VII Queens

that was a interesting development.
I'm curious how that will develop.
[X] Mother's Trinket
[X] Mother's Trinket

Might as well, you're always suppose to go for the Optional Party Members and Side Quest content after all.
Mother's Trinket
"Are you sure you want to go after her, your highness?" Lei asked Nem as she leaned over the edge of the rooftop. Her red eyes roving over the streets below. Celestria City was a spectacular sight at night. Known for its large technology market, many flocked to the city to secure business partners or open businesses.

"The High Maid has the trinket. At this point, it rightfully belongs to me. She will return it." Nem said standing on the edge of the rooftop eyes toward the horizon rather than the city below.

"It won't be easy. The corruption has destroyed her mind, she won't recognize your authority. If she corrupts you—"

"She won't. Since you're here she won't be able to corrupt me," Nem said dropping down to sit on the edge. He turned his attention to the white-haired maid. Her red eyes avoided him. He grabbed her face and forcefully made her look at him. "How corrupted are you?"

"I can last at least a hundred more years before it begins to take its toll on me," she said truthfully to the prince.

Nem, let her go and looked down at the city below, "Pinpoint her. We'll free her of her corruption tonight."

"Yes, your highness," Lei got to her feet and held her hands out and closed her eyes connecting with every Void in the city. It was an unpleasant feeling but necessary. It didn't take long for her brethren to answer her call. They led her to where the Void was hiding. "I've found her."

"Lead the way," Nem said and Lei jumped off the rooftop toward a closer building. He followed closely behind her as she leaped across the skyline gracefully. She didn't have a hundred years left if she took on the corruption of the High Maid, but it was necessary if he was to achieve his goal. He couldn't leave such a priceless item in the hands of a Void. It wouldn't be long before the High Maid lost all sense of herself and truly become a monster like the rest.

He would have to protect Lei during the battle as well, or he would lose a loyal subject. Lei was irreplaceable. He needed her around until the very end.
They reached their destination, Lake Fide in no time. A large lake located north of Lueryn Park. Another mockery from Vahnaine. Lei landed near the edge of the lake and so did Nem. "She's here."

Nem took in his surroundings while searching for the Void. The moment he sensed its presence he grabbed Lei and threw her backward out of harm's way. The Void's attack was invisible but he was sure it was aimed for the maid. Holding his hand out he called his weapon, Ersia. A katana with a deep purple blade and a golden inscription engraved into the blade. He pulled the weapon from the sheath and waited.

"Pppprince N…nehhh..N-nemon…Nemone?" The voice that spoke was like Lei. A thousand speaking at once but unlike Lei, the Void's voice was falling apart. There was no unity in the Void.

"Quinn," Nem said acknowledging the person the Void used to be.

"Yyyy-you gr-grown up so b-big," The Void said as it finally showed itself. Creeping slowly out of the shadows came something that resembled a woman but clearly wasn't. The face was full of eyes and mouths on a black background. It stumbled and tripped as it crossed the distance between them. Nem held his blade toward the approaching creature.

"Remain where you are Quinn," he warned her.

Lei moved silently to his side, careful not to draw the creature's attention. She knew the prince had to be careful around the overly corrupted Voids. He was the only one still pure. Losing that purity would be the end of their hope. She had to protect him from Quinn at all cost or it would be the true end of Illacrimina. Something she could not allow. She had sworn allegiance to her queen and she would do anything to protect the prince and the future of their kingdom.

"When she attacks you must allow me to shield you," she whispered to him. The prince shook his head.

"We will avoid all her attacks. I can't afford to lose you. For now, you have my blessing, bend the Kren to your will." Nem commanded.

"Yes, your highness," Lei said as the blessing washed over her. She unlocked her Maiden's Core and call her staff to her.

What two moves should Lei use?
[] Shadow Haste (Speed Boost)
[] Royal Guard (Shield Buff)
[] Devourer (Attack)

What should Nem do? Choose One
[] Attack with Lei at his side
[] Attack alone
[] Defend with Lei at his side
[] Write-in

Choose the Trinkets effect. Choose 2.
[] Attack +
[] Defense +
[] Intelligence +
[] HP +
[] Buff
... [] Nurue's Blessing (Dark)
... [] Second Chance
... [] Dahlia's Grace (Light)
[] Special (Sacred Art, it won't be useable until you open it and if you chose this you can only choose this. There will not be a second choice.)

*This sidestory takes place before Nys become a magical girl.

*Special note, Nem is very strong and technically OP but it should be noted that in this battle he can not take any hits. Defended against or not. So you'll have to be careful about how you proceed.


HP: 9000HP: 25,000
KP: 8000KP:
Atk: 5000Atk: 15,000
Def: 9000Def: 20,000
Int: 5500Int: 50,000

Void_ Royal High Maid Quinn
HP: 10,000
KP: 0
Atk: 5000
Def: 1000
Int: 10
-Lore: The Prince of Illacrimina will be posted tomorrow

Voting Ends Sunday
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... Oh wow, no wonder we managed to piss off Lei- Liri was full of it claiming Voids couldn't be saved. Like, there's no way he didn't know about this stuff, so why pretend saving them is impossible? Freaking provoked Lei for nothing...

Besides that, I'm not really sure what plan of attack to go for. Regarding the Trinket, I'm thinking either Nurue's Blessing & Dahlia's Grace (because they're really powerful) or the Special Sacred Art because that has to be really useful if it takes up both slots.

EDIT: Wait, we're not allowed to pick multiple Buffs are we?
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What two moves should Lei use?
[X] Shadow Haste (Speed Boost)
[X] Devourer (Attack)

What should Nem do? Choose One
[X] Attack with Lei at his side

[X] Special (Sacred Art, it won't be useable until you open it and if you chose this you can only choose this. There will not be a second choice.)

If you can't get hit, then you gotta hit harder and move faster- gotta be a Dodge Lord.

@Dahne: So do these Sidestory events only allow us to retroactively affect the story, or would Nys have some knowledge of them? Like in-universe does AP 150 actually do anything or is that just purely an out-of-universe mechanics thing.

If Nys isn't involved in the sidestory she doesn't have knowledge of it unless a character tells her. AP is most for mechanics but it does affect how a character reacts to things. Right now the affects aren't showing much but later on when Cara and Moira joins, it will. Cara is mean so she'll stay mean if her Ap is low. Moira is super loyal but if she loses her Ap she'll start to doubt Nys and do her own thing. Once a character is maxed out they'll generally like Nys and side with her at all times unless a serious event happens (ex: they get KO'ed) Nem is different, even if you some how manage to KO him his AP won't change same with QUEEN. Their AP Gain is permanent.

Lastly, no one's probably noticed this but there is a hidden queen who's AP looks like this (+15x0) Basically meaning no matter what you do her Ap will be zero. That's something fun to look forward to when she is found. It can be fix during the story.
[X] Shadow Haste (Speed Boost)
[X] Devourer (Attack)

[X] Attack with Lei at his side

I feel like this is signing a contract without knowing the exact conditions, but I am far too curious.
[X] Special (Sacred Art, it won't be useable until you open it and if you chose this you can only choose this. There will not be a second choice.)
[X] Shadow Haste (Speed Boost)
[X] Devourer (Attack)

[X] Attack with Lei at his side

[X] Special (Sacred Art, it won't be useable until you open it and if you chose this you can only choose this. There will not be a second choice.)
Mother's Trinket II
"Shadow Haste," Lei said as she stayed close to Nem's side. The dark element seeped out from underground covering their feet and giving them a speed boost.

"We must move quickly. Attack when you have an opening." Nem started toward the creature with Lei in toll. The Void hadn't moved since Nem's command. It stood still as they approached but Nem still moved with caution. It was only a matter of time before the order was forgotten.

Lei moved quickly to put herself in front of the prince. Though Nem was powerful any mistake could cause irreparable damage. She tested the Void first hitting it viciously with her staff rather than an elemental attack. The void didn't move and Nem followed up with a swift strike that stopped short.

"She's still listening," Lei stopped her second attack and glanced over to Nem who didn't carry through on his first attack.

He jumped back from the void to keep a distance and Lei followed obediently to his side, "Quinn."

The void looked up from its trance, "Prince Nemone, you've grown so much."

The void looked around confusion in its many eyes, "Where is your majesty? She should be here…"

Nem felt pity for the woman. She had been loyal for so long only to be given such a terrible fate. At this point, she could not be saved. No matter what they did she would be lost. Nys had not awakened yet and even if she had been, she wouldn't be strong enough to save the woman, "She is resting and waiting for the appointed time to make her return, but I must ask that you return the queen's pendant to me."

"Of course, she told me that I had to return it into your hands before she left," The void dug into its chest cavity to pull out a black jewel surrounded by white sculpted flowers. Even with sludge on it, the beauty of the jewel could be seen.

Lei went over quickly taking the pendant and returning to where the prince stood. She placed the pendant away into a pocket in her dress.

"Our wonderful queen. She's gone to them… to make peace, but- but they won't accept us. No matter what we did we were monsters to them."

"You are correct. We will never be any but monsters to them." Nem responded before looking to Lei. If the void continued down that line of thought she would remember the horrifying memories locked away, "Attack."

Lei nodded and aimed her staff at the Void that still was obedient. "Devourer!"

The darkness exploded from the ground surrounding the Void. It was then that the Void finally realized what was happening, "Ah, I'm too far corrupted. After all of these years, I've finally succumbed. Now I can't meet her."

Nem didn't speak, but Quinn understood, "I want to listen to you and quietly give up on this life, but all the voices are screaming at me to live. 'We must live' they say, but I know that I must die. For her majesty, I mu-must mmmust dIE…"

The Void's voice started to distort as unity was lost and Nem prepared himself for the incoming attack. He watched as his mother's favored attendant was consumed by the monster she'd become. Lei was close to him awaiting his command.

"Finish it."

"Consume!" Lei said as the dark element rose from the ground high into the air surrounding the Void. It closed around the Void and shrunk in size. The screams from inside were horrible but Lei knew what her first duty was. Her heart had to be pushed back to protect the prince.

She held on to the creature with her art hoping it would consume the monster quickly, but something went wrong and the art was broken. Lei almost lost her staff and her balance as the monster escaped. Nem grabbed her arm holding her steady as he looked toward the Void that had now lost its shape. Quinn was no longer alive. Her individuality lost in countless others.

Its body grew in mass and spread across the ground and into the lake. Slowly a large head came from the oozing mess. It was black but had proper features now. It resembled the woman, Quinn.

"We must finish it quickly so that we can release it from its nightmare," Nem said readying himself to attack again. Lei agreed still reeling from her art being broken but ready to assist the prince at his command.

The monster let out an agonizing scream before speaking, "They trampled over us! They killed us with no mercy! Should we simply die without vengeance! Should we close our eyes without her grace! Will you stand in our way?"

Nem sighed, even with their unity lost they found it again in their collective hate. It seemed that only those close to his mother experience this type of corruption. It was admirable that even after suffering so much, revenge for their beloved queen was all they wanted, even after years of endless torture.

Nem will attack again. What should Lei do?
[] Attack with Nem
[] Defend Nem

Obtained Item: Crimina's Pendant
*Special Sacred Palace Art

Voiscae: A recovery art that restores Kren and HP to the user. It also gives a boost to ATK and DEF. For a short time, the user is also possessed by Crimina. The drawback is that the recovery is granted using the Kren and HP of all queens in the party. Voiscae will KO every queen in the party. Useable when Nys reaches level 15 and has the pendant in her possession.

*Next Update is the last for the sidestory
Voting Ends Tuesday
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Hmm, surprisingly counterproductive Sacred Art... Like, if we use that we'll just hurt our teammates and lower their AP, all for a selfish second-wind where Nys isn't even in control (meaning we either have no control or are unable to do Write-ins). Honestly, that'll probably only get used out of desperation, unless Nys can use it on her own.

[X] Attack with Nem

Seems like either way this ends with Lei becoming a Void, unless these two options will radically change Nem's value as a party member. Though I'm starting to think even Nem won't be honest about Voids, and... we're not getting anything out of Lei until we somehow get Positive AP.
I can see how it would seem like that. It may not seem important but this sidestory can change the main story.
I see that Voids with a lot of willpower are able to exert a bit of control over themselves.

[X] Defend Nem
Forest of Knowledge: Nemone
"Prince Nemone, what are you doing hiding here?" Lei asked the small child that was peeking down at his mother's court. Huge purple eyes looked up at her. Lei sighed and held her hand out to the young boy. He took it and she guided him out of the council room.

"You know her majesty's rules when it comes to her court," she reminded him.

The child nodded with a long-suffering sigh and Lei scratched the back of her head with her free hand. "I will not inform her majesty, but you must stop doing this. It makes the queen unhappy for you to hear such terrible things."

"I will rule one day, I should know what happening around me, right?" The boy looked no older than seven but spoke like an adult. Lei knew that the prince only looked young. By the standards of the other kingdom's, he would be an adult at the age of seventeen. Yet, he still looked like a child, so others wouldn't take him seriously. It probably angered the prince but there was nothing they could do.

They all aged slowly. It was simply a trait of their species. "Yes, but for now let us listen to her majesty because I will be the one to suffer if we don't."

"Mother would not hurt you for something so small," Nemone chided her.

"Eh, sorry. I did not mean it that way. I meant that I do not wish to get in trouble with High Maid Quinn. She is not so forgiving as her majesty. Sitting on my knees for hours is not fun," Lei said walking with the 'child' remembering the last time she was in trouble.

"You are right, Quinn is very strict but with mother's personality, someone must be," Nemone glanced between the banister down to the court below. His mother was listening intently to one of the council members. "She is serious where it counts."

Lei nodded as she guided the black-haired child to the kitchen. He let go of her hand and she went to wash her hands and fix him something to eat. "I guess I will be High Maid once you ascend the throne."

"Why?" Nemone said climbing up on to the barstool.

"Well, I do not wish to stay a Royal Maid forever. If not, then I will not be able to serve you. Only a High Maid can serve the ruling monarch." Lei said wondering if the prince didn't like her as much as she thought.

"Do not pout. I would not leave you behind." Nemone said leaning on the table she worked on.

"I was not pouting," Lei said mashing the potatoes she had finished boiling earlier.

"Maybe I will make you my personal knight," he teased her.

"Oh no, anything but that. I mean I already must foil assassination attempts but being the Royal Knight means more work and dealing with the council. I don't want to be bothered with that. I would rather prepare your food and baths. Have you seen how tired her majesty's personal knight looks sometimes?" she said shaking her head at the very thought.

"Also, a Royal Knight must be powerful. I am very much lacking in that area," she said making her case against the future appointment.

"Then I will teach you how to fight and how to use Kren. Then I will give you my blessing," he assured her.

"…fine. Since you want me so much, I must give in. It does not look right to deny the prince's gift," she gave up.

"Good I did not want to have to threaten you with High Maid Quinn."

"Oh, you are so terrible. After I save you from her at that," she huffed and rolled her eyes.

"Thank you. I will take that as a compliment," he said resting his head on his arms and watching her expertly move around the kitchen, "You will be perfect."
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Part of me wants to imagine that staff as literally coming out of her collar so she fights by spinning the thing around her and grabbing it to stablize for shooting magic at her foes.
Even if the natural thing to think is that it's simply resting on her shoulder.
Mother's Trinket III
Nem moved quickly avoiding the sludge-like tentacles that flowed from the Void's mouth. The attacks were gaining speed. He would not tire out, but any mistake would cost him. Lei kept up with him mirroring his movements and destroying any tentacles that came too close. Since the void gained so much mass it was harder to get around it. Its red eyes centering on them gave the huge head a ridiculous look.

"My prince, we have a problem," Lei said glancing at the trees. Nem didn't have the time to look back at the maid as he sliced through countless writhing tentacles avoiding the touch as swiftly as he could.

Lei knew he couldn't be bothered with what she needed to tell him, so she stayed at his side and kept a close watch. The void would attempt some final attack and if it had the intelligence of Quinn it would be something underhanded. As they moved closer to the head Nem started using Dark Kren as a foothold to jump off. She followed noticing that the tree line was getting weirder by the minute, "Your highness,"

"Move!" He told her as he grabbed her staff and yanked her forward hard. She barely avoided the tentacle aimed to impale her. Nem grabbed her by her arm and jumped back from the Void. He landed on more Dark Kren since the ground was covered with the void's corruption.

"My prince,"

Nem was looking around trying to find a way to destroy the creature's core, but he didn't have time to find it, "What?"

"It has Quinn's tactics."

It didn't take long for the realization to dawn on Nem and as soon as it did the trees surrounding the lake burst open revealing the trap. They were standing in the mouth of the void and it was going to close. Nem's jaw was clenched and his grip on his katana was weakening. He chuckled to himself at how foolish he was, "Shit."

"Indeed," Lei said watching at the edges rise into the sky.

"The core,"

"Not enough time to find it," Lei said moving closer to the man.

"Then I'll destroy it all at once," Nem said with a renewed grip on his katana. Lei said nothing but she knew he noticed the void eating away at their already small platform. The walls closing around them were already leaking corrupted darkness.

"Your highness," she grabbed his arm and he looked down at her. His violet eyes filled with some unnamed emotion.

"No," he responded instantly.

"Nem," she whispered, and he stiffened. She rarely dropped formalities with him. "You have to stay clean of the corruption if we're going to save them. I won't die."

"There's still time," he pleaded.

"You and I both know there isn't any more time. Quinn was always good at traps," Lei said jumping down from the floating platform. Nem reached for her but she was too quick.

Lei shuddered at the feeling she got once the Void's corruption touched her feet. The voices from the Void was filling her mind and fighting with the voices already inside. She gripped her head for a second. Her unity almost being thrown out of order.

"Lei! Get back up here!"

"It's too late. There's only one way out of here. I must protect you. It's my sacred duty," she smiled up at him.

"Lei, please. You're one of the few that are in control. I can't lose you to this. Not like this!" Nem said on his knees holding his hand out to her.

Lei ignored him and placed her staff on the ground or what was left of it. She had one shot to free Nem from the cage and one chance to protect him. She took a deep breath and call on all the Kren in the area and inside her body.

"Lei, don't! You'll break my blessing!" Nem yelled at her.

The orb on top of her staff started growing immensely and her golden armor and collar shattered. She remembered the rules. She could name them off in rapid succession. One was never to attempt an art belonging to royalty. It was profane and dangerous. She didn't have a Sacred Palace but with Nem's blessing she could probably pull it off. She only hoped she didn't die before she did so.

Her unity shattered next and millions of voices screamed in agony. "I'm so sorry, bear with me… For our prince bear this pain!"


"Be safe Nem, Shadow King's Protection," as the words left her mouth her staff shattered in her hands. The orb also broke open and true darkness flooded out and surrounded Nem. A large bubble surrounded him and lifted him from the platform. The Void's sludge would be disintegrated if it touched the bubble. He was safe. Lei sighed in relief.

Her unity was still in disarray, but she had not time to worry about that. The art wouldn't last long since it wasn't cast by royalty. Wiping the black blood from her eyes and nose she looked at the Void's main body. "I'll let you rest Quinn."

"Lei, Lei! What are you doing? Find the core and destroy it. You're not that corrupted yet. You can still stay by my side. Please listen to me!" Nem was begging her and she didn't know how to feel about that. It was surprising.

She didn't respond to him. They both knew the core was nowhere in the area and the protection wouldn't last long. They'd be right back in the same predicament if she searched for the core or waited any longer.

She walked toward the head that resembled Quinn and as she did, she called her core. The black orb dripping darkness floated in the palm of her hand as she walked across the lake to the Void. "It's about to get noisier than before."

Holding her hand up to the sky she spoke, "Let the hives combine. Let me consume you."

The Void reacted negatively to that and started to attack her, but it had already lost its pseudo queen. It wouldn't stand a chance against her. She tossed her core up into the air and the core started to pour out corruption. It consumed all that it touched eating away at the Void quickly.


"Duty before friendship." She said watching as her void essence devoured the other. The extra voices made her head hurt but she wasn't going to let it stop her. The lake returned to normal and she collapsed on the ground on the other side of the lake. Her unity was faltering with all the extra voices.

"Quiet them!" she ordered her hive.

Nem dropped to his feet once the art ended and hurried to Lei's side. She was on her knees. Her skin was much paler than before. Inky blackness dripped off her skin and her uniform was a mess. Her ponytail holder had broken with her armor and as he called her, she turned to look at him with dull red eyes.

"Your highness…" she smiled but it was off. Something was different about it, "Thank goodness you survived."

"You consumed it."

"…yeah," she looked down at her hand. "No other way."

Nem reached for her and Lei dodged him, "We both know that I've gone past the point of no return."

"Lei that's—"

"It's okay, I knew what it meant to do this. I know the consequences," Lei said taking the pendant out and tossing it on the ground. "You can take it once I leave. My corruption should be gone by then."

Nem didn't speak, instead, he stared at her with the same unnamed emotion.

"We both knew the risk and you know that the pendant is one step closer to the goal. It was worth the sacrifice."

Nem continued to stare at her, only a tick in his jaw revealing his anger.


"You will not have Quinn's end," Nem said watching the woman turn on her heels and head toward the lake's edge.

"I know, that's why I wasn't afraid. I trust you, your highness. You will see this through to the end," She gave him one last smile before stepping into the lake and disappearing in the murky depths.

Nem stared at the lake for several minutes before picking up the pendant, "Why must you be so duty-bound?"


Lei now has the title, The Prince's Heart
-- Lei is favored by Nem and she is very loyal to him. Lei will come to Nem's aid when indanger of being corrupted or KO'ed. Likewise, Nem will not allow anyone to destroy Lei's core or harm her. Not even Nys.

Nys has obtained, Crimina's Pendant

Nys is going back to school what should she do? Choose 3.

[] Talk with Moira (See how she been doing)
[] Speak with Hyacinth (see how she's feeling about her new job)
[] Find out about Cara
[] Talk to Liri about a Void
[] Lei
…[] Void at Luxarc Uni.

[] Wander a little (something interesting might happen)
[] Go to work (after school of course)
[] Write-in

Voting Ends Friday
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Lei almost lost her staff and her balanced as the monster escaped.
He would not tire out, but any mistake would cause him.
Cause him what? Or is it "cost"
Since the void gain so much mass it was harder to get around it.
"gained". Multiple instances of lower-case "void".
The void would attempt some finally attack and if it had the intelligence of Quinn it would be something underhanded.
Nem jaw was clenched and his grip on his katana was weakening.
Wipe the black blood from her eyes and nose she looked at the Void's main body.
She tossed her cored up into the air and the core started to pour out corruption.
Inky blackness dripped off her skin and her uniform a mess.
"was a mess"
-- Lei is favored by Nem and she is very loyal to him. Lei will come to Nem's aid when endanger of being corrupted or KO'ed.
"in danger"

[x] Speak with Hyacinth (see how she's feeling about her new job)
[x] Talk to Liri about a Void
-[x] Lei
[x] Wander a little (something interesting might happen)
The mystery deepens.

[X] Talk with Moira (See how she been doing)
[x] Speak with Hyacinth (see how she's feeling about her new job)
[x] Talk to Liri about a Void
-[x] Lei
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