Speaking of episode 20 of Babylonia, can someone explain what the whole bit with Tiamat saying goodbye and all that was about? I feel like it was meant to show her love for humanity, which is a requirement for being Beast iirc, but it just seemed weird to me and I couldn't make it click in my head.

Also what the fuck was that with Gramps just fucking eating a lahmu lmao.
Tiamat honestly loves humanity, but at the same time hates them and fears them for getting rid of her. In the game, she swings wildly between begging Ritsuka to love her and to never love her again, because her personal selfish desire is for her children to never leave her and never declare her unnecessary, while her responsible loving side knows that they need to move on from her and leave her forever to grow. She's horribly lonely and borderline insane, to the point that even as she acts to destroy Uruk, she's also sealing herself and dealing massive amounts of damage to herself with every moment, according to her materials.

Basically, Tiamat is a sad, lonely existence who knows her children have to leave her to mature, but being trapped in the sea of imaginary numbers for so long utterly alone broke her. There's a disconnect between Femme Fatale, who seems to be Tiamat at her sanest, and Tiamat the giant monster, who seems to be Tiamat giving in utterly to her desire to make all of humanity her children forever. Killing Femme Fatale all but removes any restraint and sanity Tiamat had left, even if it was necessary.
More Case Files Mats stuff. Once again, if you haven't seen my previous posts on whatever translated bits I get my hands on, it's heavy on spoilers. I will post the list of infos but still take time to mask stuff from the plot of the novels themselves if people do not want to get spoiled. I mostly copied as is, though I corrected some typos and grammar errors here and there for readability's sake. Some things may be a repetition of earlier stuff:
  • One of Waver's greatest accomplishments is organizing and editing the magic theory notes left behind by Kayneth. This specific effort is confirmed to be the result of Waver trying to revert Gray's "Saberfacification" (made-up term but you get the idea)
  • The cigar Waver smokes is confirmed to be a simple Mystic Code he carries. This is inspired by an alcoholic magus who taught Waver "Suit and cigar are the weapons of man."
  • It was mentioned at one point that Gray's family/village is that of Artoria's distant relatives, but Sanda confirmed the more accurate description is family injected with Artoria's bio-traits.
  • Sanda discussed his dilemma of the name spelling "Gray" (American) or "Grey" (British), but decided to stick with "Gray" for closer association with the color image he has in mind.
  • The name Add is referring to both "ADDition" and "RhongomyniAD"
  • The Round Table Decision mechanism of Rhongo is its active copy of the same mechanism behind Excalibur due to later's beauty.
  • Gray's dread of spirits is both a personal trauma but also by design as Artoria's physical vessel.
  • While Reines became head of Archibalds, she insisted to keep her original last name Archisorte as her little way of defiance to the fate she was forced into.
  • Reines had a butler that taught her most things about political game and power manipulation, but said figure was no longer around her by the time of Case Files.
  • After the events of Case Files, Reines finally gained control of her Mystic Eyes, which facilitated her greatly in her magical achievement befitting of a future Lord. Her specialty is "overlaying magecraft on other magecraft".
  • Trimmau's artificial intelligence can gain massive amount of knowledge through Flat's magecraft, even though it came at the cost of TONS of useless information like wrestling terms or movie quotes.
  • Flat's magic circuits is the accumulated result of millennium of bloodline heritage, but manifest in the form of seeming mutation.
  • The main reason Flat is not able to graduate is actually less about his bizarre conduct but simply fact that he sucks at close quarter combat that is required course. Sanda gave an example of him trying to use drop-kick in actual practice just because it is "cool" (and approved by Luvia).
  • Svin's ability is declared to be closer to actual phantasmal werewolf and compared to animal-possession practice in Japanese myth.
  • While Melvin is declared to be a natural selfish asshole at birth, Sanda hinted it is more a result of him being abandoned by his own father and those around him due to his illness preventing him from furthering the family's glory. While Melvin regained all these with the accidental discovery of his gift in circuit tuning, he became much more cynical and suspicious of others since then.
  • However, there are two individuals he remained genuinely friendly towards: His mother who still supported him during the worst days of his life (explaining his mommy's boy behavior) and Waver, who showed him positivity of human nature around the same time.
  • Hishiri entered the Clock Tower's Policies Department as her way to fully deny her father's point of existence.
  • Hishiri's glasses are none other than Mystic Eye Killers like what Tohno Shiki and Medusa wear. It is to seal her own Mystic Eyes which can detect lost objects, which gave Hishiri enormous advantage in investigation.
  • Hishiri had ENORMOUS amount of fun teasing her kouhai: Gordolf. (Press F)
  • The setting of Heartless teaching his past self due to fairy magic is a direct homage of Archer Emiya's influence on Shirou.
  • Heartless considered his final days with Faker the calmest time of his life as he has absolutely no issue trusting a fellow victim of betrayal like Faker, and vice versa.
  • Sanda hinted the possibility of Faker entering FGO with memories of Case Files due to the unique circumstances of her summoning...maybe through Case Files event rerun?
  • Faker is a better drinker than every single individual in Iskandar's army, including Iskandar himself.
  • Hephaestion confirmed to be a sis-con and cared a lot about his sister Faker. Similar to Faker, he can also wield Iskandar's NPs as his doppelganger.
  • While knowledgeable, Luvia didn't really care about the political game in the Clock Tower, as she considering it trivial comparing to the ones the Edelfelts are involved in Finland.
  • Luvia has a tendency to fall for "gentlemen" and has the desire to serve such individual if encountered......SHEROU~
  • As with every generation of Edelfelts, Luvia has a twin sister, who is the polar opposite of Luvia and a shy girl. She is currently in love with her engaged partner.
  • The Command Seal Luvia gifted to Waver was one the Edelfelts tried really hard to keep as normally it should be kept by the Church.
  • While Heine has the nickname "Knight" for his demeanor, he openly remarked it is not a title bestowed by the Queen of the UK as "such noble title can't be bestowed by mortal nobility." This is a reflection of his past service to the Church.
  • Rosalind (Heine's younger sister) was protected by Reines post the event of Separation Castle after Heines tragically died and the family lost its head.
  • Jiroubou, both the victim and culprit of Separation Castle arc, became the guardian of Rosalind after the event and was involved in a few incidents against other magical organizations post Case Files.
  • Touko had visited Albion before.
  • Touko was able to remove her Sealing Designation due to some form of encounter between her and the department's head. The details remain a mystery.
  • Post the Twin Tower event, Atrum bothered Waver on a weekly basis, and right before the 5th War, he somehow allied with Melvin and Yvette in a mysterious event.
  • Also, Atrum think an Asian having the rank Grand must be a mistake....fucking racist.
  • The magecraft behind Gold Princess and Silver Princess was originally intended to be composed of one male and one female to represent Yin and Yang, but was tweaked later on into two females instead.
  • The twin maids of the twin princesses are actuality triplet and Waver wrote to the last sibling so she can live on in her sisters' place.
  • Caules using electricity magecraft is suggestion from Strange Fake's author Narita as a cross-timeline connection to Fran.
  • As a user of artificial Mystic Eyes, Yvette had modified her own brain 50+ times to be able to make it flexible to varied Mystic Eye powers. It is a miracle she keeps her sanity and personality after all this.
  • Trisha's actions, as hinted, was to provide Olga with political leverage against her father Malisbury by getting her hand on rainbow class Mystic Eyes and revealing the serial murder event Malisbury was involved in.
  • Karabo's slash amplified by his Mystic Eye can't be guarded physically or magically (explaining why Faker got hit by them).
  • Leandra, the host of the Mystic Eye auction, has multiple Mystic Eyes implanted on her arm.
  • Sanda confirmed DAA Rozay-en was defeated by Touko. That is one more addition to the DAA-get-screwed-in-Fate-timeline list.
  • Zepia is said to be rather spoiling when it comes to his descendants (ie. Sion) and rumored to give her various trials when she is troubled.
  • It is hinted Zepia might have a connection to fairy king Oberon as his last name suggests.
  • Fernando, the Catholic priest at Gray's village, regretted the decision of reporting Gray's transformation to the Church. He was also the one who taught Gray prayer despite knowing she is not religious and taught the latter that religion is secondary when it comes to an act that can calm people's mind. Good man.
  • Sister Irmina's weapon Grey Lock is the simpler-to-use Church weapon in contrast to Black Keys.
  • Rulfurs, the Lord of Spiritual Evocation and Sola-Ui's dad, is confirmed to be the head of another magus family with Grand Order/Alphamega Nogeuse. In Eulyphis's case, it is to find "the difference between the first and last spirit". The vague request and unclear definition made it an almost impossible task to accomplish.
  • Rulfurus's look might be inspired by LOTR Saruman.
  • Rulfurus is a rare case of a magus with 3 elemental attributes. The rings on his right hand seal spirits that contain knowledge of the past and can measure humanity, like a portable Wikipedia. The ones on the left seal a literal evil spirit army. The jewel on his chest appear to seal something even more powerful...
  • Rulfurus' glasses can measure the truth of a spirit.
  • McDonell, Lord of Trambellio and head of the Democracy faction, is a relative pacifist and prefers to acknowledge others' accomplishments, allies or enemy both. This is the opposite of Barthomeloi's approach.
  • McDonell's magic gift is that of ridiculous recovery of Od which enables him to spam highest rank offensive magecraft for an hour straight. Simply put, he is Megumin who can do EXPLOSION UNSTOPPED for that long.
  • Touko's mentor Inorai is a woman already beyond magecraft and the political games of the Clock Tower. Both aspects are like taking a walk in the park for her. Sanda also confirmed she taught Souren and Alba from KNK.
  • Her ability is that of sand. Even Touko would rather not fight her.
  • Her name was chosen by Nasu due to her importance.
Last edited:
More Case Files Mats stuff. Once again, if you haven't seen my previous posts on whatever translated bits I get my hands on, it's heavy on spoilers. I will post the list of infos but still take time to mask stuff from the plot of the novels themselves if people do not want to get spoiled. I mostly copied as is, though I corrected some typos and grammar errors here and there for readability's sake. Some things may be a repetition of earlier stuff:
  • One of Waver's greatest accomplishments is organizing and editing the magic theory notes left behind by Kayneth. This specific effort is confirmed to be the result of Waver trying to revert Gray's "Saberfacification" (made-up term but you get the idea)
  • The cigar Waver smokes is confirmed to be a simple Mystic Code he carries. This is inspired by an alcoholic magus who taught Waver "Suit and cigar are the weapons of man."
  • It was mentioned at one point that Gray's family/village is that of Artoria's distant relatives, but Sanda confirmed the more accurate description is family injected with Artoria's bio-traits.
  • Sanda discussed his dilemma of the name spelling "Gray" (American) or "Grey" (British), but decided to stick with "Gray" for closer association with the color image he has in mind.
  • The name Add is referring to both "ADDition" and "RhongomyniAD"
  • The Round Table Decision mechanism of Rhongo is its active copy of the same mechanism behind Excalibur due to later's beauty.
  • Gray's dread of spirits is both a personal trauma but also by design as Artoria's physical vassal.
  • While Reines became head of Archibalds, she insisted to keep her original last name Archisorte as her little way of defiance to the fate she was forced into.
  • Reines had a butler that taught her most things about political game and power manipulation, but said figure was no longer around her by the time of Case Files.
  • After the events of Case Files, Reines finally gained control of her Mystic Eyes, which facilitated her greatly in her magical achievement befitting of a future Lord. Her specialty is "overlaying magecraft on other magecraft".
  • Trimmau's artificial intelligence can gain massive amount of knowledge through Flat's magecraft, even though it came at the cost of TONS of useless information like wrestling terms or movie quotes.
  • Flat's magic circuits is the accumulated result of millennium of bloodline heritage, but manifest in the form of seeming mutation.
  • The main reason Flat is not able to graduate is actually less about his bizarre conduct but simply fact that he sucks at close quarter combat that is required course. Sanda gave an example of him trying to use drop-kick in actual practice just because it is "cool" (and approved by Luvia).
  • Svin's ability is declared to be closer to actual phantasmal werewolf and compared to animal-possession practice in Japanese myth.
  • While Melvin is declared to be a natural selfish asshole at birth, Sanda hinted it is more a result of him being abandoned by his own father and those around him due to his illness preventing him from furthering the family's glory. While Melvin regained all these with the accidental discovery of his gift in circuit tuning, he became much more cynical and suspicious of others since then.
  • However, there are two individuals he remained genuinely friendly towards: His mother who still supported him during the worst days of his life (explaining his mommy's boy behavior) and Waver, who showed him positivity of human nature around the same time.
  • Hishiri entered Clock Tower Policies Department as her way to fully deny her father's point of existence.
  • Hishiri's glasses are none other than Mystic Eye Killers like what Tohno Shiki and Medusa wear. It is to seal her own Mystic Eyes which can detect lost objects, which gave Hishiri enormous advantage in investigation.
  • Hishiri had ENORMOUS amount of fun teasing her kouhai: Gordolf. (Press F)
  • The setting of Heartless teaching his past self due to fairy magic is a direct homage of Archer Emiya's influence on Shirou.
  • Heartless considered his final days with Faker the calmest time of his life as he has absolutely no issue trusting a fellow victim of betrayal like Faker, and vice versa.
  • Sanda hinted the possibility of Faker entering FGO with memories of Case Files due to the unique circumstances of her summoning...maybe through Case Files event rerun?
  • Faker is a better drinker than every single individual in Iskandar's army, including Iskandar himself.
  • Hephaestion confirmed to be a sis-con and cared a lot about his sister Faker. Similar to Faker, he can also wield Iskandar's NPs as his doppelganger.
  • While knowledgeable, Luvia didn't really care about the political game in the Clock Tower, as she considering it trivial comparing to the ones the Edelfelts are involved in Finland.
  • Luvia has a tendency to fall for "gentlemen" and has the desire to serve such individual if encountered......SHEROU~
  • As with every generation of Edelfelts, Luvia has a twin sister, who is the polar opposite of Luvia and a shy girl. She is currently in love with her engaged partner.
  • The Command Seal Luvia gifted to Waver was one the Edelfelts tried really hard to keep as normally it should be kept by the Church.
  • While Heine has the nickname "Knight" for his demeanor, he openly remarked it is not a title bestowed by the Queen of the UK as "such noble title can't be bestowed by mortal nobility." This is a reflection of his past service to the Church.
  • Rosalind (Heine's younger sister) was protected by Reines post the event of Separation Castle after Heines trgically died and the family lost his head.
  • Jiroubou, both the victim and culprit of Separation Castle arc, became the guardian of Rosalind after the event and was involved in a few incidents against other magical organizations post Case Files.
  • Touko had visited Albion before.
  • Touko was able to remove her Sealing Designation due to some form of encounter between her and the department's head. The details remain a mystery.
  • Post the Twin Tower event, Atrum bothered Waver on a weekly basis, and right before the 5th War, he somehow allied with Melvin and Yvette in a mysterious event.
  • Also, Atrum think an Asian having the rank Grand must be a mistake....fucking racist.
  • The magecraft behind Gold Princess and Silver Princess was originally intended to be composed of one male and one female to represent Ying and Yang, but was tweaked later on into two females instead.
  • The twin maids of the twin princesses are actuality triplet and Waver wrote to the last sibling so she can live on in her sisters' place.
  • Caules using electricity magecraft is suggestion from Strange Fake's author Narita as a cross-timeline connection to Fran.
  • As a user of artificial Mystic Eyes, Yvette had modified her own brain 50+ times to be able to make it flexible to varied Mystic Eye powers. It is a miracle she keeps her sanity and personality after all this.
  • Trisha's actions, as hinted, was to provide Olga with political leverage against her father Malisbury by getting her hand on rainbow class Mystic Eyes and revealing the serial murder event Malisbury was involved in.
  • Karabo's slash amplified by his Mystic Eye can't be guarded physically or magically (explaining why Faker got hit by them).
  • Leandra, the host of the Mystic Eye auction, has multiple Mystic Eyes implanted on her arm.
  • Sanda confirmed DAA Rozay-en was defeated by Touko. That is one more addition to the DAA-get-screwed-in-Fate-timeline list.
  • Zepia is said to be rather spoiling when it comes to his descendants (ie. Sion) and rumored to give her various trials when she is troubled.
  • It is hinted Zepia might have a connection to fairy king Oberon as his last name suggests.
  • Fernando, the Catholic priest at Gray's village, regretted the decision of reporting Gray's transformation to the Church. He was also the one who taught Gray prayer despite knowing she is not religious and taught the latter that religion is secondary when it comes to an act that can calm people's mind. Good man.
  • Sister Irmina's weapon Grey Lock is the simpler-to-use Church weapon in contrast to Black Keys.
  • Rulfurs, the Lord of Spiritual Evocation and Sola-Ui's dad, is confirmed to be the head of another magus family with Grand Order/Alphamega Nogeuse. In Eulyphis's case, it is to find "the difference between the first and last spirit". The vague request and unclear definition made it an almost impossible task to accomplish.
  • Rulfurs's look might be inspired by LOTR Saruman.
  • Rulfurs is a rare case of a magus with 3 elemental attributes. The rings on his right hand seal spirits that contain knowledge of the past and can measure humanity, like a portable Wikipedia. The ones on the left seal a literal evil spirit army. The jewel on his chest appear to seal something even more powerful...
  • Rulfurs' glasses can measure the truth of a spirit.
  • McDonell, Lord of Trambellio and head of the Democracy faction, is a relative pacifist and prefers to acknowledge others' accomplishments, allies or enemy both. This is the opposite of Barthomeloi's approach.
  • McDonell's magic gift is that of ridiculous recovery of Od which enables him to spam highest rank offensive magecraft for an hour straight. Simply put, he is Megumin who can do EXPLOSION UNSTOPPED for that long.
  • Touko's mentor Inorai is a woman already beyond magecraft and the political games of the Clock Tower. Both aspects are like taking a walk in the park for her. Sanda also confirmed she taught Souren and Alba from KNK.
  • Her ability is that of sand. Even Touko would rather not fight her.
  • Her name was chosen by Nasu due to her importance.

Very interesting stuff.


  • One of Waver's greatest accomplishments is organizing and editing the magic theory notes left behind by Kayneth. This specific effort is confirmed to be the result of Waver trying to revert Gray's "Saberfacification" (made-up term but you get the idea)

Waver, how are you so consistently a good dad? Did you multiclass when you promoted to Clocktower Lord?
Randomly, in reference to the crater of the Greater Grail in Fuyuki:
HF - Day 16 - 16 said:
The Circuitous (円, en, "circular") Coronary (冠, kan, "crown") Corridor (回廊, kairou, "cloistered circular corridor"); the Cardial Realm (心臓世界, shinzou sekai, "world of the heart") of Ten-no-Sakazuki (テンノサカズキ).

The Circuitous Coronary Corridor; the Cardial Realm of Ten-no-Sakazuki.
Ten-no-Sakazuki (テンノサカズキ) can render as:
  • 天ノ杯 - The Cup of Heaven
  • 天ノ逆月 - The Reverse Moon of the Heavens
MirrorMoon said:
The circular circuit, the world of heart, Heavens Feel.
Quick question regarding the clock tower, has there ever been a full list of department faction groupings?
As I've only been able to find partials on that front.
Quick question regarding the clock tower, has there ever been a full list of department faction groupings?
As I've only been able to find partials on that front.
By that you mean which department belongs to which faction?

AFAIK no. It doesn't help that there are departments we just don't know a whole lot about, like Folklore and Zoology.
Because there's some misinformation going around.
On the chances of Team A clearing FGO:

It isn't clear as to what Nasu means by, "as of the point in time that he was a Crypter."
Meanwhile, Re: Kadok --

(He goes on to say, "If Anastasia put in a lot of effort, perhaps something could be done -- but ...")

For sourcing purposes, can someone remind me what interview this is from?
Pertaining to the canonical use of "prana" in Nasu, below is a revision to an existing translation for Extra CCC:
Extra CCC said:






遠坂 凛:




No. Even that the institution of a dining hall would be far too much, I am in favor of a breakfast policy.​
This would be as within [the task of] surmounting the labyrinth, the physical fatigue imposed upon Hakuno-san is vast.​
Being that the restoration of damage is per automatic recovery in rest made as nothing of issue, it would be more per acquisition in the capacity of taking meals as to replenish psychic calories (精神的カロリー, seishin-teki karorii) that the soul is furnished with vigor (精力, sei-ryoku).​


Furnishing the soul with vigor ... ?​
You're referring to motivation?​


Yes. Vital energy (生命力, seimei-ryoku); or perhaps the energy by which to subsist (生存力, seizonryoku, "force / power / energy of survival / subsistence").​
If I were to speak of it in the manner of the Chinese, the Dan-Tian (丹田, tanden, lit. "the field of cinnabar / vermilion"; "the field from which the elixir springs").​
If I were to speak of it per [my?] ethnicity, it would be the kundalini, perhaps.​

Tohsaka Rin:

Indeed, vigor or dan-tian, or in other words kundalini.​
Vital energy would [here] refer to the libido (欲望, yokubou, "desire") [that exists] to the purpose of leaving behind descendants, and ...​
-or rather, what exactly are you trying to say, Rani!?​


Have I said something strange?​
Vigor(Prana)』 would be as the basis of biological activity (生命活動, seimei katsudou), and the matter of activating (活性化, kassei-ka, "stimulation / vitalization") the Chakras would be ...​
Unrelatedly, I might've mentioned this before, but:
Extra CCC Material said:
And a Bodhisattva is a Deva(Kami) that bears an existential scale on the level of the Universe,
easily capable of administration something on the scale of the Solar System.
For comparison, the existing translation for Extra CCC Material:
A Bodhisattva is a god of universe scale and power, and can easily manage things on the scale of the Solar System.
Here, the translators decided that 天 (ten / kami) — "Deva" — should be translated as "god." This isn't terminologically accurate.

With regard to the average lifespan of magi:
Clock Tower 2015 - Chapter 2 said:
In magecraft, there existed also [means to] the delay of aging and temporary rejuvenation.
However, these would likewise hold on average a limit of a hundred years at best.
To magi, lifespan could not be defied.
Previously, this was rendered to translation as:
Magecraft did indeed offer methods that slowed ageing or temporarily restored youth.
However, through these methods, one could only on average extend life to the orders of centuries. Even magi could not escape death.
せいぜい百年 (seizei hyakunen) = "at most a hundred years"​

I'm not exactly certain how this became "extend life to the orders of centuries."
The definition of せいぜい isn't really all that obscure ... ?

In regards to Kojirou's Yorishiro subsequent to the death of Caster in UBW:
Unlimited Blade Works - Day 14 - 32 said:





「... impossible. Why are you here, Assassin ... !
You're a Servant called forth by Caster.
[Being that] at present, Caster is gone, you shouldn't yet remain ... !」

「Perhaps that would be the case with a typical Servant.
However, I'm a bit unique.
This flesh is bound not to a human, but to this land.
The Yorishiro (依り代, in the sense of "anchor") that you lot refer to as a Master.
To me, that would be as this temple gate (山門, sanmon, lit. "gate to the mountain"; generally, the entrance of a Buddhist temple).」

「What ———
— the land [itself] as your Yorishiro, you say ... ?」

「Umu. Even that you could refer [to Caster] as a magus, a Servant absent of a substantive being (実体, jittai, lit. "true body"; generally, "materiality / substance / manifest being") cannot a Servant sustain.
It would seem that the Yorishiro cannot but be as a thing of the current era.
Though the vixen did call me forth, this land was chosen as my Yorishiro.
Therefore, I am as a Servant that can appear strictly at these temple gates.
Even per [the circumstance that] Caster — who was as my summoner — had perished, so long as these temple gates are present, I shall not vanish.」

「——— though to begin with, this would be nothing more than [in the capacity] of a day-laborer.
The vixen provided me with approximate twenty days' worth of mana.
You should be able to grasp at a glance the [place] where this limit [falls].」

Speaking as if in [poetry], the swordsman raised his right arm.
Within his elegant kimono —
his pale wrist was transparent per the manner of glass-work.
For comparison:
MirrorMoon said:
"...Impossible. Why are you here, Assassin...!? Caster summoned you. You cannot exist since Caster is gone...!"
"That should be the case for normal Servants. But I am a bit special. It is not a person, but this land that is binding me.
Masters are the hosts which keep you in this world. It is this mountain in my case."

"Wha――――the land is the host...?"
"Right. Servants, ones without form, cannot maintain other Servants even if they are magi. A host from this age is needed to keep a Servant in this world.
That fox summoned me and chose this land to be my host.
Therefore, I am a Servant that can only appear here. I will not disappear as long as the mountain exists, even if Caster, my summoner, dies."

"―――But that is only borrowed time.
The fox gave me about twenty days' worth of magical energy. You should be able to tell when my limit is."
Saying so, the swordsman raises his right hand.
Inside his elegant kimono...
His white arm is transparent like glass.
Certain Buddhist temples were on account of their geographical placement referred to as "mountains."
"Mountain Gate" (山門, sanmon) would refer to the forward gates of such temples.
Somehow, in the MirrorMoon translation, the "gate" part of the word vanished, and we're left with the impression that Kojirou was bound to the mountain itself.

To conclude with, some arbitrary translations from Colorful Moon:
Colorful MOON Tsukihime said:









A color of the province of Divinity (神域, shin'iki, "the realm of divinity"). The Pure Eyes (淨眼, jougan) and the ideations (思念, shinen) of existences proximate to the province of Divinity would be of this color.​


A color emblematic of Aberration (魔, ma). [Since] antiquity [has there existed] the inclination that the eyes and the ideations of existences belonging of Aberration would be of this color.​


① Written as "Adept."​
② Refers as of organizations of relation to magecraft to [the matter of] accomplished experts; or to those who have arrived upon the deepest-most quintessence of thaumaturgy.​
③ Can be regarded as something akin to a title conferred to individuals per the above description.​
④ It would appear that in works of fantasy, there exist cases wherein the same term is amongst the titles [conferred] to monks.​

Kishi (鬼子)

① Abrupt mutations. Existences 「distinct」 as of birth. An outlier amongst kin.​
② Whereas Kishu (鬼種, "oni breed") exist as of the World of Tsukihime, I hold that as of the primary work, [the term] is used not in reference to the children of such, but in something of the sense defined above. Psychics who are in reality [entirely] human are likewise consistently referred to as such, and so persecuted by the people.​
③ Whereas 「Kishi」 likewise bears the sense of 「children that don't resemble their parents」, this use of the term [might be taken] as proximate [to the above].​


A color emblematic of Aberration. There exist circumstances wherein Arcuied's eyes shift to this color.​


A color of the province of Divinity. It would appear this color might also be witnessed within the ideations of existences proximate to the province of Divinity.​
For comparison, TMDict:
TMDict said:

A color of the realm of the gods. The color of spiritual energy, or mystic eyes whose existence approaches the realm of the gods.


A color symbolic of demons. The color of spiritual energy that is connected and intertwined with demons. The eyes of demons have long had the tendency to be red.


① Written as Adept.
② Within magecraft-related organizations "adept" refers to an expert or master level individual, or to an individual who has unraveled some of the deepest, most secret techniques of magecraft.
③ "Adept" is thought to be something like a title that is conferred upon such individuals.
④ In some fantasy stories, the title "Adept" is held by Buddhist monks in a similar fashion.


① Result of sudden mutation. From the moment they are born, you can feel there is something different about them. A deviation from the norm in the family or group.
② In the world of Tsukihime, in which demon kind exist, the word demon-child doesn't actually refer to the children of demons. Rather it is a discriminatory word carrying the meaning written above in ① In reality it has often been used to persecute humans with special powers.
③ "Demon-child" also has the meaning of "A child who doesn't resemble his or her parents," and the term was probably used to mean the same thing.


A color symbolic of demons. Arcueid's eyes can change to this color.


A color of the realm of the gods. Spiritual energy which approaches the realm of the gods is said to be replete with this color.
Setting aside the issues relating to "ma" and so forth:
  • "Ideation" (思念, shinen) became "spiritual energy." Please use a dictionary, TMDict.
  • Per the usual business, "Oni Breed" ended up as "demon kind." Likewise, whereas "Kishi" is lit. "child of the Oni," this somehow turned into "demon child."
  • Monks clearly in the sense of the D&D class somehow turned into "Buddhist monks."
  • Pure Eyes (淨眼, jougan) turned into "mystic eyes."
Unrelatedly, uber-magi are apparently supposed to be referred to as "Adepts."
I've seen a couple references to "AD 0" floating around, does anybody know where that error came from?

Case Files Materials. Timeline of events.

The night before AD: The user of the First Magic is Born

00 AD: The remaining magus from the Age of Gods lay the foundation of the Mage's Association. "Mystery will one day disappear, but let's preserve the knowledge as an academia." was their motto(reason to take action). However—

It's genuinely from the mats as well - I have both the scans and physical book to check.
Frustrating that they'd get that wrong.

Heads up to readers I guess -- There is no Year Zero in the anno Domini calendars. Astronomers basically forced it in (where BC 1 is 0, BC 2 = -1, BC 3 = -2, etc) to make their lives easier re: calculating times for orbits, but it's not really correct to use for historical purposes.

I'm not really much of a calendar nerd, but this is like entry-level calendar nerd trivia.
Heads up to readers I guess -- There is no Year Zero in the anno Domini calendars. Astronomers basically forced it in (where BC 1 is 0, BC 2 = -1, BC 3 = -2, etc) to make their lives easier re: calculating times for orbits, but it's not really correct to use for historical purposes.

Well, there is no year zero because the number zero was yet to be invented, so no surprise at all. It's the same reason why "that he was raised on the third day" is said in the Bible, when from Friday to Sunday is two days, not three...
Well, there is no year zero because the number zero was yet to be invented, so no surprise at all.

"Zero" as a placeholder for accounting systems (ie, something like 205 = "two hundreds, zero tens, five ones") have been documented from around ~2000 BC in both Egyptian and Babylonian counting systems. Hellenistic math -- the Ancient Greeks -- had notoriously poor numerals compared to Babylonians, which went on to infect recordkeeping in the Roman Empire with bad ideas; but anyway in 150 the Astronomer Ptolemy basically won the argument establishing zero as a conceptual "nothingness" in addition to the idea of like marking "zero sheeps is none" in an agricultural census. (Ptolemy put a line over the top of it, but he's basically the one that popularized the "0" symbol we use today).

AD calendar was established around 500 AD. (So the correct date for AD 1 was back-calculated from historical records, I've heard that now we kinda think they were off by like six years but IDK). Before then it was mostly Regnal Years, although in the Roman Empire (and Republic before) they kept track of who were consuls, not who was king. Although province of Judea (actually Jesus himself too probably since he grew up Jewish) might have used Hebrew calendar, an anno Mundi system -- years since Creation -- that was calculated by Rabbis. Eastern Orthodox churches use that too I guess. Mayans used what'd be considered an AM system, but it was based on completely different religious assumptions obvs.

Japan still uses a formal Regnal system too, went from Hesei to Reiwa last summer.

It's... more the case that in a sense we Moderns are the weird ones, compared to the thousands of years that came before, for having picked a single point in history and then literally everybody is just counting time forward or back from that single point. Like the idea of "negative dates" counting backwards in time has not really been the frame calendar-makers were working with, like, historically.
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Would people actually have a Servant v Servant battle over that? How did the Grail dismantling happen in canon, do we know?
We only know vague details from fate/complete materials III
CM3 - Records of the Holy Grail War said:
The taking apart of the Holy Grail War.
Ten years after the Fifth War. Lord El-Melloi the Second (real name, Waver Velvet. One of the Masters of the Fourth War) arrived in Fuyuki and together with the head of the Tohsaka line, set out to completely take apart the Great Grail. The Association was planning on bring back the Greater Grail, so the two sides were completely opposed. After the end of the great turmoil of the same magnitude as the Grail War, the Greater Grail was completely dismantled. The Grail Wars of Fuyuki came to a complete conclusion here.
It does not necessarily involve Servants, it's just the same magnitude. I only call it Dismantling War because Narita did.
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Nasu already teased this years ago . 10 years after the event of Fate/Stay Night Rin and Waver comes to Fuyuki to dismantle the Great Grail, they are against the Mage Association and Zouken on something that is on the same scale as a Holy Grail war.

This drama CD will answer what happen to Sakura in Fate and UBW route .Will she had happy ending or sad ending after dismantle grail war ?
Nasu already teased this years ago . 10 years after the event of Fate/Stay Night Rin and Waver comes to Fuyuki to dismantle the Great Grail, they are against the Mage Association and Zouken on something that is on the same scale as a Holy Grail war.

This drama CD will answer what happen to Sakura in Fate and UBW route .Will she had happy ending or sad ending after dismantle grail war ?
This drama CD has nothing to do with Fate or UBW. The whole idea about dismantling being only a Fate/UBW thing was probably a fan misunderstanding in the first place. As little we know from how CMIII goes no route is excluded from it, given that is directly mentioned that the Mage's Association has to restore the Great Grail in order for it to happen.
This drama CD has nothing to do with Fate or UBW. The whole idea about dismantling being only a Fate/UBW thing was probably a fan misunderstanding in the first place. As little we know from how CMIII goes no route is excluded from it, given that is directly mentioned that the Mage's Association has to restore the Great Grail in order for it to happen.
How is the Mages Association going to restore the Greater Grail in HF when the gate is either closed (Illya in True End) or the Grail is destroyed via beam (Shirou in Normal End), and then the entire cavern collapses and buries it under tons of rock?

Rin herself confirms it is destroyed in HF in the True End.
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How is the Mages Association going to restore the Greater Grail in HF when the gate is either closed (Illya in True End) or the Grail is destroyed via beam (Shirou in Normal End), and then the entire cavern collapses and buries it under tons of rock?

Rin herself confirms it is destroyed in HF in the True End.
If someone has the means for it, that's the Clock Tower. As it was said World Material pretty clearly uses the term 大聖杯の復興, which means they are rebuilding/reviving the Great Grail. You should not underestimate the Clock Tower after all the info we got about it in the last ten years.