Usandru confirmed for no taste.

Well, given I literally forgot what it was even about until I reviewed it this morning, I think I have a reasonable claim to forgettable. :V

Seriously, it's just some J-Pop song set to a boring slideshow. The slideshow may be pretty, but it's just as dull as all the useless bloat in the episode proper, with its coy "look, look, this will happen~" bits.

A good OP should stick in the mind somehow, like this, or this, or this.
I know Gilgamesh's charisma is as ridiculous as all his other stats, but is there any evidence in universe that it's basically mind control, or is that fanon?

Both Kirei in F/Z and Shinji were already well on their way to becoming monsters before the King showed up in their lives (in fact, with Shinji I think we can remove the "becoming a" in favor of "is a", what with Blood Fort Andromeda and the revelations of Heaven's Feel.)

And Tokiomi Tohsaka was around him a lot without winding up a sadistic maniac.
I know Gilgamesh's charisma is as ridiculous as all his other stats, but is there any evidence in universe that it's basically mind control, or is that fanon?

Both Kirei in F/Z and Shinji were already well on their way to becoming monsters before the King showed up in their lives (in fact, with Shinji I think we can remove the "becoming a" in favor of "is a", what with Blood Fort Andromeda and the revelations of Heaven's Feel.)

And Tokiomi Tohsaka was around him a lot without winding up a sadistic maniac.
I'm pretty sure the mind control thing is fanon. It always struck me as his Charisma was just so appealing. That he was very persuasive when he wanted to be, as to bring you to view things his way with just the right words and tones.
It's been a long time since I've seen Saber outside of Fate/Zero and I'm now remembering why it was I loved her character so much. Her reaction to Shirou is pretty much exactly what I love about her, she finds out he's completely useless and she immediately accepts that and works within that limitation, only getting annoyed when he wastes a command seal. She also doesn't seem to have as much doubt in everything she stands for as Fate/Zero Saber, which is good because that's why Fate/Zero Saber was so frustrating.

Shinji is really easy to hate but really hard to take seriously. I like how Shirou's mind sort of clicks over though, as he thinks to himself "I could not do it, but no, Shinji being an asshole is no reason to leave the Archery Club with nothing to use."

I love how Taiga is like 'Shirou relax, I sent her with a Yakuza Escort!' as if it's the most reasonable thing in the world. Also I wonder how she stacks up against the various servants in combat, given she's a better Swordsman that Shirou, and Shirou can at least match some servants in a sword fight. What I'm saying here is that Taiga, this fucking teacher in the middle of nowhere, is probably at least capable of holding her own for a while against some of the strongest fighters in history.

I love how Lancer is so fucking sad about Kirei.

As for Gilgamesh corrupting Shinji, he is already a rapist, it's not exactly a stretch to go from 'raping Sakura' to 'raping other people'. I mean, he's such a sleeze it seems really unlikely he hasn't dabbled in date-rape.
Also I wonder how she stacks up against the various servants in combat, given she's a better Swordsman that Shirou, and Shirou can at least match some servants in a sword fight. What I'm saying here is that Taiga, this fucking teacher in the middle of nowhere, is probably at least capable of holding her own for a while against some of the strongest fighters in history.

Skill doesn't matter. Shirou only stands a chance thanks to Reinforcement. Taiga doesn't have that, and thus, would be crushed like a bug.
. Also I wonder how she stacks up against the various servants in combat, given she's a better Swordsman that Shirou, and Shirou can at least match some servants in a sword fight.
Well, the one time we see her go up against Saber, she got disarmed without even knowing what happened, so skilled fighter or no, she is going to get absolutely destroyed in a servant fight. That said, if she had support from caster...
Also I wonder how she stacks up against the various servants in combat, given she's a better Swordsman that Shirou, and Shirou can at least match some servants in a sword fight. What I'm saying here is that Taiga, this fucking teacher in the middle of nowhere, is probably at least capable of holding her own for a while against some of the strongest fighters in history.
Well, she can match Shiki Ryougi with a sword, and iirc she would be winning heaps of competitions if she didn't keep on getting disqualified because of her Tiger sword. Still, the physical disparity between her and Servants is too high, as shown when she surprise attacked an unarmed unprepared Saber and was disarmed faster than she could notice.
Well well well, this first episode puts me in good hopes for the adaptation; it really let us understand Shirou, how he thinks and where he comes from and really lets you get a grip on his character. Comparatively speaking, this felt a lot less padded out than Rin's episode, though that might be for the lack of time spent with people expositing stuff they already know at each other. The slice of life bent felt natural; I mean, given it's about to be merrily tossed sideways by the Holy Grail War, it's important to show how things were. It grounds everyone, if you get my meaning; it sets all the starting points and gives us a chance to relate.

The problem I always had trying to wade through the VN was that it crawled along at the pace of a snail in wet cement and felt like it stopped to explain every little thing... usually, two or three times over (I remember Nasu having a particularly irritating habit of explaining a thing, then finding three or four other ways to explain that exact same thing with different wording, to the point you have an entire paragraph explaining a single detail unnecessarily. The... dry... translation didn't exactly help). The adaptation though happily dances right over those; the details are still there but it doesn't break the pacing's legs to ensure you stared at them enough. This also applied to understanding Shirou; this episode though fixed that admirably... though to be fair, given he was the viewpoint character he was always a little hampered in that regard in the VN (because you can't see him).

The fight scenes felt a lot better than the Prologue's. I think I've finally put my finger on why too; in particular, when Gae Bolg happens and the camera just flies all over the place, I found it really, really disorientating. The prologue fight had a few instances of that, and it made it hard for me to follow what was happening. Apart from the Gae Bolg moment though it didn't really happen here; it left the fights feeling a lot cleaner and easier to read. Compared to F/Z, I think they also did a lot better job of showing just how inhuman the Servants are; every time they attack each other it's like they're firing themselves from cannons.

Have to agree that, compared to F/Z's OP/EDs, UBW's felt a little underwhelming. Maybe they'll grow on me, I don't know.

(as an aside, comparing this to the DEEN anime is almost pure, distilled schadenfreude)
Skill doesn't matter. Shirou only stands a chance thanks to Reinforcement. Taiga doesn't have that, and thus, would be crushed like a bug.
Well, the one time we see her go up against Saber, she got disarmed without even knowing what happened, so skilled fighter or no, she is going to get absolutely destroyed in a servant fight. That said, if she had support from caster...
Well, she can match Shiki Ryougi with a sword, and iirc she would be winning heaps of competitions if she didn't keep on getting disqualified because of her Tiger sword. Still, the physical disparity between her and Servants is too high, as shown when she surprise attacked an unarmed unprepared Saber and was disarmed faster than she could notice.

I mean Shirou gets into several fights with Servants before he gets reinforcement, and though he doesn't win he manages to not die for long periods of time. Admittedly I can only definitely say he wasn't using physical reinforcement during his fight with Rider. I suppose I'm just thinking that Taiga pretty effortlessly doges Shirou and it's not like his non-magical skill increases that much in the 2-3 weeks the plot takes place over.

Also Saber is one of the most powerful servants, so I was taking that into account. I'm just wondering if she'd do any good against the Servants Unreinforced Shirou managed to actually not do terribly against.
I mean Shirou gets into several fights with Servants before he gets reinforcement, and though he doesn't win he manages to not die for long periods of time. Admittedly I can only definitely say he wasn't using physical reinforcement during his fight with Rider. I suppose I'm just thinking that Taiga pretty effortlessly doges Shirou and it's not like his non-magical skill increases that much in the 2-3 weeks the plot takes place over.

Also Saber is one of the most powerful servants, so I was taking that into account. I'm just wondering if she'd do any good against the Servants Unreinforced Shirou managed to actually not do terribly against.
...I'm pretty sure Shirou's had access to Reinforcement since the start of the VN.
I mean Shirou gets into several fights with Servants before he gets reinforcement, and though he doesn't win he manages to not die for long periods of time. Admittedly I can only definitely say he wasn't using physical reinforcement during his fight with Rider. I suppose I'm just thinking that Taiga pretty effortlessly doges Shirou and it's not like his non-magical skill increases that much in the 2-3 weeks the plot takes place over.

Shirou has had access to reinforcement ever since the start of the VN. He may not be very good at it, but he's still got some level of superhuman strength. And the thing is, Shirou never manages to win against a servant using normal human abilities. The best he can do is dodge blows and stay alive, and even the, he only manages to do this when the enemy servants are toying with him, ie lancer.
There's this part that I find they fumbled completely: the exact instant of Saber's invocation, just after we get a picture of Avalon and Excalibur. It just doesn't flow right - the sound effects, Lancer's face and exclamation. It has no dramatic weight, I think, and is totally underwhelming in every way.
I love how Taiga is like 'Shirou relax, I sent her with a Yakuza Escort!' as if it's the most reasonable thing in the world. Also I wonder how she stacks up against the various servants in combat, given she's a better Swordsman that Shirou, and Shirou can at least match some servants in a sword fight. What I'm saying here is that Taiga, this fucking teacher in the middle of nowhere, is probably at least capable of holding her own for a while against some of the strongest fighters in history.

Nah, Shirou's magic gives him advanced physical abilities to fight, and even then he never actually holds his own against a Servant. The closest he comes is against Archer, who refuses to strike him down because of his ideals, and Gilgamesh, and that was more of a "who can spam bladerain faster" sort of deal. Going from the visuals we are seeing, a serious strike would go through Taiga's sword, Taiga, and the wall behind Taiga. I also believe that UBW gives its user a fragment of the original holder's skill, but that may just be fanon muddying the waters.
I also believe that UBW gives its user a fragment of the original holder's skill, but that may just be fanon muddying the waters.

Didn't Shirou replicate Berserker' strength in Heaven's Feel through Archer's arm? This means Archer can at least replicate the strength of the Servant whose NP he uses and it should apply to skill as well. Though it's been quite a lot of time since I read VN so I may be wrong.
Nah, Shirou's magic gives him advanced physical abilities to fight, and even then he never actually holds his own against a Servant. The closest he comes is against Archer, who refuses to strike him down because of his ideals, and Gilgamesh, and that was more of a "who can spam bladerain faster" sort of deal. Going from the visuals we are seeing, a serious strike would go through Taiga's sword, Taiga, and the wall behind Taiga. I also believe that UBW gives its user a fragment of the original holder's skill, but that may just be fanon muddying the waters.
He replicated Saber's skill and power during the fight with Berserker in Fate
Still wary of Gae Bolg's rendition. I mean, the animation is gorgeous, but I think a better use of the "time reversal" antics (that's totally Fragarach BTW) would be Gae Bolg piercing Saber's heart, then <backwards> her interposing her sword in the nick of time. To represent her Luck + Instinct saving her.

Or a simultaneous superimposition of Saber being pierced by Gae Bolg as Lancer speaks its true name, then the spear's trajectory.
They should have made some sort of red line hit Saber first, which results in the injury, followed by the spear following that line to show reversal of cause and effect.
Hopefully it'll pick up as the VN material gets more interesting - next episode could well make or break it for me with the Kotomine scene - but I suspect that no matter what this won't be a series on my recommendation list. It's just not good enough on its own merits, IMO.
It's literally just the first episode. Aren't you being a bit too quick to judge?
Unless your last line referred to the quality of the source material itself rather than how this adaptation will turn out, ofc
Speaking of which, I've noticed episodes 00 and 01 have been around 40 minutes in length. Shall that trend continue, or will next episode on be the standard 25~ minutes?
It's literally just the first episode. Aren't you being a bit too quick to judge?
Unless your last line referred to the quality of the source material itself rather than how this adaptation will turn out, ofc

We've had 100 minutes of animation so far. That's almost 5 standard episodes.

I normally drop series around episode 2 or 3 if I didn't just reject them outright during episode 1.

I wouldn't show someone a movie with approximately this much happening and expect them to be impressed. I don't particularly feel as if I should be notably more charitable to a series.

I wouldn't recommend the VN either, I should note. It too takes too long to get to the point.

Additionally, I feel like I have a pretty decent understanding of how things will turn out based on past experience with Ufotable. At 100 minutes of show, I'm pretty comfortable with making general judgements.