Unpopular opinions we have on fiction

Stop: STOP
stop As a matter of fact, there is a banner. And 'Empires are great, yes/no?' is not under that listing. So you are all stopping with that derail.
And I don't particularly care about muh cultural identity. Erase it. Good. Shouldn't have lost, losers.
Fell, this is one hair shy of 'yay genocide!'. Back away from that line and avoid a Rule 2 infraction.
I think it might be worth for making a thread if we wanna talk about empires.
This is an excellent idea and I strongly suggest anyone who still wants to continue this to do so.
Stop: Violation of Rule 2
violation of rule 2
Honestly given that Superman is from rural Kansas the only thing that would make sense is if he was a xenophobic, homophobic, anti-science Republican. Of course of things were realistic the Kent's, being Kansas natives would have tried to burn baby Kal as a demon when they found him.

That's not a random joke. Kansas is one of the most conservative and evangelical states in the US. They're constantly pushing religious based ideology through and actively reject facts more often then not. Having a man raised in a Kansas farm being super progressive is harder to believe then the idea the same man is a God like space alien.

I've met enough people from Kansas completely live down to every expectation I had.

This is the exact kind of generalization that is unwelcome on Sufficient Velocity. You have received 25 points for violating Rule 2 and a three-day threadban.

I am disappointed to see that we have had to infract you again for this in the same thread.
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Information: LET'S NOT
I can get behind this, honest to god wish something like this happened in batman:

let's not This is not an infraction or anything, but this sort of 'I wanna watch him die slowly and graphically' is the sort of thing that can be hit with use. So let's steer away from revenge boner fantasies going into how you'd like to see X the Bad Guy dies screaming, and limit it to just making the good Scott Evil 'Why don'tcha just shoot him?' point.