Problem is, Kerry can't imagine the result.

World Peace is not a simple, one time thing that can be accomplished by simply teleporting everyone who was fighting back home.

He doesn't have a clear enough grasp of what the world would look like 'peaceful' to actually accomplish world peace, even with Wishcraft and unlimited energy.
We know that's the problem. Thing is, Kerry didn't know that was necessary to achieve what he wanted.
I think that problem isn't achieving, but knowing result. Thanks to Wishcraft, Grail knows how he needs to get to his goal.

However, i don't think that Kiritsugu knew how world peace would even look. He couldn't imagine it, and because of that he would be incapable of providing Grail with "wish" needed for Wishcraft to bring him world peace.

Grail removes need for magic fuel and spell from equation, but if you don't know what you wish it is pointless.

E: Aaaaand ninjad.
If you know the details of your wish, can't you just make it yourself?
As said above, with practically infinite prana and wishcraft, you could do stuffs that you couldn't do personally and accelerate the process to take but a few moments instead of tens or hundreds of years. But if you don't know about the detail of the wishes, don't blame anyone that the wish granter decides to find a few loopholes/reasoning to make your wish turn sour.
Well, without a clear vision, the wish would probably go with shortest path/simplest solution to reach the desired state.

Vaporizing 90% of humanity should qualify there.
True Grail would always do whatever user envisioned. But, as we already noted, it isn't necessary what user wanted. However, before AM, Grail wasn't actively malicious.

For example, wishing to be rich wouldn't dump few million tons gold on me or make all the money useless due inflation because that isn't what i wished for. Hell, if you thought about enjoying it without problem you could even get without anyone questioning suddenly becoming super rich.

There ought to be a problem at some point, not because Grail wanted to fuck you, but because you only had one wish.

And then there is part where you have score of powerful players beyond Grail magic who may not like what you wished for.
You just need a clear vision. He probably could have asked for the ABILITY to bring World Peace(which would probably have dumped all the energy into him to upgrade him to achieve that end). The funny/sad thing is that if the Grail actually reached full activation with all the Servants dead, he could bypass Angra Mainyu to reach for the Origin and avoiding the corruption blasting out into the world, since every Servant in the Grail would be consumed for that, likely including Angra Mainyu.
Actually even the untainted Grail won't let him achieve world peace unless he knows exactly how(or he can throw a shitton of magic at it). A global curse on everyone that does violence might be possible or maybe a magical lobotomy that removes all violent thoughts.

Isn't that what the Grail does? Fuel isn't the problem, its direction.

The funny/sad thing is that if the Grail actually reached full activation with all the Servants dead, he could bypass Angra Mainyu to reach for the Origin and avoiding the corruption blasting out into the world, since every Servant in the Grail would be consumed for that, likely including Angra Mainyu.

The grail can be lesser-completed with 6 Servants dead, which grants the winner a huge bounty of magic energy to grant their wishes with. This bounty is tainted because Angry Man is stuck inside.
OR it can be fully completed with all the Servants dead, upon which all the Servants in the Grail slingshot back to the Throne of Heroes and is used to piggyback ride to the Origin and get the power to manipulate souls, such as truly bringing someone back from the dead..

Example being in Heaven's Feel Route, though it's filled beyond the required energy even though Rider is still around because extra Servants went in anyway to hit the quota.
To be fair, she's in school too.

(What is her excuse, anyway? I've forgotten, it's been a few years >.>)

She's an incredible capable mage who doesn't strictly need a Servant to take down her opponents, who understands the rules of the game and could match pretty much any master she's likely to encounter outside of bullshit like Illya. Point is she's got options if shit hit's the fan. Shirou, meanwhile only has one skill right now which helps him which barely gives him any advantage.

Basically Rin has been preparing for this since she was 6-8 years old and is a prodigy. Shirou heard about it 2 nights ago and is completely useless outside of the kitchen.

Is anyone else playing Fate/Extra?

I fucking hate this game, I nearly immediately jammed it into easy mode because the combat is not worth the effort for me. Having said that I like the way the series plays with your expectations. The game literally makes me feel bad for Shinji, do you have any idea how hard that is for me?

Can't get it in Australia, its very frustrating.

Really? I found one in Perth like 4 years ago, and I've literally been told 'we will not be shipping that game to Perth because no one here will buy it.'

Also Kiritsugu is a bad example to live up to is the moral of literally every work that involves him. He is a broken shell of a human being working on this idea that he must be a hard man doing hard things, and it literally tears him apart. His desire to be a hero not only negatively affects him, but nearly everyone he ever comes into contact with. Shirou's entire struggle is to not let the ideal consume him in the same way.

Now episode thoughts: I find myself always reading deeper into Sakura's lines due to how much I love her character, and she's just such a fucking mess. 'I know my brother best afterall' makes me remember 'oh god we're not getting you out'. To compound on my lack of HF woe's, Rider just has to turn up and be fucking perfect. I mean there is plenty coming in UBW which is great but we're not going to get the raw awesome of Rider and Shirou tag-teaming Saber Alter.

I also legitimately laughed out loud as Rin and Shirou keep snarking one another while engaged in the deadliest game. I'm also really enjoying the fact that Rin just fucking reacts to everything.
I liked how Fate/Extra showed loss in HGW. Really biggest part of its story is Masters and Servant facing loss.
This is just my opinion but, for the character to be called the protagonist, he should be the main focus of the story. If the main focus isn't on him, then I can't really call him the protagonist. As it happens, with how the story being written like an actual war epic (props to Urobuchi there), everyone's role are divided rather equally. But then, we actually got more focus on Waver than Kiritsugu.
There's a difference between the plot and the story.

Plot is basically "This is what happens." "The King died and then the queen died."

Story is "This is why it happens." "The King died and then the queen died of grief."

Kiritsugu does not have much of a role in the plot. This is by design. But this is his story, because he changes the most, because we follow him and his thoughts. We get the why with him that we don't really get with others, not even with Waver.

Also, I'd say that Kiritsugu's own choices lead him to be unable to complete his wish. Spend a lifetime gunning down people, and pretty soon that's your solution to all your problems. You can't fix the world if your hands are slick and red with blood. You'll just make a mess.
Finally, that last conversation involving Kiritsugu.

Rin: "He put being your father before being a Magus."

Damn, as much as I dislike certain aspects of Kiritsugu, I like that part about him.
Me too, to an extent. It's not like he knew Shirou was going to be a main character with plot armour; keeping him the fuck out of magi bullshit is good sense and good parenting.
Feel really bad for Rin though. That look when she was a kid and all alone. Damn, just damn. `:(
Yeah, that line above? I always felt like it was tinged with a certain amount of unacknowledged envy on Rin's part.
Me too, to an extent. It's not like he knew Shirou was going to be a main character with plot armour; keeping him the fuck out of magi bullshit is good sense and good parenting.

Yeah, that line above? I always felt like it was tinged with a certain amount of unacknowledged envy on Rin's part.
There's probably also some anger over Sakura's situation mixed in there as well.

Speaking of Sakura, did she stay the night at Shirou's house in the VN as well? I can't remember it happening, but it's been a while, and UBW was the route where I paid the least attention.
Fuckin' Tokiomi for Best Dad.
Well, as far as Things To Say To Your Kid Right Before You Go To Your Death goes, he pretty much covered what needed to be said. I'd've thrown in an I Love You and a hug, but the other stuff was integral to impressing upon her that she was the family head now, and that he had total confidence in her abilities in that regard and respected her, one family head to another.

... I just made it super obvious that my daddy issues are all related to not being taken seriously, didn't I. :facepalm:
integral to impressing upon her that she was the family head now, and that he had total confidence in her abilities in that regard and respected her, one family head to another.

I totally agree that they were very practical and validating things he said, but it reinforces the point you made about her subconscious jealousy toward Shirou/Kiritsugu. The last memory she has of her father is him telling her to be a good magus, keep up the family name, and some awkward head patting mashing. Things magecraft and the HGW gave her that year: No more sister, no more dad, no more mom*. :(

*I realize technically Aoi is still there, but she's not equipped for much parenting.