo / 62 Mo / 112 Mo
  • Maintenance: 1 Food per week (100 Infantry x 0.01 Food)
  • Capacity: Takes up 100 spaces on the ship (100 Humans)
  • Combat Contribution: Contributes 4 Manpower and 20 Defence Health to any assigned quadrant during Colonial Defence
  • Unique Trait: Never Falter – Reduces damage to Manpower by enemy attacks by 30% or by 10 (to a minimum of 1), whichever is higher. Additionally, adds +10% to Defense Rolls.

Verenan Justicars, led by Warpriest Kledhof Hildedotr

  • Description: The Verenan Justicars are elite warriors devoted to the goddess Verena, the deity of justice, law, and knowledge. Clad in shining armor and wielding their signature longswords, these disciplined fighters are trained not only in combat but also in the principles of fairness and order. Their presence is a beacon of justice, and their keen eyes and sharp minds make them formidable opponents to any who would seek to undermine the law.
  • Contract Cost: 25 Mo / 70 Mo / 130 Mo
  • Maintenance: 0.5 Food per week (50 Infantry x 0.01 Food)
  • Capacity: Takes up 50 spaces on the ship (50 Humans)
  • Combat Contribution: Contributes 2 Manpower and adds 10% to Defense & Attack Rolls in any assigned quadrant during Colonial Defence
  • Unique Trait: Aura of Justice - Imposes a -10% penalty to enemy saboteur and agent rolls, making covert operations against the colony significantly more difficult. Increases the success rate of uncovering espionage and sabotage attempts by 10%.

The Thunder Riders, led by Osmanu Zamnagawa

  • Description: A party of Plainsmen nobles united in their love for gold, glory, and their guns. Rarely found in the Plain of Tuskers, firearms give these ebon cavalrymen a considerably longer range and stronger punch than the typical mounted skirmishers of the savannah despite the inherent unwieldiness of long guns on horseback. Against foes that get too close to be fought with gunfire the Thunder Riders possess haubergeon, skullcaps under their turbans and swordsmanship that befits men of noble birth. Still a wise commander would not throw them into melee.
  • Contract Cost: 30 Mo / 85 Mo / 160 Mo
  • Maintenance: 1.5 Food per week (75 Cavalry x 0.02 Food)
  • Capacity: Takes up 150 spaces on the ship (75 Cavalry)
  • Combat Contribution: Contributes 4 Manpower, also adding 15% to Attack and 10% to Defence Rolls in any assigned quadrant during Colonial Defence
  • Unique Trait: Thundering Volley – Doubles Attack Damage on the first round of colonial defence, adding a bonus +15% to Attack Damage when keeping to the defences.
Laz Lanzas del Toricelli, led by Righteous Spear Avencia
  • Description: 'The Torricelli Spears' are an experienced band of heavy infantry led by a zealous Warpriest of the goddess, who have spent the last five years ranging across Lustria and beyond in the name of Estalia and Myrmidia, their experience undeniable and their arms -a mix of traditional brigantine, broadswords and pole-arms- of extremely high quality. They still retain the name of Torricelli, the name of their original founder years ago, and have proven themselves time and again in pitched combat. They have recently returned from the New World's Culchan Plains, eager to return to battlefields that are a little more familiar with jungles. Their banner is that of a rather salacious looking Myrmidia, her spear absolutely drenched with blood as she holds firm above the fallen Torricelli.
  • Contract Cost: 25/73/144
  • Maintenance: 1.25 Food per week (125 Infantry.)
  • Contribution: Contributes 5 Manpower to any assigned quadrant during Colonial Defence, adds 15% to Defence rolls and 10% to attack rolls.
  • Capacity: Takes up 125 spaces on the ship
  • Unique Trait: Stubborn - Negates the maluses inflicted by the 'Fear' or 'Terror' traits of monstrous attackers when assigned to a quadrant. Reduces Damage from looting and raiding by 15%

Colonist Choices
[] Altdorf 'Volunteers': The best that could be said about the company of poachers, pickpockets, and petty criminals who showed up from Altdorf was that they appeared to be in possession of all their limbs and most of their teeth. They seemed glad... you thought, at the prospect of not serving the labor they owed the empire in the large penal colony of Leopoldheim. The Goaler just wanted to get them off his hands, so they all agreed up and down that this was a voluntary agreement. Since your first wave left this group will have been subsumed by 'Two Nails' Sylvester, converted into a somewhat haphazard flock of Ranaldians.

There are 50 humans in this group. Their joining would unlock the Colonial Jail blueprint and Work Gang upgrade, and Ranaldian Shrine Blueprint.

[] Freed from the desert: Another group of foreign folk had come seeking a new life under the Empire's wing, and these ones even claimed not to be refugees. Their spokesman, Jun-Abn Brawin, merely wished for his group of twitchy former Arabyan citizens to find a new home, one so far from the port of Copher's reach as it was possible to get. He was backed up by a dusky woman in modest linen garb named Harrier Beduma, who added that their group would add value in the form of 'secretly' acquired seeds for Qahwa, a stimulating bean whose brewed juices enhance the mind. It would surely grow well in Lustria and sell well to the empire. Their time in Marienburg will have only heightened this group's paranoia. They will likely not appear again soon, as agents from Copher get closer.

There are 50 humans in this group. Their joining would unlock the Qahwa Upgrade for Farms and the Cofii House upgrade for the Docks.

[] Mootish Migrants: Famed might be the halflings' love of food, second only to their skill in making it. But you were still quite surprised to see so many of them this far from home. Looking for ingredients for the next Grand Feast claimed their oddly young 'elder' Pate Proudfoot. You got the sense that he might have made some boasts a mite too big for his britches, and now he's looking to back them up. Yet all his halflings seemed willing to work long and hard for their exotic supper.

There are 50 halflings in this group. Their joining would unlock the Halfling Cookhouse blueprint and added 2 food to the colony.

[] Talabheim Devotees: These 'official' priests of Taal and Rhya were from Talabheim and were put ahead of many colonists by your preference for hunters and farmers, as their flock—gathered from across the empire on their route to Marienburg—contained dozens of people from such trades. All of whom gathered behind Father Klein and Mother Flamm. Oddly, there was tension in this group after meeting another pack of pious colonists, the ones scheduled just after them, but both the Priests leading these colonists insisted the tension was merely new beliefs meeting a resurgence of the old. There was, oddly, a distinct Taalian majority amongst the flock, nonetheless. The time spent in Marienburg waiting for the second wave has softened the between the two 'rival' religious groups.

There were 50 humans in this group. Their joining unlocked the Shrine of Taal & Rhya blueprint and the Taalian Fieldwatcher upgrade for Farms.

[] Rhyan Devoted: Not officially ordained by the recognized cult of Taal & Rhya, so much as a formal cult exists for that set, this group of women, represented by a broad woman named Melhurst Dunhelm, nonetheless presented themselves as primarily followers of the mother-goddess, forgoing any mention of Taal beyond acknowledgment of him as their deity's lover. They said they were not monotheists or deific supremacists, for such extreme heresy begets death. Instead, this group insisted that they merely pushed back on the -claimed- widespread belief across the empire -beyond Talabecland- that Taal is the primary deity of the pairing, with Rhya his submissive subordinate. In the time since the launch of the first wave, they have spread out a touch to see to the citizens of Marienburg, and the divisions between them and the primary Taalian and Rhyan cult have grown fuzzy

There were 50 humans in this group. Their joining unlocked the Rhyan Midwife Clinic and Rhyan Nursery blueprints.

[] Sigmarite Procession: They arrived into your office with, if not arrogance, at least a noticeable amount of presumption. Their leader, a bald and scarred priest named Krieger, presented the blueprints for his shrine with few words, only an assurance that should he and his procession not be accepted into this first wave, then he would simply be there with the next. His procession has seemingly not left the Marienburg docks at all, and patiently wait for their presumed route to your colony.

There were 50 humans in this group. Their joining would unlock the Witchfinder Office and Shrine of Sigmar blueprints.

[] Ulrican Pack: The Ulrican priest who entered your office, Ulmen Haufhaus, was a clear example of an old wolf who did not know how to die, only held back from adventuring by his extreme age and from advisorship by his dedication to the pack he led. Missing an arm, an eye, an ear, and a chunk of one hip, the crooked-walking priest still gave the aura of a man who'd rip out your throat with his teeth if pushed. His mass of colonists gave the same impression. In the time waiting for the second wave, Ulmen has set up a fighting pit on the docks to fund his stay there.

There are 50 humans in this group. Their joining will unlock the Shrine of Ulric blueprint and Ulrican Sparring Pit upgrade for the Colonial Barracks.

Monitor Corruption Results:
Else approaches you at the end of the week with her findings on the corruptive encroach of dark or malignant forces in your colony to find very little to speak of, her 'hunches' only leading her to a few illicit woodcuts and not much at-all of substance. She has, however, found traces of an infiltrator of some kind -foe or otherwise- who has slipped in with the first wave.
Something about a barrel?
There is One Agent at work in your colony. They appear to be idle.
There is almost no corruption infecting your colony at present. (<1%).

Quest Bounties Results

Putting out rewards for discoveries of potential treasures and possible threats in the immediate area has netted results! Your adventurers have been hard at graft this week, and have uncovered 4 Possible treasures and/or exotic items in need of retrieval and 2 threats which may need dealing with.

Unlocked Retrieval Quest Leads (For next week's actions).
'The Glint of a Gromril-Locked Chest.'
'Amazonian Grave-Trees. All that Gold left Fallow'
'The Relic-Bones of a fallen Behemoth'
'Unctious Sweet-fruits and their Flaming Guardians'

Unlocked Repel Quest Leads (For next week's actions)
'Cold One Clever Girls in the Bushes.'

'Mega-Boa in the Swamp.'

Please vote by Plan, and be polite!
2 hour Moratorium on voting.
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So we definitely need to grab the sigmar group, besides that I'm ok with picking any of the colonist choices.

Let's talk adventurers, @Pillowsperky is there any specific way you want us to set up a bounty for a quest? Or can I just put-
[X] The relic bones of a fallen behemoth

Do I need to add something specific? Is there a way to say how much it costs or how much we can put the bounty up?
[] Freed from the desert: Another group of foreign folk had come seeking a new life under the Empire's wing, and these ones even claimed not to be refugees. Their spokesman, Jun-Abn Brawin, merely wished for his group of twitchy former Arabyan citizens to find a new home, one so far from the port of Copher's reach as it was possible to get. He was backed up by a dusky woman in modest linen garb named Harrier Beduma, who added that their group would add value in the form of 'secretly' acquired seeds for Qahwa, a stimulating bean whose brewed juices enhance the mind. It would surely grow well in Lustria and sell well to the empire. Their time in Marienburg will have only heightened this group's paranoia. They will likely not appear again soon, as agents from Copher get closer.

There are 50 humans in this group. Their joining would unlock the Qahwa Upgrade for Farms and the Cofii House upgrade for the Docks.
I really advocate getting these guys. Besides their offerings, which combo with our Stewardship advisor, it'd be a good thing to take in a group of escaped slaves.

Verenan Justicars, led by Warpriest Kledhof Hildedotr

  • Description: The Verenan Justicars are elite warriors devoted to the goddess Verena, the deity of justice, law, and knowledge. Clad in shining armor and wielding their signature longswords, these disciplined fighters are trained not only in combat but also in the principles of fairness and order. Their presence is a beacon of justice, and their keen eyes and sharp minds make them formidable opponents to any who would seek to undermine the law.
  • Contract Cost: 25 Mo / 70 Mo / 130 Mo
  • Maintenance: 0.5 Food per week (50 Infantry x 0.01 Food)
  • Capacity: Takes up 50 spaces on the ship (50 Humans)
  • Combat Contribution: Contributes 2 Manpower and adds 10% to Defense & Attack Rolls in any assigned quadrant during Colonial Defence
  • Unique Trait: Aura of Justice - Imposes a -10% penalty to enemy saboteur and agent rolls, making covert operations against the colony significantly more difficult. Increases the success rate of uncovering espionage and sabotage attempts by 10%.
We definitely want to get these guys. Those are some seriously good bonuses which, when stacking onto other bonuses, will make our colony quite safe against subterfuge.
'The Glint of a Gromril-Locked Chest.'
This could be good and easy. It could also be grudge worthy.
'Amazonian Grave-Trees. All that Gold left Fallow'
Angering the natives by robbing their dead is rather low on my priority list.
'The Relic-Bones of a fallen Behemoth'
Could be anything from a bastiladon to a thunder lizard. Seems relatively safe.
'Unctious Sweet-fruits and their Flaming Guardians'
Some form of oil palm? The guardians are almost certainly salamanders.
'Cold One Clever Girls in the Bushes.'
Cold ones are pretty tough, but had Stupidity and a Ld of like 3 on TT, so this might be the easier one. Maybe.
'Mega-Boa in the Swamp.'
While I'm pretty sure this thing could take on just about any adventurer we have, constrictor snakes can only constrict one thing at a time. Or so I hope
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I really advocate getting these guys. Besides their offerings, which combo with our Stewardship advisor, it'd be a good thing to take in a group of escaped slaves.

We definitely want to get these guys. Those are some seriously good bonuses which, when stacking onto other bonuses, will make our colony quite safe against subterfuge.
Yea the group seems like a good idea.

The question is for how long? Do we do 1 month or three months? We could probably renew it after the 1 month, when we have more money coming in.

This could be good and easy. It could also be grudge worthy.

Angering the natives by robbing their dead is rather low on my priority list.

Could be anything from a bastiladon to a thunder lizard. Seems relatively safe.

Some form of oil palm? The guardians are almost certainly salamanders.
Less grudge worthy if we give it back. Could probably give us some nice relationship bonuses and maybe some buyers.

Yea no screwing with that.

It seems the safest.

It could be salamanders or it could be literal flame elementals. It's still worth the shot regardless, but we will see.
@Pillowsperky I've got a few questions. Firstly, are there any bonuses for omakes? Second, were the diplomatic previews for now or for next turn? Third, do the ogre hire costs include Gus' discount?

The question is for how long? Do we do 1 month or three months? We could probably renew it after the 1 month, when we have more money coming in.
Definitely not three months. That'd be half our money gone, and we want to get other mercenaries besides them and still have some money left over. We'll do one month then renew later, same with other mercenaries.

EDIT: Another reason the Verenans are good is that they only take up 50 slots on the ship, the lowest amount out of all the mercenaries. We could easily fit in another mercenary group and still have space for up to three colonist groups.
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I want to give my thoughts on the various options.

-Verenan Justicars, led by Warpriest Kledhof Hildedotr. They take up little space and provide a very valuable benefit to our colony. My highest pick.
-Tilean Steelbows, led by Osto Peronti. They take up 100 space, meaning we can take them, the Verenans, and three colonist groups. They're entirely affordable and Never Falter is a damn excellent trait. That's a lot of Manpower protection, which is especially valuable given that we want to spare our militia.
-Ulgag Irongut and his Gourmands. They take up 100 space, which is a decent plus. They provide the most Manpower out of all the groups, even the ones that take up more space, and provide powerful bonuses. The main issue is that they're hugely expensive, even with Gus' discount. I think our colony's straight up too young for them right now. They're a later-game acquisition.
-Bill's Ramriders, led by 'Horn-Helm' Bill. They take up 100 space, they're the cheapest mercenaries, and they're cavalry, but their bonuses are lackluster.
-The Thunder Riders, led by Osmanu Zamnagawa. The worst option. 150 space, the most out of all the options, they aren't cheap, and their bonuses don't make up for the downsides, which very much includes the strong opportunity costs.
-Laz Lanzas del Toricelli, led by Righteous Spear Avencia. 125 space is more than we want from our mercenaries and I'm not sure how much their psychology immunity will matter. The damage reduction is very nice, though, so I think they may be a good idea to hire later in the game, same as the ogres.

-Freed from the desert. Emancipation is good for the soul, coffee good for our coffers.
-Talabheim Devotees. Hunters and farmers are what we want, what we asked for, and the blueprints are mighty attractive.
-Rhyan Devoted. They'd be good for our population growth, which to put it in a less calculated way means healthier mothers and infants. That's a worthy thing, and I'm interested to see how the blending between them and the Devotees goes.
-Altdorf 'Volunteers'. Criminals-cum-prisoners aren't the best fit for our colony, the jail is meh, and the work gang blueprint is outright icky. What saves this option from red colouring is the Ranald shrine, which I think might pair well with Flynn's luck.
-Mootish Migrants. The blueprint's good and halflings are good farmers, but that's about it.
-Ulrican Pack. Ulrican survivalism suits us and their blueprint would be helpful, but not that much, especially if it costs Manpower to upkeep.
-Sigmarite Procession. Focusing solely on what they offer to our colony, I'm not really impressed. Our colony has less than two thousand people, so we really don't need to comb it for magical talents, we can task wizards on that job if we really need to, and I'm not sure what benefit the shrine could give us outside morale, which we aren't hurting for.
Rapunzel allows you to sit on your lap
for some reason this this messes with me head, something fierce.

[] Plan
[work in progress]

[] Plan Naturalists
-[] Freed from the desert
-[] Talabheim Devotees:
-[] Rhyan Devoted:

[] Mootish Migrants:
[] Ulrican Pack:

the only real question is Sigimirete or Prisoners, honesly? I rather pick neither

[X] Plan Green and Blue
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[X] Plan Green and Blue
-[X] Tilean Steelbows, led by Osto Peronti - 1 month (22 Mo)
-[X] Verenan Justicars, led by Warpriest Kledhof Hildedotr - 1 month (25 Mo)
-[X] Freed from the desert
-[X] Talabheim Devotees
-[X] Rhyan Devoted

Full reasoning in the link. The colonists provide very useful benefits to our colony, while the mercenaries provide fully adequate defence and very attractive bonuses without taking up too much space. If I were to take off the Tilean Steelbows, I'd replace them with the Volunteers and the halflings. Halflings are good, luck is good, and honestly I would like it if the ex-convicts got a proper second chance. The Australian within me is screaming at me for excluding them from my plan.