Unpopular opinions we have on fiction

"Let's go! open up, it's time for Unpop!"
Alright, time for my mandatory Unpopular Opinions Post. Let's get this over with.
"You're late. You know the deal. You can Omelaspost for a Funny, or you can make an interesting post for an Insightful."
Here in Unpopular Opinions Poster Civilisation, no one chooses to make interesting posts. It's better to make the one joke everyone knows for the Funny, rather than risk your entire life for just one Insightful rating.
"Tomorrow you better not be late, or I'll have you posting for Informative reactions as punishment."
"Yes sir, sorry, I won't be late next time."

Down here, us Omelasposters only get one Rating a day. One Funny rating is just enough to get your post:reaction ratio to the next day. But that's the life of Unpopular Opinions Poster Civilisation. If you wanna survive, you have to Unpopular Opinions Post. Every Omelasposter has the same goal, and that's to make it to the top thread, where all the Brothers Karamazovposters live. Except, most Brothers Karamazovposters are born on the top thread. If you're an Omelasposter, there's only one way up, and that is through the Temple of Unpopular Opinions. The Temple of Unpopular Opinions is the only structure on SV that combines the bottom thread to the top thread. To make it up, you have to post an impossibly hard Unpopular Opinion Reply that no Omelasposter has ever completed. And that's assuming you even get the chance to post the reply in the thread. The inside of the Temple is protected by a barrier and the only way an Omelasposter gets past the barrier is if they've earned a gilded post. I've never even tried getting a gilded post before, but if I'm going to rank up to a Brothers Karamazovposter one day, I'm gonna have to.
The reason characters like Batman, James Bond, Captain Kirk don't get call Mary Sues or Gary Sues is pretty much enduring character privilege. They're sacred cows who can get away with figurative murder because they built up that clout and popularity.

Superman will always be a special snowflake Jesus character with no character flaws who's more powerful than anyone, and that's always going to be okay because he's Superman. It's bullshit, but it's bullshit that's not gonna go away.

But seriously, Sans from Undertale could totally kick Batman's ass.

I don't know about "should" I'm just saying that the genre isn't structured to keep people guessing. That's not really the goal.

Well, duh. The entire point of the genre is that it's a decades long conspiracy for the sole purpose of creeping me out.
But seriously, Sans from Undertale could totally kick Batman's ass.
... This kind of ignores that Batman semi-frequently gets his ass kicked... I mean, I agree, but this is acting like its a extreme achievement.

The reason characters like Batman, James Bond, Captain Kirk don't get call Mary Sues or Gary Sues is pretty much enduring character privilege.
... And assumes that this statement is actually true, which it isn't. I hear two of these brought up as de facto examples whenever Mary Sue's are brought up.

Superman will always be a special snowflake Jesus character with no character flaws who's more powerful than anyone, and that's always going to be okay because he's Superman. It's bullshit, but it's bullshit that's not gonna go away.
I know... very few people who like Superman as more then a kid's show character because of this trait. Is this just a issue with us living in different parts of the world?
... This kind of ignores that Batman semi-frequently gets his ass kicked... I mean, I agree, but this is acting like its a extreme achievement.

... And assumes that this statement is actually true, which it isn't. I hear two of these brought up as de facto examples whenever Mary Sue's are brought up.

I know... very few people who like Superman as more then a kid's show character because of this trait. Is this just a issue with us living in different parts of the world?

Also, how does who can kick who's ass actually matter? Superman can kick Frodo's ass. Hercule Pirot is nothing against the might of the Death Star. Like, is there ever any actual point to 'X character can beat Y character'?
Well, here's the thing. Mary Sue was the name of a parody character from a Star Trek fanfic that mocked a trend in fan fiction. Namely, self insert characters who are amazing at everything, always save the day, are never wrong, and who everyone looks up to/loves/wants to bang.

The thing is, Star Trek already had a character like that. His name was James Tiberius Kirk.

So, a better term for Mary Sue...
I'll have to agree with @VolantRedX and @Cunuroi and would like to add that Mary Sue is a fan fiction concept, and should in my opinion not be used to describe original fiction characters.
Violation of CC.III.18.3 (Abuse of the Ignore Function for Harassment) -- 50 points
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And yet, Bella Swan is consistently described as a Mary Sue by just about everyone who uses the term.

Not sure what Volant and Cunuroi said, but I have them on ignore for a reason.

I'm honestly in disagreement with that idea. Mary Sue used to mean fanfic self-insert, but that's the deal: words change, and so I wouldn't wrinkle my nose at someone calling Bella a Mary Sue.
Stop: Stop
Not sure what Volant and Cunuroi said, but I have them on ignore for a reason.
stop @Blake Hannon, I would like to remind you of CC.III.18.3, which reads thusly:
18. You agree that you may not use the ignore function to harass other users. That includes, but is not limited to: [...] 3. Informing someone that you have put them on ignore.
Taunting others by publicly announcing that you are using the ignore function against them is a clear violation. Have 50 points. Don't let this happen again.
Only use really is in crossovers if you need to establish the relative power of two universes.
On this note, here's an opinion which I've found to be unpopular in various places: When writing crossovers, adherence to canon power levels isn't always necessarily, so long as you don't buff or nerf one side so much that it breaks suspension of disbelief. (Unless the potential one-sidedness of adhering to canon power levels in certain crossover scenarios is a plot point of course.)
Do Warhammer fans have to roleplay in every thread?


If happens even in subs about educating newcomers and it's annoying to hear someone shout heresy every other page
The reason characters like Batman, James Bond, Captain Kirk don't get call Mary Sues or Gary Sues is pretty much enduring character privilege. They're sacred cows who can get away with figurative murder because they built up that clout and popularity.
Yeah, but why is that? Why do they manage to build up such popularity, while female "Mary Sues" do not?