Friendly/Sympathetic Vampires?

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if they were available basically at random in the empire, we should be able to get it with concentrated effort later on if we want to.
We can have the Arabyans come with the next wave of colonists. So we already have the basic infrastructure in place and can start coffee production faster.

Unlike the Sigmarites the Arabyans might go off some place else, it's not like they care about going to Lustria in particular, they just want to be far from the people who enslaved them.

if they were available basically at random in the empire, we should be able to get it with concentrated effort later on if we want to.

Per the the fluff text they stole it and were using it as basically their payment to get on the boat. That it was valuable enough for that means it is not commonly available, at least I do not think it would be.
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I'm really not too fussed if the Arabyans move on. More opportunities will come our way that are equal or even better than they are. We simply need to be patient.
I'm just hoping we get some colonists of as many different species as possible. If Anbennar has taught me anything it's that racial bonuses stack :sour:
A note on Trading Monopolies and Araby.
not commonly available,
if they were available basically at random in the empire

A note on Trading Monopolies and Araby.

As some have now posited, there is a significant facet of this world as I have mentally constructed it and read, in the form of Trading Monopolies and in particular botanical monopolies held by certain polities on certain valuable cash crops.

Qohwah, also known as The Cofii (coffee) Bean, is one such monopoly held onto by the kingdom of Araby, which proscribes the sale of fertile seeds or living plants outside of its borders, with standing requirements that all beans sold by Arabyan trading ports be roasted before transport.

This practice has dampened enthusiasm for the cofii drink outside of nearby ports like Luccini and Tilea, as the roasted beans have often developed bitter or acrid flavours by the time arabyan ships reach more northern ports.

Similar monopolies are held on other cash-crops/livestock like Cathayan Silk-worms, and Tilean Purple Dye.

The Arabyan not-refugees will be available for the second-wave vote on the fourth day, but beyond that there is a signifcant chance that they will be vanishing from the colonist pool at some point, as they are being hunted by agents of the port of Copher. For the beans and for other reasons (rhyming with bravery).
I'm just hoping we get some colonists of as many different species as possible. If Anbennar has taught me anything it's that racial bonuses stack :sour:

What Anbennar has taught me is you don't do half mesures, either you go completely one side and be this mutlicultural paradise, or… you do as the dwarves do with Orcs and Goblins under the mountains :V
Pipe tobacco is a thing, cigars are not, and pipe tobacco seems to be produced primarily in the moot, by the Greenleaf halflings.
Not the best news but we may be able to undercut the Moot if they're using robustica tobacco and we get our hands on tabacum tobacco.
Besides we might be able to make our own varieties similar to the Brazilian molasses tobacco that was popular in the West Africa trade.

Edit: I feel that I should describe it:

Alpern S. B. (1995). What Africans Got for Their Slaves: A Master List of European Trade Goods. History in Africa 22 26. said:
While the Africans grew Nicotiana rustica, a species of tobacco native to eastern North America, many developed a taste for N. Tabacum, grown in Brazil. It came mainly from the Bahia district in the form of rolls that weighted 97 lbs. each - or were supposed to - and were composed of leaves of such poor quality that they were barred from export to Portugal. The leaves, thin or broken, were treated liberally with molasses to keep them from drying up or rotting. The resultant flavor appealed to Africans on the Gold Coast and especially on the Slave Coast, where Brazilian tobacco became the most sought-after import besides cowries.
It goes without saying that I hope we don't use it to buy what it bought IRL.
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If the advisor's job is being a champion, then a prestige penalty works since they're not as swanky and etiquettey as a champion from another species. If it's being a general, then you have the problem of them being terrible at logistics to make up for their superior combat prowess. If they're a different kind of advisor, then I don't think balancing matters much since their body doesn't play a role.
If the advisor's job is being a champion, then a prestige penalty works since they're not as swanky and etiquettey as a champion from another species. If it's being a general, then you have the problem of them being terrible at logistics to make up for their superior combat prowess. If they're a different kind of advisor, then I don't think balancing matters much since their body doesn't play a role.

Honestly, I feel like Ogres might actually be pretty good at logistics. Needing to keep people fed is important to them. Their weakness seems more likely to be strategy and tactics other than 'smash it'.
Prologue II-a1: The Advisors (Stewardship & Martial)
Taking the evening in after settling your choices of Colonists, You end the day as you hope to end them all going forward, freshly washed and nuzzling Rapunzel's milky hills as you and her share a quite comfy bed.
You could get a bed this comfy at the colony, surely?

The morning comes softly with a kiss, Rapunzel's lips seeking yours for a smooch before she pats your cheek until you wake with a grumble and a smouldering look, though you are restrained from further affection by her pointing toward the already-raised sun. It was time for the Advisor Interviews!

Perhaps after a good breakfast, of course.

Budget: 350 Money (Mo).

[][Ste] Xiao Yun escorts herself in bright and early, the comely cathayan woman presenting herself in a neat marienburg style short gown with an elegant ruff, her almond eyes underscored by a red streak on her amber skin. She presents herself well, laying out a history as a lesser administrator in Cathay's central provinces before her prior lord -one 'Yuan Bo'- gave her leave to take this chance on distant shores. If she is given the chance to help, Xiao Yun assurse, you will find no aspect of her skills in administration wanting, for the training of Yuan Bo, master of stone and steel, has made Xiao an exemplary of management and of maintaining harmony with others.
Ste: 8
Unique Trait: Harmonious Chorus - When taking conjoined Advisor Actions, Xiao Yun adds bonus X% to each roll, where X is equal to the primary attribute points of each participating advisor.
Hiring Cost: 20 Mo

[][Ste] Pieter Azimov steps into your office next as a broad monolith of a man, bedecked in a long coat and and sturdy gloves, his fur lined hat hides a shock of wild short red hair. You stand to greet the man to find he is a deceptively giant individual, easily meeting 7' 3" Rapunzel eye to eye as he exchanges a slight nod with both you and the elf. Pieter's chair creaks as he sits after disrobing his coat, revealing a fine musculature with alabaster skin so pale that it resembles ice shifting like flesh. He introduces himself as the norscan-blooded son of a boyar from the far north of Kislev, trained to make the most of the worst conditions even under the insidious plotting of the dark powers. The man assures you that the warmth of Lustria will not be an issue despite his pale appearance.
Ste: 8
Unique Trait: Prepare for the Worst -
Pieter reduces the population and resource (Money, Food, Building Resources) losses from Sabotage and Looting by 20%
Hiring Cost: 20 Mo

[][Ste] Porito De Lucci enters your office in a shockwave of rich, bitter-buttery perfume with a sweet undertone, though the man himself seems not at-all the type to use such delightful cologne, clad in a short-sleeved doublet that show off chemical burn scars on both arms. He introduces himself as a botanist and alchemist by trade, a maker of botanical tinctures. Though as of late he has become obsessed with the procurement and development of two particular beans, a rich yet bitter native of Lustria known only as 'cacao' and a smooth sweet sister known as 'vanill', both placed on his radar by a spicy yet intoxicatingly moreish drink named 'Xocolatl', shared with him by an Amazonian mercenary in his native port of Luccini.
Ste: 8
Unique Trait: Botanical Specialist -
Porito passively increases the harvests of food by 10% (by a minimum of 1) and of Exotic Plants by 20%
Hiring Cost: 20 Mo

[][Mar] Gus 'Rockchewer' Stonegut emerges into your office like an oncoming wall of body heat with a suprisingly mild scent, a towering ogre whose steel plated boots make the floor shake with every ponderous and careful step. Though the strangley masked body odour is overshadowed by her gender. You weren't actually sure of female ogres existing, let alone imperial ones with a feathered militia cap and a gut-plate made from what looks like steel banded stone. Her name suits her incredibly strong jawline, and her voice is like an avalanche of gravel wrapped in satin. Gus speaks well in said tone, laying out with slow but clear and intelligent words that she has recently retired from life in the hochland military as an officer's bodyguard, and is looking to put her absorbed command skills to use. She is a powerful force, though brash.
Mar: 6
Unique Trait: An Ogress, milord -
Requires an additional 1 Mo as upkeep, Assassination attempts against Gus and other Advisors sleeping in the same building take a 20% Penalty. Gus adds a 20% success chance to 'Personal Challenge' actions that she takes, and gives a 10% discount to hiring ogre Mercenaries. However Gus reduces prestige from military victories by 5%,
Hiring Cost: 20 Mo

[][Mar] Klaus Gorograv is a smaller presence than the ogre, certainly, but perhaps no less eye catching due to the sheer volume of his moustache and beard, almost dwarf-like in their grand enormity and level of grooming. He speaks with charisma with about the importance of layered defence, eyes sparkling as he lays out the challenges of defensive works in the environs of lustria and how he intends to meet them. Klaus's degrees are impressive, with top marks from the imperial military academy and a degree from the nuln engineering college. Why he intends to spend his talent in the lustrian hellscape is beyond knowing, though he does confess to earning an ostland noble family's ire due to a duel -fought over an insult to Klaus's beard- gone near deadly.
Mar: 8

Unique Trait: Defense as Mathematics - Klaus reduces the time to research defensive military blueprints by 1 week (to a minimum of 1), and walls grant an additional 5% to defense rolls.
Hiring Cost: 20 Mo

[][Mar] Diego Estevez enters your office like an estalian clone of yourself, with a swaggering stance and a tossed rose toward Rapunzel -who lets it bounce softly off her shoulder without even a look away from her book- before he bows low to you with a sweep of his hat and a spilling of shoulder-length braided blonde hair. He is Diego Estevez, he proclaims to the air, and he will be your Advisor in the art of enlightened defense.
For all his bluster Diego does present some stunning credentials, being an alumni of Magritta's finest tactical and stategic college, a devoted servant of Myrmidia with a commendation from her Righteous spears, and an apparently fine duellist of the sword-and-dagger school
. He is also, despite his gift to Rapunzel, apparently more beloved of men than any poet could put into words.
Mar 8
Unique trait: Defense is an Adventure! -
Adventurers used in the settlement's defense give an additional 2% to defense and attack rolls. Martial rolls for an Expedition that Diego helped to plan treat their attribute as one point higher.
Hiring Cost: 20 Mo

I'm going to post these people for y'all to discuss -and critique- while I type up the weirdos for the Diplomacy and Intrigue slots.

Your Martial and Stewardship picks are all top-level because those were the peeps y'all voted for as the most important.
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Oooh. All of those are really good. Normally, I'd say the lower Martial is a dealbreaker for the Ogre, but Flynn's high personal Martial makes it more tempting, and bonuses against assassination are a solid thing to get.

That said, I lean towards one of the other two Martial advisors (both have good points) and...probably Pieter of the Stewardship ones? Reduced Corruption and Plagues seems really good, though Porito De Lucci and his plant-based skills is also an excellent choice.
I want all these people, they all seem useful and fun—I especially like Estalian Zorro.
Given how much fun I've had coming up with them, I may end up offering an option to at-least keep them around as Quest-giving/Expedition bait NPCs.
Yannow, not giving their advisor bonuses but still lurking around as social options while offering the chance to chase down the rewards of their own little quest-lines.
I want Porito Die Lucci and Klaus Gorograv.
Lucci gives us more food, chocolate and better chances for coffee.
[insert chocolate SpongeBob meme here]
Klaus gives us early defense, which is always nice.
harmony wont benefit much when we can't afford a whole council. Chocolate sounds good, but plague prevention is a matter of life and death.