Unpopular opinions we have on fiction

"Let's go! open up, it's time for Unpop!"
Alright, time for my mandatory Unpopular Opinions Post. Let's get this over with.
"You're late. You know the deal. You can Omelaspost for a Funny, or you can make an interesting post for an Insightful."
Here in Unpopular Opinions Poster Civilisation, no one chooses to make interesting posts. It's better to make the one joke everyone knows for the Funny, rather than risk your entire life for just one Insightful rating.
"Tomorrow you better not be late, or I'll have you posting for Informative reactions as punishment."
"Yes sir, sorry, I won't be late next time."

Down here, us Omelasposters only get one Rating a day. One Funny rating is just enough to get your post:reaction ratio to the next day. But that's the life of Unpopular Opinions Poster Civilisation. If you wanna survive, you have to Unpopular Opinions Post. Every Omelasposter has the same goal, and that's to make it to the top thread, where all the Brothers Karamazovposters live. Except, most Brothers Karamazovposters are born on the top thread. If you're an Omelasposter, there's only one way up, and that is through the Temple of Unpopular Opinions. The Temple of Unpopular Opinions is the only structure on SV that combines the bottom thread to the top thread. To make it up, you have to post an impossibly hard Unpopular Opinion Reply that no Omelasposter has ever completed. And that's assuming you even get the chance to post the reply in the thread. The inside of the Temple is protected by a barrier and the only way an Omelasposter gets past the barrier is if they've earned a gilded post. I've never even tried getting a gilded post before, but if I'm going to rank up to a Brothers Karamazovposter one day, I'm gonna have to.
Fixed your misleading statement about the Ren & Rey duel to provide the accurate context that you deliberately keep repeatedly missing everytime you make this bullshit claim.

So apparrently crashing the Falcon immediately after taking off and outflying FO pilots in terrain she's more familiar with who still managed to keep with up with her = a better pilot than Han in the bullshit half baked logic of Ant. So who taught Luke or that little girl from Clone Wars that Telekinesis was possible then?

And by some fans I presume you mean your family, friends or random people on the internet you whine to? :eyeroll:
Do not go fixing posts that don't need to be fixed. That just annoys me.
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Then stop omitting the full context behind what actually happened everytime you make this fucking dishonest bullshit claim about the Ren & Rey duel you fucking liar.
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@ Mass Effect Andromeda, Dragon Age

I listed all my complaints about Andromeda in the game's thread but specifically as it compares to DA, IT really is most like Inquisition. Both games make the same horrid attempts at open world and that is really the most important thing about them. There are differences - like Corypheus actually somehow being a more compelling villain than the Archon - but when your game is a 100 hours of hiking across big, boring environments, little else matters. That will be what people remember.

As for comparing it to DA2...no. DA2 was the most ambitious game I've ever seen out of BioWare. The only Mass Effect game like Dragon Age II is Mass Effect 2. The two games really have identical design philosophies.

But specifically, trying to compare ME:A to DA2 falls apart if we merely look at our main characters. You have practically zero control over Ryder or their personality. Even the triad of Hawke personalities is better because you see real differences. An Aggressive Hawke is the only one who can side with Petrice, for instance. Inquisition did it a step better, giving us control over most everything about Inquisitor, even their religious beliefs. (and no, the one converstion you have with Suvi doesn't compare) Andromeda was a gigantic leap backward in control over our PC.

You also have no control over your companions in ME:A. DA2 gave us Friendship/Rivalry, the best relationship mechanic ever in a BW game. In ME:A, you disagree with your companion, they get mildly angry for one scene, and then everything is perfect next scene like nothing happened.
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I just don't get why everyone is constantly prasing Overwatch for having original and creative characther design.

It is literally national stereotypes: the game.

Japanese character? Make them a ninja. French character? Haughty Seductress. British character? Have them speak like the're fresh off of Oliver Twist. Korean? Pro gamer. Brazillian? Street performer/dancer. American? Cowboy + 'mysterious' supersoldier.

Wow. So creative. So brave.

Overwatch characters are kinda interesting in that on the one hand, they're obvious roles we've seen before.

On the other hand, they have enough quirks and personalities they feel like... people. Or, hitting that sweet spot of iconic rather than generic.

Soldier 76 is all-american super soldier, but I have far more sense of Jack Morrison's personality than I do so many other similar characters. Ditto McCree and so on.

Something about how Blizzard does character designs is working for people better than so many other games, judging by all the fancomics and other works I see that are varied but still feel like they're basically writing the same people.
Also going off on Rey being able to use the Force without training, like isn't the Force a mystical energy that people gain access to by being centered and good? Like it didn't seem like something that needed much formal instruction, just a willingness to surrender one's self to it and allowing the energy to work through you.

Also she beat Ren in a fight yeah, but he was sporting a pretty sizable gut wound from a fuck off lazer gun that blasted most people several feet back. Like it's impressive he was able to stand. I would expect a strong wind to be able to beat him in a fight.

Yea, also, every time she used a force power it was, (1) after seeing it used/having it used on her repeatedly, and (2) involved multiple attempts to get it right.

Like, she didn't just zoom, off to the force races! She's a talented amateur who can do stuff in easy situations after having some demonstrations and even then taking a couple tries.

Heck, Kylo's mind was leaking into hers because he was going so deep. He was using a telepathic link deep enough that not only was he interrogating, he was showing her what he was doing at close range!

My unpopular opinion: While some people said the more they think about TFA, the less they like it, I kinda have the opposite. Because I keep being reminded of all this stuff they set up that seems to be missed or forgotten!
Ooh, Best Waifu talk?

It's Merrill and Dawn Star.

Leliana was my first though so shoutouts to her and her accent and her adorable love for shoes.

Also Hardening Leliana is objectively wrong and bad and evil and no one should ever do it.
Wow, all these cultural ignoramuses here. The best Bioware Waifu is either Viconia or Jaheira.
Information: Official Staff Communication
official staff communication
A general reminder to the thread: This is about unpopular opinions. That means, kind of by definition, that most of you are unlikely to agree with whatever's being posted. Please try to confine the temptation to argue to a dull roar.

It is also not about whatever personality conflicts you have with other posters. Leave that at the door.
*Plants Flag on the hill of Merrill best girl*

Honourable mention to Vetra for being best Tol-urian

Honourable mention to Liara for actually being a long term relationship where things don't end with "And then they fucked and you won Romance fivever" due to the whole trilogy thing.

Dishonorable mention to Carth "Fuck off! I was just being friendly. I'm gay, get me out of this relationship" Onasi.

Honourable mention to Morrigan for "I am surprising invested in this het romance with man mage the mage man on my third DAO playthrough." Makes the Witch Hunt DLC mean so much more especially when you're wearing that ring.

Honourable mention to Leiliana for remaining in a long term long distance relationship with my Warden despite it being two games later and the Warden being halfway across the continent in a pre industrial society without electronic messaging.
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1. That's an outmoded gender concept. This is the space future, baby.
2. No, that's Wrex and you damn well know it.

Wrex has his own life sadly. You can't hang with him whenever like you can with Garrus. Sure he's fun to be around... but you don't see each other as much anymore.
Then stop omitting the full context behind what actually happened everytime you make this fucking dishonest bullshit claim about the Ren & Rey duel you fucking liar.
You can reply to him and correct him without editing his post. That's just not kosher. Not cool man, not cool.

On Overwatch: it's the online shooter equivalent of Street Fighter when it comes to characters being National stereotypes. Nothing new to see here, move along.

On Rey: while she doesn't meet the requirements for being a Mary Sue, that doesn't excuse her being a poor character. She actively sucked the life out of any scene she was in. She was like a much worse done version of Luke Skywalker. Things come way too easy to her, but not to the extent that she's a Mary Sue.
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O'Malley he can beat the guy because of a) talent and b) he knew the mountain? Hill? Like the back of his hand and also c) he knew his car really well

He's really not the best example to compare with Rey, not that I have watch TFA myself so I don't know the character.
True but I was fixated on the "formal" training part. Like iunno Cobra Kai's methods VS wax on wax off y'know because I was trying to point out how basing what a Mary Sue solely on that is flawed.
TFA (like Watchmen) is a film where my opinion of it slightly decreases every time that I think about it. And Rogue One is a movie where my opinion of it slightly increases each time I think about it.

Of course I never had a high opinion of TFA from first seeing it anyway

Unpopular opinion: Rogue One is an opinion vampire.

Also, Bioware Romance writing sux but TaliGarrus is OTP, no room for shep.
I also love your laughably idiotic claim about your ban from SB after the painfully obvious sock puppet you made to try to avoid a temp ban and your subsequent attempts to play the victim card in regards to your well deserved ban. More bullshit to add to the list of complete bollocks claims made by the world's most deluded Irishman.
walk it back @Pariah, this is a hair shy of an infraction for sniping. This is not civil. Cool it down.