Bah ...
In-Game Material said:


身長 / 体重:179cm・63kg​
属性:中立・善 性別:男性​











In-Game Material said:
A Hero that made his debut as of the mythology of Ancient Grecia.​
The protagonist of the Homeric epic poem, the 『Odysseia』.​
In the 『Illias』, his figure is depicted as of his participation in the Trojan War.​
As of the Trojan War did he demonstrate himself in the capacity of a tactician of supreme ingenuity amidst the Achaia.​
Subsequent the death of Akhilleus did he capture Troia by use of the bizarre tactic of the wooden horse.​
Postbellum, so as to return to his beloved Penelope did he cross the sea — confronting such trials as the fierce one-eyed giant-kin, Kyklopes; the Curse of the Sea-God Poseidon; the temptations of the Witch Circe and the Nereid Kalypso; the song of the demonic bird, Siren; the channel of the sea-monster, Scylla; the wrath of the deity Helios — and though he did at times make many a sacrifice, he was in the end able to surmount his every obstruction.​
「How agonizing weighs a single pace to the purpose of advancing [along one's path]?​
——— I know something of this as well.」​

Bond 1

Height・Weight: 179cm・63kg​
Source: the Trojan War, 『Illias』, 『Odysseia』​
Region: Europe​
Alignment: Neutral Good​
Sex: Male​
Popular. Whatever the case, he's popular.​

Bond 2

A personage borne of unyielding determination.​
A Hero of the Trojan War, and one amongst the greatest adventurers in the mythology of Grecia.​
Precisely as he makes true upon his every word is he a man who has countless adventures and trials surmounted. It isn't therefore an extravagance that he becomes as the root of the word 『Odyssey』 (a journey of adventure).​
Even that he speaks bold claims, he shall in actuality accordingly act.​
If he states that Troia will fall, it shall [indeed] fall.​
If he states that he'll escape a scene of carnage (修羅場, shuraba; occasionally, "a battle between two women over a man"), he shall [indeed] escape.​
If he states that he'll defeat a beast or monstrosity, he shall [indeed] defeat it.​
Finally, if he states that he'll return to Penelope's side ——— someday, he'll certainly return to her.​

Bond 3

Favor of the Gods : B+

A Skill as to indicate the favor of the Gods of Olympus.​
Renders assorted effects.​
Notably, the love bestowed by Goddess Athena is potent.​
On account of such, Odysseus is as a special exception permitted the use of the Noble Phantasm Aigis, which is as a defensive armament of the Gods.​
In the present work, this is generally not in use in the capacity of a Skill.​

Single-Minded Dedication (Love) : A

An absoluteness of the psyche. A wellspring of unyielding determination.​
The heart [that Odysseus] devotes to his beloved wife Penelope is ever unwavering.​
The nymph Calypso; the Witch Circe, of the island of Aeaea; the delicate princess Nausicaa ... Odysseus was sought by numerous women. The blessings of the Goddess Athena could in a sense be described as 「popularity」 perhaps?​
Though Odysseus is borne of the history of a lady-killer ... the man is himself devoted [strictly to a single woman].​
Merely, in the course of his journey to return to the side of his beloved Penelope, for whatever reason, he [kept] encountering [various] women.​
(At the very least, such is his apprehension [of events].)​

Bond 4

Divine Corpus Boundary Field』​
Rank: A​
Type: Bounded Field​
Range: -​
Targets: 1​
A defensive armament crafted by the Gods of Olympus.​
It is spoken of both as an armor and as a shield.​
Originally a Conceptual Defense [rendered] by the hand of the Gods, which might be thought of as something akin to a potent bounded field, Odysseys was by the ardent favor of the Goddess Athena let as a special exception to clad himself with such — [expressed] in the capacity of a physical 『armor』.​
Ergo, an invincible armor of admant (神鋼, shinkou, "divine steel"), borne of a Conceptual Defense.​
A continuously-active type Noble Phantasm.​
In the present work, it is expressed as a Skill.​

Bond 5

The Great Wooden Horse of the End』​
Rank: B++​
Type: Anti-Nation​
Range: 2~80​
Targets: 400​
Troia Ipos.​
At the end of the Trojan War, a great wooden horse was per the design of Odysseus carried unto the into interior of Troia.​
Within that wooden horse, there were concealed numerous soldiers of Grecia (Achaia).​
In consequence, Troia did [effectively] invite its enemies within, and fell to an offense from within and without.​
The forces of Achaia did so obtain their victory.​
Per accounts, it is said that Odysseus was himself within the wooden horse, and battled alongside his soldiers.​
The actual condition (実態, jitai) of the 『wooden horse』 as rendered in the capacity of a Noble Phantasm is as a large-scale mount covered in an armor of admant, reminiscent the Blessing of Aigis rendered by the Goddess Athena.​
The wooden horse, summoned forth per its True Name Release, does by way of shifting to an Annihilation Mode per the likeness of a giant render a vast destruction that perhaps recalls the severity of the Trojan War.​
A speed-trans, so maybe there are typos.
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... really? They made a giant laser out of the Trojan Horse?

C'mon! That's just lame!
I mean, how else would you represent the destruction and hell that it figuratively unleashed upon Troy ? It's the thing that single handedly ended a war, so it should get the firepower to reproduce the effect, even if by somewhat different (or accelerated, depending on how you see it) means.

Also, it wasn't a Mecha in life, it's just one when Odysseus gets summoned as a Servant.
I mean, how else would you represent the destruction and hell that it figuratively unleashed upon Troy ? It's the thing that single handedly ended a war, so it should get the firepower to reproduce the effect, even if by somewhat different (or accelerated, depending on how you see it) means.

Also, it wasn't a Mecha in life, it's just one when Odysseus gets summoned as a Servant.
Literally anything else? It's fundamentally not something you use to murder people in the first place; it's a deception that opens barriers.

A "poisoned gift" that creates an exception in any defense, no matter how perfect, once accepted. A Skill that permits Odysseus to pass any barrier if invited. Hell, you could tie it in his whole "No Man" thing, and make his identity impossible to recognize unless he tells the secret himself.

Like, fundamentally I go to the Nasuverse precisely because it usually tries to avoid the boring "hey who's laser is bigger" powerlevels in favor of clever conceptual weirdness and compatibility; turning the Trojan Horse into a giant laser mech is about as straightforward as you can get. (And doesn't at all suit the master liar and deceiver of Ancient Greece.)
Literally anything else? It's fundamentally not something you use to murder people in the first place; it's a deception that opens barriers.

A "poisoned gift" that creates an exception in any defense, no matter how perfect, once accepted. A Skill that permits Odysseus to pass any barrier if invited.

That is what it is though. It renders any defenses moot (rendered in game as stripping away all defensive buffs)

THEN, when it's in position, out of it comes the decisive strike that ended a war and turned a city to ash. That that strike, that "box of doom" where the Greeks where hiding has been crystalized into pure destruction rather than YET ANOTHER NP that summons other Servants is refreshing, IMO.
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I guuuuessss? But honestly I'd rather just represent that with a Subversive Activities EX or something.

Then again, I personally actively dislike having more than one or two laser beams per setting, so that's probably just a personal thing :V.
If I had free time I'd go make an Assassin Odysseus Nobody, who's also a crazy person that tries to seed rocks.
It's clear that Odysseus' spirit list is Focus, Strike, Drive, Fury, Zeal and Love, making him an incredibly effective real robot pilot.
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In reply to something from SB:

Technically, we've seen "Aigis" before.
The Divine Armament made by Hephaistos for Orion in LB5-1 was Aigis-Eclipse (アイギス・エクリプス) — though, hypothetically, that could refer to the "eclipsing" of Artemis' Aigis. Still ...

LB5-1 also gives that flesh of the Gods is fabricated of Theos Klironomia.
It can reasonably be conjectured that Adamant (神鋼, shinkou, "divine steel") is just Theos Klironomia rendered as a solid, accounting for the construction of the armor. Maybe we can even hypothesize that it was specifically Athene Klironomia that was used.

What about the aspect of the Conceptual Defense? We know that it was originally a measure of defense utilized by the Gods themselves — and in LB5-1, we see Poseidon erecting a mana barrier that the protagonists couldn't directly breach (though they make use of the breach that Francis Drake previously created). Given, it isn't given in the story that this barrier is directly referred to as an Aigis, but per the description, it can reasonably be presumed.

Ergo, based on that, we can conjecture that Odysseus' Aigis is just Theos Klironomia / Athene Klironomia rendered as solid Adamant, and then invested with the same Conceptual Defense that Poseidon employed — if maybe not to quite the same standing of Mystery or scale / magnitude.
In reply to something from SB:

Technically, we've seen "Aigis" before.
The Divine Armament made by Hephaistos for Orion in LB5-1 was Aigis-Eclipse (アイギス・エクリプス) — though, hypothetically, that could refer to the "eclipsing" of Artemis' Aigis. Still ...

LB5-1 also gives that flesh of the Gods is fabricated of Theos Klironomia.
It can reasonably be conjectured that Adamant (神鋼, shinkou, "divine steel") is just Theos Klironomia rendered as a solid, accounting for the construction of the armor. Maybe we can even hypothesize that it was specifically Athene Klironomia that was used.

What about the aspect of the Conceptual Defense? We know that it was originally a measure of defense utilized by the Gods themselves — and in LB5-1, we see Poseidon erecting a mana barrier that the protagonists couldn't directly breach (though they make use of the breach that Francis Drake previously created). Given, it isn't given in the story that this barrier is directly referred to as an Aigis, but per the description, it can reasonably be presumed.

Ergo, based on that, we can conjecture that Odysseus' Aigis is just Theos Klironomia / Athene Klironomia rendered as solid Adamant, and then invested with the same Conceptual Defense that Poseidon employed — if maybe not to quite the same standing of Mystery or scale / magnitude.

It would be nice if we knew what it exactly *did* though. We have fairly solid descriptions of how other defensive NPs work, this one just says "conceptual defense".
If I had free time I'd go make an Assassin Odysseus Nobody, who's also a crazy person that tries to seed rocks.

Heh. This reminds me of an idea I had a while ago, actually.

I was trying to come up with some decent OC servant (do not steal), and I thought it would be fun to play with the fact that Odysseus has different versions in myths. Anyway, my end up was that Greek Odysseus would be a Rider, while the Roman version (Ulysseus) was an Assassin, given how he killed Troy and all that :V

(the other idea I had was that 'Rider' Odysseus was regular Odysseus, Artoria-style. He got so goddamn lost he managed to wander into a Grail War)
I translated this a long time ago, but I somehow can't find it in the threads — so, here's a retranslation from the Extra node in Salomon:
Final Singularity - 15 said:

Final Singularity - 15 said:
Yeah. Though for reasons of stamina, I'd like to be excused from an all-the-way-till-morning course,​
[we] did say [we'd] repay [the favor] of taking care of us.​
Though for a Magical Girl, a tentacle [monster] as an opponent or so forth would be NG —​
well, it seems that it'd be worthwhile merely to cut them down?​
That besides, I somehow get from them the feeling that they're making light of the 3rd Magic(family).​
——— Let's go Illya. Even that it's fragmentary,​
let's show them the power of the lineage of the Einzberns!​
Why is this relevant here and now? It isn't in particular — except that just now, I caught sight of what the localization did to this passage:
NA said:

True. I really don't want to be fighting 'til morning, but we did say we owed them after they helped us.​
Magical Girls usually don't fare well against tentacles, but it would be satisfying slicing them off.​
Besides, I get the feeling they're looking down on us as some third-rate magic users.
———Let's go Illya. Fragment or not, I'll show them the power of the Einzbern lineage!​
... seriously?
From yesterday's chapter in the event:
The New Adventures of the Witch and Her Delightful Companions - Chapter 4 said:












This is a tale of a long, long time ago(Once upon a time).

——— The man was as steel.

A will firm; a spirit enduring.
A Hero devoted to [and] favored by the Gods.
A warrior that had concluded a protracted war, and thereafter arrived in the midst of returning to his land.

...... He was tired.
Tired of war. Tired of thinking.
Weary of the matter of killing.
His subordinates were of a similar disposition.
By a war that had persisted for far too long,
their souls were marred with injury.

「In that case, would it not be fine if you were to become as beasts?」​

...... Perhaps.
If one were to think of nothing at all, and merely subsist —
the matter of becoming as a beast would be as a bliss supreme.

[But amongst them], a single individual —
that man did alone resolutely refuse.

「——— I cannot but return.」​

It was not a desire to return [home].
He could not but return, he said.

To the man's words, the Witch gave a rebuttal.

「Where exists the necessity to return [to your homeland]?​
Everything you desire should be here extant.」​
Penelope is not here.」​

The Witch was lost for words.
Of all things, this man declared
『on behalf of merely a single woman』
that at the risk of his own life, he would return.

「——— no.​
I won't let him go. How could I bear to let him go?」​

Probably, it was the first in her life that she'd grown attached.
She wanted this man; wanted to show him off.
[It was a] possessiveness that was in some way aberrant.
In such a sense, the Witch was [very typically] a Witch.
...... even that all would have been fine if she'd merely desired to be with him.
To clarify, Circe doesn't want Odysseus because he's married.
In the chapter, she refused to dance with Orion and Jason because of Artemis and Medea respectively.
She wants Odysseus because she thinks his single-minded devotion to Penelope is incredibly cool.

That said, here we have her explicitly encouraging Odysseus and his men to give in to their bestial nature and abdicate agency, on account that she will provide for their every need. Clearly, the Pigurettos are semantically equivalent to humans that have succumbed to the Beasts.

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A quick question about vampires to avoid using less shady sources like wikis, got a rough idea but want to confirm

-What are the main differences between the TA and DA sorts of vampire in terms of physiology- blood drinking, traditional vampire weaknesses etc?
IIRC it's vaguely "TA has no physical need for blood when a DA does, DA are the ones negatively affected by sunlight, both weak to holy and stronger under moon, TAs also vaguely classed as some sort of fae, may have some minor gaia link." but wanting to make sure

-Both types are capable of some sort of magics yes, but do they also work off the same sort of circuit + magecraft system as regular mages or have some other setup?
A quick question about vampires to avoid using less shady sources like wikis, got a rough idea but want to confirm

-What are the main differences between the TA and DA sorts of vampire in terms of physiology- blood drinking, traditional vampire weaknesses etc?
IIRC it's vaguely "TA has no physical need for blood when a DA does, DA are the ones negatively affected by sunlight, both weak to holy and stronger under moon, TAs also vaguely classed as some sort of fae, may have some minor gaia link." but wanting to make sure

-Both types are capable of some sort of magics yes, but do they also work off the same sort of circuit + magecraft system as regular mages or have some other setup?

True Ancestors are Fairies/Elementals (extensions of the Planet) based off of Brunestud (AKA TYPE-MOON).

Or, in short, the vampires are actually fairies based off of an alien from the Moon.

They don't need blood, but have a psychological desire for it, and so must spend most of their power on suppressing their bloodlust.

IIRC, they don't really have any unique weaknesses?

Dead Apostles were originally humans, turned into vampires so that the TAs could use them to deal with their bloodlust.

They do have most of the traditional vampiric weaknesses to some degree? Like, holy symbols - though that's kind of involved from what I recall? You need the ones of the relevant religion that was dominant in their homeland.

Blood-drinking, they need it to prevent their dna from decaying. Virgin blood is best because it's, uh, somehow purer? (I don't think this has literally ever been relevant?)

I don't think TAs have magic circuits as such, but I believe they can do magecraft, and they can definitely do Marble Phantasm, which is more useful in some ways.

DAs have magic circuits - need to have them to become DAs, I think? - and most of them will pick up magecraft at some point or another. Most of the DAA are fairly experienced magi - Caubac Alcatraz, Zelretch, Van-Fem (IIRC FSF right), Blackmore... Ortenrosse?

Moon stuff - DAs are strongest under the new moon, TAs under the full moon.
True Ancestors are Fairies/Elementals (extensions of the Planet) based off of Brunestud (AKA TYPE-MOON).

Or, in short, the vampires are actually fairies based off of an alien from the Moon.

They don't need blood, but have a psychological desire for it, and so must spend most of their power on suppressing their bloodlust.

IIRC, they don't really have any unique weaknesses?

Dead Apostles were originally humans, turned into vampires so that the TAs could use them to deal with their bloodlust.

They do have most of the traditional vampiric weaknesses to some degree? Like, holy symbols - though that's kind of involved from what I recall? You need the ones of the relevant religion that was dominant in their homeland.

Blood-drinking, they need it to prevent their dna from decaying. Virgin blood is best because it's, uh, somehow purer? (I don't think this has literally ever been relevant?)

I don't think TAs have magic circuits as such, but I believe they can do magecraft, and they can definitely do Marble Phantasm, which is more useful in some ways.

DAs have magic circuits - need to have them to become DAs, I think? - and most of them will pick up magecraft at some point or another. Most of the DAA are fairly experienced magi - Caubac Alcatraz, Zelretch, Van-Fem (IIRC FSF right), Blackmore... Ortenrosse?

Moon stuff - DAs are strongest under the new moon, TAs under the full moon.

Aren't they both strongest under the full moon? Roa's "instantly regenerate from just his ankles" was done under the influence of the full moon.
Her profile apparently makes some sort of cryptic comment about where she was on the day Case Files ended? Or something.
Coming back to this, @Who?, I found out what it was about and I was wrong.

Tweet if you can't read it said:
Olga: Outside of the universe
宙の外 is a Nasuism. The title of a DDD short story and manga about Kanata fighting a NEET who can make universes. The term has also been used to signify things outside the human awareness cosmos. Another point for the Olga related Alien God theory.

This post is part of a Twitter thread about something in the character profiles of Case Files Mats, "The Day of Their Decisive Battle". Essentially, it is a cryptic one line about a battle or event the character will have that will either impact their lives or will be the final battle leading to their deaths (I use the future tense but it sometimes refer to the past). For example, Waver has "Standing with the king at that ocean" (which is self explanatory), Reines has "Coronation as a Lord" (again obvious), and Touko has "A snowy school building", which is the climax of Mahoyo, showing that it doesn't necessarily means death. On the other hand, Atomic Gatorade and Doctor Heartless both have the location of their deaths listed as their decisive batttle.

So interesting stuff. Flat and Luvia have Some Shit listed, while the lords have cryptic locations/events that seem to be sequel bait.
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Luvia's may actually reference her meeting with Rin (Decisive Battle With The Jewel Magecraft King), and Flat's mentions something that refers to computers IIRC.

Also, Rin apparently will be in the Case Files sequel:
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