Puyo Mage
Bah ...
In-Game Material said:古代ギリシャ神話に登場する英雄。ホメロスの長編叙事詩『オデュッセイア』の主人公。『イリアス』ではトロイア戦争に参加した際の姿が綴られている。トロイア戦争ではアカイア随一の知謀の将として活躍。アキレウス亡き後、木馬の奇計によってトロイアを陥落せしめた。戦後は愛する女ペーネロペーの元へと帰還しようと海を渡るも、凶猛なる単眼の巨人種キュクロプス、海神ポセイドンの呪い、魔女キルケーや海精カリュプソーの誘惑、魔鳥セイレーンの歌、海魔スキュラの海峡、ヘリオス神の憤怒、等々の苦難に遭遇し、時に多くの犠牲を払いつつも、遂にはすべてを乗り越えた。「前へ進むための一歩が、いかに重く苦しいものか。─────俺も多少は知っている」
身長 / 体重:179cm・63kg出典:トロイア戦争、『イリアス』、『オデュッセイア』地域:欧州属性:中立・善 性別:男性モテる。とにかくモテる。
A speed-trans, so maybe there are typos.In-Game Material said:A Hero that made his debut as of the mythology of Ancient Grecia.The protagonist of the Homeric epic poem, the 『Odysseia』.In the 『Illias』, his figure is depicted as of his participation in the Trojan War.As of the Trojan War did he demonstrate himself in the capacity of a tactician of supreme ingenuity amidst the Achaia.Subsequent the death of Akhilleus did he capture Troia by use of the bizarre tactic of the wooden horse.Postbellum, so as to return to his beloved Penelope did he cross the sea — confronting such trials as the fierce one-eyed giant-kin, Kyklopes; the Curse of the Sea-God Poseidon; the temptations of the Witch Circe and the Nereid Kalypso; the song of the demonic bird, Siren; the channel of the sea-monster, Scylla; the wrath of the deity Helios — and though he did at times make many a sacrifice, he was in the end able to surmount his every obstruction.「How agonizing weighs a single pace to the purpose of advancing [along one's path]?——— I know something of this as well.」
Bond 1
Height・Weight: 179cm・63kgSource: the Trojan War, 『Illias』, 『Odysseia』Region: EuropeAlignment: Neutral GoodSex: MalePopular. Whatever the case, he's popular.
Bond 2
A personage borne of unyielding determination.A Hero of the Trojan War, and one amongst the greatest adventurers in the mythology of Grecia.Precisely as he makes true upon his every word is he a man who has countless adventures and trials surmounted. It isn't therefore an extravagance that he becomes as the root of the word 『Odyssey』 (a journey of adventure).Even that he speaks bold claims, he shall in actuality accordingly act.If he states that Troia will fall, it shall [indeed] fall.If he states that he'll escape a scene of carnage (修羅場, shuraba; occasionally, "a battle between two women over a man"), he shall [indeed] escape.If he states that he'll defeat a beast or monstrosity, he shall [indeed] defeat it.Finally, if he states that he'll return to Penelope's side ——— someday, he'll certainly return to her.
Bond 3
■ Favor of the Gods : B+
A Skill as to indicate the favor of the Gods of Olympus.Renders assorted effects.Notably, the love bestowed by Goddess Athena is potent.On account of such, Odysseus is as a special exception permitted the use of the Noble Phantasm Aigis, which is as a defensive armament of the Gods.In the present work, this is generally not in use in the capacity of a Skill.
■ Single-Minded Dedication (Love) : A
An absoluteness of the psyche. A wellspring of unyielding determination.The heart [that Odysseus] devotes to his beloved wife Penelope is ever unwavering.The nymph Calypso; the Witch Circe, of the island of Aeaea; the delicate princess Nausicaa ... Odysseus was sought by numerous women. The blessings of the Goddess Athena could in a sense be described as 「popularity」 perhaps?Though Odysseus is borne of the history of a lady-killer ... the man is himself devoted [strictly to a single woman].Merely, in the course of his journey to return to the side of his beloved Penelope, for whatever reason, he [kept] encountering [various] women.(At the very least, such is his apprehension [of events].)
Bond 4
『Divine Corpus Boundary Field』Rank: AType: Bounded FieldRange: -Targets: 1Aigis.A defensive armament crafted by the Gods of Olympus.It is spoken of both as an armor and as a shield.Originally a Conceptual Defense [rendered] by the hand of the Gods, which might be thought of as something akin to a potent bounded field, Odysseys was by the ardent favor of the Goddess Athena let as a special exception to clad himself with such — [expressed] in the capacity of a physical 『armor』.Ergo, an invincible armor of admant (神鋼, shinkou, "divine steel"), borne of a Conceptual Defense.A continuously-active type Noble Phantasm.In the present work, it is expressed as a Skill.
Bond 5
『The Great Wooden Horse of the End』Rank: B++Type: Anti-NationRange: 2~80Targets: 400Troia Ipos.At the end of the Trojan War, a great wooden horse was per the design of Odysseus carried unto the into interior of Troia.Within that wooden horse, there were concealed numerous soldiers of Grecia (Achaia).In consequence, Troia did [effectively] invite its enemies within, and fell to an offense from within and without.The forces of Achaia did so obtain their victory.Per accounts, it is said that Odysseus was himself within the wooden horse, and battled alongside his soldiers.The actual condition (実態, jitai) of the 『wooden horse』 as rendered in the capacity of a Noble Phantasm is as a large-scale mount covered in an armor of admant, reminiscent the Blessing of Aigis rendered by the Goddess Athena.The wooden horse, summoned forth per its True Name Release, does by way of shifting to an Annihilation Mode per the likeness of a giant render a vast destruction that perhaps recalls the severity of the Trojan War.
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