Unpopular opinions we have on fiction

Violations of Rule 4: Don't be Disruptive
violations of rule 4: don't be disruptive
Users @ScribePrincess and @Hawkatana have been respectively Staff Notice'd and infracted for 25 points under violation of Rule 4: Don't be Disruptive and have both been threadbanned for three days.

Further, a caveat:

This is the Unpopular opinions we have on fiction thread. By the very nature of the discussion, anything expoused here is either going to be 1) actually unpopular, leading to a test of civilty between users engaging with the opinion 2) not actually unpopular, just 'cool kidz' unpopular.

I would recommend users to not handle unpopular opinions to the point of desperately desiring the last word in a conversation -which, as you may notice, ends with the intervention of Moderation-, but rather simply let them be expoused, have them fall in the silence of being ignored, and avoid engaging further with them letting the thread move on to other, 'unpopular' opinions.

With that being said, everyone else, have a nice day.
Stop: Stop
Not sure what Volant and Cunuroi said, but I have them on ignore for a reason.
stop @Blake Hannon, I would like to remind you of CC.III.18.3, which reads thusly:
18. You agree that you may not use the ignore function to harass other users. That includes, but is not limited to: [...] 3. Informing someone that you have put them on ignore.
Taunting others by publicly announcing that you are using the ignore function against them is a clear violation. Have 50 points. Don't let this happen again.
I also love your laughably idiotic claim about your ban from SB after the painfully obvious sock puppet you made to try to avoid a temp ban and your subsequent attempts to play the victim card in regards to your well deserved ban. More bullshit to add to the list of complete bollocks claims made by the world's most deluded Irishman.
walk it back @Pariah, this is a hair shy of an infraction for sniping. This is not civil. Cool it down.
Information: Official Staff Communication
official staff communication
A general reminder to the thread: This is about unpopular opinions. That means, kind of by definition, that most of you are unlikely to agree with whatever's being posted. Please try to confine the temptation to argue to a dull roar.

It is also not about whatever personality conflicts you have with other posters. Leave that at the door.
Information: hey look
hey look I really hate this thread. It's three hundred pages of solid whining about whatever, and because of what it is it will last for basically ever. An eternity of milquetoast 'unpopular' opinions periodically and unsurprisingly punctuated by people losing their minds over something basically trivial.

I would like to lock this thread. I would like to put into a big iron coffin and sink it into the ocean so that a hundred years later my asshole descendant has to travel to Egypt to delete it. However seeing as it is Christmas and seeing as I cannot really identify a justification for closing it other than my dislike, I will relent. However it would behoove you all to just chill the heck out.

If you put something out there you have to expect to get questioned on it. At the same time, this is not a debate thread, so don't treat it like one. Find it in yourself to accept that sometimes people won't share the same perspective as you on a piece of art. Interpretation, the relationship of the viewer with the media, is core to the experience and creation of art and meaning.

At the same time, accept that your perspective may be consider unusual, or may actually be unusual. Understand that how you feel about a piece of art is not the be all and end all, and that your unpopular opinion might just be a little silly sometimes. Try not to be so defensive - if it really matters to you then consider keeping it to yourself, because if you say it out loud someone might confront you over it.

Just ... try to play nice. Please.