Wonder why that's variable. The Saberfacization, maybe?
From what I remember, it becomes EX when Saber is summoned in Fuyuki and Gray becomes even more synchronized.
Yeah, it has numbers so I can work them out. Doesn't have years though, if you wanted to figure out ages.

Waver - 13th October.

Gray - 17th June.

Reines - 7th March.

Flat - 1st December.

Svin - 13th September.

Melvin - 14th October.

Adashino - 23rd March.

Dr. Heartless - 13th Feb.

Luvia - 6th June.

Touko - 18th August.

Atrum - 19th October

Olga - Japanese, on a hunch, I googled it and it means "unknown". Shadowruns, or not wanting to read on Nasu's toes? You decide.

Caules - 23rd March.

Yvette - 13th May.

Zepia - 31st March.

Eulyphis - 17th September.

Trambelio - 19th May.

Valuetala - 27th January.
Many thanks, you're the real MVP.
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Anyway, could Gil theoretically be summoned as a Saber?

I know about Ea, but since it predates swords, that's kinda a tricky thing.
Touko (who I used to work out Quality and Quantity in the first place) EX, B+.
So, Touko is mentioned to have 20(or about 20? Translation unclear, help would be appreciated @fallacies) Circuits, so that gives us an idea of what B/B+ is.

Shirou having 27 is also apparently "surprising/unexpectedly high/many", but that might just be from not being of a magus bloodline to anyones knowledge. Finally, the wiki is saying 20 Circuits are average, but I can't find a source for that.

However, when combined with the fact that "B" is average for Nobles Phantasms, I'm tentatively guess it's the average for Circuit Quality and/or Quantity as well, and that a Quantity of B equals 20?

Sidenote, Olga's Quantity apparently contradicts statements in F/GO where it's mentioned she has a high Quantity?
So, Touko is mentioned to have 20(or about 20? Translation unclear, help would be appreciated @fallacies) Circuits, so that gives us an idea of what B/B+ is.
Character Material mentions that her Circuit count is average amongst magi. Garden of Sinners Pamphlet says that she has somewhere in the vicinity of 20 Circuits. From this, we can surmise that a count of 20 Circuits is about the average.
Sidenote, Olga's Quantity apparently contradicts statements in F/GO where it's mentioned she has a high Quantity?
Grand Order Olga and Case Files Olga are two different individuals, with different background circumstances. It's entirely possible that some of those circumstances somehow resulted in different Circuit parameters.
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Character Material mentions that her Circuit count is average amongst magi. Garden of Sinners Pamphlet says that she has somewhere in the vicinity of 20 Circuits. From this, we can surmise that a count of 20 Circuits is about the average.
Ah, thanks.
Grand Order Olga and Case Files Olga are two different individuals, with different background circumstances. It's entirely possible that some of those circumstances somehow resulted in different Circuit parameters.
True, but since they seem otherwise identical, it's a bit weird, you know?
Well we thought that FGO universe was the same as Fate/Stay Night universe for a long while until the Zero event dropped the "There was only one Grail War' thing so there being a yet to be revealed thing that differentiates the two Olga's is entirely possible thing.
Well we thought that FGO universe was the same as Fate/Stay Night universe for a long while until the Zero event dropped the "There was only one Grail War' thing so there being a yet to be revealed thing that differentiates the two Olga's is entirely possible thing.

Case Files Olga having her birthday being unknown (不明, specifically) does make me look more than a little askance at the whole thing. Especially considering the implications that FGO Olga has become the AG's priestess somehow. And the highest source for FGO lore, Melty Blood Back Alley Alliance Nightmare, where Olga's - ghost, basically - seems to be wandering between dimensions.
Case Files Olga having her birthday being unknown (不明, specifically) does make me look more than a little askance at the whole thing. Especially considering the implications that FGO Olga has become the AG's priestess somehow. And the highest source for FGO lore, Melty Blood Back Alley Alliance Nightmare, where Olga's - ghost, basically - seems to be wandering between dimensions.
Her profile apparently makes some sort of cryptic comment about where she was on the day Case Files ended? Or something.
The tilde (wave dash) is used to express a range of things like numbers in Japanese. English uses en dashes for this, so something like (B+)–EX works best, I think. I set it in brackets so it wouldn't be confused for a minus.

I feel like you just demonstrated why it doesn't work best lol

The letter ranking scale in Fate often includes plus signs, so the use of dashes presents issues. You can set it in brackets as you did, but this franchise being what it is, that will create confusion, because people will wonder if it means something. The use of tildes for this purpose isn't standard in English, but it's also pretty uncomplicated to learn in a fandom where people spend a lot of time studying completely made up stuff :V
I feel like you just demonstrated why it doesn't work best lol
Compared to, say, not having brackets.

I found it worked just fine for years already, so forgive my skepticism.
You can set it in brackets as you did, but this franchise being what it is, that will create confusion, because people will wonder if it means something. The use of tildes for this purpose isn't standard in English, but it's also pretty uncomplicated to learn in a fandom where people spend a lot of time
People can literally just Google the glyph, though. If learning meaning is a nonissue, it's easier to learn something that can be trivially Googled, right?

So far, I'm not seeing how adapting punctuation from a different language is the better option.
Did you mean adopting?
It comes down to pretty much the same thing, but yeah, I was posting from my phone and my battery ran out.
Sorry, I'm just confused as to what your position is now.
It isn't all that opaque, I think. There isn't really a reason to go for a wave dash since the en dash has proven itself already. How it is used in Japanese is not as immediately apparent as how the en dash is used for ranges in English.
So apparently, the question concerning Shiki and Servants is a meme.

And that prevents me from asking that question and pissing people off because there's actually an article on it on know your meme.
The real question is do you mean Shiki, Shiki, Shiki, Shiki, SHIKI, SHIKI, SHIKI or []?:V
So many fucking Shikis.


Shiki Can Kill Servants

“Can Shiki kill Servants?” is a question that’s often asked in Type-Moon threads to derail the subject of the thread into a “power level” (character strength ranking) argument. It is a topic that has been argued to the point where it is a running joke in Type-Moon threads on /a/ and /jp/. It...

Was talking about this, hell, it's already a Know Your Meme article.
So apparently, the question concerning Shiki and Servants is a meme.

And that prevents me from asking that question and pissing people off because there's actually an article on it on know your meme.
Wasn't the answer to this "Hypothetically, if the Shikis considers/comprehends the Servants as Living and can cut their lines of death, yes they can kill them" with the addendum of "but good fucking luck to them trying to physically get close and cut a Servant considering the sheer gap in raw physical capabilities and skill"?
Any of the Shikis is theoretically capable of killing a Servant, yes.

However, I, limp-wristed random geek that I am, am also theoretically capable of killing a Servant. All I'd have to do is take a perfectly ordinary kitchen knife, place it against their heart or their head, and then bash it in with a hammer (because there's no way I could overcome their Endurance with my noodle arms.)

... if, yannow, the Servant just sits there and lets me.

Which is fundamentally the same problem that the Shikis have -- they just don't have the speed to keep up with Servants. If it's Void Shiki, she can sorta-kinda keep up defensively -- and in /GO, we see maybe how that might be, that apparently her "literally the Root" memes gives her enlightened-boddhisattva-esque abilities that translate to Servant-ish statistics -- but aside from that, all of them would fundamentally get speedblitzed after one or two strokes.

Basically, none of them are going to do any better than Shirou, and the one time Shirou ever managed to so much as touch a Servant under his own power it was, well, basically because he sat there and let him (rather than draw Ea) :V.
However, I, limp-wristed random geek that I am, am also theoretically capable of killing a Servant. All I'd have to do is take a perfectly ordinary kitchen knife, place it against their heart or their head, and then bash it in with a hammer (because there's no way I could overcome their Endurance with my noodle arms.)

... if, yannow, the Servant just sits there and lets me.

Not convinced this would work tbqh :V
Basically, none of them are going to do any better than Shirou, and the one time Shirou ever managed to so much as touch a Servant under his own power it was, well, basically because he sat there and let him (rather than draw Ea) :V.
Rin was able to put up a somewhat-decent fight against Caster, IIRC? But Caster are the weakest in physical combat of the classic seven Class, so I guess that isn't quite as impressive as going toe-to-toe with an Archer or Saber. Overall killing Servant as a random human is, as expected fighting heroic legends, really hard.
Not convinced this would work tbqh :V
Well.... okay, not the head, I can't get through bone. But if I angled the knife upward between their ribs, their skin probably isn't strong enough on its own to stop me with a sledehammer?

Similarly I could probably slit their neck. :V

Rin was able to put up a somewhat-decent fight against Caster, IIRC? But Caster are the weakest in physical combat of the classic seven Class, so I guess that isn't quite as impressive as going toe-to-toe with an Archer or Saber. Overall killing Servant as a random human is, as expected fighting heroic legends, really hard.
Pretty much. And even then, that was only possible because Rin was a shining star of a genius that might one day reach top fifty in the Association*, who had the option of spending literally a decade of planning in a single night to counter everything that Caster had to throw out. If she hadn't had that?

Well, it wouldn't really have mattered how good her bajiquan was....

*And remember, her competition includes utter monsters like Aozaki "I can't believe it's not the Third Magic!" Touko and Kirschtaria "If I was born a thousand years ago I'd be Literally God" Wodime. Not to say that she's necessarily better than either of those in particular, but... in an Association with that as their extreme end, top fifty is kind of insane.
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