Star Wars standalone movie title revealed: Rogue One

I hope the amazing Hammerhead escaped tho. A ship that ballsy had to survive.
Same. Loved that scene. We need more Hammerheads.
TBH I found
Tarkin blowing up an imperial base instead of just committing more forces to a battle increasingly stacked in the Imps favor to be pretty stupid and somewhat insulting to the character.

He's really arrogant. Palpatine clearly doesn't want competent people in charge, thanks to him they could have saved some of their own people. At least Vader would have done that.
TBH I found
Tarkin blowing up an imperial base instead of just committing more forces to a battle increasingly stacked in the Imps favor to be pretty stupid and somewhat insulting to the character.
It makes more sense if you've read Catalyst.

Tarkin was paying Krennic back for siccing the Rebellion on him earlier in his career. Wiping out the remaining Rebels on Scarif also eliminates his largest political rival and gives him an opportunity to take his baby on a test drive
It makes more sense if you've read Catalyst.

Tarkin was paying Krennic back for siccing the Rebellion on him earlier in his career. Wiping out the remaining Rebels on Scarif also eliminates his largest political rival and gives him an opportunity to take his baby on a test drive
And also wipes out the Empire's central information database.

Fucking oops.
TBH I found
Tarkin blowing up an imperial base instead of just committing more forces to a battle increasingly stacked in the Imps favor to be pretty stupid and somewhat insulting to the character.
Tarkin is kind of a dumb brute like that. I'm not sure how much this appeals in the canon now but in legends the Tarkin Doctrine was literally an Imperial attempt to justify insane overkill like this.
I'm in the theater watching the credits roll. People are cheering and clapping in jubilee. Thank God for this film and thank God the lights are still out so people can't see me ugly crying to myself with happiness.
Guys, Tarkin was spectacularly arrogant in a certain little obscure film that came out in the 70s whose title escapes me. Tarkin being arrogant in R1 is perfectly in keeping with that.
I must also question the scriptwriting wisdom of placing Pigface and Ballchin from the Mos Eisley cantina on Jedha for a gratuitous and cringeworthy cameo five minutes before the Death Star blows up the tri-state area. Even by incredibly generously presuming that Jyn Arsehole bumped into them while they were literally just about to board a shuttle offplanet that was wildly unnecessary.
I must also question the scriptwriting wisdom of placing Pigface and Ballchin from the Mos Eisley cantina on Jedha for a gratuitous and cringeworthy cameo five minutes before the Death Star blows up the tri-state area. Even by incredibly generously presuming that Jyn Arsehole bumped into them while they were literally just about to board a shuttle offplanet that was wildly unnecessary.

I agree. However on the movie as a whole.

I was pleasantly surprised by how much of a balance was struck between the ending being a foregone conclusion and the film not taking that for granted. Especially in the final battle as the tides turned back and forth against the Rebels and the Empire. You could almost make yourself hope someone was going to make it out alive even though you knew in your bones it wasn't going to happen.

TBH I found
Tarkin blowing up an imperial base instead of just committing more forces to a battle increasingly stacked in the Imps favor to be pretty stupid and somewhat insulting to the character.

Tarkin is both an arrogant dick and had a hard on for overkill. If anything what made him 'effective' in his career was how quickly he could escalate to monstrous acts. Add to that he was using this as an excuse to eliminate a rival and yeah . . .
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So I ended up accidentally watching Rogue One in theaters. And then I accidentally stumbled on this thread and remembered that it exists. ^_^;

Honestly, I think Rogue One benefited much from not being part of the "main" Star Wars canon, which afforded it a freedom from the constraints of a Lucas-esque cinematography and narrative style that J.J. Abrams emulated for The Force Awakens. In many ways, Rogue One felt like a modern-day military thriller film that accidentally wound up becoming a Star Wars film instead. There's a sense of weight in details that a Lucas-esque approach would've resulted in much broader strokes, things like a semblance to modern military practices (I may or may not be the only one to notice that, for the first time in a Star Wars film, a shuttle leaving a site of hostilities will have soldiers at the boarding ramp aiming down sights to provide cover for an embarking VIP instead of just standing there and marching up the shuttle like it's a parade) and factionalism within the Rebel Alliance. Little things like trying to abort a military strike that's already underway feels less like Star Wars and more like 24. Things - both tangible and abstract - feel like they have weight and momentum. It's a very unique Star Wars experience, and I liked it quite a bit. ^_^;
This was fucking tremendous.

Threadbare plot to tie the action together, terrible gender balance, some of the cgi could have been cleaner. But it carried itself on the atmosphere of a galaxy under the Empire, and a hardscrabble, tarnished and earnest Rebellion willing to pay the price for freedom. It fucking nailed it. It's a story about the Rebellion instead of the jedi, something I've wanted for years, and I am fully satisfied.
I wanted a film about Rogue Squadron and X-Wings dogfighting. I got Dark Forces and soldiers soldiering.

I am still satisfied.

Will go again next next week.
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What I found most shocking was

These damn crystals - the ones every Jedi uses to make their lightsaber - they're used to power the planet-destroying beam of the great weapon of mass-destruction, the Death Star!

Holy Crap! They never told that shit to us in the other movies!

[backs away in horror]

Oh, the humanity!

Soylent Green -- is people!!! :eek:
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Just got back from seeing this with my brother, and we loved it.

It was 9 am, on a snowy, icy, rainy day when they roads were still crappy on the way to the theater.

The showing was still packed :D
My one gripe with Rogue One was the music. I know it was tying to do its own thing, but it just felt... off, and detracted from the movie.

Other than that, it was great to see Red Leader and Gold Leader again. They even talk like they did in the first film which was awesome.

Also I thought the parallels to Al Queda in the first part of the film were hilarious.

Basically, the old canon for SW had some fucking idiot who was a debater over on what is now SB's pretty much defunct SW-focused rival board (and who was an imperial apologist) who decided when he was contracted to write an official explanations book to blow all of the official numbers ludicrously out of proportions. He had shit like 200 megaton secondaries, gigaton and teraton primaries, and basically with what he had made 'official', literally any star destroyer could do what was seen in this movie with ease. (there's also the fighter shit, where he had kiloton+ shots there, and ludicrously overpowered main guns for the walkers, etc)

But, all of his shit is finally gleefully ground into the dust by the fact that those acts that happen are considered never-before seen acts of unparalleled power by a proper, well, you know.
My one gripe with Rogue One was the music. I know it was tying to do its own thing, but it just felt... off, and detracted from the movie.

Other than that, it was great to see Red Leader and Gold Leader again. They even talk like they did in the first film which was awesome.

Also I thought the parallels to Al Queda in the first part of the film were hilarious.

I was really bummed that they replaced Alexandre Desplat with Giachinno. The latter is perfectly competent, but Desplat blew Godzilla out of the fucking water and I was so excited to see what he would do with Star Wars. :(
Basically, the old canon for SW had some fucking idiot who was a debater over on what is now SB's pretty much defunct SW-focused rival board (and who was an imperial apologist) who decided when he was contracted to write an official explanations book to blow all of the official numbers ludicrously out of proportions. He had shit like 200 megaton secondaries, gigaton and teraton primaries, and basically with what he had made 'official', literally any star destroyer could do what was seen in this movie with ease. (there's also the fighter shit, where he had kiloton+ shots there, and ludicrously overpowered main guns for the walkers, etc)

But, all of his shit is finally gleefully ground into the dust by the fact that those acts that happen are considered never-before seen acts of unparalleled power by a proper, well, you know.

Wait what? So the ICS was written by what was effectively the Lionel Suggs of his time... D:

My childhood... :(

Well, it's good to know that we can now shoot down ICS-wankers in debates.

Yeah, even the language they speak can be though of as having a vaguely arabic-feeling

It was hilarious if nothing else.
Watched it yesterday (It's 4.47 AM around here). I'm not really into Star Wars like some people here even if I did watch the original trilogy, but for a movie before A New Hope and a stand-alone movie, it's really good. More gritty spaceship war over Jedi mysticism and family drama.

I don't think the CGI was that bad. I didn't even notice that Tarkin was actually a face-lift off a dead actor's face. He feels and acts menacing enough to match with Krennic's evil. What's the difference between military director and governor anyway? Wasn't Tarkin a Moff, or that one only came after he got DS to be his personal flagship of a sorts? Leia's face was pretty weird though, I think the face might be a bit larger than it was supposed to be.

Liked the main casts. I honestly cried when Imwe and Baze died. K-2's death too, but it didn't really hit right up until Imwe's. For Bodhi, Baze, and Imwe, they don't have much of a choice but to fight because Jedha was gone. That half cyborg guy, what's-his-name, he's as janky as his half-cyborg status. And really, the Arab-like atmosphere pretty much disturbingly spot on. Even the planet's name man, like Jedha? Really? I got chills when I saw the name and the big city on the cliff and the red desert look. When the Middle Eastern-like terrorists came in I've already give up. Then they destroyed it. Fuck.

Vader, all scenes involving Vader. Oh boy. Was it just me, or Vader's pretty fast and smooth when he was walking for a really heavy cyborg? Comparing him to actual droids and that guy on Jedha he's really fast by comparison. And that final Vader scene. Oooo the menace, the fear. Fucking scary man.

Leia's scene, was she really on that Rebel ship when Vader came in? I thought the escape pod reached Leia somewhere else then the datachip was given to her.

And Tarkin, why did he had to destroy the Empire's main data repository centre? Like, are you kidding me? Are there even backups for those vital information he just fucking destroyed? Holy hell, Vader must be seething in his suit. I really like Scarif too, those coconut trees reminded me of home. I'm a bit confused with the data repository being an actual repository, like having actual freaking controllers to extract the hard disks from the data tower. My first thought when K-2 said they need to use the controllers was like, "They have to physically pulled the freaking hard disk off the tower? WTF?"

Still sad about K-2, I liked his humor.

What I'm a bit miffed about was the CQC scenes. They casted Donnie Yen so I expected a smooth, flowing staff combat scene. I did not appreciate the mid-fight camera angle changes. Even the one with Vader, those camera changes were confusing and made the whole curb-stomp lose its luster a bit. Still amazing tho.
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Wait what? So the ICS was written by what was effectively the Lionel Suggs of his time... D:

My childhood... :(

Well, it's good to know that we can now shoot down ICS-wankers in debates.
No, the ICS was not written by that guy. The ICS was written by a tenured professor who took VFX shots where turbolasers hit non-volatile objects and extrapolated yields from there. Since there's no shots in the OT of starfighters shooting the ground, the VFX shots he used were mostly from the Hoth Asteroid Belt chase. Curtis Saxton was not an Imperial Apologist, nor was he interested in versus debates.

The person Richardson is telling you about is Mike Wong, who took the ICS yields and ran with them in versus debates, along with estimating yields necessary for Base Delta Zero bombardments and other stuff in the EU.
No, the ICS was not written by that guy. The ICS was written by a tenured professor who took VFX shots where turbolasers hit non-volatile objects and extrapolated yields from there. Since there's no shots in the OT of starfighters shooting the ground, the VFX shots he used were mostly from the Hoth Asteroid Belt chase. Curtis Saxton was not an Imperial Apologist, nor was he interested in versus debates.

The person Richardson is telling you about is Mike Wong, who took the ICS yields and ran with them in versus debates, along with estimating yields necessary for Base Delta Zero bombardments and other stuff in the EU.

Saxton, the guy who wrote the ICS, was a close friend of Wong and a member of SDN.