Friendly/Sympathetic Vampires?

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Name: Raul of Larhgoz
Race: Human (Werewolf)
Career: Knight
Main Attribute: Martial
Description: an Estalian Caballero who left his homeland in search of fortune, Raul prefers to keep being a werewolf a secret and only transforms in cases of extreme necessity.

Here is another idea i had for an adventurer, an Estalian knight who is secretly a werewolf. I hope its still okay to post other ideas for adventurers?
Cool but werewolves that are not skinwolves are incredibly intuned with the worship of ulric in that they are called the children of ulric cause of there special ability to skin change. There was a father and daughter duo in the first gotrek & Felix novel and they were powerful that they needed a warpstone infused cursed dagger for the father and they could control packs of Wolves. Also they should be mostly found north in the Empires northern provinces Middenland and Nordland or even kislev cause of winter. It would be weird for a werewolf being an estalian.
Cool but werewolves that are not skinwolves are incredibly intuned with the worship of ulric in that they are called the children of ulric cause of there special ability to skin change. There was a father and daughter duo in the first gotrek & Felix novel and they were powerful that they needed a warpstone infused cursed dagger for the father and they could control packs of Wolves. Also they should be mostly found north in the Empires northern provinces Middenland and Nordland or even kislev cause of winter. It would be weird for a werewolf being an estalian.
Skinwolves and Children of Ulric are the most common werecreatures, but not the only ones. Werecats existed in 1980s Warhammer and the GM is pulling on old lore, see the centaurs/centoreans, so werecreatures in general could exist as well, even if they don't in modern Warhammer.

Even in a Warhammer that doesn't have werecreatures in general, Enemy in Shadows Companion suggests a curse cast by a wizard as a reason for the existence of werecats. Raul of Larhgoz could be a Child of Ulric (yes even one outside the Empire), a common werecreature, the recipient of a curse, a mutant, or have some other reason for being what they are.

Raul is a neat character and fits just fine.
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Diplomatic Offer: Centoreans
Diplomatic Offer
The offer to speak from Imilar is received with alacrity by the centorean envoy, and You are privy to the meeting within a glade which seems awfully tamed compared to Lustrian norms, the undergrowth receding its spikes and innumerable tiny roots pus branches working to weave a bower, tossing away insects and vermin of all sorts to allow for a comfortable meet. There is however an unspoken tension below each one of your asrai advisor's words, and Elenia picks up on this enough to raise her hackles however minutely. Still, the meeting goes well by the standards of meeting factions and the centaur even agrees to a formal introduction of your settlements. Imilar's face tightens at the mention of the 'Centorean Heartglades', but it does not appear the Elenia knows enough of elves to see it herself.
At the initial meeting Elenia offers a few simple exchanges, she cannot justify more at this most early state of diplomacy. The location of the Centorean Heartglade's designated ambassador-groves is shared as a gift to foment further talks. The groves are 2 weeks of travel away to the west, deeper into the Lustrian interior.
You may choose One.
[][Offer] Trade:
Elenia offers the set-up of a simple trade-route with your Settlement, exchanging 2 units of Food per week for 4 Money. Her kin delight in the novelty of oceanic fish and grain such as Rice. This will open up the path to emigration and immigration.
[][Offer] Chilli: Elenia offers to share the secrets and seeds necessary to grow a delectable if odd fruit that they name 'Chil', in exchange for knowledge of Drainage Pumps. The fruit is sweet and a little bitter, but the true delight comes from the mouth-scalding peppery heat, so much fiercer than mustard and in a far different manner. Unlocks the 'Chilli Vine' upgrade for Indish Raised Farms and Farms.
[][Offer] Contacts:
Elenia offers knowledge of two other factions that the Centoreans are in contact with, though she cannot share more than their ambassadorial locations and names at this level of trust. Unlocks Diplomatic Actions toward the Anacoa Snakemen and the Skinks of Itza.

Research Options
After delving deep into the books and chattering like a magpie with both dwarves and the craftsmen among your colonists, Rapunzel has highlighted three potential blueprints to work on, though she only has time to finalize designs on one this week. Especially with your own proclivity toward interrupting her work for smooches.
You may choose One.
[] [Research] Shelters.
Dug-in basements for the bunkhouses, lined with wooden beams and ventilated with modified drainage pumps, these bunkers provide a safe place even if the house above is lit aflame. Unlocks the 'Bunker' upgrade for the Colonial Bunkhouses, reducing Population Losses from Looting and Raiding by 10%, or 25% if all Colonial Bunkhouses are upgraded.
[] [Research] Armoury.
With the smithy up and running the production of arms and armour is possible, though outfitting the militia with consistent and standardized weapons will take a dedicated place to store, make and maintain them. Unlocks the Armoury Blueprint, a structure that increases the damage dealt by Colony attacks and sally-outs by +5 (currently 1d10+7)
[] [Research] Earthworks:
DIfficult as it is to dig, the Lustrian soil's claggy nature makes for ruinously difficult berms and ditches once they are painstakingly made. Unlocks the 'Earthworks' upgrade for Palisade Walls, reducing the damage to defense HP taken by 20%
Social Meetings: Imilar
Social meetings:
The official formal introduction of the centoreans to the colony is only a day away when you call in your diplomatic advisor for a chat... Or possibly a rant? A tirade? An interrogation?
You do not know how exactly to name the action your mind urges you to take, and thus instead you mentally name it a 'chat' as images of shaking Imilar's shoulders and demanding answers play in your head. The woman had acted like she'd sat on a bramble for the entire diplomatic talk with Elenia yesterday, and you weren't sure why, hadn't Rapunzel claimed that the Asrai and Centaurs were Friends?!

Regardless Imilar arrives with calm on her face and effortless grace in her motion as befitting an elf, her mohawk glossy with fresh resin and her eyes accented by ochre wings.

"Take a seat, if you may."
You begin calmly yourself, pouring the asrai a cup of fine brandy that you know she will not touch as you lounge back, taking in the sea air as it blows into your double-storey fancy tent, a stopgap for your eventual manse. Imilar takes the seat with equal lounging, though her eyes lit in a way that only a man who has known the wrath of a cranky Rapunzel might recognise as irritated tension.
Your next words are less calm.

"Would you like to explain what by Ranald was your issue with Leafspeaker Elenia, back there?"

Imilar's face doesn't even twitch as she coolly deflects.

"Nothing was the matter, our talks went... Companionably. You were there, were you not?"

You massage your nasal bridge for a moment, your lack of any deceptive talent lending a sincere irritation to your own tone.
"I'm not the most observant of men, but I've spent enough time with Rapunzel to tell when an elf has a rod up her arse. You kept getting looks on your jaw like you were going to accuse the centaur of pissing in your shoes."

You are aware that the vulgarity is not necessary, but the humid stinking air of this continent already has your dander up, to say nothing of the epidemic of small rashes and maladies that have already sent the Shallyans into overwork. This continent was hell on your mind and nerves.

Imilar looks like you're the one whose peed in her boots as she crosses her arms over her chest, closing her eyes for a long inhale then exhale before speaking.

"The Asrai word to describe the centorea has no easy translation...
Yet it would best be said in Riekspiel as 'Helpful Invading Stewards' or 'Interloping Assistants', because that is what they are.
The Stewards of Our groves, the helpful yet clumsy assistants and watchers that we, the true kin to the forest, have long allowed to dwell within the spaces that the forest has rightfully gifted to the asrai. It galled me to hear her speak of the glades as theirs, as if they were anything beyond caretakers."

You think through this for a long moment before massaging your temples and sighing.
"You think Elenia is the Asrai's Uppity Maid?"

Imilar shrugs and blows out more breath.

"I would not go so far as to call them true servants, for clearly they are their own people, yet neither would I countenance their kin as equals, and certainly not as regents over the forest. Their presence in the heartwoods, and their pretension as rulers can only mean that the Asrai have retreated to the deepwoods, or that my kin in this place have moved elsewhere. Not many asrai care for groves so far from Athel Loren, and yet these forests are still important to the health of our most sacred duty."

You scowl.

"Is that 'duty' why you came here? Why you signed up?"

Imilar huffs.

"It is... Part of it, though only the smallest bit of it. I came here to hear the song of these trees, to see the nature of Lustria's life-filled forests, and to speak with others beyond the Asrai and those of the woods. I did not speak any lies in saying that I wish to serve as your ambassador."

You give her a flat look.

"If that is true, then you will obey my request to at least bury the hatchet with Elenia? Perhaps the asrai left her and her kin alone to watch the glades centuries ago, and by now their stories speak nothing but legend of your past relationship."

Looking a little like a scolded teenager -or Rapunzel when you've caught her eating through all the biscuits in the pantry- Imilar nods and uncrosses her arms, sighing.

"Yes... I suppose my manner has been a little tense, and in speaking I have come to realize how unreasonable my manner has been. If only in part. Though I must ask that you find time and resources to Investigate my kin in this land."

Unlocked Advisor-Quest: 'Signs of the Asrai.'
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[][Offer] Contacts: Elenia offers knowledge of two other factions that the Centoreans are in contact with, though she cannot share more than their ambassadorial locations and names at this level of trust. Unlocks Diplomatic Actions toward the Anacoa Snakemen and the Skinks of Itza.
Ohh that's big skinks of the first city itself well they are very far from home that's strange cause itza is basically in the heart of lustria and we are good distance north of here and Centoreans have relations with emissaries of the first city is quite intriguing. Also cool snakepeople maybe they probably worshipped sotek so be careful else you get blood sacrificed and are they like the snakemen of khuresh.
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[][Offer] Chilli: Elenia offers to share the secrets and seeds necessary to grow a delectable if odd fruit that they name 'Chil', in exchange for knowledge of Drainage Pumps. The fruit is sweet and a little bitter, but the true delight comes from the mouth-scalding peppery heat, so much fiercer than mustard and in a far different manner. Unlocks the 'Chilli Vine' upgrade for Indish Raised Farms and Farms.
[] [Research] Earthworks:
DIfficult as it is to dig, the Lustrian soil's claggy nature makes for ruinously difficult berms and ditches once they are painstakingly made. Unlocks the 'Earthworks' upgrade for Palisade Walls, reducing the damage to defense HP taken by 20%
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Hhm trade would be good but the chance of relations with the first city and a likely bigger faction of Lustrian likely order aligned snakepeople would be great to our long term survivability in here as a colony cause being friends with folk of the first city is something big in lustria with all old one believing factions cause itza Is basically like Jerusalem to them.

Also @Pillowsperky what do the centoreans believe in spirits or elven deities or even xholanka the lost the old one of the wilds and natural growth or just the other old ones.
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@Pillowsperky question how widespread is the old ones worship to the non lizardmen of lustria and how does it affect the manifesting of miracles of the old ones and there sacred sites like for example hexoatl being the most important city of chotec worship like how middenheim is the most important city of ulrics worship.

And which old ones are the most worshipped by the civilizations of lustria. Chotec is the god of the sun and agriculture and purger of corruption, tzunki the lord of the waters and fishing and ships and keen eyesight, Tepok being basically the god of wisdom and magic, and sotek one of the many but most prominent war gods of lustria, huanchi god of stealth and the day and night, xholanka the lost god of natural world and nature, and lastly Xokha the God of Stone, Strength and Duty hey basically a dwarf god. They are many but these are the most important ones.
I do not think trade is worth it for one simple reason, we still need food to eat. Seriously we are going to get more colonists and we have already taken the maxium the ships will take. I do not think this is the time to sell food for gold.

As for chili, as cool (pun intended) as it would be, we have other options for cash crops. I think that a chance to get to talk to the skinks early is more valuable so that if (or really when) we get some kind of lizardman artifact we have the contact to send the thing off instead of having the first thing we know about it be angry lizard-boys in out lawn.
I do not think trade is worth it for one simple reason, we still need food to eat. Seriously we are going to get more colonists and we have already taken the maxium the ships will take. I do not think this is the time to sell food for gold.

As for chili, as cool (pun intended) as it would be, we have other options for cash crops. I think that a chance to get to talk to the skinks early is more valuable so that if (or really when) we get some kind of lizardman artifact we have the contact to send the thing off instead of having the first thing we know about it be angry lizard-boys in out lawn.
We have plenty of food to spare. I believe the next wave will have the same 10 Manpower as the first wave, since it's the same number of ships. Including the farms we've built, the lowest we'll reach is 13 Food (before spoiling), which is enough for another week with no additional farms. We can afford to sell a measly 2 Food a week.

An alternative is to simply ask that the trade be delayed by a single week. That's hardly onerous as a request. Though again, it's 2 Food, I really don't think it matters.

I think it's too early to be speaking with other people unless we need to. We just started diplomacy with a new faction, and I'd prefer to deepen that relationship a little more before moving on to the next. The Centoreans are cool and friendly and I want more to do with them, which the immigration/emigration will help with.
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We have plenty of food to spare. I believe the next wave will have the same 10 Manpower as the first wave, since it's the same number of ships. Including the farms we've built, the lowest we'll reach is 13 Food (before spoiling), which is enough for another week with no additional farms. We can afford to sell a measly 2 Food.

An alternative is to simply ask that the trade be delayed by a single week. That's hardly onerous as a request. Though again, it's 2 Food, I really don't think it matters.

I think it's too early to be speaking with other people unless we need to. We just started diplomacy with a new faction, and I'd prefer to deepen that relationship a little more before moving on to the next. The Centoreans are cool and friendly and I want more to do with them, which the immigration/emigration will help with.

That is a fair point, being able to recruit some of the locals means we get to benefit from what to them is just common knowledge, but to us might as well be the lost lore of ages. Also it might allow us to get adventures from their ranks which would be cool narratively
[][Offer] Trade: Elenia offers the set-up of a simple trade-route with your Settlement, exchanging 2 units of Food per week for 4 Money. Her kin delight in the novelty of oceanic fish and grain such as Rice. This will open up the path to emigration and immigration.

I am very tempted with having contact with more factions, but i think trading is the best way to start our relathionship with the centaurs.

After we have grown closer to them and have better foundations for our Colony, we can start making contact with the other factions of Lustria.

[] [Research] Shelters. Dug-in basements for the bunkhouses, lined with wooden beams and ventilated with modified drainage pumps, these bunkers provide a safe place even if the house above is lit aflame. Unlocks the 'Bunker' upgrade for the Colonial Bunkhouses, reducing Population Losses from Looting and Raiding by 10%, or 25% if all Colonial Bunkhouses are upgraded.

This is the blueprint i like more. Manpower is probably the most useful resource we have and the hardest to recover, so having bunkers to protect our population is important.
I think we should take the Shelters because they're the only upgrade that's relevant against sea attacks. We're a brand new colony so I think it'll be quite a while before any overland raiders can plot a route to us, but any pirate could see our colony from the coast and launch a raid.

Another benefit to the shelters is that it'll protect our people in case of fire, as the basements are proof against that.
After delving deep into the books and chattering like a magpie with both dwarves and the craftsmen among your colonists, Rapunzel has highlighted three potential blueprints to work on, though she only has time to finalize designs on one this week. Especially with your own proclivity toward interrupting her work for smooches.

BTW can we just agree that we have what might be the most chill dwarfs on the planet, they did not even argue when their ungi leader's elgi girlfriend showed up and said 'I'd like to see your engineering books'. I think they might have been exiled to Lustria for a shameful lack of grumbling for their age. :V
i think contacts are the better option right now, just knowing where to find a friendly way to begin contacting the lizard men is a must have, even if we don't pursue it now, the option will be useful.
On the new buildings, while bunkhouses seems good, I feel like we would be better off with either of the other two, I don't think we will be taking population loss if they don't get past our walls, and both help with that. I think the amouny is far more powerful as it is an almost 40-50% dmg increase as opposed to a 20% HP increase for our walls. Although it might be more expensive.
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i think contacts are the better option right now, just knowing where to find a friendly way to begin contacting the lizard men is a must have, even if we don't pursue it now, the option will be useful.
I think pursuing it now isn't worthwhile. I'd rather we first improve relations with the centoreans so that we have a better first impression with the lizardmen. Also, going out and talking to them will take Imilar away from us for weeks, which is a bad position while we're still getting settled in.

Since it'll be a while before we want to contact them anyway, we should select one of the other two trade options. Once we're ready to talk to the lizardmen, we can ask the centoreans for their locations, which they'll be more inclined to do after we befriend them more.

to say nothing of the epidemic of small rashes and maladies that have already sent the Shallyans into overwork.
I think we'll want to do work on disease countermeasures next turn. If this turns into something more serious, it's better if we aren't caught flatfooted.
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