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Ok quick question.
A dead apistle or a true ancestor gets isekaid.
How screwed is that world?
A dead apistle or a true ancestor gets isekaid.
How screwed is that world?
Why do you think it would be screwed?Ok quick question.
A dead apistle or a true ancestor gets isekaid.
How screwed is that world?
Dead Apostle are vampire and can make undead ('the Dead') minions, but generally not more Dead Apostle to my understanding; it's very rare and needs particular conditions, and even then there's a year wait-time til you know if it happened or not. True Ancestor also can't make more of themselves, nor undead minions IIRC, but all of them barring two are killed as of 1994 Tsukihime; no clue on mainline /Fate.Ok quick question.
A dead apistle or a true ancestor gets isekaid.
How screwed is that world?
True Ancestors turn people they bite into Dead Apostles, its where DAs came from in the first place.Dead Apostle are vampire and can make undead ('the Dead') minions, but generally not more Dead Apostle to my understanding; it's very rare and needs particular conditions, and even then there's a year wait-time til you know if it happened or not. True Ancestor also can't make more of themselves, nor undead minions IIRC, but all of them barring two are killed as of 1994 Tsukihime; no clue on mainline /Fate.
That said I don't think either would be a threat to the world itself?
Hypothetically, they could give birth to more True Ancestors the usual way?True Ancestor also can't make more of themselves, nor undead minions IIRC, but all of them barring two are killed as of 1994 Tsukihime; no clue on mainline /Fate.
Roa didn't meet Arcueid so the whole massacre likely didn't happen.
Nah he did. His death is why Blackmore died:The later developments in Fate make it seem implausible for Crimson Moon Brunestud to have ever existed in the past
Case Files Clocktower timeline said:20~100 AD: The headmaster, along with his associates, work diligently in their activities. Thanks to their work, more people began learning magecraft and the energy(morale) from the Age of Gods began to come back. From around this time, Dead Apostles began appearing in the Magus world(society) and they began attacking mages as they saw them as an enemy(threat).
300 AD: The night in the forest capital, the Battle at the Millennium Castle
It is said…that a battle between the Crimson Moon and the Wizard Marshall Zelretch took place
300~500 AD: In the Western European countries of the Great Continent, the Holy Church begins building up its influence(power). The Mage's Association decline. The damage from the fight with the Crimson Moon was too deep. The Winter for magecraft begins. The Magus Capitals that the Mage's Association developed became shut down one by one because of the conflict with the Holy Church. With the Crimson Moon destroyed, Gransurg Blackmore, in despair accepts his own destruction. Even though he raises his own disciples, on that night of the Blue Moon, he is defeated by an Executor who happened to pass by. "I met that person on a night like this. Then a night like this is the time for me to die".
Neco-Arc I guess.Could there be in essence people who live in alternative worlds qho are, in essence, alternative Arcueids?
Garden of Avalon said:「なんだろうね、ほんと。
神代 は終わった。
星を回す事が終われば、次は宙 を回す事業に移行する。
For comparison:「Truthfully, [I wonder] why it is.
The Age of the Gods has ended.
With this, the Age of the Faeries should likewise conclude.
Where it would hereforth be as the Age of Man, even that shall one day come to a close.
Should the matter of the revolution (回す, mawasu) of the Star conclude, there would thereafter come a reorientation (移行, ikou, "shift / switchover / migration") to the undertaking (事業, jigyou) of the revolution of theCosmos .
Be that the case, that subsequent would be the Age of Will.
But even that organisms incapable of exercising (回せない, mawasenai; "incapable of initiation," in the context of "rotation / revolution") volition in the absence of a corpus merely become as fallen behind the times —
why is it that I'm so fixated upon humanity?」
canonrap translates 星を回す事が終われば (hoshi wo mawasu koto ga owareba) as "when this star of ours ceases to rotate." This is misleading. Specifically, を (wo) is a particle to indicate that the noun preceding is an object being acted upon. That is, a literal translation would be something like this:canonrap said:"Oh, I do wonder… the age of Gods is long past, and with what is soon to unfold, so too will the age of the Fae end. It is age of Man – and that will also reach its eventual conclusion. The day will come when this star of ours ceases to rotate, after which we will establish ourselves in the heavens, beginning the age of the Will. Those incapable of volition without a frame of fresh and blood will be left behind in time. And yet… I wonder why I find myself so often mingled with humanity."
I'm feeling a bit too lazy to provide a translation, so have Reiu's instead (with slight modifications of terminology):CCC said:「すまんな。
以前、我 は生まれた時から完全だった、といったのは誤りだ。
我 とて未熟だった時はある。
我 は生涯のほぼすべてをかけて成長した。
我 の眼を持ってすら、見通すには幾星霜、といったところだ。
だが人間の認識 は広がっていく。
思えば我 はやる気を失っていたのだろう。
人類が我の星 を越え、暗い大海にこぎ出し―――
蛇に盗まれた霊草 を笑い飛ばした「ギルガメッシュ」。
"The Recognition of Man" (人間の認識, ningen no ninshiki) is here defined as synonymous to "the World of Man" (人間の世界, ningen no sekai), and presumably via Clairvoyance, Gilgamesh witnesses in a vision that these will someday extend beyond the Star / the Earth to "the Ends of the Sky" (ソラの果て, sora no hate) across "the Sea of Darkness" (暗い大海, kurai taikai).Reiu said:Apologies. It was a mistake when I had said before that I was complete since birth.
I too had my times of inexperience.
It took nearly the entirety of my life to complete my development.
I reached physical maturity in the days with my friend,
while my mind reached maturity at that moment.
―――My youth had come to an end at last.
The sky I beheld stretched far and wide.
It was such that even with my eyes,
it would take many moons to foresee it all.
By that time, my body will have long since rotted.
And yet theRecognition of Man will continue to expand.
One day, humanity shall discern in advance even light that lies millions of years ahead.
...Such was the future I saw.
And it was an exhilarating sight.
Thinking back, I must have lost my drive.
I had collected all that should be collected.
There was no further joy to be had in that era.
Then it is a simple matter of departing with integrity.
I'll experience death as many times as necessary.
Time and again I shall revive.
Time and again I shall observe.
Until the end of this world.
Until the day comes when humanity reaches beyond myStar ,
setting sail for the dark sea―――until the day comes when humanity reaches the end of the sky
and strikes its final note.
......That was his dying dream.
Gilgamesh, who'd laughed away the serpent's theft of the herb.
Before he knew it, the sun had already risen.
Smiling at the human joy that had blossomed within his chest for but a fleeting second,
he set to return to Uruk.
This was the end of the adventure of Gilgamesh.
Afterwards, he governed Uruk as the ruler of heroes,
and departed this world.
As humanity's most ancient hero.
As the illustrious king who was the first in this world to have "become a story."
How on Earth would we know how they compare when we've barely seen anything of Grand Servants that doesn't involve them giving up their title?So, how do Grand Servants compare to True Ancestors Or the Types?
Power wise I mean.
Because Type Mercury is ridiculously strong, but sleeping.
And I know Zelretch defeated Crimson Moon.
And I know the grands are counters to the beasts.
Also, what Separates a type from a Beast of Gaia?
Right, forgot.How on Earth would we know how they compare when we've barely seen anything of Grand Servants that doesn't involve them giving up their title?
We have hundreds. Shakespeare is going to have a little bit of a different time fighting a Dead Apostle or True Ancestor than Gilgamesh would. Broad questions like that are kind of impossible to answer.how would a regular servant compare to a dead apostle or true ancestor?
Thanks.Servants vs other TM characters:
Q: In the other Type-Moon works, who else besides Arc can fight against Servants?
A: If we're working on the condition of one on one, with an extremely average Noble Phantasm. Generally most of the 27 Ancestors, Kishima Kouma, Aozaki Aoko. If it's just a defensive fight, but would still be a fight, then Ciel. Shiki (Rakkyo), Shiki (Tsukihime) are no match for Servants....but Ryougi Shiki (3rd personality) might be able to go as far as the Ciel class.
Now figure out what an average Noble Phantasm me- wait.
Q. I have a question about the Servants vs. other character answer in the 9th issue of Comptiq. About a Servant with an average Noble Phantasm, who would have one and what rank would that have been?
A: That's a serious question. The level of the Noble Phantasm would be B, and ability being represented by numbers would be called an average Noble Phantasm. Broken Phantasm, Barrier of the Wind King (C), Gae Bolg (thrown) (B), that sort.
On the other hand, those with conceptual effects, destiny interference types fall into a special category. With Gae Bolg (regular), no matter how much Arcueid might be superior to Lancer in numbers, she will be killed depending on her luck, you see.
And some more for fun:
Q: About the power comparison between Arc and Servants, would the Arc being compared be the 30% one or the full one?
A: That would be the 30% Arc. It takes 7 Counter Guardians to control the Primate Murder and the Servants of the Grail War are based on these.Q: Who'd win if the Servants and the 27 Ancestors fought each other? Also, who'd win in a fight between Bazett, a renowned powerhouse of the Association, and Ciel, top class in even the Association?
A: Depends on compatibility, but basically Servants will have the slightly higher advantage. With Saber, Lancer, and Archer classes, we ought to be able to relax and see decent fights. In particular, Saber has THAT sort of Noble Phantasms so against guys like the 27 Ancestors that overwhelm by material quantity and alienness, she'd be REALLY tough.
....Well, there are also some of those tough Ancestors that can withstand a direct hit from Excalibur-class attacks, but against those guys that just (emphasis on just; other stats don't match up) have wickedly high HP, Lancer-aniki'd be pretty tough.Q: Who would be stronger if Servants fought the 27 Ancestors? Servant's also have superhuman battle ability, but the 27 Ancestors are also superhuman monsters.... I got the impression that ORT, Primate Murder, Altrouge Brunestud, and so on were obviously stronger than Servants.
A: All I can is they're both powerful.... They're both beings that live in mystery, so the only thing that can be said is that it all depends on the situation the moment it comes done to ""having the means of killing the other guy somehow". Among those, Earth rules won't even apply to ORT in the first place and Primate Murder has the super advantage against primates so they're in a league of their own, I suppose. Speaking of which, for one Primate Murder, seven Guardians would be the appropriate amount.
Considering a lot of info is in extra materials, you will have to get used to it.
Yeah, I may have to go through a LOT of Q and A's, because Nasuverse mechanics are complex.Considering a lot of info is in extra materials, you will have to get used to it.
Do you have birthdays for these characters?
The tilde (wave dash) is used to express a range of things like numbers in Japanese. English uses en dashes for this, so something like (B+)–EX works best, I think. I set it in brackets so it wouldn't be confused for a minus.