I've just had a thought: If you try to summon without catalyst, who would you likely to get? Non-canon/original Servants allowed, but no alterations to their legends in that case.
Probably Cu, if we're talking canon-exclusive.

Non-canon... someone irreverent. Someone a little lazy. Someone who doesn't display their emotions well, person-to-person. Someone selfish. Someone who goes back and forth between having a very strong self-preservation instinct and being willing to ignore injury and pain in pursuit of a goal. Someone with a temper. Someone devoted to their loved ones and very concerned with protecting them, but terrible at showing it. Someone clever. Someone ever-so-slightly bloodthirsty. Someone-

... huh. Well, if we aren't restricted to mythological and historical heroes, I just realized I'm just as much like Kujo Jotaro as my boyfriend keeps telling me I am. ._.;

GG, everyone who didn't summon Giorno or Diavolo, GG.

Slightly more seriously, wouldn't that put me in the running for Oda Nobunaga?
Huh, a Servant compatible with me?

Hmm, I dunno. Someone that wanted to be great, but didn't understand the gravity of that responsibility. Someone who would rather protect those closest to him, than strangers. Someone stupid enough to jump into the unknown. Someone who likes to act on his crazy ideas sometimes.

Who would that be? No, genuinely, I'm curious.

Dave, from John Dies At The End, as Caster or Berserker.

Or, more mythically, Eve. Her Reality Marble is called Unearthly Paradise. Have fun.
No idea who I'd summon on compatability.
I'm deficient in tact sometimes, tend to shut-out/ignore those I'm not familiar with, and have little-to-no idea what I want to do in life. No idea what Servant that'd be.
I was just messin' around, tryin' to think of someone to moefy based on the criteria presented, and I figured, "Hey! Didn't think through the consequences? Cheerfully leapt for glory and self-improvement with wild abandon? Eve!"

I joked about her having an RM because her entire myth is about how her perception of reality was totally different from how the world actually was.
I've just had a thought: If you try to summon without catalyst, who would you likely to get? Non-canon/original Servants allowed, but no alterations to their legends in that case.
I'm not really sure. Most likely, someone who hates the whole hero thing/is a coward/never wanted to do their legend, but did it anyway to protect someone they care about. Or because it was that or roll over and die, and doing what they did spat in the eye of whoever forced them into it.

Actually, thinking on this some more...

Someone who never asked for what they got? Will go through lengths for the people they care about? Spiteful to people who screw them over?

I'd totally end up getting Medea.
So, I just watched the new UBW episode 0.

Wasn't there a lot more banter between Rin and Archer after the summoning in the visual novel? Archer kept many of his lines, but I always read those as being tossed off with a smirk ("Of course I'm the most powerful Servant. Who else would you summon?") and I didn't really get that feeling here. Even when Tohsaka berates him for smirking, it's really low-key.

Maybe it was all in my head from filling in the VN, but it feels like they're missing their spark.
So, I just watched the new UBW episode 0.

Wasn't there a lot more banter between Rin and Archer after the summoning in the visual novel? Archer kept many of his lines, but I always read those as being tossed off with a smirk ("Of course I'm the most powerful Servant. Who else would you summon?") and I didn't really get that feeling here. Even when Tohsaka berates him for smirking, it's really low-key.

Maybe it was all in my head from filling in the VN, but it feels like they're missing their spark.
Yeah, it did seem to be missing a few lines. While the "Are you my master." scene seemed to cut down on the repetition (which in a VN adds flavour, but would probably be boring in anime form) there was one line that it was unforgivable to leave out:

Rin's statements about how she shouted crepes, not cheap pastries, and if people couldn't tell the difference she wouldn't be so nice next time. Those really introduced the miserly nature of her character, and they were missing.
Holy fuck, dat bulge.

Also, contributing the OP:

And here is the ED:
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Slightly disappointed at the ending song - I hoped it would be the same as the second part of episode 00's.

Awesome animation (though there were some... awkward roof jumps?). Gorgeous fight between Lancer and Saber, though Gae Bolg looks different from what I had imagined - too similar to Fragarach from Prisma/Ilya, AFAIK. Awesome nonetheless.

I think the bit with the athletics trio was added in the anime? One of Nasu's addenda?
Speaking of Nasu. His tweets are great. It's like an aftershow thing. I mean, the girl is just like her fans.
....I know it's likely a red herring, but Berserker vs Lancer is something I'd watch the FUCK out of.

EDIT: Fuck, does Lancer look intense here.
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