Unpopular opinions we have on fiction

"Let's go! open up, it's time for Unpop!"
Alright, time for my mandatory Unpopular Opinions Post. Let's get this over with.
"You're late. You know the deal. You can Omelaspost for a Funny, or you can make an interesting post for an Insightful."
Here in Unpopular Opinions Poster Civilisation, no one chooses to make interesting posts. It's better to make the one joke everyone knows for the Funny, rather than risk your entire life for just one Insightful rating.
"Tomorrow you better not be late, or I'll have you posting for Informative reactions as punishment."
"Yes sir, sorry, I won't be late next time."

Down here, us Omelasposters only get one Rating a day. One Funny rating is just enough to get your post:reaction ratio to the next day. But that's the life of Unpopular Opinions Poster Civilisation. If you wanna survive, you have to Unpopular Opinions Post. Every Omelasposter has the same goal, and that's to make it to the top thread, where all the Brothers Karamazovposters live. Except, most Brothers Karamazovposters are born on the top thread. If you're an Omelasposter, there's only one way up, and that is through the Temple of Unpopular Opinions. The Temple of Unpopular Opinions is the only structure on SV that combines the bottom thread to the top thread. To make it up, you have to post an impossibly hard Unpopular Opinion Reply that no Omelasposter has ever completed. And that's assuming you even get the chance to post the reply in the thread. The inside of the Temple is protected by a barrier and the only way an Omelasposter gets past the barrier is if they've earned a gilded post. I've never even tried getting a gilded post before, but if I'm going to rank up to a Brothers Karamazovposter one day, I'm gonna have to.
I hate Mass Effect Andromeda and to me it's non canon and never happened.

I liked the Star Wars Prequels and hate the sequel trilogy.

I also like Star Wars Clone Wars a lot more than Star Wars Rebels.

And lastly to me the Star Wars Expanded Universe is still canon while the new Disney Star Wars post episode 6 canon is non canon.
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I liked the Star Wars Prequels and hate the sequel trilogy.

I also like Star Wars Clone Wars a lot more than Star Wars Rebels.

And lastly to me the Star Wars Expanded Universe is still canon while the new Disney Star Wars post episode 6 canon is non canon.

Granted, I didn't like the prequels, I just didn't hate them - not like I despise Disney's new shit. Rebels and arguably Rogue One ae the only bits of that of any worth.

TCW, I have mixed feelings on. By the end of the series, it had arcs I adored and arcs I hated back to back. Overall, it doesn't hold up to Star Wars: Republic's clone wars material, but it's still good.

And, for the most part, I also still consider the EU supreme over the reboot.

Granted, I didn't like the prequels, I just didn't hate them - not like I despise Disney's new shit. Rebels and arguably Rogue One ae the only bits of that of any worth.

TCW, I have mixed feelings on. By the end of the series, it had arcs I adored and arcs I hated back to back. Overall, it doesn't hold up to Star Wars: Republic's clone wars material, but it's still good.

And, for the most part, I also still consider the EU supreme over the reboot.
Glad to see someone on here agrees with me. On SB most people would condemn me for my views, especially my hatred for TFA. Rogue One was good as is Rebels, I just prefer Clone Wars and wanted that show to get a proper resolution.

The new trilogy should have been about Thrawn or the Yuuzhan Vong War.
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I liked TFA, I just thought it was sorta empty fluff. It was a bunch of fun scenes with likable actors with a bunch of nostalgia driven cheers. And even if Star Wars isn't Hard Sci Fi, none of the Starkiller base stuff made the least bit of sense.

Rogue One also depended on nostalgia, but it had a symbiotic rather than parasitic relationship with the Original Trilogy. The sacrifices the main characters and the rest of the rebellion made retroactively added poignancy to Episode IV.
I liked TFA, I just thought it was sorta empty fluff. It was a bunch of fun scenes with likable actors with a bunch of nostalgia driven cheers. And even if Star Wars isn't Hard Sci Fi, none of the Starkiller base stuff made the least bit of sense.

Rogue One also depended on nostalgia, but it had a symbiotic rather than parasitic relationship with the Original Trilogy. The sacrifices the main characters and the rest of the rebellion made retroactively added poignancy to Episode IV.
TFA was just A New Hope 2.0 with new faces, among them a damn Mary Sue character in Rey. I'd be willing to bet a million euro that The Last Jedi will be Empire Strikes Back 2.0 with new faces as well.
TFA was just A New Hope 2.0 with new faces, among them a damn Mary Sue character in Rey. I'd be willing to bet a million euro that The Last Jedi will be Empire Strikes Back 2.0 with new faces as well.
I don't know. I think it might branch out a little.* JJ Abrams is like the master of delivering cool looking, flicks with good action an great character interactions that in retrospect turn out to be empty calories.

*a little

EDIT: for a related bit of thread tax, I thought Star Trek Beyond was the best of the nuTrek. Justin Lin had the advantage of inheriting JJ Abrams's cast, as JJ Abrams is amazing at casting. And he added a bit more meat to it- like fun Spock/McCoy interactions which JJ never seemed to have despite having cast a perfect Spock and perfect McCoy.
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among them a damn Mary Sue character in Rey.

In what way? Rey was a quick learner sure, but so was everyone else with any significance in the history of Star Wars, and the Force is just weird. It didn't let her steamroll through every obstacle. She had character flaws that impacted her. I'm just going to quote from the Mary Sue thread here.

No meaningful flaws. By meaningful, I mean flaws that have a direct impact on the characters narrative journey, or impede them in some way.

Two female examples, one for, one against. Bella Swan claims she's shy, unpopular, and a host of other social death-knells for high school girl. Good luck ever seeing those in the story itself.

Rey. Devoted to the idea of her parents returning, a little frightened of the Force and what it might mean for her. Causes her to reject The Call (as Campbell would put it), which gets her captured by Ren, which puts her and Finn in immense danger, and ultimately gets Han Solo killed.

Simple cause and effect. Critically, this flaw organically emerges through character interaction instead of being exposited upon. I find that 90% of the time if a character talks about their own flaws, that character starts ticking Sue boxes.

(Edit Note: To my delight, TFA indulges in this style of writing frequently. Rey notes she's an inexperienced pilot to Finn, and immediately shows it by smashing into several things as she takes off, constantly dinging the Falcon in the ensuing chase, and ultimately being unable to shake a pursuing Tie Fighter despite knowing the area like the back of her hand. We know she's impulsive from her actions in the prologue, especially the way she attacked Finn when BB told her he had Poe's jacket, and this manifests with her almost getting Han and Finn killed by jumping the gun and releasing giant space squid onto Han's hauler instead of sealing Solo off into a safe area of the ship like she intended. When Han gives her a gun, she tells him she's never used one before, and this shines through: she's the only Star Wars character in history to forgot about the safety, let alone miss a shot she's allowed to line up with little duress. When she attempts a mind trick based off of Ren's accidental tutelage, she requires multiple attempts as she gets a feel for it. And when she finally crosses blades with Kylo, she's beaten back, hemmed in by her obvious terror and inexperience with a sword (constantly trying to use a lightsaber like a staff is a good way to get your ass beat), until once more he accidentally teaches her how to tap into the Force... at which point she promptly draws on the Dark Side and smashes him down.
In what way? Rey was a quick learner sure, but so was everyone else with any significance in the history of Star Wars, and the Force is just weird. It didn't let her steamroll through every obstacle. She had character flaws that impacted her. I'm just going to quote from the Mary Sue thread here.
Don't bother. Anyone who talked with him before he got banned from SB knows Ant's pathological about his hatred of TFA and his insistence that everyone he knows agrees with him. Literally doing anything else would be a better use of your time.
The thing that bugs me about the EU hate is that, well, none of those stories didn't happen. I can still go and buy TTT, or X-Wing -- they're all fiction, none of them 'counted' in the first place.

And, well, most people haven't read the bulk of the EU, even among Star Wars fans. How many of you have read Alex Winger? Or Skyewalkers? There is an immense body of 'old EU' stuff still left for people to read.
Here's one...

Watchmen is actually far from Moore's most ambitious work.
Don't bother. Anyone who talked with him before he got banned from SB knows Ant's pathological about his hatred of TFA and his insistence that everyone he knows agrees with him. Literally doing anything else would be a better use of your time.
I was unfairly banned off SB, besides my hatred for TFA is not pathological, if the film had not been a copy of the OT and had a different plot like the prequel films had, the film probably would have been better received by me and those who agree with me in my dislike of the film.
I was unfairly banned off SB, besides my hatred for TFA is not pathological, if the film had not been a copy of the OT and had a different plot like the prequel films had, the film probably would have been better received by me and those who agree with me in my dislike of the film.
It's only the third highest grossing movie of all time.

Also, affairs of other boards.
In what way? Rey was a quick learner sure, but so was everyone else with any significance in the history of Star Wars, and the Force is just weird. It didn't let her steamroll through every obstacle. She had character flaws that impacted her. I'm just going to quote from the Mary Sue thread here.
I don't think Rey's a Mary Sue, but I do take issue with a few of those examples-namely the ones involving the Force. In two cases, Rey started by failing, and then immediately started succeeding. No training montage, no time skip, nothing.

Imagine if Rey had gotten into a boxing match with Kylo Ren. Rey has never boxed before, though she has a small amount of experience brawling and and a good amount fighting with a staff. Kylo, on the other hand, is bigger and stronger than Rey and is an experienced amateur boxer seriously considering going pro. And at the beginning, Rey is getting her ass kicked, but halfway through Ren accidentally reveals something about how boxing works and Rey wins. That sounds completely bullshit and even the most ridiculous Sylvester Stallone movie wouldn't even consider having a scene like that. And the Force, even the Dark Side, is supposed to be way harder to understand than boxing.

The scene where she mind tricked Daniel Craig is just as egregious. I mean she had tried and failed twice, so Craigtrooper is one edge and alert for Jedi tricks at this point. And she suddenly just figures it out? The closest situation I can think of from the Original Trilogy is when Luke learns to block shots with a lightsaber. There, he in controlled conditions, with low stakes, and a Jedi Master walking him through step by step, manages to briefly figure it out, sorta. And this is after an unknown amount of time practicing.

The other examples, I think, show that the writers and Abrams didn't intend for her to be a Mary Sue, but I think Abrams was just an impatient director and wanted to gloss over things like practice and training for drama. Just like he glossed over the Falcon hyperspace jumping though a shield, or Starkiller base shooting a beam through thousands of lightyears, and having said beam be immediately visible in the sky everywhere, or how Han and Chewie just happened to be right there when Rey and Finn escape with the falcon, or how Benedict Cumberkhan transports straight from Earth to Qo'nos.

Abrams just doesn't seem to like plot setup. If there's a plot obstacle, he blows right through it and hopes the spectacle keeps people from noticing the plotholes.
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Really? Huh, the more you know.

The Force Awakens sits right after Avatar and Titanic -- pretty decent company. Anyway, compared to like Crystal Star or Children of the Jedi, it's pretty spectacular.
Well just shows people were blinded by nostalgia and the fact the film had Star Wars in the title.

Same thing can be said about Mass Effect Andromeda, that video game is so bad, yet people buy it anyway as it has Mass Effect in the title.
I was unfairly banned off SB

No you weren't. You were banned for habitually bad faith debating and trying to weasel around staff decisions. It was in no way unfair, especially since you either couldn't or refused to improve your behavior.

And that's all I'm going to say on the matter.
Same thing can be said about Mass Effect Andromeda, that video game is so bad, yet people buy it anyway as it has Mass Effect in the title.
Mass Effect Andromeda isn't all that bad. It's just not as good as the other Mass Effect games. It's basically on the level of Dragon Age Inquisition, but it looks worse in comparison.

Also calling Rey a Mary Sue is wrong, not because the merits of her character one way or the other, but because "Mary Sue" relates only to fan made characters. There is more to what makes a Sue a Sue than "is good at everything" and all of them have to do with how the fan character warps the existing narrative. People seem quick to forget that.
Mass Effect Andromeda isn't all that bad. It's just not as good as the other Mass Effect games. It's basically on the level of Dragon Age Inquisition, but it looks worse in comparison.
So kind of like Dragon Age II?

Actually is that an unpopular opinion, that Dragon Age II isn't bad?