Unpopular opinions we have on fiction

"Let's go! open up, it's time for Unpop!"
Alright, time for my mandatory Unpopular Opinions Post. Let's get this over with.
"You're late. You know the deal. You can Omelaspost for a Funny, or you can make an interesting post for an Insightful."
Here in Unpopular Opinions Poster Civilisation, no one chooses to make interesting posts. It's better to make the one joke everyone knows for the Funny, rather than risk your entire life for just one Insightful rating.
"Tomorrow you better not be late, or I'll have you posting for Informative reactions as punishment."
"Yes sir, sorry, I won't be late next time."

Down here, us Omelasposters only get one Rating a day. One Funny rating is just enough to get your post:reaction ratio to the next day. But that's the life of Unpopular Opinions Poster Civilisation. If you wanna survive, you have to Unpopular Opinions Post. Every Omelasposter has the same goal, and that's to make it to the top thread, where all the Brothers Karamazovposters live. Except, most Brothers Karamazovposters are born on the top thread. If you're an Omelasposter, there's only one way up, and that is through the Temple of Unpopular Opinions. The Temple of Unpopular Opinions is the only structure on SV that combines the bottom thread to the top thread. To make it up, you have to post an impossibly hard Unpopular Opinion Reply that no Omelasposter has ever completed. And that's assuming you even get the chance to post the reply in the thread. The inside of the Temple is protected by a barrier and the only way an Omelasposter gets past the barrier is if they've earned a gilded post. I've never even tried getting a gilded post before, but if I'm going to rank up to a Brothers Karamazovposter one day, I'm gonna have to.
I raise you The Lusty Argonian Maid, the greatest play to never be staged!
I hate how narcissists and ASPD is potrayed in media. I get that these kind of disorders are scary, and dangerous, but the way we've associated narcissist with villain really does damage to people trying to recover. Not every narcissist is a villain, and no-one is incapable of being helped, but as a society we've repeatedly taken mental disorders and either written people off as being impossible to help, or their illness isn't real, or worse.

E: I think this is unpopular because to me at least, the popular opinion is that Narcissists are un-helpable villains.
Like, Wildbow has actual problems with how he handles minorities, but "one of the evil gangs is a minority" isn't one of them

However, I do have some questions (which I understand "have no good answers", from other posts about the topic) about how it's not just "one of the evil gangs is a minority", but rather "one of the evil gangs is all of the minority, through coercion":

The implication from the work itself is that Lung's discrimination for being half Japanese and half Chinese ensured he couldn't join a gang in the first place, so when he made his own he forcibly absorbed every Asian gang in the city, and then effectively demanded obedience and tribute from every Asian person in the city.

Which itself goes into the greater issue of how "pan Asian" makes very little sense, especially since there does not seem to be any stated criteria either in-universe or out-of-universe on what "Asian" means in this context. Even sticking to just "East Asian", I imagine the Korean diaspora would be puzzled at why they are targeted by someone with a grudge over being discriminated for being Japanese-Chinese.
E: I think this is unpopular because to me at least, the popular opinion is that Narcissists are un-helpable villains.

Like you said, it's because real life narcissism can still be deeply harmful and dangerous. And while all people can be helped, in theory, in practice . . .

Apparently Lego Batman, of all things, does narcissistic personality disorder pretty well in that it treats narcissism as what it is, an insatiable need for praise and attention. Narcissists WANT to be perceived as good people. But that want is often so overwhelming, and failure is so painful, that they escape into a sort of self serving delusion.
Violations of Rule 4: Don't be Disruptive
violations of rule 4: don't be disruptive
Users @ScribePrincess and @Hawkatana have been respectively Staff Notice'd and infracted for 25 points under violation of Rule 4: Don't be Disruptive and have both been threadbanned for three days.

Further, a caveat:

This is the Unpopular opinions we have on fiction thread. By the very nature of the discussion, anything expoused here is either going to be 1) actually unpopular, leading to a test of civilty between users engaging with the opinion 2) not actually unpopular, just 'cool kidz' unpopular.

I would recommend users to not handle unpopular opinions to the point of desperately desiring the last word in a conversation -which, as you may notice, ends with the intervention of Moderation-, but rather simply let them be expoused, have them fall in the silence of being ignored, and avoid engaging further with them letting the thread move on to other, 'unpopular' opinions.

With that being said, everyone else, have a nice day.
I feel like I'd have remembered there being naked ladies in the Starship Troopers book.

I think we have a rare Reverse Emperor's Clothes situation where people are using the power of suggestion to say a clothed person is naked.
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I seriously don't remember that either but it's possible I'd skimmed over it anyways.
It sounds like the sort of shit Heinlein would write (thanks Stranger) but I feel like I'd remember that.

Edit: Oh wait I think somebody here CTRL+F'd for naked/nude and didn't find anything. But I don't know.
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Loki in Thor: Ragnarok is also a decent portrayal of "narcissist who learns to be constructive." Loki in Ragnarok, while more than a bit of an asshas, is portrayed as desiring the adulation of others, and by the end he correctly realizes he can get that by playing the hero. So he does precisely that.

Shame the movie as a whole is aggresively mid and cannot carry a consistent tone to save its life.
Anyway, this might be a minor one compared to others.

I always laugh hard at Subnautica fans trying to hype up Gargantuan Leviathan in certain ways where they don't belong, but especially when they do it based on misinterpretation of information.
Are you not counting the shower scene you referenced not 12 hours ago? (I never saw any of the sequel material.)
Uhh no
I just remember the 3D movie WAY more sexualized in that regard
(This is different continuity than the Marauders Tv show btw)
Anyway, this might be a minor one compared to others.

I always laugh hard at Subnautica fans trying to hype up Gargantuan Leviathan in certain ways where they don't belong, but especially when they do it based on misinterpretation of information.
What do you mean here? Isn't that the 5km long dragon-squid looking thing that eats a starship? How does one unjustly hype that up?
What do you mean here? Isn't that the 5km long dragon-squid looking thing that eats a starship? How does one unjustly hype that up?
Well, the version that exists in the canonical game (a fossil big enough to be a small biome) is not indicative of a 5 km creature. And being long dead it doesn't eat a starship, which would I believe be larger than its head anyway. (Gargantuan Fossil)

I don't know what the 5km mod creature does.
However, I do have some questions (which I understand "have no good answers", from other posts about the topic) about how it's not just "one of the evil gangs is a minority", but rather "one of the evil gangs is all of the minority, through coercion
The answer to that is it's not true.

The ABB is never every Asian in Brockton Bay. The closest it gets is when it starts forcibly recruiting people - part of the event which makes everyone team up - but even then it is never even implied that every Asian is a member
Well, the version that exists in the canonical game (a fossil big enough to be a small biome) is not indicative of a 5 km creature. And being long dead it doesn't eat a starship, which would I believe be larger than its head anyway. (Gargantuan Fossil)

I don't know what the 5km mod creature does.
Ah. The mod that actually puts the thing in has it eat the rescue ship that tries to save you.

The original skull, which they used as inspiration, would have belonged, per your link, to a 1.3 kilometer leviathan. Which is still utterly monstrous, and is between the 750 meter juvenile and 5km adult sizes for the living ones from the popular mod.
The ABB is never every Asian in Brockton Bay. The closest it gets is when it starts forcibly recruiting people - part of the event which makes everyone team up - but even then it is never even implied that every Asian is a member
It's not that every Asian person is a member, but the story is very clear about it when it introduces the idea.
Insinuation 2.2 said:
It was pretty unconventional for a gang to include members of the variety of nationalities that the ABB did, but Lung had made it a mission to conquer and absorb every gang with Asian members and many without. Once he had the manpower he needed, the non-Asian gangs were cannibalized for assets, their members discarded. Even though there were no more major gangs in the east end of town to absorb, he was still recruiting zealously. His method, now, was to go after anyone older than twelve and younger than sixty. It didn't matter if you were a gang member or not. If you were Asian and you lived in Brockton Bay, Lung and his people expected you to either join or to pay tribute one way or another. There had been local news reports on it, newspaper articles, and I could remember seeing signs in the guidance counselor's office detailing where people who were targeted in this way could go for help.
Lung attempts to recruit everyone Asian he can between the ages of 12 and 60 and if he doesn't try to forcibly recruit you, he expects you to pay the ABB tribute in some way, which is behavior so well known that it's been on multiple news sources and has had signs printed out for a school guidance counselor's office for young kids at school who've been targeted that way.
It's not that every Asian person is a member, but the story is very clear about it when it introduces the idea.

Lung attempts to recruit everyone Asian he can between the ages of 12 and 60 and if he doesn't try to forcibly recruit you, he expects you to pay the ABB tribute in some way, which is behavior so well known that it's been on multiple news sources and has had signs printed out for a school guidance counselor's office for young kids at school who've been targeted that way.
I'll admit I forgot that, but "Lung, a supervillain, expects everyone in the Bay to defer to him and forces themselves to pay protection money" is very different from "every Asian in the city is a gang member".

The later phrasing implies considerably more active and willing participation, whereas the later is just an exaggerated version of something real gangs do (make people pay protection money) with an exaggerated twist (because supers setting).
I'll admit I forgot that, but "Lung, a supervillain, expects everyone in the Bay to defer to him and forces themselves to pay protection money" is very different from "every Asian in the city is a gang member".

The later phrasing implies considerably more active and willing participation, whereas the later is just an exaggerated version of something real gangs do (make people pay protection money) with an exaggerated twist (because supers setting).
Right but the exaggerated twist in this case is that Lung, a Chinese-Japanese man, forces Every Single Asian to pay tribute to him. Which is obviously complete nonsense based on the poor understanding Wildbow has of Asian identities and how many nationalities would be grouped under "Asian" in the way it's used in Worm.

Which was...the complaint to begin with. The ABB is a gang that attempts to recruit Literally Every Member of a seemingly specific but in reality extremely broad category, and if not recruit you're expected to pay tribute to him specifically because he leads the Asian gang and you are Asian.