Unpopular opinions we have on fiction

"Let's go! open up, it's time for Unpop!"
Alright, time for my mandatory Unpopular Opinions Post. Let's get this over with.
"You're late. You know the deal. You can Omelaspost for a Funny, or you can make an interesting post for an Insightful."
Here in Unpopular Opinions Poster Civilisation, no one chooses to make interesting posts. It's better to make the one joke everyone knows for the Funny, rather than risk your entire life for just one Insightful rating.
"Tomorrow you better not be late, or I'll have you posting for Informative reactions as punishment."
"Yes sir, sorry, I won't be late next time."

Down here, us Omelasposters only get one Rating a day. One Funny rating is just enough to get your post:reaction ratio to the next day. But that's the life of Unpopular Opinions Poster Civilisation. If you wanna survive, you have to Unpopular Opinions Post. Every Omelasposter has the same goal, and that's to make it to the top thread, where all the Brothers Karamazovposters live. Except, most Brothers Karamazovposters are born on the top thread. If you're an Omelasposter, there's only one way up, and that is through the Temple of Unpopular Opinions. The Temple of Unpopular Opinions is the only structure on SV that combines the bottom thread to the top thread. To make it up, you have to post an impossibly hard Unpopular Opinion Reply that no Omelasposter has ever completed. And that's assuming you even get the chance to post the reply in the thread. The inside of the Temple is protected by a barrier and the only way an Omelasposter gets past the barrier is if they've earned a gilded post. I've never even tried getting a gilded post before, but if I'm going to rank up to a Brothers Karamazovposter one day, I'm gonna have to.
It's a weird thing. I thoroughly liked TFA until I saw RO. I've never seen a film cause me to reduce my opinion of a different film. I dom't dislike it, it's just average now.
It's a weird thing. I thoroughly liked TFA until I saw RO. I've never seen a film cause me to reduce my opinion of a different film. I dom't dislike it, it's just average now.

TFA (like Watchmen) is a film where my opinion of it slightly decreases every time that I think about it. And Rogue One is a movie where my opinion of it slightly increases each time I think about it.

Of course I never had a high opinion of TFA from first seeing it anyway
On a related note, though I don't know how much of an unpopular opinion this is, the film ruined Ender's Game for me. Every time I read the novel I think of the film.

Fortunately, Speaker for the Dead remains untainted.
I was unfairly banned off SB, besides my hatred for TFA is not pathological, if the film had not been a copy of the OT and had a different plot like the prequel films had, the film probably would have been better received by me and those who agree with me in my dislike of the film.

I call bullshit on this claim since every Star Wars related thread you post in you constantly whine about TFA because you are still sulking like a petulant spoiled child about the glorified licensed fan fiction being ignored by Disney even though Lucas ignored it if not flat out contradicted it when he owned Star Wars.

I also love your laughably idiotic claim about your ban from SB after the painfully obvious sock puppet you made to try to avoid a temp ban and your subsequent attempts to play the victim card in regards to your well deserved ban. More bullshit to add to the list of complete bollocks claims made up by the world's most deluded Irishman.
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Oh, here's a unpopular opinion I have. Gilad Pellaeon was a mutinous incompetent who deserved to be dragged out and shot after Endor, and his Remnant and the Felpire is merely a warlord state with better branding.
So kind of like Dragon Age II?

Actually is that an unpopular opinion, that Dragon Age II isn't bad?

I liked it as well. Dragon Age II is probably - at least in terms of story - actually my favorite BioWare game that I've played. I won't deny that there were missteps where programming and game design was concerned (and I have always hated the gameplay for the Dragon Age games), but DAII passed up on grandiose plots - something that BioWare has never really been good at - and instead focuses on an ensemble cast in a very small-scale setting over the years, which BioWare conversely has always been good at.

Besides, Merrill Best BioWare Waifu kthxbai

It's a weird thing. I thoroughly liked TFA until I saw RO. I've never seen a film cause me to reduce my opinion of a different film. I dom't dislike it, it's just average now.

I know what you mean. I probably don't feel it as strongly as you do, but wow Rogue One really made a difference in how we perceive Star Wars films.
Can you expand on that?

Quoted from the Rogue One thread back after the film was released:

So I ended up accidentally watching Rogue One in theaters. And then I accidentally stumbled on this thread and remembered that it exists. ^_^;

Honestly, I think Rogue One benefited much from not being part of the "main" Star Wars canon, which afforded it a freedom from the constraints of a Lucas-esque cinematography and narrative style that J.J. Abrams emulated for The Force Awakens. In many ways, Rogue One felt like a modern-day military thriller film that accidentally wound up becoming a Star Wars film instead. There's a sense of weight in details that a Lucas-esque approach would've resulted in much broader strokes, things like a semblance to modern military practices (I may or may not be the only one to notice that, for the first time in a Star Wars film, a shuttle leaving a site of hostilities will have soldiers at the boarding ramp aiming down sights to provide cover for an embarking VIP instead of just standing there and marching up the shuttle like it's a parade) and factionalism within the Rebel Alliance. Little things like trying to abort a military strike that's already underway feels less like Star Wars and more like 24. Things - both tangible and abstract - feel like they have weight and momentum. It's a very unique Star Wars experience, and I liked it quite a bit. ^_^;
I just don't get why everyone is constantly prasing Overwatch for having original and creative characther design.

It is literally national stereotypes: the game.

Japanese character? Make them a ninja. French character? Haughty Seductress. British character? Have them speak like the're fresh off of Oliver Twist. Korean? Pro gamer. Brazillian? Street performer/dancer. American? Cowboy + 'mysterious' supersoldier.

Wow. So creative. So brave.
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I just don't get why everyone is constantly prasing Overwatch for having original and creative characther design.

It is literally national stereotypes: the game.

Japanese character? Make them a ninja. French character? Haughty Seductress. British character? Have them speak like the're fresh off of Oliver Twist. Korean? Pro gamer. Brazillian? Street performer/dancer. American? Cowboy + 'mysterious' supersoldier.

Wow. So creative. So brave.
Isn't Reaper America? Also are the Swiss known to be doctors or the Egyptians know for their great power armor? And sure many Moon Gorillas tend towards the STEM fields but I wouldn't really call that a stereotype.
Mass Effect Andromeda isn't all that bad. It's just not as good as the other Mass Effect games. It's basically on the level of Dragon Age Inquisition, but it looks worse in comparison.

Also calling Rey a Mary Sue is wrong, not because the merits of her character one way or the other, but because "Mary Sue" relates only to fan made characters. There is more to what makes a Sue a Sue than "is good at everything" and all of them have to do with how the fan character warps the existing narrative. People seem quick to forget that.
Mass Effect Andromeda also goes against continuity set up by the other games, none of the characters are memorable, like those from the other games and some fans felt there should have been a Mass Effect 4 focusing on rebuilding the galaxy as Shepard and the Normandy crew discover a new threat rising out of the chaos to grab power.

Look Rey is a Mary Sue, she could do stuff with the force like the min trick, despite her never seeing it done like Luke had see Obi Wan do in A New Hope and was able to beat Kylo Ren with no training whatsoever. Plus she could fly the Falcon better that Han Solo himself.
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Out of curiosity but like what is your definition of a Mary Sue anyways?
A character who can do things with no formal training ie the mind trick, fly a ship better than the person who flew the ship for years and lastly beat someone trained by Luke and Snoke in a lightsaber duel, despite never holding a lightsaber before, only using a bo staff which is a different class of weapon and being able to turn Kylo's mind probe against him, again with no formal training.
Mass Effect Andromeda also goes against continuity set up by the other games, none of the characters are memorable, like those from the other games and some fans felt there should have been a Mass Effect 4 focusing on rebuilding the galaxy as Shepard and the Normandy crew discover a new threat rising out of the chaos to grab power.
Well ignoring the totally subjective stuff about not having memorable characters having Shepard and crew go on adventures doesn't work because for one thing Shepard is likely dead in most endings and two it was very clear the next adventure was retirement.

Look Rey is a Mary Sue, she could do stuff with the force like the min trick, despite her never seeing it done like Luke had see Obi Wan do in A New Hope and was able to beat Kylo Ren with no training whatsoever. Plus she could fly the Falcon better that Han Solo himself.
First of Chewie is the pilot not Han. I don't even like the series and I know that, second you are either missing my point or ignoring it and with you I never know which so I'll try one more time to make this clear. You can call Rey a flat character, an OP character, or whatever you want but the term "Mary Sue" does not work because it specifically relates to fan fiction. Rey by definition is not a Mary Sue because she is a character in the canon of Star Wars. You are using the word wrong.
A character who can do things with no formal training ie the mind trick, fly a ship better than the person who flew the ship for years and lastly beat someone trained by Luke and Snoke in a lightsaber duel, despite never holding a lightsaber before, only using a bo staff which is a different class of weapon and being able to turn Kylo's mind probe against him, again with no formal training.

iunno like dude you're not gonna like a lot of sports movies/other shit if you seriously think mary sues are based on whether or not one has formal training. like fucking that mc from initial d never did any street racing and he still beat a street racer first try is he a mary sue now.
Well ignoring the totally subjective stuff about not having memorable characters having Shepard and crew go on adventures doesn't work because for one thing Shepard is likely dead in most endings and two it was very clear the next adventure was retirement.

First of Chewie is the pilot not Han. I don't even like the series and I know that, second you are either missing my point or ignoring it and with you I never know which so I'll try one more time to make this clear. You can call Rey a flat character, an OP character, or whatever you want but the term "Mary Sue" does not work because it specifically relates to fan fiction. Rey by definition is not a Mary Sue because she is a character in the canon of Star Wars. You are using the word wrong.
In the destroy ending it's implied Shepard survived, could have had him retire, then come out of retirement to deal with a threat in ME4. Simple.

Overpowered, Mary Sue it's all the same, plus TFA was just a bad piece of fan fiction for Original Trilogy fanboys directed by JJ Abrams.

Honestly the new trilogy should not have been more rebels vs empire crap like in TFA, should have been about the Yuuzhan Vong War or some other threat from the EU, maybe have it be on the Thrawn Trilogy, something a lot of fans would like.
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In the destroy ending it's implied Shepard survived, could have had him retire, then come out of retirement to deal with a threat in ME4. Simple.
What about the people that didn't pick destroy?

Overpowered, Mary Sue it's all the same
No it's not. Like on a bunch of levels this is wrong. For one thing you can have Mary Sues who are underpowered. In fact it's a whole trope to have a Sue that is weak. A Mary Sue is all about how the character warps the established canon to make themselves the center of the story. When a character does that in an original work they're called the "Protagonist".

Honestly the new trilogy should not have been more rebels vs empire crap like in TFA, should have been about the Yuuzhan Vong War or some other threat from the EU, maybe have it be on the Thrawn Trilogy, someone a lot of fans would like.
Now I have only read like half of the first Thrawn book but isn't it mostly revels vs empire crap?

iunno like dude you're not gonna like a lot of sports movies/other shit if you seriously think mary sues are based on whether or not one has formal training. like fucking that mc from initial d never did any street racing and he still beat a street racer first try is he a mary sue now.
O'Malley he can beat the guy because of a) talent and b) he knew the mountain? Hill? Like the back of his hand and also c) he knew his car really well

He's really not the best example to compare with Rey, not that I have watch TFA myself so I don't know the character.
What about the people that didn't pick destroy?

No it's not. Like on a bunch of levels this is wrong. For one thing you can have Mary Sues who are underpowered. In fact it's a whole trope to have a Sue that is weak. A Mary Sue is all about how the character warps the established canon to make themselves the center of the story. When a character does that in an original work they're called the "Protagonist".

Now I have only read like half of the first Thrawn book but isn't it mostly revels vs empire crap?

Yes, it is. It's a great series, but...honestly, I don't think it should have been the movies. Like, whatever the movies is has to be something original and new, because for one if you're working with live actors, then an episode set within a few years of the end of ROTJ is..not a good idea at all?

Also, Vong War as the big trilogy? Oh god I'm dying inside.
Also going off on Rey being able to use the Force without training, like isn't the Force a mystical energy that people gain access to by being centered and good? Like it didn't seem like something that needed much formal instruction, just a willingness to surrender one's self to it and allowing the energy to work through you.

Also she beat Ren in a fight yeah, but he was sporting a pretty sizable gut wound from a fuck off lazer gun that blasted most people several feet back. Like it's impressive he was able to stand. I would expect a strong wind to be able to beat him in a fight.
Isn't Reaper America?

Rogue edgy mercenary with Punisher-style skull mask somehow seems intensely stereotypically American, yes.

Also are the Swiss known to be doctors or the Egyptians know for their great power armor?

For the Swiss example, yes. Switzerland has one of the most prominent, famous biomedical industries in the world, not to mention the fact that the International Committee of the Red Cross is headquartered there, giving the Swiss a famous reputation for being medical workers. I mean, sure, there are also bankers and watchmakers if you want to go further down the stereotype rabbit hole, but those are probably a bit more difficult to translate into a first-person shooter.

I myself do think Overwatch is overhyped. I think it's a reasonably well-made game, but it's really just another arena shooter when it comes down to it. My brother, who has a higher tolerance than I about this kind of game, literally calls it "Paid Team Fortress 2" (and, by contrast, calls Team Fortress 2 "Free Overwatch").
The actual character design isn't that great either. Sure, they're memorable and some are cool. But, like, Soldier just looks like any generic gun guy. Widowmaker is blatantly just wearing another dumbass superhero spandex suit except with some power armor bits. Tracer would be the exact same if she didn't have the jacket to make her look interesting. Which is, like, your flagship character so she'd better be your best design foot forward.

Too bad Blizzard's go to for spicing up their designs is just to tack on little bits of sci Fi armor and visors and shit that don't actually communicate anything about their characters or personality. Kinda like how they ruined Illidan's cool look in Warcraft 3 and Frozen Throne by making him PURPLE AS FUCK, made his horns dumber and gave him green swirlies on his chest. He wasn't even allowed to keep the blindfold.

The design sensibility that came out of World of Warcraft is just garbo in general. W3's aesthetic kinda worked because it was more simplified, but now it's like candy coated Warhammer on steroids, ew.
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The actual character design isn't that great either. Sure, they're memorable and some are cool. But, like, Soldier just looks like any generic gun guy. Widowmaker is blatantly just wearing another dumbass superhero spandex suit except with some power armor bits. Tracer would be the exact same if she didn't have the jacket to make her look interesting.

Too bad Blizzard's go to for spicing up their designs is just to tack on little bits of sci Fi armor and visors and shit that don't actually communicate anything about their characters or personality. Kinda like how they ruined Illidan's cool look in Warcraft 3 and Frozen Throne by making him PURPLE AS FUCK, made his horns bigger and gave him green swirlies on his chest. He wasn't even allowed to keep the blindfold.

The design sensibility that came out of World of Warcraft is just garbo in general. It's like candy coated Warhammer, ew.

Her suit makes me wonder whether spandex is comfortable to wear. Does she get cold, ever?

*literally just googled Widowmaker. That's how little I know about Overwatch, except that apparently she's a brainwashed something?*
Mass Effect Andromeda also goes against continuity set up by the other games, none of the characters are memorable, like those from the other games and some fans felt there should have been a Mass Effect 4 focusing on rebuilding the galaxy as Shepard and the Normandy crew discover a new threat rising out of the chaos to grab power.

Look Rey is a Mary Sue, she could do stuff with the force like the min trick, despite her never seeing it done like Luke had see Obi Wan do in A New Hope and was able to beat a heavily injured half trained Kylo Ren who was making his injuries worse by engaging in physical activities with no training whatsoever. Plus she could fly the Falcon better that Han Solo himself.[/QUOTE

Fixed your misleading statement about the Ren & Rey duel to provide the accurate context that you deliberately keep repeatedly missing everytime you make this bullshit claim.

So apparently crashing the Falcon immediately after taking off and initially outflying FO pilots in terrain she's more familiar with who still managed to keep with up with her = a better pilot than Han by the bullshit half baked logic of Ant. So who taught Luke prior to meeting Yoda or that little girl from Clone Wars that Telekinesis was possible then?

And by some fans I presume you mean your family, friends or random people on the internet you whine to? :eyeroll:
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Her suit makes me wonder whether spandex is comfortable to wear. Does she get cold, ever?

*literally just googled Widowmaker. That's how little I know about Overwatch, except that apparently she's a brainwashed something?*
Actually, when Widowmaker is in the colder maps she'll directly reference how she doesn't feel the cold. Because something about her blood being stopped or her being a zombie or...fuck, I generally love Overwatch's lore (It's what I play the game for, god help me), but Widowmaker just fucking baffles me.

And thread tax, I'm not sure how unpopular an opinion this is, but whatever. One Piece had the weakest beginning of what used to be the Big Three, weak enough to actively turn me off the series for a good five years before I just skipped it entirely to read the Arlong Park arc.