Unpopular opinions we have on fiction

"Let's go! open up, it's time for Unpop!"
Alright, time for my mandatory Unpopular Opinions Post. Let's get this over with.
"You're late. You know the deal. You can Omelaspost for a Funny, or you can make an interesting post for an Insightful."
Here in Unpopular Opinions Poster Civilisation, no one chooses to make interesting posts. It's better to make the one joke everyone knows for the Funny, rather than risk your entire life for just one Insightful rating.
"Tomorrow you better not be late, or I'll have you posting for Informative reactions as punishment."
"Yes sir, sorry, I won't be late next time."

Down here, us Omelasposters only get one Rating a day. One Funny rating is just enough to get your post:reaction ratio to the next day. But that's the life of Unpopular Opinions Poster Civilisation. If you wanna survive, you have to Unpopular Opinions Post. Every Omelasposter has the same goal, and that's to make it to the top thread, where all the Brothers Karamazovposters live. Except, most Brothers Karamazovposters are born on the top thread. If you're an Omelasposter, there's only one way up, and that is through the Temple of Unpopular Opinions. The Temple of Unpopular Opinions is the only structure on SV that combines the bottom thread to the top thread. To make it up, you have to post an impossibly hard Unpopular Opinion Reply that no Omelasposter has ever completed. And that's assuming you even get the chance to post the reply in the thread. The inside of the Temple is protected by a barrier and the only way an Omelasposter gets past the barrier is if they've earned a gilded post. I've never even tried getting a gilded post before, but if I'm going to rank up to a Brothers Karamazovposter one day, I'm gonna have to.
"Contradicts real-life physics". Unobtainium itself contradicts real-life physics. Do you think JC or anyone who worked on the movie cares if it's physically possible or not?. Lemme ask you, do you think the earliest oil tycoons stated that were going to change the world and help the progress of humanity? Or how about the entrepreneurs during the Industrial Revolution? No, they didn't give a shit because it was money was all they cared about. In the same situation, RDA is a corporation hired to get the product that will make them all extremely rich. That's what they will talk about on Pandora because that is their interest. But I guarantee you that on Earth in public they'll go on about how they're helping humanity. Even nowadays, many "green" companies are interested in cornering a potentially lucrative market, not because they want to save the world.

TL: DR, the RDA is a very corrupt corporation interested in resources for the money, just like many historical corporations and entrepreneurs are, so it shouldn't be a surprise that money and value is all they're talking about, and not how it helps humanity.

And yet, if unobtainium were so vital to humanity's survival as you assert, then the RDA would not be the ones mining it in the first bloody place, you pillock. Beyond @MJ12 Commando's quite cogent point that corporations like to make themselves look good, when Selfridge is laying into Grace for prioritising what he sees as hippy stuff rather than getting the RDA mining rights, he does not say anything about how this stuff's vital for humanity's survival - which, if it were true, might actually be an argument Grace might listen to - instead emphasising the monetary value of unobtainium. So, why is Selfridge not making use of an actual effective argument?

Then why did they attack that tribe in the tree in the first place?! You say they would be overwhelmed, but they attacked those Na'vi anyway.

Because Quaritch is blatantly looking for an excuse to start shooting on the Na'vi.

They "vaguely resisted" by everyone capable of holding a bow firing at the ships. They obviously weren't going to leave.

And Quaritch was blatantly not interested in resolving things non-lethally. He didn't fire on the Na'vi volleying arrows at the Dragon, he was volleying heavy ground-attack missiles and napalm into Home Tree itself.
The better question is wouldn't everyone know that they needed this rare stone? Like wouldn't Grace know that? If the human race depended on this to live you'd think that would be well known.
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories has the best plot in the series. Yeah, I really liked the Sora/Kairi stuff in the first game and Riku's descent into darkness was pretty great too, but Sora didn't really get that much character development (as far as I remember). He got that in CoM. And the non-Disney cast of villains were best in CoM. It was also made before KH became overly convoluted.
And to the guys questioning the need for unobtainium, the information is in "James Cameron's Avatar: An Activist Survival Guide". It's
I'm usually pretty skeptical of the veracity of EU materials, especially when they're interpreted to strongly change the character of the primary canon.

I haven't read this book, so I can't comment, but I've seen so much EU which detracts from its source material that my assumption is to always ignore all of it.

(Does this count as an unpopular opinion?)
TL: DR, the RDA is a very corrupt corporation interested in resources for the money, just like many historical corporations and entrepreneurs are, so it shouldn't be a surprise that money and value is all they're talking about, and not how it helps humanity.
Yeah, but 'save the world' is a great line to use when convincing people of things, which happened a few times.

I should hope the baddies had a motivation at least as compelling as "get money."

And yet, if unobtainium were so vital to humanity's survival as you assert, then the RDA would not be the ones mining it in the first bloody place, you pillock.
I don't think I agree with this part. Oil is pretty vital to life in 2015, but we leave it to oil companies.
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I like Bioshock 2 the best out of the series.

The Hobbit (the book) is more entertaining than the LotR trilogy.

I did not think that the ME3 ending (non-Extended Cut) was that bad. It could have been better, but its terribleness was grossly exaggerated (Starchild was still dumb but I'm talking about the 'Destroy, Control, Synthesis' part when I mean the ending).

I enjoy Dragon Age 2 despite all of its numerous flaws.

Batman Forever is my favorite Batman movie.
Actually, yes. James Cameron ran a lot of the numbers for the movie. James Cameron did a lot of research and when he had to abrogate real-life physics to get results he wanted, he was explicit about them.

Also, this idea that RDA understands PR is funny because it actually destroys your point, not mine. Companies characterize what they do as vital to mankind even when they aren't. Your argument is that RDA is vital to mankind, yet doesn't do this, because ???

"Corrupt corporations" self-justify what they do. People self-justify what they do. What you're saying is that despite how Selfridge, who was visibly uncomfortable with a lot of what Quaritch was doing, had an entirely truthful reason to accept what he was doing and encourage people to agree with Quaritch, he decided to never say it, ever, for the last, I dunno, several years? You don't generally get a mutiny in an entire wing of your company that quickly. You're literally assuming that not a single person in the RDA is actually intelligent enough to tell the truth even when the truth would be helpful.

Quaritch, FYI, thought that a war between humans and Na'vi was inevitable. This is kind of explicit from the movie.

So refusing to move allows for ethnic cleansing or genocide?

The name "unobtainium" literally comes fork a trope term of magical materials related to the plot that are impossible in real life. It was a direct reference to that. I've seen fans annoyed with that name for not even trying to make it appear possible. And JC put a lot of effort into physics? That surprises me because I've had to seen at least a dozen articles picking apart the physics and biology of the movie.

Except where I specifically addressed that: I said I'm sure that's what they said on Earth to get public support. They don't need to keep that up when they're on Pandora away from the public.

When would that have been helpful? The entire company was more than willing to mine the land and blow up those natives. Literally, Selfridge was shown to be the only person who had doubts on the RDA's side. You make it seem like it was a divided thing. There was no coup, Selfridge wanted it but felt bad at the same time for hurting them.

Yet the only reason why the tribes united was because of Jake after he took that dragon thing (forgot what it was called). You say it would be expensive to wipe out the Na'vi yet they take out the tree tribe oh so easily, without losing anyone, and they didn't think the others were a threat to them until Jake started going to them.

What do you think was going to happen if the humans refuses to fire, eventually? You saw that some of the Na'v were getting into their dragons as the tree was falling, and they are more than capable of taking out a vertibird as we see later. The Na'vi was bound to find a way to hurt them in the first place. And when they finally did shoot, it was at the tree, not the Na'vi directly. They had their chance to wipe them out yet they did not take it.
"I could have shot your family as you fled your home, which I sprayed with gasoline and set on fire, but I didn't" is not a position that wins many brownie points from me.
Han Solo isn't really "cool". In fact, his character is kind of a bumbling loser with some bad boy personality traits who serves the story as a measuring stick for Luke's character growth. In the beginning of the movies we see him as cool, but as Luke develops we see how he overshoots Solo in terms of maturity during Return of the Jedi. Lando also serves as a more mature and cooler vision of what Han Solo could have been if he stopped being a livable space bum.

The Dude is basically the greatest wish fulfillment character of all time, because he rises above representing what the audience wants to be and do, and becomes what the audiences wants to want to be and do.

(Does this count as an unpopular opinion?)I should hope the baddies had a motivation at least as compelling as "get money."

What about "fuck bitches"?:V
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I don't think I agree with this part. Oil is pretty vital to life in 2015, but we leave it to oil companies.

Well, that's a fair point. On the other hand, unobtainium is as sometimes cast notably more important - allegedly preventing humanity's extinction level important - than oil is.

What do you think was going to happen if the humans refuses to fire, eventually? You saw that some of the Na'v were getting into their dragons as the tree was falling, and they are more than capable of taking out a vertibird as we see later. The Na'vi was bound to find a way to hurt them in the first place. And when they finally did shoot, it was at the tree, not the Na'vi directly. They had their chance to wipe them out yet they did not take it.

The point, is that Quaritch is not acting on a force protection basis, I.e. he's not shooting at the Na'vi who're shooting at him, he's shooting at the ones busy dealing with having a shitload of CS gas (which, incidentally, is not non-lethal; it's a less-lethal agent, and I'm pretty sure that nobody not a liar or an idiot would claim that volleying large quantities of it into an enclosed, and crowded, space, is not going to kill people, directly or indirectly) pumped into their home.
The name "unobtainium" literally comes fork a trope term of magical materials related to the plot that are impossible in real life. It was a direct reference to that.
The term actually dates to at least the 1950s, as engineering shorthand for "what the hell can meet these requirements?"

Most famously, the SR-71 was designed with a lot of unobtanium components, mandating a secret plot to move titanium out of the soviet union using shell corporations.
What do you think was going to happen if the humans refuses to fire, eventually? You saw that some of the Na'v were getting into their dragons as the tree was falling, and they are more than capable of taking out a vertibird as we see later. The Na'vi was bound to find a way to hurt them in the first place. And when they finally did shoot, it was at the tree, not the Na'vi directly. They had their chance to wipe them out yet they did not take it.
Their home was a giant fucking tree they knocked over. You can't knock down an arcology and claim you didn't kill anybody. That's like saying the ID4 aliens were just blowing up cities but at least they didn't chase down every survivor, y'know?

Those aliens needed our resources to survive and we blew them up. Perhaps man is the real villain in this story. :(

Well, that's a fair point. On the other hand, unobtainium is as sometimes cast notably more important - allegedly preventing humanity's extinction level important - than oil is.
Judging from what quotes by James Cameron I found, Unobtanium's relevant application is producing more efficient fusion reactors. Like oil, it's all about energy security.

I can't pick at the quotes in the aforementioned sourcebook because I haven't read it.
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Well, that's a fair point. On the other hand, unobtainium is as sometimes cast notably more important - allegedly preventing humanity's extinction level important - than oil is.

The point, is that Quaritch is not acting on a force protection basis, I.e. he's not shooting at the Na'vi who're shooting at him, he's shooting at the ones busy dealing with having a shitload of CS gas (which, incidentally, is not non-lethal; it's a less-lethal agent, and I'm pretty sure that nobody not a liar or an idiot would claim that volleying large quantities of it into an enclosed, and crowded, space, is not going to kill people, directly or indirectly) pumped into their home.

Without oil, coal, or a bunch of other resources, the world would collapse. We still let corporations deal with them. And it's likely that the RDA is on a government contract.

IIRC, the Na'vi who were shooting arrows at them were also in the tear gas. They shrugged it off and kept firing.
Well lets see unpopular opinions I have, thats a tough one I have a lot of them...however the one that comes to mind right now is, "I like Gundam ZZ." A lot of fellow gundam die hards I chat with don't like this series, for lots of reasons I don't really agree with. I like the series and love the main character Judau Ashta. I thought that after how overly dramatic and depressing Amuro and Kamille could be sometimes (when the situation didn't really warrant it), Judau was a nice change of pace.

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They needed our resources to survive and we blew them up. Perhaps man is the real villain in this story. :(

Judging from what quotes by James Cameron I found, Unobtanium's relevant application is producing more efficient fusion reactors. Like oil, it's all about energy security.

Except that they didn't try trading with us for it, the resources were not being ignored by us completely, they did not try for decades for diplomacy which was very expensive for when they could have wiped us out easily, and it is not needed for their race's survival.

Yes, and that's how it's related to FTL. Before there was a reference to cryosleep.
Judging from what quotes by James Cameron I found, Unobtanium's relevant application is producing more efficient fusion reactors. Like oil, it's all about energy security.

I can't pick at the quotes in the aforementioned sourcebook because I haven't read it.

I was more going from the actual arguments used by pro-RDA peeps, to quote one example;
We weren't there to commit genocide, we were there to extract an extremely needed resource that would be used to prevent human extinction.
which is rather fatuous on the face of it.

IIRC, the Na'vi who were shooting arrows at them were also in the tear gas. They shrugged it off and kept firing.

In the open, on the fringes of the CS cloud, which means much less concentration. And Quaritch is still not shooting at the Na'vi shooting at him, instead choosing to level Home Tree. This is not justified use of force, it's Quaritch going full Col. Kilgore because he feels like it. I mean, I know Stephen Lang was one of the only actors not phoning his performance in for Avatar, but come the fuck on; Quaritch is only using the CS gas in the first place because RDA security's ROEs probably say he's got to try using less-lethal methods before ordering, "Light 'em up with missiles and napalm, boys!".
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Until you learn that that obtanium the miners were hunting for was being used to save humanity as it would solve the energy crisis (so no more pollution) and to power the economy.
Given how the RDA have enough energy to produce thousands of tons worth of antimatter every year without unobtanium, them suffering from an energy crisis makes no sense whatsoever.

Anyway, I like what Moffats has done as showrunnr for Who.
I didn't mind the ME3 endings at first.

The originals, not the EC.

You should've seen my face when I went online, the shitstorm.....