Well there's also the detail of humanity having like near infinite tries what with tree timestuff and whatnot

So ya know even if 99% of the timelines fucked it up immensely at least 1% will get things right

But yeah good point
They're lying liars who lie as a matter of course,
Give one example.

Like, I agree magi are in general amoral people, but them being amoral doesn't mean they are lying about what they are studying and revolving their whole lives around. It's not like they are justifying themselves to outsiders with excuses, all we know is usually from conversations between magi, why the hell would they lie to each other?
Because Magus Association is more politics than actual magic by this point since any research at all just destroys mystery?

I think Waver even complains about it, he just wants to research but Reines and other magi keep dragging him into politics despite his clear distaste for it

The only ones concerned with the World at large are Atlas (and we already know how problematic they are) and the Church (in the stopping things from eating mankind)

But Chaldea is mostly MA right? At least it looks like that since they shut it down and you hear nothing from anyone else, Atlas lent some computers from what I remember.
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Because Magus Association is more politics than actual magic by this point since any research at all just destroys mystery?
So they would lie to each other about what Mystery is? That doesn't really make sense.

It's politics, yeah, but all in the pursuit of magic. Get better spiritual lands, rope in promising apprentices, marriage prospects, etc. The conservative faction thinks old families is everything, the democratic/reformist faction thinks talent can manifest in everyone regardless of lineage, and the neutral faction only cares about doing research.

None of this really justifies this extreme skepticism.
Mages are't really concerned outside of their own lives and work.

Just because they're not the magic police/world supernatural police doesn't mean they're evil.

Tbh the probably worst "mage" guy isn't even a mage, he's just an American mafia guy who can do magic.
For example the Ether Liners and A Rays from Notes, both products of science, are pretty fucking hardcore, with Ado Edem's Slash Emperor being capable of outperforming most Noble Phantasms in terms of sheer destructive power.
The A-Rays and the Liners are products of science, but ultimately we have no basis to presume that their abilities are entirely justified in the science of their era -- even if they're likewise not precisely of "Mystery."

I mean, consider for a moment that Mystery is demarcated by a boundary defined by the Human Order. Does the Hunan Order even still exist in the era of Notes? We don't have enough information to make this claim.
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This is why I dont understand the problem with revealing Magecraft. It needs Mystery because the common sense of humanity is that magic doesnt exist. Reveal magecraft... and you change that common sense. How could magic not be real, that guy just cast a spell? Shouldn't revealing magecraft inherently change the common sense to include the supernatural?
So when I was in middle school, one of my teachers had an extensive collection of books on magic she kept in her classroom. The other teachers had similar personal libraries, but not on magic.

One example of a formlae in one of the books was "Tincture of Antimony".

Science has an explanation for why these 'formulae' would actually help cure the conditions they were supposed to cure. Simply put the 'formulae' were old and low tech methods to leech certain substances out of natural sources, usually using alcohol. These methods were continued to be used by Drug Companies to make vitamins, until they discovered more optimal methods for their use.

Essentially most of the potions in the book can be replicated by chasing a multivitamin down with drinkable alcohol.

Vitamins work by providing the body with the building blocks it needs to prevent numerous ill-health conditions.

However, this isn't how the writers of those books believed the formulae worked. They believed that 'all of creation' was a mechanism, that operated like a clock, and that certain events are put in place to occur when triggered by a similar situation.

Science explains why the formulae work, but emancipates it from it's supernatural foundation. You don't need spirits, supernatural, or a suspiciously prescient cosmic architecture to explain why Vitamins are good for your health.

So under a system like Nasumysticism, the magi reveals his powers and some smartalek figures out the 'trick'. Rin uses Gandr in public, and some skeptic reasons its just the power of suggestion. Kiritsugu uses his 'alter time' ability to dodge a bullet, and someone reasons that Kiritsugu's training included him training automatic reactions to many varied situations.

And it doesn't have to occur during the lifetime of the Magus. Years after Kiritsugu's death they could state that he was merely a skilled professional killer and he's no longer around to fight the retcon.

Note that this can also be a good thing in the Nasuverse. There are several dark, cursed, and evil magic practices like crest worms -- that the world would be better off believing Zouken a delusional masochistic pervert, than keeping him secret and powerful.

So yeah, if too many practioners erode the mystery, then that should be weaponized!
I'm not. They've consistently demonstrated themselves to be raging assholes and I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them. They're lying liars who lie as a matter of course, why do you think they'd be telling the truth about this thing that conveniently justifies their ridiculous lifestyle and absolves them of any responsibilities or obligations to society at large?

When a mystery is assimilated into the common sense of man as a new, valid "natural" phenomenon, does its practical effect then become available through scientific means? If something happens that causes Chaldea's servant summoning system to go poof like someone said upthread, would humans some three hundred years later then be able to build a servant summoning machine working on purely technological principles?
It already is. Anything that is not explicitly and outright Magic is at least theoretically possible within science.

However, things with Mystery tend to be things that are to varying degrees impractical; time travel may technically be possible within science but look, if 'step one' involves a neutronium rod the length of the Earth's orbit, I don't think that really counts. When a Mystery goes 'poof', that may mean that the scientific path gets easier - but then again it may not; we've literally never seen that aspect of canon explored except in Agartha, where it's just stated that the publicity of magecraft is the end of the world.

(And in the in-universe non-canonicity of Sherlock Holmes, who got paid the single greatest compliment the Human Order could pay a detective: "you are so good at what you do, that your mere existence would mean the end of the world, because you would tear apart all Mystery without fail.")
Beni Enma's lines are all analogies once you think of it

Tamamo- She cooks well, very good in fact but gets carried away and instead of cooking healthy foods she spoils her husband. Ie how Tamamo induces one's desires to the point of ruin

Kiyohime- Uses way too much oil and fire and thinks everything is good with those. Overbearing affection and delusions, all situations are wrongly interpreted as to feed her insanity

Tomoe- Onigiri inside Onigiri. I don't get but it probably has something to do with Tomoe repressing herself? She denies her oni blood so much she gets Mad Enhancement out of it

Suzuka- Can't cook anything at all but that's just fine there are people who can't cook. This one I am not getting but well Suzuka does 'fake' but it isn't harmful like Tamamo or being delusional (there's even a line that if she starts to think like her oldself for a second Suzuka will be ashamed of her JK-ness and that's why Suzuka avoids using divinity at all. I guess the boyfriend per summon thing is because her first husband killed her and for all we know in Fate the part where he goes to the underworld to revive her does not happen here)
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I guess the boyfriend per summon thing is because her first husband killed her and for all we know in Fate the part where he goes to the underworld to revive her does not happen here)
Didn't Foxtail specifically say that she and her husband planned that whole thing and they lived happily ever after after he killed the demon she was weakening?
Didn't Foxtail specifically say that she and her husband planned that whole thing and they lived happily ever after after he killed the demon she was weakening?

Found it

Suzuka, knowing from the start that Otakemaru's body is as hard as rock that no arrow or sword can pierce, went to Takkoku cave herself and became Otakemaru's (fake) wife.

Of course, it was all for Sakanoue's sake. However to deceive Otakemaru, only her knows the details of her plan. So without explaining to Sakanoue, she became Otakemaru's wife, an oni princess, and used her Supernatural Power to soften his body. Three years later, she successfully assassinated Otakemaru in the cave.

As she let out a sigh, thinking she can finally return home, she noticed another assassin appeared. It was Sakanoue who was devastated by the thought of Suzuka abandoning him, betrayed him, and his country was destroyed.

Sakanoue, blinded by love and hate, walks towards Suzuka, who realized there's no salvation left and that she made a mistake. Deep down she apologized to him, as she is killed by him.

(If she is killed when considered doing an evil act, then at least Sakanoue will not be tortured by "regret that he killed his love one")

And thus, Sakanoue no Tamuramaro killed both Otakemaru and his wife.

After this, it is uncertain if he realized the truth and went to the Underworld to take her back. There are various theories about whether the story of their reunion in the Underworld told in "Sakanoue and Suzuka Gozen's activities" happened before or after she became Otakemaru's wife.

Role in FGO

Suzuka who drowns in love only has one wish, that is to be happy and live happily ever after with the one she loves. That was not granted to her.

Being summoned as Servant, living in love again, she wants to be happy this time around but has no idea that she is clumsy in love.

So yah? The Underworld Revival part of the myth is under ???? to be continued so we don't know if the story had a happy ending or not, but from the looks of it the tale ends at her death by husbando but then you say she did have a happy ending in foxtail but JK is also a lying fox so eh?

Given Suzuka is mega turbo 'Fuck you Tamamo' in Foxtail I can see her lying about it just to drive the stake deeper
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Reddit's translation of Beni-Enma lines said:

I am an oni from Hell, but from the looks of it, that one's an oni of the present world. I can sense the blood of a high-class god from Shuten Douji, but Ibaraki Douji has a smell similar to mine. ...She must have been a human, originally. (If you have Shuten Douji and Ibaraki Douji)
Rather than "the present world," 現世 is Utsushiyo, "the world manifest."
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A schema from Case Files Mats, and because there was a recent discussion of Clocktower politics, about the Clocktower's faculties and their known teachers and students, the ranks, and the three factions:

Some errors here and there, but it's mostly accurate.
Gee Melustaea! How come Lady Lorelei lets you lead TWO departments?

Also, Elrod McDonel sounds like an actual name, once you frame it the right way.
While we're on the subject, is it just me or is the Clocktower kinda the basic bitch of the Mage's Association? Both ATLAS and the Wandering Sea seem to be dealing with magic/magecraft a few dozen levels higher then the Clocktower, with ATLAS having enough powerful creations to apparently the world several times over and the Wandering Sea's foyer door having enough power to send the Lords packing. Meanwhile, here's the Clocktower, claiming to be the leader of the Mage's Association.
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While we're on the subject, is it just me or is the Clocktower kinda the basic bitch of the Mage's Association? Both ATLAS and the Wandering Sea seem to be dealing with magic/magecraft a few dozen levels higher then the Clocktower, with ATLAS having enough powerful creations to apparently the world several times over and the Wandering Sea's foyer door having enough power to send the Lords packing. Meanwhile, here's the Clocktower, claiming to be the leader of the Mage's Association.
I mean, to be fair ATLAS is kind of the crazy hermits always talking about the end of the world. I mean, they're probably right, but still, a very exclusive and kind of wackidoo organization.

And the Wandering Sea? I mean, jeez, most people have no idea where it is. I mean, ATLAS is lost too but at least it's not terribly hard to communicate with them. The Wandering Sea? Might as well try the Himalayas. Like jeez.
Some errors here and there, but it's mostly accurate.
Specifically some of the mistakes:
Lobo;2943169 said:
Lord ガイウスリンク (Gaiuslink?) from Chimera (vol. 9) is listed as unknown
Also, Yvette, Rin and Luvia should be in both Kischur and Norwich
There is also missing シャルダン (Shardan?), an elderly instructor from Norwich that takes over the classes from Waver when he has to travel (also vols. 8/9)
Those are in the top of my mind, at least
Also a bit of trivia, but on volume 9, Waver lists all Lords from Aristocracy and Democracy
Aristocracy are Barthomeloi, Gaiuslink, Archelot, Eulyphis, Animusphere and El-Melloi
Democracy are Trambellio and Valualeta
Most likely the rest are the Neutral faction
You;2943175 said:
warellis;2943171 said:
Is what it says about Kayneth being part of Mineralogy correct? I thought he was in Spiritual Evocation?
He was the Lord of minerology and a lecturer of spiritual evocation.
His sensei is Rufus the Lord of spiritual evocation

- - - Updated - - -

Fiore is a Flame. Adult Fiore at minimum is cause
And of course some info on the Lords themselves are in these early volumes:
While we're on the subject, is it just me or is the Clocktower kinda the basic bitch of the Mage's Association? Both ATLAS and the Wandering Sea seem to be dealing with magic/magecraft a few dozen levels higher then the Clocktower, with ATLAS having enough powerful creations to apparently the world several times over and the Wandering Sea's foyer door having enough power to send the Lords packing. Meanwhile, here's the Clocktower, claiming to be the leader of the Mage's Association.
I mean, the Clock Tower's leader is 2000 years old and being near something that reminds Gordolf of it is enough to make him shit himself, and they also have the only two real True Magic users in the world affiliated with them.
I mean, the Clock Tower's leader is 2000 years old and being near something that reminds Gordolf of it is enough to make him shit himself, and they also have the only two real True Magic users in the world affiliated with them.

Right but that's one guy(?), and Gordolf senses multiple equivalent presences behind the door alone. As for their True Magic users, it's a very loose affiliation at best.
Right but that's one guy(?), and Gordolf senses multiple equivalent presences behind the door alone. As for their True Magic users, it's a very loose affiliation at best.
He doesn't sense multiple equivalent presences. He says that the presences remind him of the Director in the sense that they're all these crazy hermit types that never come out, much like him.
The Clocktower is the easiest to access branch for sure, while Atlas is the least easy to access. Not that Atlas has mages.

Either way there's plenty of people associated with the clock tower that are frightening too. In the end it's the most "basic" but they have a lot of things locked up like the Silver Key that was used for the Salem incident and whatnot themselves.
Its also rather expected that "easiest to access" would mean "less impressive", in the context of a setting where the supernatural runs on Mystery.
The Clocktower is the easiest to access branch for sure, while Atlas is the least easy to access. Not that Atlas has mages.
Yup. To quote Clocktower 2015:
Clocktower 03 said:
Regarding magecraft from the Age of Gods as supreme and scorning its Common Era counterpart as child's play, the Sea of Estray is currently engaged in a cold war with the Clock Tower.
Having no connection with the outside world to begin with, not even light can penetrate into the "living abyss", the Giant's Pit - Atlas Institute.
To belong in these two means to abandon the current era.

No one sees themselves eagerly becoming a relic of the past. As a result, ninety percent of all Western magi enroll in the Clock Tower.

This trend can no longer be reversed. If the Clock Tower ever were to fall from the center of the magical world it would virtually spell its demise on a global scale.
I dunno about you, but becoming an hermit doesn't sound really attractive.