… Many of you will already be familiar with the better-known beasts of Lustria such as cold ones, stegadons, and carnosaur. As such this lecture will instead be covering the lesser-known creatures that inhabit that mysterious continent. …
… I feel that it is fitting that we start with one of the humblest creatures of the jungle, the
quetzal. Standing sixteen inches long, with males possessing tail feathers up to thirty-nine and a half inches long and weighing up to seven and a half ounces quetzals are omnivorous primarily feeding upon fruit but they will occasionally prey upon insects, snails, frogs, and small lizards. Quetzals exhibit significant sexual dimorphism. Males have iridescent green plumage, a red lower breast, black innerwings and a white undertail. In contrast the females have a duller and shorter tail, grey lower breasts, bellies, and bills along with bronze, green heads. The brilliant green tail feathers of male quetzals are prized by men and elves alike for their iridescence and form a modestly important export of the New World colonies. However, it is the natives of Lustria – the Lizardmen and Amazons – who seem to value them the most. Numerous accounts by adventurers report them decorating the attire of skink priests and chiefs and while reliable accounts of the Amazons are significantly rarer, that of a certain Francisco de Orellana claims that headdresses of quetzal feathers are worn by many an Amazonian matriarch. …
… Contrary to popular belief the jungles of Lustria are not home only to vicious predators, poisonous creatures, and supremely well-armed and highly territorial herbivores. There are creatures in the jungle that are relatively harmless. Perhaps the foremost example of such creatures is the
pygmy stegadon. Able to be found from the Culchan Plains in the south to the northern edges of the Isthmus of Lustria, they are among the most widespread inhabitants of the New World. Standing roughly two feet tall and weighing approximately two hundred thirty pounds pygmy stegadons resemble miniature versions of their namesake, albeit lacking horns. They are omnivorous creatures, feeding upon roots, nuts, fruit, and leaves, as well as upon worms, grubs, and carrion. Pygmy stegadons are most proliferant breeders, reaching maturity in six months and laying clutches of approximately three dozen eggs. This rapid breeding is necessary for the survival of the species as they are preyed upon by nearly every carnivorous great lizard of Lustria, as well as most other predators of the continent. The accounts of numerous adventurers claim that the flesh of pygmy stegadons is wholesome and is said to taste like gamey chicken. …
… One of the loudest creatures of the jungle and certainly the loudest for its size is the
screecher monkey. Primarily found near the temple cities of the Lizardmen, screecher monkeys are herbivorous creatures, whose diet primarily consists of leaves but also contains significant amounts of fruit. Measuring three feet eight inches long and weighing up to twenty-two pounds, screecher monkeys were named for the sound they emit, for when startled or threatened they emit a sound so loud as to briefly stun those nearby. The monkeys are seemingly immune to the effects of such noise and are quick to make their escape. And while the only direct effect of this shriek is a few seconds of disorientation many explorers claim that the Lizardmen have learned to use the noise to track intruders, so a war party of skinks is often not far off. The superstitious belief that the Lizardmen encourage troops of screecher monkeys to live in their territory to serve as an early warning system is of course absurd. …
… While many of you may be familiar with stories about coatl, those gigantic, winged serpents that roam the skies of Lustria, they are not the only examples of their kind. Numerous species of similar creatures exist, all much lesser in stature than their more famous kin. These
lesser coatls range in size from under two feet long to just over nineteen feet in length and weigh between five ounces and twenty-two pounds. As one could guess the wings of lesser coatl allow them to fly (or at least glide) through the air, which the serpents use to both reach their prey and escape predators. Lesser coatl are found in the jungles of Lustria, with no populations reported in the mountain range on the western edge of the continent or in the Culchan Plains. All varieties are carnivorous, most are venomous, and many are highly aggressive. Despite this certain nobles from the Empire and the Southern Realms prize the venomless species as amusements and pets. …
… Let it not be assumed that the waters of the Lustria are safe, indeed many explorers claim that the rivers, swamps, and lakes of that continent are just as dangerous as the jungles. The water is home to numerous dangers, amongst the most feared of them are
piranhas. Primarily grey in color, though with red bellies, piranhas are capable of growing up to twenty inches long and eight pounds in weight, though most do not exceed fourteen inches. One is likely wondering how so small a fish could be so widely feared, even with a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth. The answer is that piranhas are group predators, working together in shoals that can strip a man down to the bones in a matter of seconds. …
… Death comes in many forms in Lustria. Whist every would-be adventurer has heard horror stories about the great beasts of the junge, carnosaurs, stegadons, ripperdactyls and cold ones. Few who travel to Lustria have put much credence to the stories of
legion ants, though it is said that many have lived to regret that. At first glance legion ants do not seem too dangerous. The largest specimens of the warrior caste measure a hair under half an inch, with the smallest workers measuring a quarter that. Those who approach too closely quickly realize that legion ants are capable of taking down a man through sheer weight of numbers, for they travel in colonies over a million strong. These ants periodically launch "raids" into the jungle and any living creatures in their path faces the choice of fleeing or being devoured for legion ants are relentless predators, with one account by a certain Lope de Aguirre claiming to have seen a colony of legion ants devour a trapped stegadon over the course of a few days. …
… While the best-known inhabitants of Lustria are the great reptiles there exist creatures that wouldn't be out of place in the Old World. One example of such is the
goliathan lizard eater spider. Measuring two feet long and weighing up to fifteen pounds, goliathan lizard eaters are a typical example of the giant spiders that can be found in the jungles of Lustria. Named for their favored prey, goliathon lizard eaters are both highly aggressive and highly venomous, as well as possessed of fangs that are two inches long. This combination of traits has made them a serious problem for the explorers and settlers of Lustria, with nearly every company and settlement having a story about how one of their numbers was killed by a goliathan lizard eater. Supposedly the Lizardmen have a more benign relationship with them, using them to control the population of vermin in their cities as well as raising them for food. While the veracity of those accounts cannot be confirmed it is known that they are indeed edible, having a taste similar to shrimp. …
… Whilst Lustria is home to innumerable poisonous creatures there are some that stand out, such as the
golden death frog. They are possibly the most poisonous creature in all of Lustria, with men having been known to die simply from touching the creatures with unprotected skin. As one might have guessed from their name golden death frogs a completely yellow in color, and measure under two and a half inches long and weighing just over an ounce They are said to be rather passive creatures, spending much of their time feeding upon small insects, which form the entirety (or at least a great bulk) of their diet. The accounts of several explorers claim that skinks use them to poison their blow darts and javelins, a claim backed up by the accounts of captive golden death frog in lizardmen compounds. Some have gone as far as to claim that the Lizardmen breed them for just this purpose. …
… An example of one of the rare mammals of Lustria, the
jaguar is generally considered lesser beasts than the great reptiles of the jungle. Ranging in size from creatures standing two and a half feet tall to varieties nearly as large as a horse, most jaguars possess a yellow coat with black spots, though melanistic specimens are known to exist. Like all felines jaguars are carnivorous, preying upon beasts of Lustria such as pygmy stegadons, culchan, and even young stegadon. Jaguars are said to possess one of the strongest bites amongst all big cats, capable of puncturing turtle shells and skulls with ease. They have earned something of a reputation as "giant killers" amongst some explorers, with it being claimed that the larger variety of jaguars are capable of bringing down animals as large as an adolescent stegadon. Although the larger varieties can supposedly be tamed enough to serve as mounts if certain accounts of the Amazons are to be believed, the attempts by various adventurers to replicate this have resulted in naught but gruesome failures. …
… The vast plains of southern Lustria are the home of the
culchan, a large flightless bird from which the region gets its name. Culchan possess some similarities with the razorbeaks that once lived in Solland in ages past and in Wiessenland and the Southlands in the present day, being large predatory flightless birds, and some scholars believed them to be kin to those beasts. Their diet consists of pygmy stegadons, lesser lizards and large insects such as giant spiders They are fast creatures, able to outrun most horses, with only elven steeds able to keep pace with them. Many travelers' accounts claim that their meat is wholesome and tastes somewhat like a cross between beef and lamb. Their multicolored feathers are an important trade good for the elves living in the Citadel of Dusk and its environs. Culchan can be tamed to serve as mounts if certain travelers' accounts can be believed. These accounts claim that Culchan are stronger and more agile than horses, but also notably more skittish. …
Amaxcondas are amongst the largest snakes commonly found in Lustria, measuring up to fifty feet long and weighing over a quarter ton. With an olive-green body covered in black blotches amaxcondas are adapt at concealing themselves in the jungle's underbrush. This is quite helpful as amaxcondas are ambush predators, able to lie still for days on end before striking. When they do so it is with the swiftness that serpents are infamous for. However, their bite is not venomous. Instead, they wrap themselves around their prey in great coils slowly crushing the life out of them. Depending on the creature this can take anywhere from minutes to hours. Their diet consists of reptiles as large as an adolescent kroxmen or juvenal carnosaur, though most typically they will feed upon smaller beasts such as pygmy stegadons. And unfortunately for the civilized races of the world the accounts of numerous explorers claim that amaxcondas are more than willing to prey upon men, dwarfs, and elves. …
… Another of the dangers that lurks in the waters of Lustria is the
kroxman. Named after the Kroxigor sub-species of Lizardmen they bear some resemblance to, kroxman are aquatic predators, resembling the crocodiles of Lustria the Southlands and Khuresh, or the alligators that live in certain swamps of the Westerlands, and Bretonnia, as well as southern Naggarond and Albion if rumors can be believed, albeit much larger than any of those. Growing up to fifty feet long and weighing up to thirty-four hundred pounds, kroxman are semi-aquatic predatory reptiles that spend the majority of their time in the water. They lie just under the surface of the water, waiting for any creature to approach the water's edge. Once a creature (or person) has done so they lunge at their target, clamping down upon them with their powerful jaws and dragging them into the water. Once there they perform a spinning maneuver some explorers refer to as a death roll, which frequently breaks their prey's neck or tears off its limb depending on where the kroxman has latched on to. This combined with their large size and ferocious disposition have made kroxman widely feared by the explorers of Lustria. ...
Gorgai are strange creatures, even by the standards of Lustria. Six legged reptiles with long tail covered in spines at the tip, gorgai are primarily brown-grey colored, with a dull red head and neck. They grow quite large, though not quite as large as a cold one, the largest specimens measuring thirteen and a half feet long, over three and a half feet tall and weigh nearly eight hundred and forty pounds. They are carnivorous, feeding on pygmy stegadons and other creatures of similar size, which they take down with great ferocity. Those able to escape their onslaught should not count themselves too fortunate for gorgai possess highly venomous bites and excellent tracking abilities. They are solitary creatures and meetings between two gorgai end either with them mating or one devouring the other. Their venom is said to be prized by assassins but even more valued is their blood. Gorgai blood will give meat a savory scent but causes violent madness in warm blooded life. It is said that a mouse will attack a carnosaur after having a taste of gorgai blood, and that the Lizardmen have used this property to great effect against their foes. …
… Numerous other fantastical creatures are rumored to exist in the depths of the Lustrian jungle; apes the size of a bonegrinder giant, tribes of werejaguars, and great lizards the size of a Lizardmen temple pyramid but the existence of any of these is impossible to confirm with any degree of accuracy.